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1 Peter 1:3

Scott, Stephanie, Zack and Ally Benedict

Sharing a Living Hope through education, counseling and student ministries II End of Summer 2013

Snowflakes in Costa Rica

by Stevie Jean Hegge Twelve years ago I had the privilege of getting to know Scott, Stephanie, Zack, and Ally from their days of student ministry. Ever since they have been an integral part of my life and now the life of my husband, Ben. As you know, they are currently in Costa Rica preparing to be missionaries in Honduras. We recently visited them.

Hola mis amigos!

...the latest from Stephanie The end of summer indicates we have one more trimester: thats scary and exciting. Its scary because I feel inadequate in the Spanish language, but exciting because we are 4 months away from beginning to serve in Honduras! Even though I got As in my classes, Im still in Spanglish mode, not being able to remember either language at times. But, Im grateful to God for Steph & classmat es everything He has done for us. This experience has been so stretching that staying close to God has been the nsformation only option. Another tra I enjoy serving as a counselor to many people, including students, language school students, teachers, and missionaries. We have a salon set up in our house, and its great to encourage many people through cosmetology. This past summer, Scott and I helped with an international student ministry and loved it. Well keep working with those students. We have lots of people in our home every week, and loved having friends from the US visit us this summer. Thanks for your prayers, support and financial partnership with us. We love you and pray for you all regularly. Hopefully well be able to see many of you in December and January!

Ben and Stevie Jea

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On our first day there, we joined them at their language school. It was in the middle of Spiritual Emphasis week, when they are challenged by different speakers. Dr. David Sills, a former student at the school and current university professor, spoke on resting in God. He conveyed his message in both English and Spanish and listening to him do this made my head spin! For the rest of the morning, I (Stevie Jean) joined Stephanie in her classes. Steph was asked to summarize a Bible passage in Spanish, without looking at the text as little as possible. After a few minutes, she carefully worked her way through the re-telling of the story. I sat there in amazement. Getting to that point takes a lot of hard work. They have a saying in Spanish: "poco a poco"- it means "little by little". Learning a new language is definitely something that is done poco a poco...with patience, courage, and strength from the Lord. In addition to the language barrier, we learned it is culturally acceptable to provide misinformation to someone. For example, if I were to ask someone directions to a store, regardless of whether that individual actually knew where the store was located, he or she would give me directions as if they really did know. Costa Ricans, also known as Ticos, do not like confrontation, so n Fishing in the Pacific Ocea they will tell you what they think you want to hear even if it is wrong. Even though there are cultural differences that can be challenging, Ticos are overwhelmingly friendly and welcoming. They really value and care about building relationships with one another. (continued on next page)

Wed like to pray for your current needs and thank God for your blessings. Email us:

When I got home, I read in our devotional book about the way snowflakes stick together in order to create a force to be reckoned with. On its own, a snowflake is beautiful, unique, and fragile; however, linked together with many more snowflakes, they can paint the landscape with glistening white or shut down entire big, bustling cities. The story goes on to say: Each of us has been uniquely gifted with the capacity to make a contribution to the work of Christ. We were never intended to live in isolation but to work together to become a great force for God and the advance of his cause. Together, Scott and Stephanie are definitely using their talents: Stephanie is involved in counseling and cosmetology, and Scott is teaching, speaking, and serving on the student council of the language school. Zack and Ally are both involved in leadership with their student ministry. Seeing the Benedicts serve in the midst of the pressures they face challenged me to remember that no matter how busy my life can get, I need to never let the gifts God has given me go to waste. The devotional concludes by saying: We can accomplish more together than we can alone. By partnering with Scott and Stephanie, we are working together with them to accomplish what the Lord has called them to do. And by working together for the Lord, we will certainly be able to accomplish so much more for His Kingdom.

New video! Check it out.

Q: Whats the bilingual school like where youre going in Honduras and how can we help? A: Take less than 7 minutes and find out. or search on Youtube... El Camino School Balfate (top link)

sharing the hope of Christ in school

Thanks for caring.

God can use you in Honduras! He can take your prayers, finances, and partnership with us and change lives. Together, we believe He will give hope where there is very little. But, we cant do it without you. You can join with 112 people, groups, and businesses that have helped us reach 93%. Were hoping to reach 100% of our ministry support before October. Every gift is greatly appreciated!

support raised

93 %
Goal = 7% more

Your needs...
are important to us! Please send us your prayer needs and blessings via Facebook or email so we can pray more specifically for you.

HEY! Be a snowflake!
Complete the donation form. You can choose auto bank draft (EFT), credit card, or just send in a check. The form is for monthly support, but if you want to give biannually or annually, just note it. You can also give via PayPal from our website & 100% of your gifts go directly towards our ministry. Thanks so much!
you can make a BIG difference

Our needs...
that we would be faithful in our relationship with God that many people would partner with us so that we would be 100% supported by October 1 that we would continue to learn Spanish

to reach 100%

...we only need... - 1 person to give $100/month, - 8 people to give $50/month and - 22 people to give $30/month

Our blessings...
Were learning Spanish and we still have all As! God has blessed Zack and Ally with Christ-centered friends

570.851.0812 (its a free call from the U.S. to here!)

The Benedict family Instituto de Lengua Espanola Apartado 100-2350 San Jose, Costa Rica America Central U.S. address The Benedict family 250 E. Grove St. Clarks Summit, PA 18411

Global Outreach International and Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability

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