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Playing with a Full Deck

An End/Beginning Times Enlightenment Guide

T.D. Hall

Copyright 2008 TDHall PO Box 317 Rainier, WA 98576 (360) 894-3223

Introduction I Chapter 1: Changing Destiny Chapter 2: Evolving Toward Freethink & the Death of Death Chapter 3: The Mother Earth Hypothesis, Gaia Theory & the Mission of Man Chapter 4: Higher Self for Dummies Chapter 5: The Secret of The Secret II Chapter 6: The Prince of Atheism Chapter 7: The Manifestation Factory Chapter 8: The Divine Breath Chapter 9: The Key to Life Chapter 10: The Show of Light, the All-Time Horror Flick III Chapter 11: The Pattern of Human History Chapter 12: The Conspiracy Against Human Evolution Chapter 13: Meet Dr. Dooms MentorsTom and Charles Chapter 14: The Plot to Kill Our ET Brethren Chapter 15: The Philosopher King of the West Afterword Postscript

IntroductionThe Hour Is Here

Hello, and welcome to an interesting mind-trip via Playing with a Full Deck. The general thesis of the book is that we humans are facing some very serious challenges now and in the next few years and that through increase of consciousness, through playing the game of Life with a full deck, we will be able to mitigate whatever disasters are coming down the pike. The phrase increase of consciousness has been around for a long time and has become a buzz word in some circles. In this book, I am not relying on buzz definitions of the phrase but upon the latest word of science. What I have to say in Playing with a Full Deck about consciousness, and the raising thereof, is leading edge. Many old paradigm people, especially those reliant upon the Holy Bible as their guidebook to reality, regard the years 2008 through 2012 (abbreviated in this book to Y2K8-12) as the End Times. If we look at our present-day world through the spectacles of the old paradigmers, we see a world in big trouble and we see a future of disaster piled on disaster, topped with catastrophe. Any evidence to support this dire expectation? You bet. Lots and lots of evidence. I have an especially high regard for the wisdom of the ancient Hopi seers (remote viewers as we say these days). Indeed, I was inspired by a peace messenger of the Hopi to write a small book involving the propheciesSacred CircleThe Purification of Earth and Reunion of Its Peoples. For many decades, the Hopi elders, the

keepers of the ancient wisdom, have been warning humankind that it is the 11th hour. Recently, theyve been saying that The hour is here. If we look at Y2K8-12 through the eyes of advanced new paradigmers, we see that a lot of de-structuring is taking place (and much more is coming) and we understand that the de-structuring is a necessary pre-condition to the birth of a better world. If you are among these people, you do not view our species as sitting on death row. You see it as standing at the threshold of a new, mature phase. The long and turbulent adolescence of our species is coming to an end. We are about to grow up. I am a long-time student of paradigms (a so-called intellectual historian) and a new paradigmer. What is a paradigm? The intellectual community hasnt quite decided yet. Read the work of

futurist Hazel Henderson, and youll learn that just about everything is a paradigm; read the work of theologian Ken Wilbur, and youll learn that paradigms dont exist. I offer a very basic definition: A paradigm is a fancy word for model. The model may be very simple, such as three ping pong balls glued together to represent an H2O molecule; or it may be very complex, a vision of life, such as the vision of life represented in the Bible or in Darwins Origin of Species or in the body of research and writings supporting the holographic theory of universe, which I refer to in this book as the holo-model. When I talk paradigms, Im talking life vision paradigms. These are very, very important; they are the ideological foundations of societies and civilizations. The above-expressed idea that humankind is on the verge of maturity no doubt raises a few eyebrows. How can this Hall guy possibly believe mankind is on the threshold of maturity?! Look at the rampant violence afflicting our world, look at the countless signs of the degradation of our environment, our civilization, our species. I am fully aware of the many negatives in our explicate (visible) reality.

However, as an intellectual historian, my focus is not upon the symptoms of malignancy but upon the implicate causesthe ideas that generate history. History is the playing out of ideas. The basis of my optimism about mankinds future is my knowledge that a new and benign scientific life vision is emerging rapidly. I call this paradigm scientific holism. Once this new vision, now held by only a few, is planted in common thought, we may expect the flowering of a new, peaceful and prosperous world. The Holo-Model and You I, like many others, was introduced to the holo-model Michael Talbots The Holographic Universe. by

Additional readings over

the past decade have convinced me that the model is correct. What the model means, among other things, is you are far greater than you believe you are. Youve been taught by religion that you are a hapless sinner. Youve been taught by Darwinists that you are an accidental tourist on planet Earthand a menace to civilization. You are taught by the government that you are, when young, a human resource, and, when old, a serious liability. To the degree you buy into these definitions, you become, in fact, a hapless sinner, an accidental tourist, a liability. I have a different vision of you. I see you as a microcosm of the universe. You have fantastic potential! Okay, you say, if thats true, how do I actualize this universal potential? Playing with a Full Deck deals with a great many subjects, but all are related to the one central issuethe accessing of universal potential. Ive learned much over my lifetime and Im very pleased to share it with you.

Half Deck/Full Deck Until fairly recently, we humans (especially we Westerners) have been playing the game of Life with half a deck, i.e., were been operating on separatist philosophies of life. Our monotheistic religion, for instance, is highly separatistto the extent its based on the commands of Jehovah rather than the teachings of the Christ. as it teaches life is endless struggle, each against all. left standing wins. Its only recently that a full-deck philosophy of life, the holomodel, has emerged in our Western culture. At the moment, its still a babe in the cradlea babe with a star over its head. It will grow. After reading a draft of the first few chapters of Playing with a Full Deck, my son said, Dad, the science and history are great, but I think youll lose thousands of potential readers by referring to L. Ron Hubbard and channeled entities. Cant you just cut out that stuff? Not really, I replied. As an historian of intellectual culture, I cant leave out of this book references to major cultural innovations of the past sixty years. If Im to play my role with a full deck, Ive got to deal with not only innovations that arrived via normal channels, but also with those that came by way of non-normal channels. The new physics, new math (fractal geometry and mathematics) and new biology arrived via normal channels, I suppose we might say, but new psychology arose out of the fertile brain of Ron Hubbard and a new metaphysics, based on the holo-model, arrived through the process of channeling. Our Darwinism-based philosophy of life is equally, if not more, separatist, Dr. Bruce Liptons summary of Darwinism: Shoot everyone around, and whos

Also, I pointed out that all-important holo-model of universe was popularized not by the academic community, but by a host of channeled entities. If the model had been left in the hands of the academics, it would be today merely a footnote in the intellectual history of the modern West. The British novelist D.H. Lawrence once said that the most exciting thing in life is a thought adventure. So welcome to the Playing with a Full Deck thought adventure. research and write. I found it exciting to Along the way I made many discoveries of

importanceincluding the first sensible theory of the pattern of human history. Heres hoping you find it an exciting read!

Chapter 1

Changing Destiny

The belief that destiny is carved in stone is common among those with rocks in their heads. --T.D. Hall

I got a letter yesterday from Dr. John McKenney, an old friend and colleague from my college teaching days in the Midwest. Ted, he writes, hope the severe storms out your way didnt affect you too much. A close friend of forty-five years lost all he had in New Orleans when the levee broke. If I believed in the End Days ... But Im certainly more and more concerned with each Science, Discovery, National Geographic and History Channel presentation of Earths history and prospects. Global warming, earth shifts, solar flares, asteroid hits, supernovas, black holes, etc., etc. Will humankind ever get over its stubborn refusal to see that were living on the edge?

What those in the know know is that were now entering a catastrophic period in the history of Earth. I label this period Y2K8-12. This period may well extend into 15 or 16; but it is my belief that certain forces of mitigation will come into play in 12 and 13. One of those forces could be you, if you open yourself to consciousness increase. This book is designed to help you do just that. What is consciousness? An important idea I learned from the new physics is that the universe is resolvable into two processes intelligence (information) transmission and intelligence processing, or consciousness. Every living organism is an intelligence processor, i.e., has consciousness. More about this in later discussions of Dr. Bruce Liptons discoveries in the field of cell biology. The term consciousness is also used widely as a shortened form of the phrase state of consciousness, as in the expression Christ consciousness. The work of charting states of consciousness was Independently, Dr. David R. begun by the American philosopher-scientist L. Ron Hubbard, who called his chart the Tone Scale. Hawkins, author of Power vs Force The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (1995), developed a map of consciousness on a scale from 20 to 1000. At the bottom of the scale (20) is misery Playing consciousness and at the top (1000) Christ consciousness.

with a Full Deck relies to a considerable degree on Hawkins Power vs Force and so I suggest that you read this book and consider it a companion to the book in hand. One of the very interesting discoveries made by Hawkins is that The collective consciousness of mankind remained at 190 for many centuries and, curiously, only jumped to its current level of 204 within the last decade (1985 1995). Courage. [1] The jump is from Pride to Pride is divisive and gives rise to factionalism, Hawkins

writes, Man has habitually died for Pridearmies still regularly

slaughter each other for that aspect of Pride called nationalism. Religious wars, political terrorism and zealotry, the ghastly history of the Middle East and Central Europe, are all the price of Pride, which all of society pays. [2] At the level of Courage, power first appears. Hawkins terminology is positive, whereas force is (Power, in negative.)

Courage, he writes, implies the willingness to try new things and deal with the vicissitudes of life. At this level of empowerment one is able to cope with and handle effectively the opportunities of life . . . [3] The mass consciousness has evolved just in time, as it were, as well have a great many vicissitudes to deal with in Y2K8-12. The jump from Pride to Courage was coincidental with a tremendous influx of new empowering information. The day science begins to study nonphysical phenomena, Nikola Tesla once wrote, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. [4] A hundred years ago, a great many phenomena could be classified as nonphysical; nowadays it seems there is a very short list of items fitting this description, consciousness being one of them. Not long after Teslas death in 1943, L. Ron Hubbard published his revolutionary book DianeticsThe Modern Science of Mental Health, which begins with a call to adventure: Dianetics is an adventure. It is an exploration into Terra Incognita, the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknown realm half an inch back of our foreheads. [5] In the early eighties, I experienced dianetic therapy as a receiver and as an auditor, and I can assure you that it works. An adaptation of dianetic therapy called Long Exposure, is currently being used by some psychologists in the treatment of PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately, Hubbards strident attacks on conventional medicine and psychiatry, and on the government,

resulted in the creation of many powerful enemies. What you resist persists, he once said, unless you win. Hubbard didnt win. Hubbard was not terribly good about crediting his sources. The most important of which was Immanuel Velikovsky (1855-1979), a mind scientist of the first order. With his Worlds in Collision (1950) and Earth in Upheaval (1955), Velikovsky re-animated the moribund philosophy of catastrophism, which maintains that Earth is periodically devastated by cataclysms. He argued that memories of these cataclysms exist in the human mind as engrams (a lasting memory trace on a cell) and opined there had to be a way to re-activate these engrams. It was Hubbards greatest achievement to find a way to reactivate engrams, and to discharge them. The engram concept served (and serves) well as a working hypothesis in dianetics therapy, but it was rendered obsolete by a theory of universe that first appeared in the early seventies and that now is well on its way to becoming the next orthodoxy the holographic theory of universe. Memory, according to this theory, is stored not locally, as in a biological trace or engraving, but non-locally, meaning everywhere. The Holo-Model In his general theory of relativity, writes Michael Talbot, Einstein astounded the world when he said that space and time are not separate entities, but are smoothly linked and part of a larger whole he called the space-time continuum. [David] Bohm takes this idea a giant step further. He says that despite the apparent separateness of things at the explicate level, everything is a seamless extension of everything else, and ultimately even the implicate and explicate orders blend into each other. [6]

Talbot continues: Bohm cautions that this does not mean the universe is a giant undifferentiated mass. Things can be part of an To undivided whole and still possess their own unique qualities. that often form in a river.

illustrate what he means he points to the little eddies and whirlpools At a glance such eddies appear to be But separate things and possess many individual characteristics given whirlpool ends and the river begins. [7] According to the theory, the universe, including both the implicate and explicate orders, are organized holographically, i.e., the memory of the system called universe is in every point. Talbot compares the universe to a strip of holographic film: Saying that every part of a piece of holographic film contains all the information possessed by the whole is really just another way of saying that the information is distributed non-locally. [8] Talbot cites Bohms Wholeness and the Implicate Order as the pioneer work on the holographic theory: The more he thought about it the more convinced he became that the universe actually employed holographic principles in the operation, was itself a kind of giant, flowing hologram He published his first papers on his holographic view of the universe in the early 1970s and in 1980 he presented a mature distillation of his thoughts in a book entitled Wholeness and the Implicate Order. In it he did more than just link his myriad ideas together. He transfigured them into a new way of looking at reality that was as breathtaking as it was radical. [9] Coincidental with the emergence of the holographic theory of universe was the discovery of fractal geometry and mathematics (Benoit Mandelbrot). Traditional geometry is a geometry of whole Fractal integers, fractal geometry the geometry of fractional space.

careful scrutiny reveals that it is impossible to determine where any

geometry is an indispensable tool in validating the holo-model. More about this important geometry down the line. Changing Destiny We started this chapter with a letter from an old friend. Lets end it with my reply to that letter . Dear John, Thanks so much for your letter. No, we were not terribly

inconvenienced by the unprecedented rainstorm hitting Western Washington. Lots of others were, however. North Seattle was flooded and many had to be evacuated by boats and helicopters. flooded at Chehalis. Under ten feet of water! End of times? For sure many signs are pointing in that direction. At the same time, other signs are pointing in another direction! What I know for certain is that our beliefs, our belief systems, are the templates on which so-called reality is based. What we believe is what we receive. As thats the case, we humans have the ability to change our destiny, by changing the template or templates on which the collective consciousness is based. Peace, Ted To the south, I-5, the major north-south corridor on the West coast, was

PS: Read Velikovskys Mankind in Amnesia.

Chapter 2

Evolving Toward Freethink and the Death of Death

The collective level of consciousness of mankind remained at 190 for many centuries and, curiously, only jumped to its current level of 204 within the last decade. David R. Hawkins

We are now looking in the face of destiny that is not at all attractive. Indeed, if we were at a lower consciousness level, our doom would be sealed. We exist now at the courage level of existence (200-249). At levels lower than 200, Hawkins writes, the world is seen as hopeless, sad, frightening, or frustrating, but at the level of courage, true empowerment begins. Obstacles which defeat people whose consciousness is below 200 act as stimulants to those who have evolved into the first level of power. [1] The next level were evolving toward is neutrality, which is termed neutral because it is epitomized by release from the positionality which typifies lower levels. Below 250 consciousness tends to see dichotomies and take on rigid positions, an impediment in a world which is complex and multifactoral rather than black or white.[2] Collective evolution, it should be understood, is the product of personal evolution. Individuals are the pioneers; the collective-minded are the settlers. Here is a reality-shaping tool Ive found useful in my personal evolution: Regard whatever you encounter in life as neutral rather than good or bad or whatever. By doing this, you short-circuit your tendency to pre-judge. (We all have this tendency.) You allow yourself a few precious moments (before prejudice kicks in) to look at situations with new eyes and perhaps to perceive positive values you ordinarily would have missed. I am not suggesting you condone that which is

clearly negative, only that you suspend judgment long enough to allow yourself an expanded view. The more positive values you see in life, the lighter your mind and heart. Use this tool and you may soon find yourself at 250. When enough of us reach 250, well see the dawn of a new Age of Reason. Rising above barriers or oppositions which dissipate ones energies, the neutral condition allows for flexibility and non-judgmental realistic appraisal of problems. [3] The Death of Death Perhaps the greatest obstacle to freethinking, level 250+ thinking, is fear of death. The fear of death has been with us for a long, long time. Another great obstacle is a belief that emerged in recent times the belief that we are the puppets of our genes. This belief, genetic determinism it is called, is a product of our current orthodoxy in biology, neo-Darwinism. Im pleased to report that both the belief we die and the belief we are genetically determined are going bye-bye. The scientist who has given the boot to these beliefs is Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, author of the much-acclaimed The Biology of Belief Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles (2005). In 1985, Lipton was living in a rented house on the island of Grenada while teaching at a medical school. Early one morning, 2 A.M. to be exact, he was reviewing notes on the mechanics of the cell membranes information processing capability when he was struck by lightning (of the cognitive kind). In the flash, he saw that a biological cell is the structural and functional equivalent of a computer chip. Lipton describes this important, nay awesome, discovery thusly:
I sat back and reviewed my new description of the membrane: The membrane is a liquid crystal semiconductor with gates and


What hit me right away was the fact that I had

recently heard or read the very same phrase, though at the moment, I didnt know where I had come across it. One thing was for sure; it was not in the context of biological science. As I leaned back in my chair, my attention was drawn to the corner of my desk where my new, smiley-face Macintosh, my first computer, was parked. Lying beside the computer was a copy of a bright red book called Understanding Your I Microprocessor. I had just bought this non-technical paperback guide to how computers work from a Radio Shack outlet. grabbed the book and found in the introduction a definition of a computer chip that read: A chip is a crystal semiconductor with gates and channels. For the first second or two I was struck by the fact that the chip and cell membrane shared the same technical definition. I spent several more intense seconds comparing and contrasting biomembranes with silicon semiconductors. I was momentarily stunned when I realized that the identical nature of their definitions was not a coincidence. silicon chip! [4] The cell membrane was indeed a structural and functional equivalent (homologue) of a

Liptons discovery was later confirmed by an Australian consortium of scientists who succeeded in turning a cell membrane into a digital readout computer chip. A detailed technical explanation of the equivalency may be found in Liptons Biology of Belief and in a superb set of Lipton CDs called The Wisdom of Your Cells How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology. This discovery led Lipton, in short order, to the understanding that the human body is a fantastic supercomputer composed of trillions of linked cell-microprocessors. Lipton refers to us as biological terrestrial exploration vehicles. [5]

The question arises: As the bodys a supercomputer, who or what is operating it? The real you, Lipton replies. Who you really are isnt in the computer, but rather in the environment. To illustrate his view metaphysically, Lipton compares the human body to an ordinary transceiver called a radio. Who you really are is not the radio, but the broadcast station to which the radio is tuned. Does the destruction of a radio impact the broadcast station? No, not at all. The broadcast station continues to send out signals. Those signals may be received by any radio tuned to the station. To update a Civil War-era song, John Browns radio lies moldering in the grave but his broadcast station goes playing on! All that Earth catastrophes can do is destroy a great many radios. This is a good thing to know. We can relax a bit.

Genetic Determinism Now, as to the belief that our genes are the determiners of our reality. Lets get a bit technical. The cells a microcomputer, and the keyboard for this computer is in the cellular membrane. The keys are called receptors. Receptors may be visualized as micro-antennas. Each antenna is uniquely shaped and tuned to pick up a specific signal. Signal reception, whether through molecular coupling or via vibratory resonant energies, induces a conformational change in the receptor, which activates a connected effector. receives. The job of the effector is, metaphorically, to gather in that which the receiver Together, the receptor and the connected effector form a

hunter-gatherer team. The technical name for the team is integral membrane protein complex, or, for short, IMP complex. The multitude of IMP complexes in the membrane constitute the cells nervous system, which I prefer to call the intelligence system. As the nervous (intelligence) system is synonymous with brain, we may conclude, along with Lipton, that the brain is in the membrane. In contrast, orthodox biology maintains, against good evidence to the contrary, that the brain of the cell is in the genome, home of the genes. As Lipton points out, the inadequacy of the orthodox model is demonstrated in a simple experiment that has been performed many times. The genome is in the nucleus of the cell. When a cell is enucleated (has the nucleus removed), the cell continues to exhibit normal behavior. If the genome was the brain, the cell would simply die. However, if the receptors on the surface of the cell membrane are shaved off, the cell goes comatosejust what wed expect if the brain was in the membrane. Are orthodox biologists ignorant? Yes. They ignore an entire range of scientific findings that conflict with their many doctrines. Are they stupid? No. Self-serving yes, stupid no. Like most professionals in other fields, they have simply decided that its more in their interest to spend their thought-lives within the box of orthodoxy than to venture forth into the unknown seeking truths greater than those the orthodoxy has to offer. As John D. Rockefeller once said, Pioneering doesnt pay. Based on his experience of academia, the Native American scholar Vine Deloria Jr. had this to say about academics: Academics, and they include anyone we think of as scientists except people who work in commercial labs, are incredibly timid

people. Many of them are intent primarily on maintaining their status within the university and profession and consequently they resemble nothing so much as cocker spaniels who are eager to please their masters, the masters in this case being the vaguely defined academic profession. Scholars, and again I include scientists, are generally specialists in their field and are wholly ignorant [italics mine] of developments outside their field. [5] For those of us wanting to keep body and soul together through Y2K8-12 and beyond, self-serving scientists are of no value. We, individually and collectively, need to get to level 250 (at least), and getting there requires that we follow the guidance of those who have gotten there already the pioneer independent scientists and freethinkers.

