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Stab 8: The Climax of TERROR Opening Script Written and Created By Liam Jacobs

The Stab Movies and Characters created by Kevin Williamson.


INT.RACHELS CAR - NIGHT A MOBILE PHONE RINGING IS HEARD INSIDE THE GLOVE COMPARTMENT. Rachel Gilbert,Green eyes, blond hair and very hot looking. Rachel reaches for the glove compartment handle and pulls. It opens quite quickly, she puts her hand into the glove compartment and shovels her hand about, as the ringing gets clearer her hand becomes clenched as she reaches it. She takes her phone out of the glove compartment quite quickly, its a IPhone, she looks to the phone. RACHEL (TO Phone) really OK hear we go. She answers. RACHEL Hello? VOICE Hello. RACHEL Who is this? VOICE Isnt it obviously? RACHEL Gary.Is this you? GARY (grins) Bingo, I cant believe you fell for the whole Stab voice, What took you so long? RACHEL I was trying to get my phone out of the compartment, sorry. Wait... She looks to the phone screen, and sees that its actually Gary. GARY Whats wrong?..


CONTINUED: RACHEL (through the phone) uurm....nothing.Sorry i have to go ive got a run a thon at 12. GARY That late, huh. RACHEL Yes. See ya. CLICK! She disconnects call. EXT.APARTMENT BLOCK - NIGHT


A tall apartment block stands tall in the moonlight, most of the room windows are dark. A Car slowly parks in the car lot. CUT TO: INT.GARYS APARTMENT - BEDROOM We see a Stab poster on the wall, along with a Stab 2 poster next to it. A TV is on with Stab 6 footage, this person seems a big Stab fan. The camera scrolls to the right were a bed is located by a window, the covers and Douay are brown and quite tidy. Gary Wilson, Green eyes, brown hair and very great style lays on the bed, not moving one eye from the TV. ON TV SCREEN, Girl opens the door and Ghostface stabs her from the otherside of the door, she screams and falls. GARY (to the Stab footage, laughs) Ghostface!!! oh ye!!! EXT. FREE WAY - SAME NIGHT Rachels car breaks down on the side of the free way, sadly its deserted and no one is driving within a mile. Rachel slides the window down and looks out. RACHELS P.O.V - Darkness within a mile, no a sole insight. RING! her phone suddenly rings, she jumps for a sec and looks to her passenger seat next to her were her IPhone sits. She grabs it. (CONTINUED)



CLICK! She answers it. RACHEL Hello, Rachel here. VOICE (slightly soft male voice) Hello Rachel. RACHEL Look Gary, im not in the right mood for your game, I have to go. VOICE Please dont hang up. RACHEL Look Gary I have too go before they sack me at the Run A thon. VOICE (deep tone) Dont Hang up on me! Rachel looks to the phone screen "UNKNOWN CALLER" RACHEL Gary. Its you. bye. VOICE If you hang up on me ill make you my first victim. RACHEL Gary? is this you? VOICE Isnt that what youve always wanted to be the first opening kill, well tonight is your lucky night! and since youve broken down its a perfect time. The voice laughs. CLICK! Rachel hangs up and looks to the backseat. Rachels P.O.V - Blackness. She looks to the front. Her phone vibrates, she touches the screen and a message pops up it says (CONTINUED)



"FROM: UNKNOWN. MESSAGE: Whats Wrong? Ive always wanted to be a Stab star." Rachel types; "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Phone Vibrates again! She taps the screen and message pops up. "FROM: UNKNOWN. MESSAGE: OH POOR RACHEL. ITS TOO LATE NOW!" Rachel grabs the key and twists it, the gear starts RACHEL (cries - herself) Please...Please....Please come on. but stops again... Phone vibrates on her lap, she taps the screen and message pops up. "FROM: UNKNOWN. MESSAGE: TIME TO PREPARE THIS IS GONNA HURT WORSE THAN EVER!" Suddenly out of the darkness, the window smashes and a ghostly figure grabs her hair and pulls her out of the window. Rachel screams and rapidly smashes to the ground, the shatterd goes into her hands and legs stopping her from running. The Ghostly figure pulls Rachel by the legs, she struggles to pulls away. Out of the painful darkness, The Ghostly figure shows his face, its the mask of the Stab Movies Ghostface!. CLOSE UP: The Knife shines silver as it slashes down onto Rachels sholder. She starts to gag as blood splatters out from her wounded sholder. Suddenly Unexpectedly Ghostface stabs down his knife into her stomach. GHOSTFACE Are you ready for your final showdown?! Ghostface stabs his knife down rapidly on the concrete and removes his mask, revealing......Beat. Rachels face drops. (CONTINUED)



CLOSE UP: THE KILLERS FACE NOW REVEALED. Its Gary!!!!!! Rachel tries to speak as she spits up blood. Beat. RACHEL (barely audible) Why?! Gary pulls a snarky smile. GARY I told you, my sweetness the opening victims never survive. So now youll be happy to find out, your now my first victim. He pulls the knife out of the concrete and holds it with two hands as he raises it Gary STRIKES with the knife. THE SCREEN CUTS TO BLACK. MAIN TITLES. STAB 8.

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