How Can We Know What Is Acceptable To God?

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How Can We Know What Is Acceptable To God?

Introduction: A. With all of the different beliefs and practices today regarding salvation, godly living, the work, worship and organization of the church, and religion in general, how do we know what is acceptable to God? B. Do we listen to the most educated men? Do we live by the established standards of our family or society? Does the fact that something has been believed and practiced for centuries make it right in the sight of God? C. As we should with all religious questions, in this lesson we are going to let the book of God explain to us how we can know what is acceptable to God and what is not. Body: I. The Need To Know What Is Acceptable To God A. In Matthew 21.23-27 we see the need to have authority in religion and that this authority comes either from God or man, the right choice, of course, being God. B. From the Old Testament examples of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4.3-5 (cf. Hebrews 11.4) and Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus 10.1-2 we learn that doing something other than what is acceptable to God results in punishment. C. The teachings of Jesus and his apostles in Matthew 7.21-23; 1 Corinthians 4.6; Galatians 1.6-9; Colossians 3.17; 1 Peter 4.11; and 2 John 9 emphasize the need to strictly adhere to the word and will of God in all that we say and do, therefore, we need to know what is acceptable to God. II. We Can Know The Same Way They Did In The First Century Acts 15 A. Dissension and debate arose over a teaching concerning the need for Gentiles to be circumcised so as to be saved being disseminated by some Jewish Christians from Jerusalem. Acts 15 records how they resolved the issue and determined what the will of God was concerning the matter. This is the pattern for all people since then to determine and know what is acceptable to God. B. Peters Speech Necessary Inference (vv7-11) 1. Peter briefly relates the story of how God wanted him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles as recorded in Acts 10 and retold in Acts 11.1-18. 2. Prior to the events of Acts 10, Peter never considered taking the gospel to the Gentiles. However, the Lord revealed to Peter that he was to take the gospel to the Gentiles, not by precept, but by forcing Peter to this conclusion by two miraculous events that happened to him and two that happened to Cornelius (cf. Acts 10.34, 47-48; 11.17, 18). 3. In none of the events surrounding the Lord showing His approval of the Gentiles did He ever reveal His desire for them to be circumcised to be saved. By necessary inference, then, in Acts 15 Peter is arguing that it was not acceptable to God to bind circumcision on the Gentiles.

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How Can We Know What Is Acceptable To God?

C. Paul and Barnabas Speech Approved Apostolic Example (v12) 1. Luke passes over Paul and Barnabas speech with his customary brevity by simply saying, they related what signs and wonders God had done through them among the Gentiles, but the implication is powerful nonetheless. 2. In Acts 13.46 the apostle Paul and Barnabas turn their focus and attention to preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. These two men had been set apart by the Holy Spirit for this work. And, in Lukes summation of their report to the church in Antioch as recorded in Acts 14.27, two statements are made that clearly show that God approved of their work among the Gentiles: 1) they declared all that God had done with them and 2) how he (God, JRG) had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles. And, yet, in working through this apostle, God never revealed to Paul anything concerning the Gentiles need to be circumcised in order to be saved. 3. Paul and Barnabas related these things to the brethren in Acts 15 to show that God approved of their work among the Gentiles even though that had not taught the Gentiles to be circumcised. By approved apostolic example, then, it was not acceptable to God to bind circumcision on the Gentiles. D. James Speech Divine Precept (vv13-18) 1. James says there is one more piece of evidence that harmonizes with what Peter has related, namely the words of the prophets. 2. He then quotes the prophet Amos 9.11-12, who, by divine inspiration, stated that the Gentiles would be called into the house of David (the church of Christ). James had just finished saying that this happened in the events related by Peter (or Simeon, as James called him). 3. James argues, then, that by divine precept it was not acceptable to God to bind circumcision on the Gentiles. E. Based on the evidence of necessary inference, approved apostolic example, and divine precept, James says they can know what is or is not acceptable to God and concludes by saying, Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God (v19). III. These Three Methods Expounded Upon And Exemplified A. Divine Precept 1. A divine precept is a direct statement or command; an imperative expression; a thus says the Lord, a thou shall or thou shall not a) In Proverbs 4.4; Matthew 28.20; etc., the Bible teaches that we must heed the commands of God. b) These divine precepts can either be expressed in the form of a command or simply a statement of fact. 2. Examples of God revealing His will to us by divine precept are found in a) Mark 16.16 we are told that faith and baptism are essential to salvation. b) 1 Corinthians 16.1-2 we are commanded to lay byin store as we have prospered every first day of the week. B. Approved Apostolic Example 1. An approved apostolic example is an example of first century Christians doing something under the direction of the apostles and approval of God. a) In 1 Corinthians 4.17; 11.1; Philippians 3.17; 4.9; etc., the Bible teaches that we must follow the examples of the apostles.

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How Can We Know What Is Acceptable To God?

b) However, not every example needs to be specifically or precisely followed. Many examples are simply occasions where first century Christians were laboring under the generic authority of a certain command or statement, e.g., when first century Christians obeyed the apostles command not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together in Hebrews 10.25 by meeting in upper rooms or public gathering places such as Solomons Porch, these examples do not limit us to assembling only in upper rooms or public gathering places because they fall in the realm of generic authority (more on generic and specific authority later). 2. Examples of God revealing His will to us by means of approved apostolic examples are found in a) Acts 20.7 we learn the day we are to observe the Lords Supper is the first day of the week, or Sunday. b) Acts 14.23; Philippians 1.1; Titus 1.5 we learn that there are to be a plurality of elders in every church. C. Necessary Inference 1. A necessary inference is a logical conclusion based on the information provided; a deduction demanded by the evidence; a forced conclusion. a) In Matthew 16.5-12; 22.31-32; Acts 2.25-28; etc., the Bible teaches that we can learn the will of God by necessary inference. b) It needs to be understood that a necessary inference is a forced conclusion and not just an assumption or educated guess. 2. Examples of God revealing His will to us by means of necessary inference are found in a) Acts 20.7 we learn the frequency by which we are to observe the Lords Supper is every first day of the week (cf. Exodus 20.8 and the Sabbath). b) Hebrews 10.25 the command to assemble together forces us to the conclusion that we must have a place in which to assemble. Conclusion: A. Moses was instructed by God to make everything according to the pattern that God had given him (Hebrews 8.5). If we are going to be pleasing to God we must do things according to Gods will. B. We can know what Gods will is because He has revealed it to us by means of divine precepts, approved apostolic examples, and necessary inferences. C. Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3.17).

John R. Gentry, For audio and other study helps visit Originally aired on BBN in Freetown, Sierra Leone on 2008.12.28

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