Chapter 3

The Mother Earth Hypothesis, Gaia Theory & The Mission of Man

The major difference between American Indian views of the physical world and Western sciences lies in the premise accepted by Indians and rejected by scientists: the world in which we live is alive. Vine Deloria, Jr.

Dr. Bruce Liptons realization that the biological cell and computer chip are structural and functional equivalents was not his only major discovery. Another discovery in the early eighties is equally momentous, and to understand it, you need to know a little something about fractals. The term fractal is short for fractional. Before 1975, we had only a geometry of whole numbers Euclidian geometry. fractional space, which he called fractal geometry. Fractal mathematics is comprised of simple formulas by which conversions are made fractal to fractal. Z2+C. The seemingly infinite complexity of the Mandelbrot set is based on the simple formula Z Take a number, multiply it by itself, and add the original number. [1] In 1975, the French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot outlined a geometry of

Fractal mathematics is the math by which we do computer modeling; it is also this math by which physical reality is modeled. If you were to take photographs of the same ragged coastline from a position just three feet off the ground, from a blimp, and from a satellite, the photographs would show the very same contours! Indeed, everywhere we look in physical reality, we find fractalic structure. published Your body, for instance. his physiological A decade after Mandelbrot writes James Gleick, speculations,

theoretical biologists began to find fractal organization controlling structures all through the body. The standard exponential description of bronchial branching proved to be quite wrong; a fractal description turned out to fit the data. The urinary collecting system proved fractal. The binary duct in the liver. The network of special fibers in the heart that carry pulses of electric current to the contracting muscles . [2] Today, the fractal approach is being used to better understand every part of the body. An article in a March 2007 issue of New Scientist reports that a small group of researchers has discovered that the universe itself is fractalic: Cosmology is founded on the assumption that when you Cosmologists call this a smooth look at the universe at the vastest scales, matter is spread more or less evenly throughout space. structure. But a small band of researchers, led by the statistical

physicist Luciano Pietronero of the University of Rome and the Institute of Complex Systems, Italy, argues that this assumption is at odds with what we can see. Instead they claim that the galaxies form a structure that isnt smooth at all: Some parts of it have lots of matter, others dont, but the matter always falls into the same patterns, in large and small versions, at whatever scale you look. In other words, the universe is fractal. [3] The Mother Earth Set

The year is 1983.

Dr. Bruce Lipton is in his lab.

Through an A familiar

electron microscope he examines a single cell organism.

fact crosses his mind: The single cell has all the physiologic systems that a human body has. No sooner does this fact complete its crossing than Dr. Lipton has a very remarkable realization: The cell is a fractal of the human body! I asked Lipton is 94, Might we not say that planet Earth is another fractal in this set? His answer was yes. The fractals were most familiar with are two- and threedimensional. Examples: The ripples formed after a pebble is thrown in a pond (two-dimensional); the rings of an onion (three-dimensional). Formula for such fractals: Same shape, different magnitudes. Fractals have what is called self-similarity. What Lipton

perceived is that principle of self-similarity could be observed in the case of whole organisms. Fractals in a whole-organism set might be defined in these terms: complexity. What Liptons insight leads to, among other things, is a proof of the hypothesis long held by Native Americans, that the Earth is sentient. Mother Earth. How do I reach this conclusion? Simple. It is axiomatic that if we ascribe this or that characteristic to any one fractal in a set, we would have to ascribe the same characteristic to other fractals in the set. instance, as sentient? Do we regard an individual, yourself for Yes, of course. Then we would have to Same basic bio-system, different levels of

ascribe the same quality to Earth. Native American intuitive science was right all along. Earth is alive sentient. Credit for the Western science discovery that Earth is singular and sentient goes to Dr. Lipton.

What about Dr. James Lovelock? you ask.

Hasnt a proof of

the hypothesis that the Earth is singular and sentient already been offered by Lovelock and other proponents of the Gaia theory? No. The proponents of the Gaia hypothesis, Drs. Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, deny that the Earth is sentient. Allow me to provide a little background on that denial. Gaia Theory In 1979, British scientist James Lovelock published Gaia A New Look at Life on Earth , a book arguing the thesis that planet Earth is a single organism. Journeys into space, he writes, did more than present the Earth in a new perspective. They also sent back information about its atmosphere and surface, which provided a new insight into the interactions between the living and the inorganic parts of the planet. From this has arisen the hypothesis, the model, in which Earths living matter, air, oceans, and land surface form a complex system which can be seen as a single organism. [4] Lovelock called this hypothetical single organism Gaia. The birth of Lovelocks Gaia hypothesis was applauded by certain Native American whites-watchers and kindred souls, but (surprise, surprise) condemned by establishment biologists. Gaia was condemned as teleological [implying sentience] by my peers and the journals, Nature and Science, would not publish papers on the subject. [5] To the condemnation of his peers, Lovelock added a stopper of his own: Ancient belief and modern knowledge have fused in the awe with which astronauts with their own eyes and we by indirect vision have seen the Earth revealed in all its shining beauty against the deep darkness of space. Yet this feeling, however strong, does not prove that Mother Earth lives [i.e., is sentient]. Like a religious belief, it [the

Gaia hypothesis] is untestable and therefore incapable in its own context of further rationalization. [6] Thus Lovelock denied planetary sentience, even though the name he gave his model and aspects of the model itself (i.e., living matter) strongly imply sentience. To this day, the proponents of the Gaia theory (as it is now called) deny sentience. The Mission of Man If the planet is one organism, and it is, what is the function of humanity within that organism? Im talking here of the physiological function or mission of man. Humans, I once asked Lipton, are the planetary equivalents of what on the cellular level? Without hesitation, he replied: IMPs. Humans are the planetary equivalents of integral membrane proteins. At the cellular level, the IMP network constitutes the nervous/intelligence system of the cell. One has only to read the Green plants, for wonderful book The Secret Life of Plants to understand that everything biological has intelligence processing capability. instance. Without green plants we would neither breathe nor eat. On the under surface of every leaf a million movable lips are engaged in devouring carbon dioxide and expelling oxygen. All together, 25 million square miles of leaf surface are daily engaged in this miracle of photosynthesis, producing oxygen and food for man and beast. [7] Supposing that we humans are IMPs, what is our particular IMPjob? Contemplating that question one evening, I recalled a conversation I had with Lipton concerning the immune cell. the only cell with the mission of knowing the unknown. In that conversation, he referred to the immune cell as the cell of evolution,

The immune system is the Homeland Security of the body. The work of the immune cell agent is quite interesting. It checks out all newcomer organisms that it encounters along the way, and somehow distinguishes between helpful and harmful. The helpful are allowed to continue on their way and the harmful are arrested literally. The immune cell envelops the antigen, as a glove over the hand, which allows the immune cell to learn the precise configuration of the antigen. The immune cell then orders up the creation of antibodies having the exact structure needed to envelop and immobilize all the antigens comrades. wouldnt you say? Why is the immune cell called by Lipton the cell of evolution? It is the only cell having the ability to cause the creation of novel organisms (antibodies). Now the immune system is a subsection of the nervous/intelligence system, and so the immune system. Liptons remarks led me, ultimately, to the insight that humanity is the planetary equivalent of Our physiologic mission, as human-IMPs, is to immobilize that which is harmful to our greater organism, Earth, and to allow/encourage that which is helpful. When you have the opportunity, review some Native American explanations of the red mans opposition to the European invasion of their homelands. The opposition was rooted, youll find, in the red mans deeply felt obligation to protect Mother Earth. And now a big question: what name do we give to that condition wherein an immune system attacks itself? Right, its called AIDS, autoimmune disease syndrome. The mentality behind modern war, which has the objective of destroying populations , is, I submit, a principal cause of the current planet-AIDS horror. The immune cell is quite an ingenious cell,

As Mother Earth has AIDS, and knows it, what can we expect her to do? Shell do what any of us would do if we were afflicted with AIDS shell cleanse her body. On a More Hopeful Note Behind planet-AIDS are certain wrong-headed human beliefs, especially the belief that over-population is the big problem on this planet. By replacing this pseudo-scientific belief with a true-science Consciousness drives biology, not the other way understanding, we may be able to lessen the need for a catastrophic Earth cleansing. around, Dr. Lipton has remarked on numerous occasions. Up-grading consciousness is the key to creating a better world. If youre a follower of channeled information, or even if youre not, youll find it interesting that Bashar, a channeled entity from the future, confirms Liptons point in these terms: Consciousness does And then not exist inside of you, you exist within consciousness.

theres Ramtha, an equally interesting channeled entity who has taught for over twenty-five years that consciousness and energy create the nature of reality. Consciousness and energy create the nature of reality. This is very good news. If we dont like a reality in which we find ourselves, we can change it. We have the power. All we have to do is create a higher consciousness and from that will issue a preferable reality. Okay, you say, but how do I do it? That is the subject of the rest of this book raising the individual consciousness and the collective consciousness.

Chapter 4

Higher Self for Dummies

We sit on a diamond mountain, but our pockets are filled with pebbles. --Attila Josef

Chapter two of this book presented the concept that your body is a supercomputer. This may have been news to you. It would not be news to certain wise ones of the past, who intuitively grasped the fact that the human computer has a fantastic information acquisition/processing capability. Witness, for instance, the following Zen koan:

Open Your Own Treasure House Daiju visited the master Baso in China. Baso asked: What do you seek? Enlightenment, replied Daiju. You have your own treasure house. Why do you search outside? Baso asked. Daiju inquired: Where is my treasure house? Baso answered: What you are asking is your treasure house. Daiju was enlightened! Ever after he urged his friends: Open your own treasure house

and use those treasures. [1]

Ask, and you shall receive. This biblical aphorism makes the same point as the koan. house of knowledge. The koan and aphorism raise a question: metaphor. What does the metaphor represent? The ultimate answer is the universe. As the universe is Where are the Asking is the key to opening the treasure

answers coming from? The treasure house, to be sure, but thats a

holographic, all information is available at any point in the universe. Are you a point in universe? Yes. No doubt about it. Though you probably dont realize it, youre a walking universal library. Its 11:59 p.m. Do you know where your library card is? The idea that we are in fact universal libraries is validated by the work of Dr. David Hawkins in Power vs Force. In the practice of kinesthesiology, Hawkins found an effective way of circumventing notknowingness and accessing knowingness. Whats not-knowingness? The highest human ability, L. Ron Hubbard once said, is to know, and the second highest ability is to not know. Hubbard was very precise in his terminology. When he said that not-knowing is an ability, he meant it. Knowingness, I would suggest, is native-state; not-knowingness is an effect of the reduction of nativestate consciousness to social consciousness.

Understand the above, and certain enigmatic remarks of Jesus the Christ, such as ye are gods, cease being quite so enigmatic. The

Christ was talking about our native-state selves, not about our Howdy Doody selves. The Christ and his message were very popular among the multitude of humans who were sick and tired of living in the Howdy Doody reality, and very unpopular among the authorities, who never like competition, and among the few who were making a good living out of exploiting the sick-and-tired multitudes. It should come as no surprise that when it came time to create an authoritative holy bible by cutting and pasting elements from various and sundry accounts of the life and teachings of the Christ, numerous important scriptures, such as the teachings recorded in the Sophia, were totally ignored. Authoritative bibles are compiled, of course, by the Authorities, and the first item on the to-do list of all authorities is Suppress any possible challengers of our authority. [2] The greatest disaster afflicting western religion, Hawkins determined, resulted from marginalization of the Christ teachings that occurred in the creation of the Bible. The fall of Christianity from calibrated 930 to 498 must be recognized as the single greatest catastrophe in the history of western religion. Here we can see the origin of the spiritual divorce from the actual teachings of Jesus Christ that allowed the later atrocities of the Crusades and the Inquisition. A recurrent question in speculation about the historic decline of Christianity centers around the inclusion of the relatively weak (475) Old Testament in the canon of Christian scripture. What, really, does the eye-for-an-eye ethic of the prophets have to do with Christs exhortation to universal love and forgiveness? It has rightly been asked why, if Jesus came to teach the Old Testament, need he have bothered coming at all? [3]

The Lipton Model and A Future Science Model Recall the Lipton you/real you model that was discussed earlier. This is our best leading-edge scientific model at present. The human body is a fantastic supercomputer, a terrestrial exploration vehicle. Who you really are isnt in your computer-body, but in the environment. Further, Lipton likens the human body to a radio transceiver and the real you to the broadcast station to which the radio is tuned. Can we tune our radio to broadcast stations other than the one were normally tuned to? Yes, and the channeling phenomenon offers a proof. For over twenty years, this freethinker has been following the transmissions of two channeled entities in particular Bashar and Ramtha. The transmissions of both, which contain a wealth of scientific and technical information, date from the late seventies. The two channels, Darryl Anka (Bashar) and JZ Knight (Ramtha), continue to channel at the present time. Bashar, whose name means messenger, describes himself as a member of a future race, the Essassani, that is a product of a human/Zeta hybridization project that has been going on for some time. He thus looks upon Homo sapiens as one of his ancestral races. In a recent session, titled Permission Slips, Bashar praises the film The Secret as a great break-through event in the new consciousness movement and the evolution of our species. model. Bashar goes on to present a future science version of the Lipton you/real you Like the Lipton model, the Bashar model recognizes a separation between you and real you. The former Bashar terms physical expression and personality construct; the latter he terms higher self.

The job of the physical expression is simply to receive and perceive, Bashar says. The human brain, he continues, is not designed to understand how things happen or will happen, only how things happened. Higher self does all the original thinking. In other words, you, as a body, are one part of a two-part invention, the other part being higher self, your personal intelligent designer. The total you is the combo, the dynamic duo. Bashar compares physical self to someone slogging along in a valley and higher self to one standing on a mountain top, with a very clear view of the valley. The slogger transmits data to the mountaintop guy, who in turn transmits directions to the slogger go right, go left, theres a bog coming up, dont try to walk through it, etc. Consciousness evolution will be accelerated, Bashar suggests, when we valley sloggers stop trying to think everything out, plan every step of the way. No thinking necessary, Bashar says; let higher self to the thinking. Thats your higher selfs job. All we sloggers have to do is ask. Say what it is we want, then listen attentively to the suggestions and directions transmitted by higher self. And then, follow through.. Act upon the suggestions and directions. Many intellectuals think Descartes got it all wrong when he said, I think, therefore I am. Maybe he got it right. I (higher self) think, therefore I (physical self) am. Incidentally, both the Lipton and Bashar models are pre-dated by a similar model developed by Ron Hubbard. The human body Hubbard called the genetic entity; that which animates and sustains the body he called the thetan, which means thought. You, Hubbard insisted, are not your body. Had the Hubbard model gained popularity, then, in

all likelihood, Bashar would be talking in terms of GEs (genetic entities) and thetans, rather than in terms of higher selves, etc. As the Hubbard, Lipton and Bashar models are unfamiliar to most people, lets consider the models in a familiar framework. Every thing that is, no exceptions, is a system or part of a system. A system has by definition four parts: inputs, processing, memory and outputs. The human body is a system, a system for experiencing directly the reality we call life on Earth. Inputs: According to Hubbard, our bodies have fifty-two perceptic channels, not just five. Our bodies are also designed to process received information, and we do so on a continuous basis. Memory: The memory of the system is called by the religious and spiritual people the soul, or Book of Life. In my view, one of Hubbards key discoveries is the fact that our bodies contain an absolutely complete record of our experiences on Earth, in this life and in former lives. At present, we do not have a scientific term for this personal life experience data bank. In other writings, Ive suggested the term holodex, but this has yet to catch on. What about outputs? We output processed data that streams to higher self. self-receptors. Where does identity come from? Lipton asks. His answer: Apparently, it is a unique signal from the field read by our Importantly, this communication is a two-way street; signals are not just coming into the cells our experiential awareness is sent back to the field and changes the source [higher self]. [4] Higher self, thetan, Spirit, Houston call it what you will it needs us. Without us per-ceiving entities, the con-ceiving higher self can no more directly experience life on Earth than we per-ceiving

entities can explore the surfaces of the moon and Mars without reliance upon highly complex computerized robots. Without direct experience, there can be no increased awareness; without increased awareness, there can be no increase of wisdom; without ever-increasing wisdom, there is no evolution. And evolution, as youll soon learn if you dont know already, is the name of the game in our universe. Whats Buffalo Bill without Howdy Doody? Out of a job.

Chapter 5

Secret of The Secret

As we stand at the end of the drama of man, we take off our masks, behold the I Am. --T.D. Hall

The great secret in The Secret is that individuals have it in their power to get what they desire by simply asking. one ask? Prayer is one way. The biblical aphorism Ask and you shall receive turns out to be valid. How does The way recommended by many interviewed in the film is a little different. The Secret way is to draw a symbol or picture of what it is you want and then attach this to a

vision board. Contemplate the symbol/picture on a daily basis, and then wait patiently for the universe to deliver the desired thing, or the means to obtain it. As might be expected, The Secret outraged the Debunker Cavalry. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous?! With sharpened pens, the debunkers leapt into the saddles of their old paradigm steeds and made literary war against The Secret in dozens of magazines and journals, including the once avant-garde Nation. In old paradigm think, no one gets what he wants in life without struggle and more struggle, and once one has what he has struggled so mightily to get, he must struggle to keep it. The life of man on Earth is war, the novelist Henry James tells us. Evolution, Darwin tells us, is a product, or by-product, of war. Witness the words of Thomas H. Huxley, aka Darwins bulldog, the man responsible for the wildfire spread of classical Darwinism in the West: Who has not duly reflected upon all the consequences of the marvelous struggle for existence which is daily and hourly going on among living beings? Not only does every animal live at the expense of some other animal or plant, but the very plants are at war. The ground is full of seeds that cannot rise into seedlings; the seedlings rob one another of air, light, and water, the strongest robber winning the day, and extinguishing his competitors. [1] The Darwinian life-is-incessant-struggle doctrine, for such it became, was extrapolated far beyond the fringe by the contemporary neo-Darwinist Richard Dawkins, who, in his book The Selfish Gene compares the genes to Chicago Gangsters. Like successful Chicago gangsters, our genes have survived in some cases for millions of years, in a highly competitive world. This entitles us to expect certain qualities in our genes. I shall argue that a predominant quality to be expected in a successful gene is ruthless selfishness. [2]

Its a pity we dont have a sharp-witted satirist around these days the likes of the eighteenth century poet Alexander Pope. Dawkins and other neo-Darwinists offer plenty of material for a new Dunciad. New paradigm think, in contrast, is supportive of the Secret message. universe. The new paradigm I have in mind is the holo-model of In a holographic universe, each part ( you, for instance)

contains the whole. If you, the microcosm, greatly desire something, are you, the macrocosm, going to say No? The Essassani have a very revealing name for what we call Source: Primal Frequency. Let us reason: Start with the new physics understanding that everything in universe is resolvable into frequencies. ... Suppose the Essassani are right. What we call Source is a frequencythe Source frequency. How was it that Source stepped It had to have down its very, very high frequency to generate the infinite number of things in universe that have lower frequencies? intersected with itself. At the point where Source intersected with Further, everything that is has a specific signature vibration, or frequency. Now

Source, a new, lower-frequency domain was createdthe sub-Source domain. That intersection, by the way, was the original, but far from the last, Big Bang. Okay, now we've got sub-Source frequencies that are like unto Source, but lesser in power. Still, however, we're a long way from the pebble on the beach. How do we get down to the pebble-level? The sub-Source frequencies must have done what Source did: They intersected with themselves, forming an even lower frequency domain. So it went, on and on, down and down, until the lowest level was

reached, the level called physical reality. Look around. You're in it. You're a bottom-feeder god, baby. Paradoxically, the creation of the physical universe was part of a devolutionary process. Religion-people tend to be steeped in the literature of devolution, which is one reason they often have problems with the concept of evolution. Amazing to note, the frequency-devolution process I've sketched above was articulated in ancient times, in somewhat different terms of course. Open your Nag Hammadi Library to page 227. The Lord of the Universe is not called 'Father' but 'Forefather' ... the beginning of those that will appear, but he is beginningless Forefather. Seeing himself within himself in a mirror, he appeared resembling himself ... And afterward was revealed a whole multitude of confronting [mirroring], self-begotten ones, equal in age and power, being in glory [and] without number, whose race is called 'the Generation over Whom There Is No Kingdom'.... [3] Ramtha Enter Ramtha the Enlightened One. Most Americans have been introduced to Ramtha via the tabloids, which have labeled him the 35,000-year-old warrior. In 1987, I was introduced to Ramtha, aka the Ram, by a highly respected physicist who said hed been listening to channeled information for twenty years and had found the Ramtha transmissions especially interesting for their scientific content. I was deeply impressed by a video of a Ramtha dialogue in Hawaii, and five years later, I found myself sitting in The Great Hall at the RSE (Ramtha School of Enlightenment) at a beginners event. About me you should know this: freethinker. Im no true believer. Im a highly educated

Indeed, Im about as inner-

directed as you can get. I love truth, and Ive seen very little of it on trick planet Earth, where just about everything turns out to be the opposite of what it professes itself to be. The Christian Church is all about promulgating the Christ teachings, right? The Vietnam War was all about containing Red Chinese Communism, right? the picture, right? Right. This old freethinking truth-seeker learned many interesting things from the Ram, whose main message to man is Behold God. This is a message weve heard before, right? Jesus the Christ: Ye are gods. The Ramtha science teaching most relevant to our present discussion is this: Each of us has seven bodies within the seven frequency domains of the electromagnetic light spectrum, those domains being (from lowest to highest frequency) Hertzian, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray, and infinite unknown. Each of these domains has a corresponding consciousness, from subconscious awareness (Hertzian) to ultraconsciousness (infinite unknown). A chart correlating the various consciousness/energy levels may be found in an inexpensive Fireside Series book called Jesus the Christ The Life of a Master. Yo, Christians has your priest or minister ever explained how the Christ was able to create miracles? Ramtha has. The Christ, Ramtha says, was a master who understood the relationship between mind and matter and all that he had to do was to change his mind on what he saw. He elaborates: Yeshua ben Joseph knew that however he saw anything is exactly how he agreed for it to be. When he saw the blind man, the man asked for help. He bent over, picked up some clay, and he spat in it. What he was doing with the clay and The Bush administration is all about defending freedom, right? I think you get

his spit was creating a new biofield of particle relationship. When he did this and put it on the blind mans eyes, in molding the clay Yeshua ben Joseph saw perfect vision. As he was molding the clay, the clay became the catalyst for perfect vision. When he put the clay on his [blind mans] eyes, that biofield or morphogenic field reconstructed immediately the visual nerve supply to the back of the brain and he saw instantly. [4] Jesus the Christ, Ram says, was considered a master all the way up to the sixth level, the sixth level being gamma ray/hyperconsciousness. [new?46] In my view, most humans are masters of the second level (infrared/social consciousness). As such, they are in agreement with a social consensus that denies the primacy of mind over matter, even in the face of clear demonstrations of that primacy. In the Christian churches, this denial is reflected in the orthodox representation of the Christ as savior rather than as teacher. No one can do what he did, right? even if he said we could! Jesus was not like us, right? He was very, very special the one an only son of God, born of a virgin. Were you born of a virgin? Were you born with a brilliant star appearing in the sky over the place of your birth? No. Do you have within yourself the potential of learning to do what the Christ did? No. Youre not special. You cant be a Christ. Orthodox biology (neo-Darwinism) is even more adamant than the churches in denying the Christ doctrine of mind over matter. All behavior, including consciousness, is an effect of the genes, they proclaim. Mind comes from matter, in other words. This wrongheaded belief, canonized as the doctrine of the Primacy of the DNA, has gone unchallenged until fairly recently. Dr. Bruce Lipton has done an especially good job of tearing it to shreds. Nevertheless, as I write, numerous scientists who advocate intelligent design (mind over

matter) are suffering academic persecution, i.e., theyre being refused promotion, grants, tenure, etc. The orthodoxies in religion and science are not going to help us at all in confronting and dealing effectively with the Y2K8-12 period. What can help us? Realization of the god-power within. If its not real to you that you have such a power, then you wont be able to access and employ it readily; and so the first step is to make it real, make real your god within. One way to start going about this is to read the accounts of those who have experienced the Presence. Read David Hawkins Power vs Force and his other books. Read Ramtha's White Book, a fascinating account of his transformation from grievously wounded warlord to ascended master. I myself have no doubt as to the existence of higher selves, in that Ive had a rather awesome encounter with what I take to be one of those selves my golden body, the body that belongs to the fifth plane, superconsciousness, and x-ray frequency. [5] I had this encounter in 1998 while doing Fieldwork (R) at the RSE. The official description of Fieldwork (R) is as follows: The students are taught to create a symbol of something they want to know and experience and draw it on a paper card. These cards are placed with the blank side facing out on the fence rails of a large field. The students blindfold themselves and focus on their symbol, allowing their body to walk freely to find their card through the application of the law of consciousness and energy and analogical mind. [6] Analogical defined: Being analogical means living in the now. It is the creative moment and is outside of time, past, and the emotions.

[7] The law of consciousness and energy: Consciousness and energy create the nature of reality. [8] For me, going analogical involves slipping into a hypnogogic state of mind, the state we all experience just before falling asleep. The official description of Fieldwork mentions not the fact that during any given session, which may last from half an hour to several hours, one is on the field with anywhere from a hundred to several hundred other students, meaning one can be jostled out of the analogical state every five or ten steps. alone on the field. Now, as to my encounter with my golden body. I had been on the field for about forty minutes, looking for my cards, one of which had the number 5 on it, which signifies superconsciousness. The fieldmaster asked us to stop. I did so, for a moment, and then on command whirled around several times. When I stopped, I saw in front of me (remember, Im wearing blinders) a beautiful gold man. I stared intently. His upper body and head were very vivid, his lower body almost transparent. No hair on the sides or top of his Nordic head, but a long braid falling over his left shoulder. Our eyes locked for just a moment, and then he turned his head about thirty degrees to the right. From his eyes emanated bright lavender beams. I turned my head to the left, following the beams, and then Started walking. Within ten seconds I hit the fence. Following protocol, I lifted my blinders slightly to turn the card my outstretched hands had landed on. It was my card the card with the symbol 5! When students find their cards, they lift their blinders and shout I found my card! What I shouted was My god found my card! Nevertheless, in my experience, when you are fully in the analogical state, it is as if you are

I am a now-and-then current student of the RSE. At the time of this writing, I havent been current for over two years. It may be that Ive had my EP (Ron Hubbards term for end phenomenon experience) and that now my job is to live my post-god-realization life on the most productive way I can. Or it may be Ill become current again, and participate in an RSE that has grown immensely since I was last on-line. In any event, my experience of the Ram and his teachings and my practice of the disciplines have brought down the walls of my social consciousness skepticism. Standing atop the rubble, I look at life with new eyes. I see that we were not misled by the Christ when he said, Ye are gods. We are, indeed. Out of this awareness, I penned the closing lines of my play Zuvuya! As we stand at the end of the drama of man We take off our masks, behold the I Am We who are players on the physical plane Lift up our hearts in a toast to the game To life! Life everlasting!


Chapter 6

The Prince of Atheism

The Mind is the matrix of all matter. --Max Planck

In recent years, I have said certain unkind things about Richard Dawkins, such as Dawkins is an affable and bright neo-Darwinist who has seen so little of real scientific value because he has stood on the shoulders of pygmies. Also, I have called Dawkins a sophist, a sophist being an intellectual who creates elaborate arguments in support of propositions or theories that are simply not correct. The God Delusion has opened my eyes to an aspect of Dawkins I hadnt seen before: He is a very decent man. I like that in him. I respect it greatly. Nevertheless I have had to conclude that the argument in the Delusion book is, alas, sophistical. [1] Richard Dawkins is, and has been since 1995, the Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. Could a scientist so honored, so prolific, so respected, so bedazzling, possibly be a sophist? Yes. Years ago, I came to the rather startling conclusion that Professor Dawkins is a sophist in the course of reading his well-known book The Selfish Gene. Like successful Chicago gangsters, he writes, our genes have survived, in some cases for millions

of years, in a highly competitive world.

This entitles us to expect

certain qualities in the genes. I shall argue that a predominant quality to be expected in a successful gene is ruthless selfishness. This is baseless conjecture, absurdity reminiscent of those marvelous Beyond the Fringe monologues of years gone by. genes are simply patterns for organismal parts. Blueprints Department of the cell. Dawkins comparison of the genes to gangsters is an extension to absurdity of a long- revered doctrine in neo-Darwinism called the Primacy of the DNA. doctrine is wrong. In fact, the DNA is third, not first, in the creational assembly line. Primacy belongs to the environment. The DNA is activated by environment signals (step 1), these signals are mediated by the receptor/effector network embedded in the cellular membrane (step 2), and the product of that mediation then activates the genes. any doubt, is in the cellular membrane. suppose, in the genome. It was very difficult for me to believe that a man as bright as Dawkins didnt know what I, a mere biology watcher, knew. I had to conclude that he was, quite intentionally, a sophist. No other choice. The God Delusion suggests clearly the big why behind Dawkins sophistical mission: Our affable Professor of the Public Understanding of Science is out to fulfill the prophecy of Thomas H. Huxley, Darwins famous bulldog, that Science would one day (the sooner the better) put its foot on the neck of Theology. The brain of the cell, as Dr. Bruce H. Lipton has demonstrated, beyond It is not, as Darwinists This doctrine presumes that all organismal The behavior, including consciousness, is a product of the DNA. The The genome is

definitely not an Al Capone-type bunker; it is merely the New Parts

Dawkins & Hawkins My favorite sentence in The God Delusion is that which starts the second chapter: The God the Old Testament is arguable the most jealous and proud of it; a petty, unpleasant character in all fiction:

unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. Right on, Richard! Any who think that professor Dawkins is not correct in his assessment of the god called Jehovah should open the Holy Bible and read the book of Joshua. In this book of horrors, Jehovah orders his chosen people (bad luck for them) to murder every man, woman and child in ancient Palestineand to kill all the livestock as well. What the goats and sheep had done to offend the great Jehovah I cant imagine. III. Clearly, at least clearly in my view, the mission of the Christ was to dethrone, in the minds of men, the God of Terror and to coronate the God of Love as the true supreme being. Dawkins is to be congratulated for his clear-eyed assessment of the god called Jehovah and for his grand multi-adjectival condemnation of the same. Further, Dawkins is to be congratulated for knocking theology around a bit. However, the scientist who really succeeded in stepping on its neck (orthodox Christian theology) is the brilliant David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., master of kinesthesiology. Kinesthesiology, as practiced by Hawkins, is the science of accessing the collective consciousness. The level of truth originally espoused by Jesus Christ, Hawkins writes, calibrates at 1,000the highest level attainable on this plane. By the second century, the level of truth of this practice of his teaching The war thus engendered is still going on!--and now threatens to engulf the entire world in World War

had dropped to 930, and by the sixth century, to 540. By the time of the Crusades, at the beginning of the 11 th century, it had fallen to its current 498. Hawkins identifies the most precipitous decline in Christianity as having occurred in 325 AD, apparently due to spread of misinterpretations of the [Christ] teachings originating from the Council of Nicaea. Christianitys fall from a calibrated 930 to 498, Hawkins writes, must be recognized as the greatest single catastrophe in the history of Western religion. Here we can see the origin of the spiritual divorce from the actual teachings of Jesus Christ that allowed the later atrocities of the Crusades and the Inquisition. The God Hypothesis Alas, most Christians suffer the delusion that Jehovah is synonymous with the supreme being. of God. One of the sophists standard tools-of-the-trade is the straw man. A straw man is an unsubstantial representation of that which the sophist wishes to attack. Naturally, the sophist has little difficulty, if any, in knocking down the straw man. men, then wittily knocks them down. Among these straw men is The Argument From Personal Experience. A very few examples of such experience are offered, all of which are dismissed as hallucinationsproducts of the minds simulation software. Conspicuously absent from the discussion are accounts of those who encountered God in near-death experience (NDE). One of the best-documented NDE cases involving an encounter with the Creator is that of a scientist by the name of Mellen-Thomas In his chapter titled Arguments For Gods Existence, Dawkins sets up a number of straw Dawkins goes far beyond attacking this delusion, however; he denounces all conceptualizations


In 1982, after suffering from a terminal illness, Mellen-

Thomas died for an hour and a half. Miraculously, he returned to his body with a complete remission of the diseaseafter an encounter with the Universal Intelligence. [2] Another scientist who experienced God is the above-cited David Hawkins. As my final moment [of life] approached, Hawkins writes in Power vs Force, the thought flashed through my mind, what if there is a God? So I called out in prayer, If there is a God, I ask Him to help me now. I surrendered to whatever God there might be, and went unconscious. When I awoke, a transformation of such enormity had taken place that I was struck dumb with awe. The world was illumined by the clarity of an Infinite Oneness, which expressed itself as all things revealed in their immeasurable beauty and perfection. For a scientist sincerely interested in exploring the God hypothesis, accounts such as those offered by Benedict and Hawkins would have to be taken into consideration. Alas, Dawkins utterly ignores the testimonies of those who have undergone NDE. Naughty Richard Dawkins list of scientists who believe in God is very, very short. No mention is made of Max Planck, the father of quantum physics, who has said, All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter. Further, no mention is made of the fact that Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-founder of Richards favorite doctrine (natural selection), came in time to the belief that the universe must be governed by a great Mind. Indeed, naughty Richard quotes, without correction, the incorrect opinion of physicist Leonard Susskind, who states, Modern cosmology really began with Darwin and Wallace.

Unlike anyone before them, they provided explanations of our existence that completely rejected supernatural agents. For the record: Readers of Darwins tomes will find the old guy sometimes invokes a sublime Creator. This sublime Creator couldnt possibly be a supernatural agent, right? Whats more, Darwin celebrates, in his book on the voyage of the Beagle, the spread of British-style Christianity throughout the South Pacific. A curious thing for a non-believer to do. Dawkins claim that the doctrine of natural selection replaces, quite satisfactorily, traditional belief in supernatural governance, is nonsense. The first to make this claim was Thomas Huxley. That the Darwin-Wallace theory (as Darwinism was first called) took a turn down Strictly Materialistic Street was a result of the fact Huxley was driving the movement. The Most Curious Thing The most curious thing that I found in The God Delusion is the authors invocation of Darwins original (1859) representation of natural selection. explained, natural Unrelentingly and unceasingly, as Darwin selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing,

throughout the world, every variation, even the slightest; rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good; silently and insensibly working, whenever opportunity affords, at the improvement of each organic being. Mr. Huxley had a problem with Darwins conceptualization, which is, obviously, an anthropomorphic substitute for the anthropomorphic divine presence (His eye is on the sparrow); and in his own, widely read, accounts of Darwinism, he speaks of natural selection as merely circumstantial selection (the same wind that blows one fledgling out of the nest merely ruffles the feathers of another).

Darwin himself abandoned his original conceptualization of natural selection, saying that survival of the fittest was a better term for what he meant. Dr. Ernst Mayr, the great authority on Darwinism in the modern period, stated, flatly, Darwin was wrong about natural selection. Natural selection, Mayr says, means merely elimination of the weakest. So why is Dawkins validating a conceptualization that is considered by all the other Darwinists to be wrong? thesis that the doctrine of natural selection is Is he saying the greatest something he does not actually believe in order to win votes for his consciousness-raising crane ever invented? If so, Dawkins is not just a sophist, but the ultimate sophist! Or has Dawkins experienced a divine guidance moment that has allowed him to see that the original conceptualization of natural selection was, in fact, correct? If so, then we must welcome Richard to the post-Darwinism evolutionary science movement. All Considered All considered, The God Delusion is an extended polemical exercise well worth a read. I especially like Dawkins discourse on the anti-religion sentiments of Thomas Jefferson and other founders of our secular (thank God) American system of government. As an argument against religion, the book succeeds to some extent; but as an argument against the God hypothesis, the book failsutterly. Concerning that hypothesis, what I would like to say is this: The universality of belief in a Creator indicates that the belief is archetypal. What are archetypes? Primary template formulations existing at the interface between the etheric (implicate) and the physical (explicate) orders. Unlike Benedict or Hawkins, I have not experienced the etheric Source of the God archetype. Nevertheless, as a result of study of NDE accounts and of the pioneering research into the afterlife conducted

by the late Robert Monroe and his associates at the Monroe Institute, I am quite certain that the etheric Source is not malignant. Quite the opposite. Malignancies associated with the God archetype (e.g., the Inquisition) are, to invoke a sentiment expressed in one of my favorite popular songs, our own damned fault. They are the product of human negative thinking. Historically, human consciousness is, as one of my mentors has said, an embarrassment to the Supreme Being.

Chapter 7

The Manifestation Factory

Opposition is true friendship. --William Blake

I take the view that each of us is an integrated complex of seven selves, from the physiologic self to the self existing in the frequency domain that Ramtha calls infinite unknown, what the Christ called the The Generation over whom there is no Kingdom. means that you have an enormous creative potential. potentially, a veritable manifestation factory. The phrase manifestation factory came to me in a dream some years ago, at a time when Id been out of work for several months and was hard-pressed to pay my bills. One night when I was feeling very discouraged, I fell asleep and woke, in dream, driving a nifty red sports car. I drove no more than a block or two when I spotted this gorgeous babe standing on a street corner. like to come along. She readily agreed, but said she had a little problem. She didnt have a suitable dress. No problem at all, I said, I know where to get just the right one. Hop in. We drove to the Manifestation Factory, just outside of town. I remembered this establishment as a place one could find anything; but I stopped, and we started up a conversation. I was on my way to a party, I said, and asked if shed This You are,

when we got there, I was surprised to see that the Factory was shut down and the gate locked. I got out of the car, easily broke the lock on the gate, then walked alongside the seemingly long-abandoned building. Suddenly, a window opened on the third floor, and an old crone stuck a dust mop out and shook it. Say there! I shouted to her. Who owns this place?! She looked down at me, scowled and said, You do, you idiot! I awoke laughing. The dream told me that I had shut down my ability to manifest. What is it that would cause one to shut down his or her power to manifest? ego is Answer: the negative ego. native-state self, the state This state is divine. In my model of psychology, of being prior to social


The negative ego is that which

denies the god-power within. The negative ego has various sources. The major ones are discussed below. First, its necessary to understand what life is like for individuals in whom the influence of the negative ego is minimal. These individuals are said to lead magical lives. Lola, for instance. What ever Lola wants, Lola gets. For the Lolas of this world, there is little in the way of obstacles between the desire and the realization of the desire. These are people operating, for the most part, on the ego program; their lives are uninterrupted streams of what is called synchronicity. Synchronicity is a word used to describe the occurrence of a complex of related events in the same time period. experienced synchronicity. Weve all My, its been a long time since weve

heard from Cousin Marilyn, you think to yourself. The phone rings.

Guess who? Its Cousin Marilyn. Marilyn! you exclaim, I was just thinking about you! Several years ago, I was looking for certain information concerning Sir Francis Bacon, information I couldnt find in the local library or on the Net. While en route to Seattle one day, I stopped, on impulse, at a used books store in Sea-Tac. I made a thorough check of the sections where one would expect to find a book about Bacon, but found nothing. Before leaving, I made a quick check of the physical sciences section. Between two thick books on chemistry was tucked a staple-bound booklet. Curious, I pulled it out. Much to my surprise, it was a monograph on the life of Francis Bacon! I purchased it, of course, and was later further amazed to find that it contained precisely the information I was looking for. Talk about synchronicity! Lets consider synchronicity within the ontological context weve been developing. Previously, Ive labeled the physiologic you valley slogger. Here, lets use the Liptonian description terrestrial exploration vehicle, or TEV for short. Im a TEV, youre a TEV. Our job is exploration of the Earth reality. We collect data through 52+ perceptic channels (according to Ron Hubbard), and this data is processed by ourselves and by higher self, or thetan in Hubbards terminology. Thetan is a very appropriate name for higher self, whose job is original thinking. The thetan is the guy who thinks through the data received, and who transmits its conclusions to us. We TEVs suppose that weve come to those conclusions ourselves. Actually, we have come to those conclusions ourselves, if we define ourself as a complex of psychologic self and higher self. The psychologic/higher self complex is homologous with the most basic perceptual mechanism the IMP complex. An IMP captures a specific datum from the environment and facilitates the

transport of that datum to the inner domain of the cell, where it is processed. We TEVs collect data from our environment and transmit that data to our inner domain, which is in our case the field of consciousness (higher self) in which we exist. Consciousness is not something in us, Bashar says; rather, we exist within consciousness. The Basharian view is, from the standpoint of orthodox biology, heresy. Orthodox biology holds that consciousness is an efflorescence of the genes. However, the Bashar model is in alignment with the new biology of Lipton et al. The Negative Ego Before his passing, the Native American scholar Vine Deloria and I corresponded on various issues, especially Earth changes. Vine ends a letter of 25 June 2004 thusly: There is a quote from Luther Standing Bear that I thought you might enjoy and find useful. From Land of the Spotted Eagle: The Earth is full of sounds which the oldtime Indian could hear, sometimes putting his ear to it so as to hear more clearly. The forefathers of the Lakotas has done this for long ages until there had come to them real understanding of Earth ways. It was almost as if the man were still part of the Earth as he was in the beginning, according to the legend of the tribe. Most of our contemporaries would regard the idea that we can gather useful information about nature by putting an ear to Earth is utterly ridiculous. We the civilized are a deracinated lot, deracination meaning uprooted. Indeed, the advance of civilization

could be measured on a deracination scale. The more advanced the civilization, the greater the degree of deracination. So deracinated are we, we think nothing of deracinating those few peoples who are not deracinated. The Kalahari bush people, for instance, are now being No removed from the Kalahari Desert and placed on reservations.

howls of protest have arisen, nor are they likely to arise, from we the civilized, as an ancient aboriginal culture is destroyed. So deracinated are we Americans, we raise no objection to the arming of our military forces with DU (depleted uranium) ammunition. The depleted means depleted of commercial value, not safe. The uranium 238 deployed in the two wars against Iraq is highly carcinogenic. It is spread through dust storms. It gets deposited in human bone. In Basra, Iraq there has been a 700% increase in cancer among children. There has likewise been a 700% increase in congenital anomalies in Iraq newborns: children born without brains, with no arms, with single eyes or no eyes at all. [1] What does the fate of the Kalahari bush people or the fate of those exposed to DU ammo have to do with the negative ego? Everything. If we the civilized were operating on native instinct, we would tolerate neither the removal of the bush people from the Kalahari nor the use of highly carcinogenic materials in our weaponry. Native instinct tells us that we are all related, and so what is done to our relations anywhere on the planet affects us directly. Had I written the several paragraphs above thirty years ago, they would have served undoubtedly as the opening of a diatribe against civilization. Now, however, I have no interest in diatribes. Over the past thirty years, I have immersed myself in the new sciences the new psychology of Hubbard, the new physics of Bohm and others, the new metaphysics of Bashar and Ramtha, the new math of Mandelbrot, the new biology of Sheldrake, Lipton, Margulis and others; and so today, my interest is in putting new and new together and, with the guidance of higher self, coming up with a new vision of human existence that will inspire people to confront successfully the many challenges we face in the years ahead.

At the moment, the issue is the negative ego, so lets start by confronting that. Ron Hubbard maintained that Earth is a prison planet. All the mis-fits of the universe wind up here. I do not believe Hubbard is correct, but there is an important element of truth in what he says. The Earth, as Lipton science indicates, is a singular and sentient being. As such, it has, like us, its special interests. Until 1947, Bashar says, Earth was interested in exploring an unknown called limitation. Here, limited thought and behavior was in, and unlimited thought and behavior was unwelcome. (Look what happened to the Christ.) By the way, Bashar indicates that certain other planets are devoted to explorations far more dreadful than limitation. Were closer to being a picnic planet than many another. Remember: Source wants to know all that can be known, and so all explorations are legitimate. Indeed, exploration of one thing or another is mandatory. Source is insatiably curious. If youre too tired, lazy, or fearful to explore the unknown, prepare to be re-cycled. Historically, human beings have done an absolutely superb job of demonstrating limited thought and behavior, capping their glorious exploration with the use of atomic bombs to annihilate Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. With that event, the real powers-that-be called an end to the game of limitation, which had become threatening not only to the human species, but to life in other dimensions. A New Game was mandated integration. Notice of the change came to us humans in 1947, the messenger being the crashing of an ET spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico. Indisputable evidence of an ET presence. If youre in doubt about this, read Colonel Phillip Corsos The Day After Roswell. After Roswell, the ET presence became more and more evident, and this was

accompanied by the initiation of the channeling phenomenon on a wide scale. What about the negative ego? In Old Game, the negative ego had served the useful function of attenuating the communication-lines between physiologic and higher selves. Without that attenuation, we humans would all be rapid, if not instant, manifestors of that which we desire. In other words, negative ego was a necessary player in the pre1947 Earth game of limitations. Without obstacles, there can be no game. Negative ego generated obstacles and generates them still, of course, at the present time. Without an antagonist as well as protagonist, there would be no human drama. In the New Game of integration, negative ego still has a role to play, as the voice of that which we must own, master as part of our intellectual and spiritual evolution. Opposition, wrote the poet William Blake, is true friendship. Feeling unworthy, are you? That is the voice of the negative ego telling you that mastery of the feeling of unworthiness is the next step in your personal evolution. attitudes, distract themselves, pop some pills, or whatever. potent over time. In contrast, New Game welcomes the various expressions of the negative ego as indicators of the next evolutionary move. feeling unworthiness. Ah! Im What must I believe in order to have that Most people, when playing Old Game, simply ignore negative feelings and Ignored issues dont go away; they simply fester, becoming more and more

feeling? Once the question is raised, the answer will appear. It may appear in a dream or it may emerge as the result of conscious probing. Sit down with a pad and pen, ask the question What must I have believed in order to create the condition of unworthiness? Record

your answers (there may be dozens!) and dont stop until you have the feeling Aha! thats it.

Three Dreams Three examples of dream-answers to question raised regarding personal limitations: The first exemplary dream occurred years ago, at a time when I was endeavoring to give up smoking cigarettes. In this dream, I was living in a house in Hamden, Connecticut. I witnessed the arrest of a young couple across the street on child abuse charges and saw the kids, crying, taken into the custody of social workers. I knew, My absolutely, that the couple was not guilty of child abuse.

immediate, direct intervention might have stopped this travesty. However, I felt that before I intervened, I needed a cigarette. As I had none on me, I went to the corner store to buy some. The store was closed. On the door was a sign: Death in the Family. I hopped a bus to New Haven, which was about ten miles away. Arriving, I was I surprised to find that all the usual stores werent there anymore.

wound up in an Indian imports emporium that was endlessly fascinating. I wandered about the emporium for an hour, then hopped a bus back home. When I arrived, at last, I found that new people were living in the house across the street, and no one knew anything about the young couple that was arrested. What the dream told me, clearly, was that I believed I needed a nicotine fix before confronting anything stressful. Further, it told me that this habit of thought was not at all helpful; indeed, it was preventing me from doing what I should be doing. The second exemplary dream is the one with which we began this chapter the Manifestation Factory. What this dream told me

is that I held the idiotic belief I am not the creator of my own reality. The laughter with which I awoke signaled my release from this belief. Not long after having this dream, I decided to leave New England, the land of abandoned factories, and to fly off into the unknown. I landed in The Great Northwest. There, as I discovered, many interesting adventures were awaiting me. The third dream occurred over thirty years ago, at a time I could not feel any divine presence whatsoever in my lifeor so I thought. As a very young person, I had felt such a presence, but in the late seventies, it seemed to be gone. Then early one morning, I had a dream that caused me to wake up with a laugh. The dream was titled A Postcard from God. Before even brushing my teeth, I got out a pad and pen and turned the dream-postcard into a poem

A Postcard from God

Today, I received a postcard from God. On it is a picture of myself Reading a postcard. The message reads Having a wonderful time! Wish you were here.

Chapter 8

The Divine Breath

Utilizing high-level energy, we can train, re-design and re-organize ourselves energetically so that we move in harmony with natures laws. Jixing Li

In Y2K8-12, most of us will find ourselves slogging not through any old valley, but through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, death referring species. to the termination of physiologic vehicles. Some prognosticators are estimating that well be losing two-thirds of our A disturbing prediction, especially for those of us who understand that belief is a creative act, i.e., it may be well be losing much of the Earths population over the next few years because of the consensus belief that our numbers ought to be significantly reduced. Equally disturbing is the fact that many opinion and policy leaders have no problem with the prospect of a massive die-off. Ill be discussing these intellectual and moral midgets, these institutional expressions of negative ego, in a later chapter. The subject at hand is getting in better communication with your higher self.

Historically, those who have achieved the most success in clearing a communications-line to higher self (selves) are the Qigong masters. Qigong (pronounced chee-gung) means energy cultivation or working with life energy. Qigong originated some five to seven thousand years ago, and its central belief, that balance is the key to personal and societal health, influenced many of the major strands of Chinese philosophy. Only recently have Americans made the acquaintance of Qigong. In 1990, Berkeley hosted the First International Congress of Qigong. The first scientific study of Qigong in the United States was sponsored by the Center for Alternative and Complementary Medicine Research in Heart Disease at the University of Michigan. [1] For an excellent introduction to Qigong, read The Theory and Multi-Dimensional Unified Universal Energy by the Qigong master Jixing Li. [2] Humans are not called the splendid creation of Supreme Wisdom, Li writes, simply because we are human, but because humans are possessed with Living Biological Computers. functions of its software and hardware [2] improve? Unlike normal computers, the Living Biological Computer can self-improve the How is it we selfThrough the practice of utilizing our Living Biological

Antennae to pick up on various energies in Multi-Dimensional Spaces. They can receive large amounts of scientific information from the Living Information Databases of the universe. [3] Twenty years ago, the Li model of the human as a computer with potential for receiving universal information would have seemed to most Westerners simply unbelievable. Now, however, our own leading scientist in biology, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, is advocating the same model. The single cell, Lipton tells us, is the biological equivalent of a computational bit, i.e., it is a microprocessor. The human body is

composed of trillions of microprocessors, which makes us supercomputers. It is time to give Qigong some very serious attention. Qigong masters have a long history of performing miracles. Many of the skills theyve demonstrated are skills wed all find quite useful, especially in the Y2K8-12 period. Skills like healing, remote viewing, materialization of things out of the ethers, teleportation. Suppose you have a two-hundred-foot wave coming at you, wouldnt you like to teleport yourself to a very high place? Coincidentally, these same skills are taught at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment (RSE). Small world. We in the West once had a spiritual philosophy comparable with Qigong, but, sad to say, it disappeared. It was called savior science. Thanks to Professor Robert Pope of the Science-Art Research Center of Australia, information regarding this science was rescued from the trash and put on our desktop. In The True Meaning of the da Vinci Code, Pope writes; The meaning of the code is central to the ancient Saviour Science reasoning that began to come into existence as an atomistic science in Greece around the 5th Century BC and crystallized into actual science during the 3rd Century BC. The essential concept is that atomic (Particle) movement creates a harmonic wisdom of ennobling human values that is linked to the workings of an infinite universe. [4] According to savior science, that which preserves us and makes possible our moral development is the achievement of a balance between the principle of creation and the principle of destruction. In western science, the latter, termed Diabolos, was elevated to the status of prime law of universe under the name entropy. The logical outcome of the extension of The Principle of Destruction, Pope writes, has been tested in computer simulations. It is only capable of








development. However, Pope continues, by using fractal logic and assuming the universe is infinite, sustainable healthy biological growth and development simulations can be generated, and the existence of ennobling emotion explained. worldview. [5] The savior scientist most familiar to us in the West is Jesus the Christ, who, as Michael Baigent suggests in The Jesus Papers, may have received part of his training from a savior group in Egypt known as the Therapeutae. [6] Central to the Christs mission was the balancing of the harsh, vindictive Jehovah with the nurturing God of Love. The founders of orthodox Christianity totally misread the Christs reputation as savior, interpreting savior as rescuer. The millions of present-day orthodox Christians waiting for the Christ to rescue them from the chaos of the end days are likely to be disappointed. The error of the church fathers is understandable as the equation of savior with rescuer was part of common thought long before the church founding, as a result of various end-times prophecies purporting to describe a second coming of the Christ. Revelation. The most familiar of these is the nightmarish hallucination called the book of No one knows for certain who wrote this Revelation; nevertheless, it was canonized by the church fathers as the Word of God. Tragically, the main effect of this book, so it seems to me, has been to put believers into a state of fear, thus undoing the work of the Christ and restoring Diabolos to the throne of God. Entropy and Syntropy Modern science, i.e., post-Newtonian scientific materialism, is reported to have freed the Western mind from the chains of theological It is clearly immoral to sentence our children to continue to live within the confines of a cancerous

dogma. That is true to some extent; however, modern science failed to free us from the prison house itself the paradigm supporting the supremacy of Diabolos. That paradigm is known as the Entropy Law. To Newton, Buckminster Fuller writes, the form of life and of the physical universe was rest. To him, it seemed abnormal to have anything in motion; thus, death was the normal state. Like all the classical scientists of his time, Newton subscribes to the concept that energetic systems continually dissipate their energy, disposing it in ever more disorderly ways. In later years this concept became known as the second law of thermodynamics and was given the name entropy. [7] Until recently, the Entropy Law was the unchallenged ruling paradigm in the physical sciences. As Fuller notes, Newtons Norm of rest, or no change, still governs all graphic charting of evolutionary events technical, economic, or social when plotted against calendar or clock-time. Newtons no-change norm forms the baseline of all such charts. [8] One of the best-known Diabolos-boosters these days is the Australian philosopher-scientist Paul Davies. In his God and the New Physics, Davies declares that even if there is a God, he (she or it) couldnt stop the inevitable big crunch extinction of the universe, which is now very close. from death. The universe is now microseconds away The big crunch is like the Big Bang in reverse [the

universe] goes out of existence total annihilation. Dear me. Even the Creator cant reverse the big crunch. The second law of thermodynamics forbids anyone, however proficient their technology, and however deep their understanding, to reverse the relentless rise in entropy. [9]

Davies diabolical vision is even scarier than the Revelation and equally absurd. His basic assumption, that the law of entropy governs the universe, has been refuted by Buckminster Fuller, who writes, Einsteins E=mc2 formula, which was proven correct in 1942, shattered the Newtonian assumption that the norm of physical universe is rest. It was observing Brownian movement on the microscopic level that triggered Einsteins working assumption that constant motion was the norm for physical universe. Einsteins equation totally redefined matter, Fuller continues. Einstein hypothesized that all slower-speed phenomena must be the result of the 186,000-miles-per-second radiations given off by the myriads of radiant-energy concentrations interfering with one another and tying themselves into knots to produce microcosmic inter-event pattern systems that we humans identify superficially as matter. Einstein related everything to the speed of radiation, giving rise to his basic assumption that this speed is the norm of cosmic energy unfettered in vacuo. Einsteins norm will eventually replace Newtons norm of inertia. And once that replacement is effected, Fuller writes, we have only to revolve 90 degrees clockwise the charts plotted in the Newtonian norm. We will then see that humanity in its earliest and greatest ignorance was tailspinning into extinction, but, in the aviators terms, is now progressively pulling out into straight-and-level flight at the newly realized to-be-normal speed of electromagnetic radiations information transmissioni.e., 186,000 mps. [10] The Divine Breath The principle of disintegration has been given a very poetical name (Diabolos) What is the name of the twice-as-powerful principle of integration? Holy Spirit is one name, Great Spirit another. Let me suggest a third name--the Divine Breath.

I was created by, and am sustained by, the divine breath. This is the mantra of a very interesting freethinker by the name of Wiley Brooks. Let me tell you a little about him.... Over forty years ago, Wiley Brooks, a 27-year-old Afro-American amateur diver, the decided to stop eating as a last-ditch effort to handle an increasingly debilitating case of arthritis. My family thought I was crazy, Brooks recalled in a 1993 interview. They were sure I was out to commit suicide. After two weeks without food, Wiley was far from dead, about as far as you can get. He was hiking lightheartedly from one end of Manhattan to the other. I was amazed. Just a week before, I couldnt climb stairs without pain and loss of breath, and here I was, practically able to run up and down Manhattan. [11] Brooks achievement brought him face-to-face with a big paradox: I had given up food, and yet I was growing stronger and stronger. It didnt make any sense, not according to the conventional wisdom. sunlight. Incredible? Not long before I interviewed Brooks for the first time, a yogi under the supervision of Bernard Jensen (of California) had lived six months in excellent health without a morsel of food. consumed only a little water with a bit of lemon juice. at 110. Ordinary humans sleep a lot, Brooks once remarked to me, Because they need to de-tox. If the normal person didnt sleep, hed quickly kill himself with those drugs we call food. He The yogis Brooks eventually came to the conclusion that Energy It comes from air air and doesnt come from what we call food.

weight dropped slightly after he commenced the fast, then stabilized

As a result of my first fast in 1963, Brooks remarked, I came to understand the truth in the biblical saying that we should consider the lilies of the field. The lilies dont toil or sweat, yet they are arrayed with beauty. Humans started out as walking plants, able to derive everything they needed from sun and air, and they are able as I proved to return to that condition. Following his recovery from arthritis, Wiley began an investigation of energy that turned into his lifes work. Seventeen years later, he decided to make his findings known to the world. First, he decided, he had to get the worlds attention. The 135-pound selfstyled breatharian appeared on the television show Thats Incredible! and lifted weights totaling 1,100 pounds. I didnt practice or anything, Brooks said. I never did. It was the energy I had accumulated that lifted the weights. Had Wiley been born and raised in China, he would have become, no doubt, a Qigong master. In America, his only real option was to become a showman and, later, a lecturer. regarded as inadequate. As I conducted many interviews with Brooks in 1993, and little has been published about his work since that time, and as the knowledge he gathered is potentially useful to those of us interested in surviving Y2K8-12, I feel obligated to set forth what Ive learned about Brooksian breatharianism, American-style energy cultivation, which I do in the next chapter. He produced one short book, Breatharianism Breathe and Live Forever , which he

Chapter 9

The Key to Life

The closer you get to God, the funnier everything seems. Wylie Brooks

In the late spring and summer of 1993, I worked as a writer for Wylie Brooks. Brooks had been invited to Yelm by an enterprising fitness instructor who believed Brooksian breatharianism would be of great interest to many in our small but international city. After giving a few introductory lectures, Brooks decided the fellow was right. He rented a large ranch house and prepared it to serve as a seminar center. His plan was to give free introductions here and then in the area, and sign up interested individuals for a long-term seminar in Yelm. Wylie is a superb extemporaneous speaker, but not a writer. He had a book out, but was not happy with it. He wanted a better book, and that meant finding a writer who would attend his lectures and seminar, taking notes and eventually compiling these into a book. I was the writer he found. I lived and worked with the guy for nearly four months. The bottom-line premise of Brooks breatharianism is that we were created by, and are sustained by, the Divine Breath, not by food, which he regarded a poison.

Brooks, on food: What other people call food I call poison. I never practice believing I need food, and thats why I call it poison. Fruits and vegetables all foods in fact are just nicely packaged junks of dirt. We eat dirt in order to keep ourselves grounded on this plane. If we were on the moon and wanted to stay awhile, wed have to eat moondust, and that would enable our bodies to adapt, to find the right vibration. The body is a computer, and the stuff we put in the stomach are programs. If we put in hamburgers, were telling the body to harmonize its vibrations with those of beef! As the above suggests, Wylie was not interested in remaining on the Earth plane (the plane of deception) longer than he needed to in order to pass along what he had learned. His interest was in energy cultivation, in powering up his body so that he could ascend to a higher plane of existence. ascended master. breatharianism. Breatharianism, he said on one occasion, is the art, the action of becoming god-realized. Only when you realize you are God can you begin to realize your full potential. God-consciousness, he said on another occasion, is accomplished by being one with the power [the Divine Breath]. Release external symbols. Asked about his view of Jesus, Wylie replied, When I was a child, my mother told me that Jesus has the Key of Life and hed be returning. I didnt know what hed look like, so I assumed everybody was Jesus. That attitude, that system, was the key to my getting the Key of Life. And what is the Key of Life? Wylie: The Key of Life is knowing you are the Key of Life. In New Age terms, his aim was to become an Ascension Brooks defined as a by-product of

Before sketching out some of Wylies recommendations as to how to cultivate energy, Id like to share a few of his observations about the human body. The Human Body The body, he says, is a biological puppet or robot. Once you understand its just a vehicle for you, a car, you dont become quite so upset about death. The body is a transducer, a perfect replica of the sun. Everyones wanting to have the perfect body so they know theyre God. Know youre God, then the perfect body will follow. The body is actually in us; we are not in the body. Everything the body requires can be produced by the body. The skin: The largest organ in the body and the real stomach. The alimentary canal is the inner skin. Nitrogen is absorbed through the skin. The skin is more important than the lungs when the body is working properly. The endocrine system, Wylie stated, is the cafeteria of the body. It utilizes raw materials supplied by the air and sunlight to create everything the body requires. Live food: The only live food you take in is the sunlight and air. Everything you ingest by mouth is killed by hydrochloric acid if it isnt already dead. The stomach: The throne of God in the physical plane is the stomach. If you put food in, God has to get out. The moment God is outside, you have duality. When you empty the stomach, control returns to the pituitary system. The pituitary system: When the body is operating as designed, the pituitary system commands the organism. become powerful in anything we do. supply of pituitary hormones increases. Our challenge is to As we become greater, the

The solar plexus: The lower brain. When we put what is called food into the body, the solar plexus becomes the command center. Energy Cultivation The secret of ultimate power: The secret of ultimate power is learning to keep your mouth shut. multiple meanings. Self-sufficiency: Everything the body needs can be produced by the body. Everything is conscious, everything is self-sufficient. Truth: Every great truth starts as a possible truth. You may not be able to believe youre God, but can you believe there is a possibility you are God? This is the plane of deception, but dont deceive yourself. Be truthful with yourself and that will save your life. Dont believe anything unless youve experienced it. Believing anything else is a waste of energy. Thinking: What you think is what really is. The body is sustained by what you think. Its cogito, ergo sum, I think, therefore I am, not I eat, therefore I am. Surrender: A kind of allowing. A system for increasing personal power by agreeing with another God. The opposite of resistance. Resistance strengthens that which is resisted. Surrender disarms the other. There is tremendous power in surrender. When a woman surrenders to a man, she gains access to his power. To surrender is to This remark has, of course,

put yourself in the hands of someone else. If youre facing a difficult court action, youd be wise to surrender to your attorney. Being in present time: Being in present time is the key to everything. Only if you are in present time can you disappear when the atom bomb hits your block, and reappear after the dust settles. As you practice a system for being in present time, you become more and more God. Present time is the standpoint from which we create past and future. The present is not the result of the past. Past and future are results of the present. The now, the now moment. That which presents itself to you in this moment. Positive thinking: Create positive thoughts, which are power. Its negative thoughts that kill you. If you have a positive attitude toward all creations, you can only get positive effects. The wisest thing a person can do is lean toward the positive. Dont give power to the negative. Wylie provided many illustrations of the positive definition/positive effects formula, e.g., his definition of pain, which most people regard as negative: Pain is the body trying to pull itself into balance. Pain is simply energy that is locked on something negative. If its in pain, its being healed. Stress: Stress is the result of counter-intention, cross-purposes. The biggest [source of stress] is eating and drinking. physiological basis of dualism. Sleep: A mode of de-tox. Its in surrendering to sleep that we are enabled to get our power back. This is the

Resting: By resting, youre doing everything. Youre building power. Rest in bed for a week or so. Resting is a good exercise providing you dont eat. Resting enables you to build up a reserve of power; with a reserve, eating is less detrimental than it would be otherwise. Allowing: The greatest power is in allowing. The Supreme Being is all-powerful. The All-Powerful is all-allowing. The most powerful thing you can do is nothing. Real power is the ability to make things happen by allowing things to happen. If your power is high enough, it destroys toxins in the body, turning them into gases, which are eliminated through the skin. The most profound power comes from sitting still, engaging in nothing but meditation. The Last Temptation of a Christ While he was in Yelm, Wylie ate food on a daily basis. Not a lot, but some. When he ate, it was often with a quizzical expression on his face. it. Wylies eating, like everything he did, was experimental. He would always carefully note the bodily effects of that which he ingested. One day, we learned that a child from Tacoma had died of E. coli poisoning as the result of eating a contaminated Jack In The Box hamburger. Wylie and I hopped in his Lincoln Towncar and drove to the nearest Jack In The Box. We found the parking lot empty, even though it was mid-day. Once, upon finishing a TV dinner, he said to me, I can understand why people like this stuff, but I cant understand why I like

Wylie ordered two large burgers, which he consumed slowly thoughtfully. (I had a fish sandwich.) Well, I asked him after he had finished, whats your assessment? Very good, he said, well have to stop again. I didnt need to ask Wylie why he ate poison. I knew. Once youve climbed up Everest, you dont need to do it again and again. You find other interests, and Wylies big interest in 93 was in creating other breatharians so that hed have a few people he could really talk with. Then, too, there was the boredom of being awake all night while everyone else was sleeping (de-toxing). I once asked him why food was so dangerous? He replied that everything in nature has a defense mechanism, the most common mechanism being sugar. Sugar is the pesticide of the vegetable kingdom, he said, The body makes its own sugar, about one ounce a day, unless, of course, you dump in a lot of vegetable sugar. Of course, the body has its own defense against defense mechanisms digestion. Whats called digestion, Wylie remarked, is a form of warfare in which the body first kills invading substances with hydrochloric acid, then body bags the substances and ships them off down the intestinal track. The poison Wylie found most interesting was Twinkies, which he referred to as the epitome of junk foods. Yelm is, or was in 93, a very small town. After Wylie was observed in a local convenience store eating Twinkies, he was judged by many a fraud a fake breatharian. This didnt bother Wylie, who said to me, Its a trick planet, Ted. Just about everything is the opposite of what its supposed to be. If Im

judged a fake, then I must be the real thing. Thereafter, he called himself, with relish, Wylie Coyote Brooks. The seminar had some good results. The star student, a lovely Caribbean girl who resided in Canada, went thirteen weeks without food. I observed as the weeks went by that she only got lovelier and lovelier. Later, I found out that she had taken a vitamin-mineral supplement every morning, which was probably a good idea, as she was an ardent jogger. I didnt go off food myself, at the time. However, my experience of the seminar led me in subsequent years to do three-day fasts, which I found extremely beneficial.

Recently, I re-connected with an old friend, now living in Florida, who was inspired by Wylies book to become a liquidarian after suffering a massive heart attach. Bob had been told by his physician that hed have to be on (very expensive) pharmaceuticals for the rest of his life. His response was Bleep that! He went on a water fast, drinking up to two gallons a day. Whenever I was hungry, Id drink water. In a matter of weeks, he was in excellent health.

Disclaimer: The above description of Wylies breatharianism and Bobs liquidarianism are not meant to encourage you to become one or the other. My intention is simply to let you know that you need far less food than you probably believe you need. Putting up enough food to get you and your family through the Y2K8-12 period does not have to be a very expensive undertaking.

Chapter 10

The Show of Light, the All-Time Horror Flick

In dreams begin responsibilities. --Delmore Schwartz

I've been privileged to have experienced many great teachers in my lifetime; but the greatest is none other than my own higher self. Actually, we have more than one higher self. We have six altogether!the highermost being one of the innumerable gods belonging to what Jesus the Christ called the Generation over whom there is no Kingdom. {xx} I've previously described my one and only face-to-face encounter with my higher self, one of my higher selves that is. Such encounters are rare, I believe, and when they do occur, the experiencer is likely to suppose that the apparition is an angel or some such thing. My grandfather, William Phillips Hall, offers a case in point. In January of 1901, Grandfather awoke in my middle of the night to see a blue transparent figure standing at the foot of his bed. disappeared. Convinced that he had been visited by Jesus Christ, Grandfather Hall became a lay preacherthe Businessman Evangelist. Hall's father, Thomas Shepherd Hall, had invented the block signal system for railroads; both father and son became well-to-do manufacturing railway signals and signal systems. Being a very persuasive preacher and writer, Grandfather became, in time, president of the American Tract Society and the American Bible Society. movement. Even more lamentable is the fact that he spent all his millions on huge evangelical and anti-alcohol events, from Washington D.C. to Toronto. Which explains to me, clearly, why higher selves seldom We lower selves are appear face-to-face with their lower selves. likely to come to some pretty crazy conclusions. In these positions, he played a key role in the formation of the modern evangelical The figure looked compassionately at Grandfather for a few moments and then

Dreamtime When higher selves decide to down-load information they know we ought to have, they usually use the modality called dream.... The first theory of dreams offered by Western science was put forward by Sigmund Freud in his The Interpretation of Dreams (1899). Freud has many astute things to say about dreams; but his major hypothesis, that dreams are expressions of wish-fulfillment, is inadequate. In my experience, some dreams, but not all, are dramatizations of wish-fulfillments. Is there some one job that could be ascribed to all dreams? To that question, I would offer a provisional yes. All dreams, I would argue, mirror consciousness. If we are preoccupied with something, anything at all, it's a sure bet that thing will play out in dream. If we have unresolved issues of importance, these, too, may be expected to play out in dream. A quick illustration of why the dreams are mirrors hypothesis is superior to the dreams are wish-fulfillments hypothesis: Suppose you had a dream in which you were torn to pieces and devoured by sharks. A dream analysis based strictly on the Freudian hypothesis would presume that you are suffering from some sort of death wish. An analysis based on the mirror hypothesis would conclude simply that you are at the energy level of fear. Which conclusion would you find most useful?the one that leaves you with the question Where the heck is that death wish coming from? or What is it in my life that I'm afraid will tear me to pieces? Now ... According to the model advanced in this book, the human being (TEV) is one part of a two-part invention, the other part being higher self. The general mission of the physiologic/higher self complex is to










Experiential data received by physiologic self is Dreamtime is the time in

transmitted continuously to higher self.

which higher self offers feed-back to physiologic self. O physiologic self, are you in the grips of anxiety? You higher self sends you anxiety dreams, and continues to do so until you resolve the anxiety issue in one way or another. I haven't been a college prof for over twenty-five years, yet still I have, on occasion, academic anxiety dreams. For example: It is the very end of the semester. I bring Thank you, the Finals are over, and final grades have been ascertained. those final grades to my department chairman.

chairman says, but where are the grades for Humanities 204? Humanities 204? I reply. My mind starts reeling ... 204, 204 ... oh my God ... 204 ... I forgot all about it! Eventually, I got higher self's message. Now, when I leave home to go about my activities, I take with me a list of all the things I intend to do that day. If physiologic self is in the grips of fear, higher self sends what are called nightmares. Scary, scary. If the fear is really profound, then the same nightmare may appear again and again. If higher self presents us with same dream, nightmare or otherwise, time and again, we should take that dream very seriously. The contains information of the utmost importance. Fine, you say, but do I extract that information? How do I even begin? Begin with this understanding, which I derived from L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard called unpleasant, unwanted emotions mis-emotions. Mis-emotional experiences, whether in life or dream, are never unique. Each one has a long history of earlier-similar experiences, a history that goes back to a basic-basic (the original experience on which the chain is based). In my terms, the structure of such a chain is fractalic. Hubbard's application of his analytical technology (Dianetics) led him

in short order to the understanding that each of us has lived many, many lives. He came to this understanding simply by tracking earliersimilars, in his own case and eventually in the cases of thousands of others. Excited by this finding, he set out to visit, around the world, locations where he had lived in former lives. The results were published in a book titled Have You Lived Before This Life? In the early eighties, I set to find, through dianetic processing, the meaning of a recurring nightmare from my childhood. Mother was playing piano in the dining room. When the music stopped, I went into the room and found her dead, lying on her back, her blue eyes wide with fright. Immediately, I spotted the killera huge black spider. I picked up a baseball bat and chased the spider around the room. It was very fast, never allowing me to get a good swing at it until it alighted on the forehead of my mother. I swung the bat and smashed it, smashing Mother's skull at the same time. After I had audited the nightmare, which is to say, after I had looked at it many times, gathering all information obtainable, I was asked to go to an earlier-similar. myself in nineteenth century Paris. I did so immediately, and found Details of that experience are

unimportant, save that it involved the smashing of a skeleton. It was the next earlier-similar that blew my mind.... In that next earlier-similar, which followed something that felt like a very fast subway ride, I experienced myself as a beam of light emanating from what appeared to be the surface of the sun, or a sun. I was one among millions of beams of light, and in some of the beams I recognized the proto-physical forms of people I knew in my present life. My first thought was, Wow, I'm being expelled from God! What I was witnessing was the birth of my individuality, and my first thought regarding the incident was very important, as I later found out. I related this visionary experience to a channeled entity by the name of Elan, and Elan suggested that our first thoughts (definitions)

regarding the origin-of-individuation experience influence greatly the spin of incarnational lives. define, so we create. Can I change my personal Garden of Eden incident?--which in my case is the basic-basic underlying all subsequent separation anxiety experiences. Yes. In fact, the incident is already changed. It changed as soon as I observed it. It changed greatly when I allowed myself to re-program my earliest definition. adventure! Teaching Dreams There is a super-special kind of dream. Dreams of his kind have a super-vivid, even cinematic, character. They are the very, very memorable dreams. They are the dreams we feel we must write down. I call them teaching dreams. Others call them visionary dreams, or just visions. What I have found is that these dreams involve information that is critical to life explorations we have undertaken and/or life explorations we will undertake in the future. An example of such a dream? I have many. Let me present one that I had in 1963, not long after the Kennedy assassination. This dream was cinematic, complete with a titleThe Show of Light, the All-Time Horror Flick. The first half of the dream-movie presented twenty vignettes, each depicting something we would regard as beautifula mother singing softly as she bathes her baby in a crystal-clear pool, young lovers sitting on a porch swing in summer, sharing their very first kiss. The second half of the dream presented the same characters, but this time the actions were horrifying. The young mother drowns her baby in a murky pool. The young man arises from the porch swing, picks up Now, when I recall the incident, as I do from time to time, I say, Wow!--what an exciting As I defined the experience somewhat As we negatively, my lives have had a somewhat negative spin.

a croquet mallet and bashes in the head of the girl. I confess to not having been able to stay in the dream beyond the fifth of the horror vignettes. I awoke in a cold sweat. Thus was I provided with an introduction to one of the main subjects of my contemplation and my writingpolarity. We live, saith Bashar, on the plane of polarity. Every positive has its opposite negative. My contemplation of this reality led me to three major realizations. evolution. restricted. First, it caused me to understand that I should be at The spectrum, as it is, serves peace with the polarity spectrum.

Without the wide variety of attitudinal/behavioral options This is not to say we should condone highly negative

afforded by the spectrum, our opportunities for growth would be behavior, only that the existence of a full spectrum, from extremely positive to extremely negative, has greater value as a teachinglearning game condition than a spectrum with a smaller range, the sort of range one would find, for instance, in a police state. Second, it led me to explore that question of why people would choose to explore very negative options. Why do people become serial killers?or sexual predators. Why do some people choose evil? The best answer I found is offered by Ron Hubbard. There is a relatively small number of people, Hubbard states, who are classifiable as SPssuppressive persons. (Roughly 2.6 percent of the population.) The SP, Hubbard suggests, is a victim of a mad, howling situation of some yesterdaynot necessarily a yesterday in the SP's present lifetime. The mad, howling situation is always present in the consciousness of the SP, and for this reason the SP is in constant need of self-protection. This the SP seeks to provide by suppressing other people in the vicinity. When we combine Hubbard's concept of the SP with his doctrine of the winning valence, we can begin to form a picture of the psychodynamics behind the psychopathic personality. A father beats the

mother in the presence of a child under five.

(Usually, our critical

faculties don't begin to emerge until we're over five.) Presuming there are no other influential role models with whom the child identifies, the child will tend to identify with the parent who is perceived as winning the winning valence. Valence here may be thought of as synonymous with personality construct. Various other factors may come into play that attenuate the child's tendency to follow the model of the father. Nevertheless, the tendency will be there. We are programmed to survive (embracing that which strengthens us, rejecting that which weakens us), and that mandate means, for the child under five, the adoption of behavior traits that seem to be the winning traits. Now, let's put two and two together and shed a little light on the psychopathology of the SP: The SP is the victim of a profoundly humiliating experience, in this or a former life, and has gone into the valence of his/her torturer. No need for a ten-volume anatomy of evil. Evil (interestingly, the reverse of live) is simply an attitude formed on the basis of a firm decision never to allow a certain humiliating, horrible thing to happen again by becoming like unto that which caused this thing to happen in the first place. The torturer is perceived as having the winning valence. infantilism. Hubbard suggested that SPs are not curable for two reasons. One, their lives are ongoing crime scenes. Two, they are not in their own valences. In my terms: Their connection with higher self, source of the true valence, has been subjected to an over-ride. Some torturer stands and commands where higher self once stood. On his Tone Scale, Hubbard puts the SP at 1.1, covert hostility. On the Hawkins scale, the SP would be located at energy level 20 shame. Shame is used as a tool of cruelty, and its victims often Quite a trap, wouldn't you say? Evil is pathetic, a form of Nothing glamorous about evil, folks.

become themselves cruel

Shamed children are cruel to animals and

each other. The behavior of people whose consciousness is only in the 20s is dangerous. They are prone to hallucinations of an accusatory nature, as well as paranoia; some become psychotic or commit bizarre crimes.

Some shame-based individuals, Hawkins continues, compensate by perfectionism and rigidity and become driven and intolerant. Notorious examples of this are the moral extremists who form vigilante groups, projecting their own unconscious shame onto others whom they then feel justified in righteously attacking. punishing bad women.


killers have often acted out of sexual moralism with the justification of Third, my contemplation of the polarity spectrum led me to understand the criticality of what Hawkins calls the neutral position. Consider a subject, any subject. Call it X. On this subject there will a range of opinions. Visualize that range of opinions, from 1 to 21, 1 being most negative and 21 being most positive. The neutral, interface position is at 11. When in position 11, you are detached (momentarily) from any opinion (all the other positions involve opinions). At position 11, you are hence freer to receive inputs from higher self, which is why this position can also be described as the power position. opinions on the positive side of the choices-spectrum. Making a practice of moving into neutral is necessary to the development of open-mindednessfreethink. The more open-minded you are, the greater your opportunity to create a preferred reality. Beliefs Beliefs are not airy nothings. They are definitions, and definitions are components of the template on which our reality is When you advantage yourself of those inputs, you are more likely to choose


Currently, our personal and collective realities suggest that

more than a few of us defined our birth into physical reality in negative terms. We are aptly described as a fear-based species. When we look in literature for re-stimulators of original fear, we find them in profusion. The doctrine of original sin, the Garden of Eden story, the Holocaust, the book of Revelation, and not to leave science out of the picture ... the Law of Entropy, the life is war theory of Charles Darwin, et cetera and so forth. Need I mention that fact that five out of ten Hollywood films are fear re-stimulators? Fear is big business! We have nothing to fear except fear itself. So said Franklin Roosevelt, who copped the line from Julius Caesar. Why fear fear? It's necessary to understand fear, but not to fear it. indicator of danger. Fear is simply an If we eliminate our common definitions of a

multitude of persons and things as fearful, replacing those with definitions of the said persons and things as opportunities for learning, we will find ourselves shifting, magically as it were, from a fear-based to a joy-of-learning-based species. The reward for such a shift is great. We'll find ourselves being happy. The Jeffersonian dedication of our country to the pursuit of happiness has mystified millions. It makes perfect sense to me. Remove the re-stimulators of fear, andlo and beholdhappiness appears. Happiness is native state.

At this present historical moment, many of our fellow humans have some pretty strange, dangerous beliefs. We'll be looking at a few of those beliefs in the final chapters of this book. Notes 1Power vs Force, p. 60. 2Ibid, p. 61.


Chapter 11

The Pattern of Human History

Whats past is prologue. --William Shakespeare

In the West, the first theory of the pattern of human history was offered by the Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico (1668-1744), in his Scienzia Nuova (The New Science), first published in 1725. Vico was the first to see that the various institutions of nations are emanations of what he called ages and what I call foundational paradigms (life visions). In Vicos terms, the first age, the age of the gods, produces theocratic government; the second age, of heroes, produces aristocratic government; and the third, the age of men, produces representative government. William Shakespeare did his bit in the quest by offering the aphorism, Whats past is prologue. Indeed, the past is template for the future. However, the aphorism gives us no idea as to how novelty emerges in human history. How can something new and perhaps wondrous enter into the history of mankind? Shakespeare, I should add, does address the question of novelty in his miracle play The Tempest. More about this play in chapter 15. The quest initiated by Vico culminated in the modern period in Marxs dialectical materialism, and in the devolutionary theory of the American economist and social theorist Thorstein Veblen. Marx maintained that human history is essentially a record of class struggle.

As a result of the development of commerce and industry, he held, the merchant class becomes more and more powerful; and eventually, the most powerful figures within this class (the capitalists) assume the Power Seat in the social order. The capitalists start running the show, and because of their insatiable greed, run it into the ground at which point the victimized working class revolts. After the revolution, a dictatorship of the proletariat gets to sit in the Power Seat and, supposedly, prepare the way from a truly just society, one in which each gives according to his ability, and gets according to his need. Veblen looked upon Marxs vision of a proletarian golden age as utopian nonsense. There is indeed a pattern to mankinds history, Veblen argued, and the pattern is devolutionary. Mankind originated in a state of peaceable savagery, Veblen tells us, and thereafter commenced a long downward slide into the abyss of predation. Though I regard Veblen as one of my principal mentors, I differ with him on many issues. The key difference is this: I see the apparent devolution of our species as an inevitable, and perhaps necessary, part of our evolution. The rationale behind my point of view will become clear as this chaper unfolds. Fractal Dialectical Idealism Patterning in nature was described by Benoit Mandelbrot as fractalic. Bruce Lipton describes the design of the evolutionary Everything is fractal! Lipton once exclaimed; Is it possible that the longprocess as fractalic.

and this assertion stirred my curiosity.

sought pattern of human history is fractalic? The answer I offer is yes. The label Ive coined to describe the pattern is fractal dialectical idealism. Definitions: Idealism refers to ideas of importance and to complexes of ideas, or paradigms. Dialectic means, literally, a conversation. In the present context, it

refers to an often heated conversationa conversation that issues, not infrequently, in war. Historically, the first idealism was aboriginal holism and the second was separatist barbarism. These idealisms represent the two sides of the basic dialectic underlying human history. In simple terms, the holistics are those who hold that we are all related and all deserve a fair break, and the separatists are those who insist that we are better than thou and therefore entitled to run the show. Over time, the controversy between the holistics and separatists repeats itself, over and over, in ever more complicated terms. Same controversy, different degrees of complexity, which is why the pattern may be described as fractalic. Now As humans are holistic by nature, convincing re-articulations of holism (by prophets, philosophers, etc.) tend to garner wide support. The teachings of Jesus the Christ, for instance, represented a rearticulation of holism. God is Father (we are all related). Whats more, God is Love. The god of the Old Testament who enjoined the ancient Hebrews to slaughter the Palestinians, is certainly no god of Love; and so we may suppose that the ministry of Christ was meant to replace this god with the god of Love. As separatist philosophies tend to be self-serving, they rarely inspire widespread support. (More often than not, they inspire loathing.) Without widespread support, the heights of Power cannot be scaled; and so to create the support they require, separatist would-be world shakers have to co-opt movements that have wide support. (As a rule, where there is a powerful movement of any kind, youll find separatists endeavoring to take it over. Usually, they succeed.) For instance, the early Christian movement was co-opted by the Roman emperor Constantine, with the result that one sect of Christianity (the separatist sect, naturally) became the official religion of the Empire. As soon as Roman Catholicism was established as the

state religion, writes Elaine Pagels in The Gnostic Gospels, the bishops, previously victimized by the police, commanded them. Possession of books denounced as heretical was made a criminal offense. Copies of such books were burned and destroyed. [1] In the Holy Bible brought into existence by Constantine, the Christ teachings are marginalized, and the separatist god of the old days, who ordered the extermination of the Palestinians, is equated with the god preached by Christ. What a travesty. Another example will be offered in the next chapterthe co-option of the new science of evolution by separatist thinkers. And so to come to the main thesis: Human history shows a repetitive pattern, and the pattern involves (1) The rise of a popular holistic truth movement, (2) take-over of the movement by separatists, (3) expansion of the now power movement (a power movement is all about power, not truth) to world-shaking proportions, and, lastly, (4) the corruption and falling apart of the power movement. We can find a playing out of the pattern close to home: (1) The establishment of the United States as an egalitarian republic, the original New World Order; (2) the co-option of the United States government by members of a reactionary New World Order; (3) expansion of the reactionary power movement to super-power status; and (4) the corruption and falling apart of the power movement. It would certainly appear that we are well into stage four. Whats next?the surveillance/prison state? Perhaps, but not for long. detested. Such states do not last, for the simple reason they are Further, it should be noted that the real powers-that-be, If the libertarian

our higher selves, favor libertarian cultures/societies, as these provide good environments for individual/societal growth. flame is flickering out in America, as it seems to be, we can expect more and more in the way of disaster. In our favor, I should add, is the fact that American is the birthplace of the holo-model of universe.

Scientific Holism We the People of the present end-times have a very interesting new beginning-times option awaiting us, and that is the adoption of a new holistic life vision that will put the separatists out of office and the holistics into office. As science goes, so go the masses. This has been more and more the case, ever since Sir Francis Bacon suggested that the advisors to the king ought to be scientists (rather than theologians). Well the fact is more and more scientists are making a case for the holo-model of universe. The universe is a one thing that expresses itself in multitudinous ways. Aboriginal peoples have always intuitively understood that all humans are children of the one Great Spirit. Western science is now validating that intuition. validation I call scientific holism. To fully understand the critical importance of scientific holism, we need to review, briefly, the cultural evolution of the civilization we call Western, a substantive name for which would be Monotheistic civilization. Western civilization is based, as are all civilizations, on the above-cited idealismsaboriginal holism and separatist barbarism. These idealisms may be considered sub-foundational paradigms. Atop these are foundational paradigms, or life visions. paradigms underlying Western civilization are: The foundational Greco-Roman This movement of

polytheism, Judeo-Christian monotheism, and materialistic scientism. Greco-Roman polytheism. Under this paradigm, the Great Spirit of the aboriginals is fractured into many gods and goddesses (hence polytheism). The divine realm is now separate from the There are still The Great natural realm. The kingdom of Zeus is on Mount Olympus, and many of the gods make their primary residence there. connections between the deities and nature, of course.

Ones are identified with the most powerful forces of nature. Poseidon, for instance, is god of the seas, and Aphrodite goddess of love. Nevertheless, the aboriginal oneness of divine and natural realms is gone. Earth, under this paradigm, is sacred still. mountain glen and spring has its guardian spirit. Indeed, every Humans, mere If they

playthings of the gods, had better be respectful of nature. thing.

arent, they run the risk of incurring the wrath of the gods. Not a good The paradigm offers very few ways of pleasing the gods. One way is to demonstrate great valor in war. If a warrior really impresses the gods, he might be made into a demi-god, which is a sort of honorary god. He might even get to become a star constellation. The bibles of this paradigm are the Greek and Roman myths and the Homeric epics the Iliad and the Odyssey. Judeo-Christian monotheism. Under this paradigm, the gods and goddesses, nymphs and divas vanish, and are replaced by the One GodGod the Father. (Great Spirit, by the way, is neither male nor female; God the Father is obviously male.) The separation of divine from natural realms becomes much more pronounced, as God is said to dwell in the kingdom of Heaven, far from Earth. Earth, in this paradigm, is not sacred. Rather, it is a fallen world, a good place to leave. It is valuable only as a stage for moral struggle. Here it is that we humans have the opportunity to overcome our natural tendency to be disobedient, to turn ourselves into faithful servants of God the Father and, or course, his authorized reps on Earth. This paradigm served as the Wests dominant foundational paradigm between the fourth century, when Catholicism became the official religion of the Roman Empire, and the late nineteenth century. It presents itself as far superior to the pagan predecessor paradigm, but continues what many would regard as the worst feature of

polytheismthe celebration of war as a God-pleaser. martyrdom in war is said to be a passport to Heaven.

Indeed, under

this paradigm, war (war instigated by the church) becomes holy and The principal bible of this paradigm is, of course, the Holy Bible. If we consider the Moslems are the easternmost peoples of Monotheistic civilization, then the Koran should be listed as well. Materialistic scientism. established scientific materialism Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) as the orthodox scientific

methodology, thereby excluding theological inquiry from the category of scientific investigation. way to truth. religion. Quite a paradox, no? Western science, after Newton, became a religion. Lets unwrap the paradox. Newton established scientific materialism on the basis of the affirmation Hypotheses non fingo, which translates, I dont touch hypotheses. What he meant was simply that real scientific investigation is inductive, not deductive. An inductive approach starts with the compilation of facts, just the facts as Joe Friday used to say, then allows the facts to suggest a sensible interpretation of the facts. The investigator then formulates the interpretation as a thesis. Deductive inquiry, in contrast, starts with a belief that is recognized as a truism, and from that truism deduces (draw forth) an hypothesis or hypotheses regarding what must therefore be the case. A thesis is a proposition supported by empirical proof; an hypothesis is a proposition advanced as a logical implication of some truism or other. Now when I say Scientific materialism is the one and only way to truth, am I stating a thesis or an hypothesis? Well? Times up. Given the enormous prestige of Newton, scientific materialism came to be regarded as the one and only valid Thus was scientific materialism transformed into materialistic scientism, scientism meaning science operating as

Im stating an hypothesis. This particular hypothesis is the doctrine on which the Wests most recent foundational paradigm is based. doctrinal rather than empirically demonstrable. The bible of the Church of Scientism is comprised of an old testament (Newtonian physics and science theory) and a new testamentclassical Darwinism and neo-Darwinism. Ironically, one of the most impressive examples of deductive speculation at its worst is offered by the Darwinists. On the basis of the supposed truism that evolution is the product of micro-changes over a vast expanse of uninterrupted time, the Darwinists deduced that macro-evolutionary events must follow the same pattern as microevents. Whew! That is not science. It is the collapse of science. Materialistic scientism, as I have shown elsewhere, has proven a great retarder of many of the Western sciences, especially the Darwinism-based sciences. The movement I call scientific holism offers us a release from inadequate sciences of the past and present. That is a great service. The greatest service it offers, however, is its validation of the science of the aboriginal peoples. scientifically. [2] Our survey of the life visions of Western culture indicates a pattern of ever-increasing deracinationseparation from nature and from God. The devolutionary movement may be expected to continue, until scientific holism takes root in common thought. From that point on, the movement of human evolution will be upward, at a very fast pace. Allow me to put on my futurist's cap for a moment.... What our aboriginal ancestors knew intuitively, that we are all related, all peoples will soon know I label this paradigm materialistic scientism because its central tenet is

One of the strong indicators that we Americans are making the shift from polarity to holistic politics will be the emergence of a considerable body of literature supportive of holocracy--government of the (whole) people, by the (whole) people, for the (whole) people. Democracy, as I see it, is a polarity concept, one that pits the masses (the people) against the plutocratic powers (the transnational corporations in the case of the United States). policies and practices fair to the All. The over-riding

emphasis of holocratic government would be on the development of

Chapter 12

The Conspiracy Against Human Evolution

Were no better than bacteria! --Dr. Eric R. Pianka

There exists a large-scale conspiracy against human evolution. Youve probably never heard of this particular conspiracy, and so some back-grounding is our necessary starting point. Whats evolution all about? the single cell. First fact: The very first single cells, called prokaryotes, were (are) very small and contained only a few IMP complexes. IMP, youll recall, represents the phrase integral membrane protein. Together, the two serve as a kind of hunter-gatherer team. Second fact: The fully evolved single cell, called the eukaryote, is relatively large (thousands of times the size of the prokaryote) and contains a very large number of IMP complexes. So, knowing just the above allows us to conclude that Singlecell evolution is all about increasing the cells IMP complex carrying capacity. If no bells and whistles are going off in your head, thats probably because you do not recall Dr. Bruce Liptons definition of the IMP complex. Each IMP complex, Lipton tells us, is describable as a An IMP complex consists of a receptor component and an effector component. You can readily answer this question yourself once you know a few facts regarding the evolution of

perceptual mechanism, or percept. physiologic basis of consciousness. Fact three: consciousness.

Indeed, the IMP complex is the

The IMP complex is the physiologic basis of

Evolution is all about increasing awareness, i.e., consciousness. When Mother Nature could do no more in the way of building consciousness capability into the single cell, she took evolution to a whole new level by creating the first multi-cellular organisms. You and I, dear reader, are the end-products of multi-cellular evolution. What is the next step in human evolution? Nature initiated the second stage of organic evolution by combining the end-products of stage one (eukaryotes) into the start-products of the multi-cellular stage. We may expect her to employ the same strategy in the formation of stage three organisms, i.e., individual humans will be networked into super-humans. This doesnt mean well become big fat humanoids with multiple heads. will be removed. It simply means that the veils separating individuals from one another, and from their higher selves, It means that many states of consciousness now regarded as paranormal will become normal. Weve known for some time that this Big Change is on the way. Historically, the post-Y2K8-12 period is prefigured in religious literature as the Age of God and New Golden Age. In New Age literature, from the prophecies of Edgar Cayce to those of the fabulous Anastasia and Eckhart Tolle, post-Y2K8-12 Earth is a major theme. As were living on the plane of polarity, there were, and are at present, many humans who dont want to see the Big Change happen. Call them the anti-evolutionaries. movement and called it Darwinism. In the mid- to late-nineteenth century, the anti-evolutionaries formed a powerful, world-shaking

Whats evolution all about? Increasing consciousness. What do the Darwinists say evolution is all about? The Darwinists maintain that evolution is nothing more than descent with modification. In their view, there is nothing progressive about evolution! It is this denial which allows the Darwinist Eric R. Pianka, for instance, to gain a respectful audience for his absurd claim that human beings are no better than bacteria. below. Unwrapping the Paradox A real paradox, no? Darwinism, a movement reputed to be practically synonymous with evolutionary science, is actually the greatest ideological enemy of evolution. When we unwrap the paradox, what we find is that Darwinism is a separatist evolutionary science built upon the suppression of two earlier holistic evolutionary theories, both of which maintained that evolution is progressive. Lets take a quick look at those theories. Prior to the advent of modern evolutionary science, the beliefs of most naturalists were governed by the doctrines of orthodox religion, which declared with absolute certainty that All species were created by God in the beginning. In the history of ideas, this belief is called the fixity of species doctrine. In the mid-eighteenth century, the fixity doctrine of the theologians became a general academic doctrine after Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), the great Swedish botanist, expressed the opinion that no new species had appeared on Earth since the Creation. Linnaeus later had second thoughts about his no new species proposal, but they came too late. His speculation had already become the official Word of Science in theological and academic circles. Not all religious thinkers were orthodox in their beliefs, however. Among these was the Swiss naturalist and religious cosmologist More about this dangerous evolution-denier

Charles Bonnet (1720-1793).

Bonnet took the old Chain of Being

concept and gave it a vitalist spin. Vitalism is the theory that a vital entity animates all organisms. Most vitalist theories maintain that the vital entity possesses degree of autonomy, i.e., it is capable of existing apart from the organism it animates. Youre familiar with the food chain, right? The precursor metaphor, invented by the philosopher Aristotle, was the Great Chain of Being. Mans at the top of the food chain, but only halfway up the Great Chain of Being--between the tiny creatures at the bottom and the angels at the top. Bonnet saw the Great Chain not as some Lower-link organisms unchangeable, fixed-forever thing, but alive.

could actually move up the chain! Whats a good word for up-chain movement? Evolution. Bonnet was the first to use the word evolution in the modern sense. What are the means by which this process of evolution occurs? According to Mr. Bonnet, all organisms are products of etheric machines. The idea of ether originated with the ancient Greeks, This rarified air was In who considered ether a kind of rarefied air.

thought to be alive and divine and to have the nature of fire.

Aristotle, ether is regarded as the fifth element, the first four being earth, air, fire and water. The term etheric machines was coined by Bonnet. Today, we would talk of these in terms of implicate Physical organisms are destructible, Bonnet tells us, but not etheric machines. The machines live forever. When the environment is stable, the etheric machines cause the generation of same-old, same-old organisms. However, when a catastrophe hits and the sameold organisms are all destroyed, then the machines get the chance to be creative, to generate up-chain versions of the same-olds. The process of evolution is progressive, Bonnet stated. The new, after-catastrophe creatures wind up a link above their precursors. One energies/fields or morphogenetic fields. [1]

day, Bonnet prophesied, a catastrophea really big onewill occur on Earth, and as a result, the apes will be morphed into something like humans and the humans will be transformed into angels. You might suppose that Charles Bonnet would be considered the father of modern evolutionary theory. Hes not. He didnt even get a nomination. That was because modern evolutionary science emerged out of opposition to vitalism, both the vitalism of the religions (the soul concept, for instance) and the sort of vitalism advocated by Mr. Bonnet. The coveted title of father of modern evolutionary science went instead to the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829). Lamarcks early work on the flora of France brought him considerable fame and election to the Academy of Sciences, the equivalent of Englands Royal Society. Between 1783 and 1793, he held a post at the Jardin du Roi, which was reorganized at Lamarcks suggestion to include a museum of natural history and twelve professorial chairs, including one for himself (of course). published a seven-volume study of invertebrates. theory of modern evolutionary science. Lamarck called his theory Transformism. After a long succession of generations, he wrote, the individuals belonging to one species, become at length transformed into a new species distinct from the first. The species from species idea is the foundational premise upon which all modern evolutionary science is based. [2] As to the means by which this transformational process is accomplished, Lamarck had this to say: Speciation (the formation of new species) is a two-part process involving, first, the development by individuals of new characteristics, and second, the heritance (passing along to offspring) of the acquired characteristics. In 1801, he In 1809, he

published his Philosophie Zoologique, which is recognized as the first

Like Bonnet, Lamarck viewed the evolutionary process as progressive. He believed that the history of living things on Earth shows a steady increase in complexity of organization. Nature had produced all the species of animals in succession, beginning with the most imperfect or simplest, and ending her work with the most perfect. [3] Darwinism The full story of how the new science of evolution was co-opted by the British is set forth in my book Over the Bones of the Dead. [4] Here, let me say merely that Darwin and his associates turned Transformism on its head. So-called classical Darwinism denies that evolution is in any way progressive, i.e., human beings are no big deal, just accidental phenomena. Further, it denies that individuals can develop new characteristics, as Lamarck claimed. [5] Also, it denies that acquired characteristics can be passed along to offspring, as Lamarck claimed. [6] Further, it denies that catastrophic change is a factor in evolution. [7] In his later years, Darwin reversed himself on a number of these issues. Indeed, by the time of his death, it could be said that he was more a Lamarckian than a classical Darwinist! Alas, his conversion came too late to affect the wildfire spread of classical Darwinism, which became, in a very short time, the orthodox evolutionary science of the Westand later the world. Translated into a socio-political theory that insisted population control is the key to national survival, Darwinism played an important role in generating both the first and second world wars, as well as scores of other post-war population control programs. The Darwinism-based population control agenda is a subject of the next chapter. At this point, lets turn to consideration of one of

Darwins latter-day we must control population disciplesDr. Eric. R. Pianka., aka Doctor Doom. Pianka Eric R. Pianka is the Denton A. Colley Centennial Professor of Zoology at the University of Texas, Austin. He is a 1960 graduate of Carlton College (BA) and a 1965 graduate of the University of Washington (PhD). In 1990, he received a second advanced degree from the University of Western Australia. To his list of degrees, let me add yet another, the MoD. Eric Pianka is a Merchant of Death. In March of 2006, leaders of the Texas Academy of Science presented Dr. Pianka with a plaque in recognition of his being named the Distinguished Texas Scientist of 2006. Attendees at the banquet (there were over 400) gave Pianka enthusiastic applause, just hours after the Distinguished Scientist had given a speech in which he advocated the destruction of 90 percent of the worlds population by means of airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), a highly lethal virus that kills in days. Understandably, Dr. Pianka did not permit the videotaping of his speech. Using an old-fashioned method of recording, pad and pen, Forrest M. Mims III, chair of the Texas Academys Environmental Science Section, wrote a summary of the Pianka speech that is available on the Net. Meeting Doctor Doom. [8] Pianka began his speech, Mims writes, with a condemnation of anthropocentrism, or the idea that humankind occupies a privileged position in the universe. Pianka hammered his point home by exclaiming, We are no better than bacteria! Dr. Pianka went on to express his opinion that the Earth wont survive unless certain major corrections are made. Without presenting any data to justify this number, he asserted that the only feasible solution to saving the Earth is to reduce the population to 10

percent of the present number. eye sockets.

Pianka then displayed a slide

showing human skulls, one of which had red lights flashing from the AIDS is not an efficient killer, he [Pianka] explained, because it is too slow. His favorite candidate [for] eliminating 90 percent of the worlds population is airborne Ebola. Dr. Pianka failed to mention, Mims comments, that Ebola victims die a slow torturous death as the virus initiates a cascade of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquify the internal organs. When Pianka finished his lecture, Mims reports, the audience applauded. It wasnt merely a smattering of polite clapping that audiences diplomatically reserve for poor or boring speakers. It was a loud, vigorous and enthusiastic applause. If you care to research the matter, youll find that Piankas Earth salvation plan is not an isolated intellectual malignancy, but an extreme expression of an anti-population sentiment that occupies an honored place in the midget minds of Darwinists and their followers. The historical background of this sentiment is a subject of the next chapter. True Science Whats the true science view of humans and of the human population? Human beings are the glory of evolution and the indispensable agency of the next evolutionary step. From the point of view of Mother Nature, large numbers of human beings are not a problem, but rather the sine qua non of evolution. She cant do her evolutionary work without lots and lots of humans. Our traditional Western religions may have misguided us in dozens of ways, but they speak truly when they call humans temples of God.

True science tells us that human beings are physiologically TEVsfantastic computerized terrestrial exploration vehicles. I, for one, have no problem with seeing a TEV as a temple of God. How about you? If you were a god wanting to experience Earth, would you prefer a TEV-type templeor some edifice made of stone and mortar?

Chapter 13

Dr. Dooms MentorsTom and Charlie

The twentieth century would be incomprehensible without the Darwin revolution. The social and political currents which have swept the world in the past eighty years would not have been possible without its intellectual sanction. Michael Denton

What is the origin of the monstrous suggestion of Eric Pianka, aka Doctor Doom, that we need to find a fast way of killing off ninety percent of worlds population? Answer: The pseudo-scientific speculations of two third-rate philosophersThomas Malthus (17661834) and Charles Darwin (1809-1882). This chapter, borrowed from my Over the Bones of the Dead, offers a brief report on the population problem, a problem invented by Malthus and manufactured by Darwin. Ordinarily, I dont borrow whole chapters from other books, but as were now in the midst of a Malthus revival and as this chapter does a very good job of contextualizing Malthus and Darwin politically, I think re-publication a good move. Malthus revival? Yes. Read James Kunstlers The Long Both of these Emergency and Richard Heinbergs Peak Everything. prophet. So, lets get on with it.

influential writers honor Malthus as an important and neglected

Social Darwinism Social Darwinism is the application of Darwinian biology and evolutionary theory to social theory. Darwin himself had little to say about the applicability of his theories to Homo sapiens. He didnt really have to, because he had Huxley (Darwins bulldog) to do that for him. And he had Thomas Malthus, the influential political economist. Thomas Malthus? Didnt he die in 1834? Yes, but death took only his body, not his talking head. The head lived on, and indeed spoke loud and clear from the pages of the Origin of Species. Mr. Malthus became a kind of embedded social theorist in the Darwinian revolution. Malthus and Darwin In 1798, Thomas Malthus, fresh from Cambridge University (where he had studied for the ministry), published anonymously a rather long treatise called Essay on the Principle of Population . In this essay, he advanced his famous Malthus doctrine, which asserts that populations tend to increase at a geometrical rate, whereas the means of subsistence increases at just an arithmetical rate. Without the checks of disease, famine and war, Malthus argues, human populations would double their size every twenty-five years or so, creating a big problem for themselves and an even bigger problem for the government. The kindness of Providence, Malthus suggested, consists in the natural checks to population growth. It followed that any interference with these checks through almsgiving, hospital care, or peace societies, was cruelty to the rest; while starvation, pestilence, and bloodshed were merciful gifts from on high. [1] Malthus, in his own words: We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operation of nature in producing mortality; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other

forms of destruction which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate [reject] specific remedies for ravaging diseases. [2] Circulation of the Malthus essay resulted in a storm of abuse directed against its author, according to Isaac Asimov. One of the abusers was the eminent philosopher-poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Is it not lamentable that the monstrous practical sophism of Malthus should now have gotten complete possession of the leading men of the kingdom! Such an essential lie in morals I solemnly declare that I do not believe that all the heresies and sects, and factions, which the ignorance, and the weakness, and the wickedness of man have ever given birth to, were altogether so disgraceful as this abominable tenet. [3]

Malthusianism was despised by just about everyone, with the exception of those in the ruling elites and their social planners. Had not Darwin chanced to read the Malthus essay in 1832, for amusement, Malthusianism might not have survived for more than a few decades after the death of its originator. Alas, Darwin not only read the essay, he made the Malthus doctrine the foundational premise of his evolutionary theory. Upon reading Malthus, Darwin says, it struck him that the struggle for existence Malthus spoke of was not just a prevailing condition of life, but the necessary condition of evolution. Looking at nature anew, from the Malthusian perspective, Darwin saw a gladiatorial arena in which organisms battle incessantly for survival: A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at which all organic beings tend to increase, he writes. Every being must suffer destruction [italics mine] otherwise, on the principle of geometrical increase, its numbers would become so inordinately great that no country could support the product. Hence, as more individuals are produced that can possibly survive, there must be in every case a struggle for existence It is the doctrine of Malthus applied with manifold force to the whole animal and vegetable kingdom. [4] What of evolution? Evolution arises out the endless mortal combat. Organisms with a bit of an advantage in the fight tend, naturally, to winthe prize being the opportunity to reproduce. Darwins evolution is, in crude contemporary terms, a sex and violence show. Scientific Socialism Among the notables strongly influenced by Darwin was Karl Marx, who self-styled himself the Darwin of sociology.[5] In Darwinism, Marx found strong support for his conviction that social

evolution is the product of class conflict, not, as his opponents maintained, class co-operation. In 1859, Marx, living in obscurity in London, learned of the Linnean Societys famous meeting [first presentation of the theory of evolution by means of natural selection] and explosive aftermath. He attended Huxleys lectures on the Darwin-Wallace theory, and a friend later recalled that Marx spoke of nothing else for months. The new theory, Marx wrote Freidrich Engels, provided a basis in biology for his concept of societal evolution through class struggle. [6] The triumph of Marxs scientific socialism over what he called utopian socialism was due in good part to the legitimization Darwinism provided. The Nazi Race Purification Program The Germans cultivated their own brand of scientific socialism. Germany was the first country to become thoroughly converted to Darwinism, thanks to the evangelical work of the prominent biologist-Social Darwinist Ernst Haeckel, father of German race science. Race science was based on Haeckels pronouncement that the various human races are separate species. Following up on this pronouncement, German scientists set about the work of distinguishing between progressive and regressive races. The results of this work are well known. A classic in race science is Alfred Josts The Right To Death (1895). The State, according to Jost, has a natural right and sacred responsibility to kill undesirable individuals in order to keep the nation, the social organism, alive and healthy. [7] Race science achieved full political expression in Hitlers Nazi Party. As early as the publication of Mein Kampf (1924), Hitler had declared that the sacred mission of the German people was the

assembly and preserving of the most valuable stocks of basic racial elements [and] slowly and severely raising them to a dominant position. The Third Reich was a powerful machine designed to do just thatto assure that the future was dominated by Germanic genes. During the period of Hitlers rule, the Kaiser Wilhelm Societythe Germans top scientific research institutefocused much of its attention on eugenics. This emphasis reflected the Fuhrers absolute commitment to eradicating life unworthy of life. He had no doubt he was fighting for the health of his race: If the power to fight for ones own health is no longer present, Hitler wrote, the right to live in this world of struggle ends. [8] The Politics of Population Control The defeat of Hitler and collapse of the Soviet empire did not mean the end of the Malthusian agenda. The agenda lived on and is still foundational to contemporary social planning. Indeed, even the archaic Malthus treatise on population is regarded as entirely valid in certain high academic and governmental circles. If you have any doubts about this, consult Julian Simons book The Ultimate Resource. Why does Malthusianism still have possession of the leading men of the world? The answer is, in four words: Elitists fear of population. The American and French revolutions had struck great fear in the hearts of the ruling powers of Europe. George III, our old adversary, went so far as to commission British Intelligence to find a way to destroy independent republicanism in the United States and wherever else it might rear its ugly, anti-Old World Order head. A principal philosopher of independent republicanism (the original New World Order) was Thomas Paine (Pen of the American Revolution), whose political theory was based on the simple premise that as individuals existed before governments, governments must

have derived from individuals. Thus, Paine concluded, the only legitimate duty of government is to protect the rights of individuals. This political philosophy is termed individualism. The constitution of the United States was the first formal political expression of individualism. Malthus was the Old World Orders responder to Paine and his political theory. The circulation of Paines Rights of Man is supposed to have done great mischief among the lower and middling classes of people in this country, he writes (in the population essay). This is probably true; but not because man is without rights or that these rights ought not to be known; but because Mr. Paine has fallen into some fundamental errors respecting the principles of government. [9] What are the real rights of man? Malthus: Nothing would so effectively counteract the mischief occasioned by Mr. Paines Rights of Man as a general knowledge of the real rights of man. What these rights are it is not my business at present to explain; but there is one right which man has generally been thought to possess, which I am confident he neither does nor can possessa right to subsistence when his labour will not fairly purchase it. [10] Malthus was a great success with the ruling elites of his and subsequent times because he made a case for the Rights of Rulers. His deprecating view of population served not science, but the will of his mastersto effectively counter the rise of individualism, which was called, by Malthus and his friends, moboracy and the demon democracy. Malthus masters? Malthus taught at Haileybury College, which was a prep school for future officials of the East India Company, a chartered trading company which went far beyond trading. The Company actually ruled India until 1857. In certain ways, it was the prototype of the C.I.A.

Thomas Malthus was one of the very first intelligence analysts. His specialty was, of course, population studies. Among his lesser known works is a treatise titled On Ireland, Population, and Political Economy. In this treatise, Malthus argues that because of very plentiful potato harvests, the Irish population is growing at a very fast rate. Unless something is done to reverse the trend, Malthus says, the Crown might find it difficult to control the Irish population. potato blight. In short, Thomas Malthus was, to use a phrase from Buckminster Fuller, a slave scientist. If science is telling your masters what they want to hear, then Malthus was, indeed, a very significant scientist. In time, the inheritors of Malthus mission came up with an effective counter to the threatening philosophy of individualism: Scientific state socialism. And what is the primary duty of state socialism? The control of population. In his Descent of Man (1871), Darwin reveals himself as a cardcarrying Malthusian: With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of everyone to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands, who from a weak constitution would formerly have succumbed to smallpox. Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. [11] Still think that Charles Darwin was a good scientist?and a nice guy? Forty years after the publication of this treatise, Ireland was devastated by a

Chapter 14

The Plot to Kill Our ET Brethren

From an indigenous perspective, the individual psyche can be healed only by addressing ones relationships with the visible worlds of nature and community and ones relationships with the invisible forces of the ancestors and Spirit allies. --Malidoma Some

Once, while hitchhiking in the desert, the Hopi peace messenger Thomas Banyancya was picked up by a white suburbanite who asked him, If a spaceship landed right across the road there and someone got out and came to you, what would you say? Thomas replied, Id say Hello, brother! If one reads Malidoma Somes fascinating account of the Dagara tribes in The Healing Wisdom of Africa, one learns that contact between tribespersons and ETs occurs on a regular basis! Malidoma means makes friends with enemies. Making friends with enemies requires a certain proximity to enemies; and so this brilliant African reverse missionary is residing in the state of Oregon.

In contrast, we Westerners seem to have a big problem with invisible forces and with strange phenomena visible only now and then, such as UFOs and ETs. Why? things are the devils work. We are afraid of them, deeply afraid. Our religions teach that such Our Darwinism teaches that fitter We are terribly mis-educated.

species have a kind of natural license to dominate or eliminate lesser species, and so it is that the idea there could be fitter species than ours in the neighborhood causes profound anxiety. [1] The Star Trek series and a dozen or so feature films have helped to mitigate this ET-phobia. However, the majority of films dealing with ETs do nothing more than mirror the general fear-based consensus. Most of these fear-films are mindless variants of the old Orson Welles War of the Worlds formula. A few, such as Signs, are very notably mindless. The title Signs has a double reference. It refers to the mysterious utterances of the main characters dying wife and to a crop circle formation in the corn field of the said main character, who is played by Mel Gibson. By now, most people are familiar with crop circles, or glyphs. Some of the glyphs are expressions of sacred geometry; others encode complex mathematical formulas, and others represent who knows what. If theres one crop circle that everybody should know about, its the Chilbolton Arecibo Reply formation. formation may be found at:,, and Even a cursory review of the information provided on these sites should convince you that, in all probability, a humanoid ET species has responded to a coded message that SETI transmitted from Arecibo, Puerto Rico in 1974. Details regarding this

Has any of the extensive research into crop circles rubbed off on the writers and director of Signs? None at all. Signs represents crop circles as alien invasion markers! wonders never cease. Wow. A terrifying alien invasion is stopped cold by a few whacks of an old baseball bat. Will After viewing this film, I left the theater seriously concerned about the gap between leading edge research, in all fields, and public awareness. Theres always a gap of course; but nowadays would it not be more correct to speak of an abyss?

An Astonishing Hypothesis

From Lipton science, we learn that our bodies are fantastic computers and that the operators of those computers are not in the bodies, but out there in the environment. Earth (Terra) is a terrarium. The only life forms that can exist here must be frequency-aligned with the terrariums specific frequency range. Life forms in higher frequency ranges cannot stop and smell the roses because if they did theyd destroy the roses. If higher domain entities want to experience Earth, the Emerald of the Universe, they must create Earth-safe representational bodies. Thats where you and I come in. Were the representational bodies. The consensus among channeled entities is that the ETs are our brothers and sisters, which indicates a common parentage. We are all related. The Lipton model of the human being as a TEV raises a new possible interpretation of ETs: them anyway) are higher selves? Is it possible that ETs (some of I dont have an answer to this

question, but I think it an important question to consider.


In August of 2006, I attended a very interesting conference at the James Gilliland ranch in Trout Lake, Washington. There I was introduced to the new science of exopolitics, which is defined by its founder, Dr. Alfred Webre, as the study of politics, government, and law in the Universe. It includes, Webre states, the study of political, governmental, and legal aspects of interactive contact and social integration between humans and off-planet cultures on Earth, in space, or through multi-dimensional realities. [2] A Fulbright scholar who earned his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School, Webre was a futurist at the Center for the Study of Social Policy at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) back in the days when the protocols for scientific remote viewing were established. He served as principal investigator for a proposed civilian scientific study of interactive communications between Terrans (a term I prefer to Earthlings) and entities from other planets. In 1977, he directed a proposed Terran/extraterrestrial communication project for the Carter White House. Today, he works to prevent the weaponization of space and to transform our present war-based society into a sustainable, peaceful, cooperative Space Age society integrated with other societies in the universe. During a break, I sat and chatted with Webre and the venerable Wendelle Stevens, who has collected over 4,000 photographs of UFOs. (Stevens has a website that displays many of these photos.) I liked Webre quite a bit. He is a knowledgeable, unassuming and humorous philosopher-scientist with an important mission. Only later, upon reading his ExopoliticsPolitics, Government, and Law in the Universe (2005), did I grasp the full importance of this mission. Viewers of Al Gores An Inconvenient Truth may recall the image of a cartoon frog sitting in water thats getting hotter and hotter. Alas, Earth is in the same predicament as the frog. Peter Barrett, director of Victoria Universitys Antarctic Research Center, remarks:

After 40 years Im part of a huge community of scientists who have become alarmed with our discovery that if we continue our present growth path, we [the human race] are facing extinction Not in millions of years, or even millennia, but by the end of the 21 st century. [3] Barrett is, in my view, an optimist. In the Gore film, a cartoon hand rescues the frog from the hot water. Who will rescue humankind? Clearly, we civilized humans havent proved very capable in the Earth-rescue business, and thus Dr. Webre is convinced the best exopolitical strategy for surviving the looming ecological emergency is to integrate with spiritually advanced off-planet cultures now visiting Earth. [4] On the basis of my perusal of a good number of Y2K8-12 scenarios, scientific and otherwise, I have to agree with Webre. Our species may not make it through the coming catastrophic changes without super-human help. Will the ET cavalry ride to our rescue? Would you ride to the rescue of fear-based people who were plotting to kill you? The Plot At the Trout Lake conference, I became acquainted with yet another pioneer of exopolitics, Dr. Michael Salla, author of Exopolitics Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (2004). website ( is well worth looking into. For a number of years, Dr. Salla has been tracking the U.S. response to the ET presence, and his findings are disturbing, to say the least. later. To very briefly summarize (in my own terms) Dr. Sallas detailed history of the United States governments response to the ET presence: It would appear that our government is guided solely by the age-old philosophy of WhackerismWhack em first, ask questions His

*Franklin Roosevelt was the first president to establish policy pertaining to the UFO/ET phenomenon, and policy protocol number 1 was Keep it all secrettop secret. *Subsequently, a clandestine organization was established to direct investigation of the phenomenon and come up with plan for dealing with the ET presence. generating a military solution. From the start, planners focused on The one organization multiplied, as

sometimes happens in our governmental bureaucracy, and the result was a complex of ET Whacker organizations. *So powerful did the complex become, it was readily able to terminate the non-belligerent initiative of President Carter and to keep subsequent presidents completely in the dark on the UFO/ET issue, when that was considered necessary. How interesting the president of the United States is no longer commander-in-chief. Has anyone told the People yet? A great many real reasons for the invasion of Iraq have been offered. Michael Salla offers yet another, quite extraordinary, reason: The Whackers want to recover ancient ET artifacts and recorded information from the ruins buried under Iraqs sands: Based on available evidence, significant ET artifacts might be located in Iraq, deriving from the ancient Anunnaki [the purported creators of the human species] presence in that country. Significantly, Saddams permission for a German team of archaeologists to resume excavations in the Sumerian city of Uruk after detailed underground mapping, suggest that this was possibly the location of the Sumerian Stargate [interdimensional portal], and/or important information concerning the operation of such technology and the prophesied return of the Anunnaki. [5] Wouldnt want the Germans to get to the Stargate first, would we?or allow the terrorists to get their hands on it.

Those who have been designated to protect us from the supposed ET threat, have been overly influenced, it would seem, by Indiana Jones. The Whackers have been at work for over sixty years now, formulating their military approach to the ET presence, and so it may seem that the peace-path people are really late to the game. They are! They have a lot on their side, however, including common sense. Wheres the Threat? Where is the evidence that ETs represent a threat to our species? What about the cattle mutilations? you ask. In the History channel documentaries on UFOs, youll find a rancher interviewed who witnessed on the cattle abductions. The abducting craft was a helicopter, he said. It was night. There was a momentary glow from the cockpit, and that glow enabled the rancher to see the choppers blades. parts? What about the surgical removal of The cattle were removed to a distance, strange surgical

procedures were performed, and the dead animals were then air-lifted back to their fields and dropped from a considerable heightwhich is why mutilated cattle had all kinds of broken bones. What about all the abductions of humans? Dont you take your computer(s) to the shop on occasion?for repairs or for up-grading. basis. Many years ago, I had a friend in She Connecticut who said she was taken up to a spacecraft on a monthly She had lost of all fear of the experience, she said. declared that although she didnt know exactly what went on during her visits, the trips were good for her health! According to Bashar, many so-called abductions have to do with a hybridization

project that has been underway for some time. The humans involved, Bashar says, agreed to participate in the project before their incarnation on Earth. The children now being born on Earth, Bashar says, are not merely a new generation, but a new species. You will find some verification of this up-grade if you direct your search engines to locate information on indigo children. Granted, most abductees are terrified by the experience. The terror results from our social programming, which tells us that ETs, whatever they are, are not our friends. Id recommend to them that they read Dr. Janet Collis Sacred EncountersSpiritual Awakenings During Close Encounters (2004). What about the reptilians? Have you read David Icke? Yes, Ive read David Icke. Indeed, I was moved by Ickes work to write comedic play called Zuvuya! The play, which opens on the eve of a reptilian invasion of Earth, addresses the question, If an invasion of negative ETs were to occur, would we humans have any way to effectively counter it? The plays answer is yes. I have had no direct contact with reptilians, and so they are not real to me. Many swear they exist, however. What Bashar says is that theyre real, but not extraterrestrials. Agreeing with Zecharia Sitchin, Bashar says that Anunnaki created the human species by combining their genes with mammalian stock. They did the same with saurian (as in dinosaur) stock, creating an Anunnaki-saurian species. theyre our cousins. Are you ready for a third terrestrial highly sentient terrestrial species? This is a species were quite familiar with, and fond of. The cetaceansdolphins and whales. advancedbeyond us. I believe that theres a fourth highly sentient terrestrial species, and this belief is based on my study and contemplation of the They are, Bashar tells us, quite The reptilians are terrestrial! They are our cousins. They may be ugly, but

Chilbolton Arecibo Reply formation. this formation. What do you think?

Look into the available data on

Earth, Alfred Weber writes, is a life-experiment planet under the jurisdiction of Universe society. Earths heritage as a lifeexperiment planet is the reason why both human intuition and our sacred religious traditions contain so many partial truths about Universe reality. We must be fearless in letting go of erroneous We carry concepts embedded in our science and religious traditions if we are to understand how the Universe evolves intelligent life. planets are grown and organized. growing Mind, endlessly creating unnecessary emotional and conceptual baggage as to how life-bearing Think of the Universe as a vast from its center Source; yet

decentralized in its architecture and operations. Webre is not the first Alfred to conceptualize the universe as a Mind. The first was Alfred Russel Wallace, co-founder of the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Darwinists now presume they are in the cultural power seat. They are, but not for much longer. It would be wise of them to re-look at their own paradigmatic source the Darwin-Wallace theory, as Darwinism was originally called. A correct Darwinism would reflect the thinking of both of its founders, the metaphysician as well as the materialist. Who knows?--if they did so, they might be able to breathe new life into the corpse of their orthodoxy.

Chapter 15

The Return of the King

On Earth as it is in Heaven.... --Jesus the Christ

In mid-2008, Dr. Bruce Lipton and co-writer Steve Bhaerman published an extremely important audio-book titled Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and How to Get There from Here. Spontaneous evolution means arising out of inherent patterns I view it as a provisional name for the problematical phrase Lipton has used for years to label his theory--fractal evolution. I expect that, in time, the Lipton theory will be labeled EvoCI, meaning evolution by means of consciousness increase, or perhaps harmonic evolution. Lipton's theory of fractal evolution is briefly outlined in Spontaneous Evolution, and the outline is sufficient to motivate wouldbe paradigm shifters to get busy and start shifting away from the orthodox evolutionary theory, neo-Darwinism, which maintains that evolution is merely a matter of descent with modification. One of Lipton's key points is that human social evolution follows the pattern of natural evolution. We humans have been through the societal equivalent of the fish phase, the amphibian phase, the little reptile phase, and we are now at the (spiked) tail end of the giant reptile (dinosaur) phase. Are we really living in the era of man-made dinosaurs? Where are they? Everywhere. They're called transnational corporations. The dinosaurs were nothing but blown-up little lizards, Lipton tells us. Unfortunately (for them), when their bodies were up-sized,

their brains were out to lunch. Consequently, they wound up with giant bodies and pea-sized brains. So long as the environment was stable, they were able to thrive; but when the environment changed radically, they had no option but to crash.. The transnational corporations followed, it would seem, the very same pattern. Bigger and bigger bodies, and pea-sized brains. In 1994, I viewed six or seven episodes of a brilliant cartoon series called Dinosaurs. The friendly little dinosaurs in the series, modeled on the Honeymooners cast as I recall, are governed by a big, nasty corporation called We Say So. Why do we have to eat this genetically modified crap?? Because We Say So. In the last episode, the We Say So Corporation brings the cartoon world to the brink of annihilation. Looking around these days, I see that many of the corporate dinosaurs are crashing, and that the biggest are getting even bigger. Lipton's advice as to what to do when the biggies crash: Get out of the way! The We Say So Corporation is an apt metaphor for what the conspiracy writers call the New World Order and what I call the Mordor World Order. (The real New World Order is egalitarian republicanism, circa 1789.) The term Mordor derives from Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. For those unfamiliar with Tolkien's epic fantasy, Mordor is a very unwholesome placea kingdom ruled by Dark Lord Sauron, who, having turned all those in proximity into zombies, seeks the zombification of everyone else in the world. The Sauron conspiracy can be broken only by the destruction of a ringthe One Ringthat controls all the other Rings of Power, and so the objective of the protagonists is to bring the One Ring to Mordor and destroy it. In real life, the equivalents of the Rings of Power are what Lipton calls basal paradigms. These are foundational life visions. Basal paradigms govern societies, i.e., most, if not all, aspects of any given society may be seen to reflect elements of the ruling basal paradigm. Up until the late nineteenth century, the dominant basal paradigm underlying Western civilization was Judaic-Christianity. This basal

paradigm was succeeded by scientific materialism, which derives from the Newtonian split of science and religion. Lipton summarizes the philosophy of this paradigm in the phrase All that matters is matter. It is this paradigm, this Ring of Power, that has given presentday Western civilization its Mordor-like character. Now for the good news: The days of the Mordorian rule on Earth are numbered. What the natural pattern of evolution indicates, Lipton tells us, is that we humans are now entering the societal equivalent of the mammalian phase. Mammals are, thank goodness, nurturers. Indicative of the up-grade is the fact that the One Ring is now in our grasp. In The Lord of the Rings, the One Ring was created by Sauron and its destruction means the end of Sauron's power. In real life, the One Ring is symbol of existence itself, which is holistic in nature. The existential Ring of Oneness is buried deep in the hearts and souls of human beings. The Ring has always been there, waiting for us to become mindful of it. To become mindful of it is to activate its lifegiving power. In science and in the general culture, a shift may be observed from the Mordorian-dinosauran view that All that matters is matter to the view that We're all in the same boat and so we'd better take good care of the boatand of one another. This new nurturing view reflects the emerging basal paradigm, holism, the One Ring that controls all the others. That's all very nice, you say, but the fact remains that in the here and now the Mordorians are in the power seat. Isn't there some way by which we mammalian-humans can facilitate the unseating of the Mordorians? Good question. Contra Mordor You need to understand a few things about the real-life battle against Mordor, which is in many respects unlike the battle portrayed in The Return of the King, the last film episode of The Lord of the

Rings.... Firstly, you need to know that it is not a good idea to engage the Mordorians on the field of force. The Mordorians are masters of force. If you do, you're likely to become a Mordorian yourself! To paraphrase a remark by Ron Hubbard: What you resist you become, unless you win. Winning on the field of force is not at all likely. Engaging the Mordorians in the field of consciousness is another matter. In this field, we can win. The Mordor consciousness is based upon an extremely dark life vision, a vision concocted by Thomas Hobbes (the Great Pessimist), Sir Isaac Newton (the Law of Entropy), Thomas Malthus (the Second Greatest Pessimist), and Charles Darwin (the carrier of Malthusianism into the modern and contemporary periods). Hobbes saw the Roman Catholic Church as an imperialistic enterprise built on the model of the defunct Roman Empire, and in this view he was correct. The Mordorian Order is, in the view of this observer, a fractal replication of the Roman Catholic Church! The Mordorian church I call the Church of Scientism. The God of the Mordorians? Diabolos, the principle of destruction. Like certain other religions, Scientism has a plan for the redemption of the world. What's the plan? The elimination of ninety percent of the human population!and complete control of all the rest.. It's important to understand that Scientism is dogma-based; it is a dark religion masquerading as science. Its Vatican is in London, its pope Richard Dawkins. Its seminaries have been established in virtually all of the West's universities. This situation explains why it has been so difficult for true scientists, people such as Bruce Lipton, to achieve the widespread influence they ought to have. So ... start turning a deaf ear to orthodox science and start studying the heretic scientists. It is a wise idea to begin your engagement with the Mordorians by dis-engaging from the Mordorian frequencies. (Everything, including beliefs, has a specific frequency.) Disengage as much as you can from the Mordorian transnational corporate complex. The economic mainstay of the future is not the big corporation, but the co-

operative. (Read Jim Hightower's book Swimming Against the Current.) Get rid of your big bank credit cards, and sign up with a credit union. Minimize your exposure to Mordorian television programming, i.e., programming featuring sex and violence. Don't use microwave ovens. Use your cell phone only for emergency purposes. As it is possible that the world computer network will not survive Y2K812 (one large solar flare could knock it out), develop skills that would enable you to survive in a world without computers. To what extent you can, go organic ... go natural, go green, go holo. Secondly, you need to know that the holographic theory of universe (holo-model) is correct, and not the Darwinian ferry-boat theory, the theory that the planet is a kind of insensate ferry boat carrying multitudinous life forms, all the product of chance. (It amazes me that so many scientists hold the Darwin theory in high regard, even though it is absolutely clear that a genuinely scientific inquiry into evolution must begin with the study of cell evolution, not speciation.) Previously referenced were two books introducing the holographic theoryBohm's Wholeness and the Implicate Order and Talbot's The Holographic Universe. A third book worth looking into is Stalking the Wild Pendulum, by Itzhak Bentov. The phrase holographic theory may be intimidating, but the understanding behind it is fairly simple: The universe is comprised of frequencies, all of which derive from a Source frequency. That which we call matter is a product of a frequency inter-weavings. A human technology that may be said to mimic materialization is holographic imaging, and thus the term holographic theory. If you are more comfortable with the terminology of mystics and seers, such as Nostradamus, then you may prefer the phrase Oneness theory of universe to holographic theory. Call the theory what you will, the implications of the theory are staggering. If universe is a Oneness, then all that we consider outside of ourselves is part of ourselves. What we do to others, we do, in fact, to ourselves.

Surely the Mordor Order is outside of ourselves? No. The Mordorians are aspects of ourselves. They are fearful and cunning cousins who have concluded that the only security to be had in this dangerous world is through the acquisition of more and more power power over others. Do you not subscribe to this view?--to one degree or another. The ideological father of the Mordor Order was the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Born in the midst of the Spanish Invincible Armada panic, little Hobbes grabbed his mother for dear life. In later years, he turned to the State to seek relief from fear of violence. Hobbes, in Leviathan, argues that in order to preserve peace on madhouse Earth, the State most hold absolute sovereignty and exercise that sovereignty in a very, very intimidating way. It must become a monster--a leviathan. The Mordor Order is Hobbism Writ Large. Hobbes, by the way, was condemned by Parliament in 1666. Another necessary implication of the holo-model is that no change is little. Every change we make in our lives, for better or worse, influences the whole universe. So ... if you were to eliminate Mordorian think in your life, you would be weakening Mordorism universally, would you not? Thirdly ... you need to focus seriously on developing yourself physically, mentally, spiritually. At the Black Gate, you will find it helpful to be fit in all respects. The battle there is very different from the battles we're accustomed to. Victory depends not on slaughtering enemies, but on transcending them. By transcending, I mean simply moving to a high consciousness, or frequency, level. Victory is close at hand when you are able to go above and beyond love of power to realization of the power of love. The Return of the King I suppose you might call me a post-orthodox Christianity

Christian. I have no problems with the teachings of Jesus of the Christ. I deeply respect the teachings and follow them as best I can. Further, I am quite excited to see the new physics and new biology are in many ways supportive of those teachings. Orthodox versions of those teachings, however ... those I have a few problems with. For starters, I don't view the word Christ as a proper name, which I why I refer to Jesus as Jesus the Christ. A christ is a person with is the consciousness of being one with the Most High. Christ consciousness is a concept that belongs to all humankind, not just to those who call themselves Christians. Please be mindful of this as you read the following.... To begin: Nomenclature. The Christ consciousness is defined as the highest consciousness a human being can achieve. Orthodox Christianity denies the possibility of achieving this level of consciousness by representing Jesus the Christ as the only and only son of God. The Christ himself contradicted this denial by saying, Ye are gods. By that, the Christ meant not that we are the Most High, but that we are children of God or, as I would put it, fractals of God. Every once in a while, a very great while God sends a teacher to Earth To try to explain to us humans that We are all gods-in-the-works Did the religious authorities in the time of the Christ approve of what he said? No way. The teacher does his best, people are impressed But the priests cry Heretic! And search high and low for all the crap That can make their charges stick!

What is the nature, specifically, of Christ consciousness? In a word ... Love. God is Love, the Christ tells us, and so it may be presumed that the Christ consciousness is Love. What is Love? Love is the feeling of strong affinity. Let us suppose that the universe is in fact a unity, everything deriving from one Source frequency, which frequency we call the Most High. The Most High is sentient, of course. It has consciousness, and Jesus the Christ tells us that the consciousness of the Most High is Love. If you were the Most High, don't you suppose that you would have affinity for everything in universe? Yes, of course. After all, everything comes from you.

Is there a fast-track to attaining Christ consciousness? The fasttrack advocated by Jesus the Christ is discipleship. Follow me, he said. He didn't say Follow you religious authorities, or Follow the scriptures. He said Follow me. Long ago, Jesus the Christ left the physical realm. So what does Follow me mean today? It means follow his teachings. The one and only authorized representatives of the Christ are the teachings left by the Christ. For those who are unable to take the fast track, there is also a slow, slow but reliable track, which involves climbing the consciousness ladder described by Dr. David Hawkins. Orthodox Christianity doesn't give us the wings wherewith to fly to heaven, but it does give us something of value. It gives us the ideal of Christhood, and it strengthens what beliefs we might have regarding Christhood through the congregation of believers. Thus I will speak briefly in defense of orthodox Christianity on an important matter.... Orthodox Christianity is under great attack these days. Its critics, Mordorian and otherwise, are having a field day, slaughtering Christian beliefs right and left. I myself am a long-time critic of orthodox Christianity, a friendly critic who advocates reform, not a Mordorian. The Mordorinans are interested in annihilating Christianity, not in setting it a-right. The main attack on Christianity these days has to do with the

orthodox Christ story. View the first section of a DVD called Zeitgeist. In this you will find that the details of the orthodox Christ story were made to fit, exactly, the details of a number of pre-existing Christ stories. This has led many to conclude that the story of Jesus the Christ is merely a fiction. Against this facile conclusion, I would argue You believe in instinct, right? Instinct means built within. What is built within? Knowledge of environment, knowledge of existence. We humans are born with knowledge of existence. As the universe is holographic in nature, I call the units of instinct holo-programs. Together, the holoprograms constitute what is called knowingness. In ordinary life, we often access this knowingness, calling it the voice of conscience, (Conscience means, literally, with the knowing.) From time to time, holo-programs are dramatized in visions and/or dreams. The very first influential human expressions of such dramatization are called archetypes. An archetype is definable as the original expression of a type, or set, of similar expressions concerning the nature of existence. It may be concluded that the orthodox Christ story, while not valid in terms of historical detail, is valid as an expression (a mythofractalic expression as it were) of ancient holo-program-derived wisdom. In certain accounts of the Christ story I've read, I should add, Jesus the Christ went to some lengths to choreograph the events of his ministry in order to align that ministry with messianic prophecy, i.e., in order to fulfill ancient prophecy. Ultimately, the historical Christ story doesn't matter much. What matters are the teachings. If you follow the teachings, you will awaken your True King, which is Christ consciousness. You will win at the Black Gate. You will not be left behind. If Christians were to follow my advice, would that mean the collapse of the Christian churches? No, but it would mean that the churches would have to re-organize themselves, becoming schools for the study of the Christ teachings. As such, they could become great positive influences in the present-day world.

Wings wherewith to fly to heaven I regard Jesus the Christ as the philosopher king of the West. His ministry was co-opted, for sure. That's the way it goes on planet Earth. Whatever is powerful attracts the power-hungry. Nevertheless, his message to mankind survives, waiting to be opened and read. Is the Christ the one and only philosopher king of the West? No. Another who has earned the title of philosopher king is known by the name of William Shakespeare. If you regard yourself as a humanist with an aversion to anything smacking of religion, including the term Christ consciousness, then let me suggest that you label the highest consciousness state attainable Shakespeare consciousness. Further, let me recommend an earnest reading of Shakespeare's last play, The Tempest, which offers, in my view, the summation of his wisdom. Unfortunately, the criticisms of this play are none too good, and so I'll offer my own.... The chief character in the play is Prospero, a white wizard who may have been modeled on the esotericist John Dee, an advisor to Queen Elizabeth and something of a mentor to Bacon. Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, has been usurped by his brother Antonio and by Alonso, King of Naples. He escapes to an island with his daughter Miranda and lots of books. Twelve years pass. Prospero grows wise and powerful. As the play opens, the virtual tempest sinks a ship that is carrying Prosperos old enemies. Safe on shore, Antonio conspires to kill Alonso, his old co-conspirator and father of a handsome young man by the name of Ferdinand. Prospero thwarts Antonios plans. Along the way, Miranda and Ferdinand meet and fall in love. Prospero et al, return to Milan. The play concludes with the marriage of the two young lovers, who, with

As a graduate student at Syracuse University, I became fascinated with this play and couldnt break the spell of it until I understood and expressed, poetically, its wisdom. The following poem was the result of my effort to master the plays meaning. Those who know the play will recognize the various allusions.

The Island of Prospero The man of the hour Wears always a tragic mien. Realitys a sea, most Of it unseen. By the time we find our bearings, Vis--vis the truth, We have lost the steering. What is gained By our disasters? Others know better How to fail. Prosperos island is beyond The heartrending insight And the tragic wail. Here, rightful rule Rules, commands The depths, stands Between the incubus And the virgins dream. Rule comes into its rightfulness Through the mind in solitude Learning what must be Understood Evils sway is stupor, Mans dominions good. What is gathered Gathers strength, frees

The Spirit from the wood, Brings the brute Into subservience, Orders the ardor of nature. Let the lovers unite Patience with passion So they are fit To keep the treasures of the heart The measure and means Of power. Let Their union mend Old injury And from the just reign Of their marriage spring, may The summer realm ascend. Prosperos island is More than mere Symbol, It is a reality Real as Hackensack. Even now, As we speak, The tempest arises, And the paradigmatic ship Of the West begins To founder. Soon the Age of Caliban And Darwin Will be no more. Those who make it to the shore Will find Prospero waiting There, his magic more Potent than ever. And with him will be, More beautiful than before, Miranda, mother of future Earth. For those who may not comprehend, The Bard of Avon and true king Of the English, descends And in the very end Of his last play, his last display Of consummate magic, he

Says that we Guarantee The safe return Of Prospero to the world By simple exercise of human cause Applause! Applause!

Elsewhere, Shakespeare writes that Ignorance is the curse of God, knowledge the wings wherewith we fly to heaven. I'm not in agreement with the idea that ignorance is a curse of God. A God of Love doesn't curse anything. Ignorance is simply a games condition. If we didn't have ignorance, we wouldn't have the great adventure of over-coming it. As to the second point, that knowledge offers us the wings to heaven, I'm in complete agreement. I hope that Playing with a Full Deck has provided you with, at very least, a few feathers for your wings. Copyright 2009 TDHall

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