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Dear 7th Grade Students,

August 26, 2013

Welcome to Seventh Grade Core (Literature, Language, and Social Studies) with Ms. Foxley. I am looking forward to being your teacher this year and I truly care about your success. So as we work together, I will help you avoid anything that might interfere with your progress in this class. I believe a safe learning environment is fundamental to success. Therefore, I do not allow put-downs or ridicule of any kind. Instead we respect each other and always avoid interfering with anothers learning. I have many engaging activities planned and I look forward to a productive and rewarding year together. Expectations and Consequences I know that you are mature enough to know how you are supposed to behave in class. However, to foster a safe and effective environment, I have four general classroom expectations. Of course, all other school rules apply to this class as well. Come to class prepared, on time and ready to learn. Participate and do your best. Take responsibility for your actions. Be respectful of our learning environment

Seventh grade is challenging and we need to use class time wisely. Therefore, I expect you to follow a routine at the start of each core period. Always enter the room quietly and be seated when the bell rings. Quickly take out your binder reminder, record homework and begin silently working on the warm-up activity. Always remember to raise your hand before participating, always ask permission to leave your seat, and never leave the classroom without my knowledge. Above all, respect our room, respect each other, and respect your teacher. Below is a list of rewards and consequences. Rewards Verbal praise Positive notes and phone calls home Group points Friday Minutes Consequences Warning (post-it) Behavior Card (filed) Detention Parent Contact

Late and Absent Work Grades are calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total possible points. Grades are determined by the completeness, neatness and accuracy of the students work. Daily homework and class work is not accepted late and will receive 0 credit. Late projects will be given 75% credit on the first day late and 50% on the second day. When absent, students will receive an allotted time to complete missed assignments. (Example: 2 days absence=2days make-up time). The student is responsible for gathering missing assignments, making up missed tests, asking for help, and completing all absent work in a timely manner. Please check binder reminders and/or call the homework hotline each week when you need information about assignments. Below are grading criteria and policies for each subject.
Academic Grading Policy A= 90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D= 69-60%

F=59% and below

Language We have an important writing proficiency is each spring. To help students prepare for this assessment, our writing program focuses on the following types of writing: persuasive, personal narrative, response to literature, summary. Students will take benchmark district assessments throughout the year. Writing is completed in class and all final essays, mini-lessons, rough drafts and other assignments are kept in writing portfolios and stored in the classroom. Students receive weekly homework assignments in grammar and vocabulary. Students also have vocabulary quizzes each Friday and grammar tests at the end of each chapter. Homework for both vocabulary and grammar is due each Friday. Students will also be responsible for working on Study Island or Compass Learning Odyssey for 20 minutes four nights per week for a homework grade. Grades in Language are determined using the following weight: Homework 20% Assessments 80% Literature The year begins with the study of plot and the elements of literature using our Holt anthology and focusing on short stories. As we progress, we will be reading novels such as The Giver and Catherine Called Birdie. Students are required to read 20 min. four nights per week for homework, complete reading logs, and pass tests to earn Accelerated Reader points. In the spring, students will participate in an in-depth study of poetry. Grades in Literature are determined using the following weight: Accelerated Reader 20% Literature Study Journal 20% Assessments 60% Social Studies Our studies take us from the fall of Rome to the Italian Renaissance. The year begins with a review of geography terms and map features. Then we study Roman achievements and the significance of the fall of this great empire. Traveling the globe, we study religions like Islam, Buddhism and Catholicism. We also, explore the medieval societies of China, Japan, and the Aztecs. Student work is stored in an Interactive Notebook and students must bring this notebook to class each day. A research paper will be required during the final trimester. Grades in Social Studies are determined using the following weight: Interactive Notebook 50% Tests and Projects 50%

Supplies To ensure your success this year, the following supplies are needed. Items marked ** should be replenished when necessary and brought to core class each day. 1. One large spiral notebook, (plastic cover is best kind, no perforated edges). 2. One 1 inch three ring binder (any type is fine) 3. Multi-colored ball point pens** (look for ink that does not bleed through paper) 4. Fine-point marking pens **(for lettering on projects and posters, Crayola is good) 5. Colored pencils** ( a hand-held sharpener is also good) 6. Glue stick (avoid the sticks with liquid glue) 7. 3 packs 3x5 cards 8. Highlighters 9. A good dictionary (or computer) for use at home. 10. A larger general binder with dividers for each class. At first these expectations might seem overwhelming, but dont forget that our true goal is your success. Always remember to ask questions when you have them and seek help when you need it. Parents and students should feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Daily dedication to schoolwork and consistent parent/teacher contact will help our year be both enjoyable and successful. Please sign below, have a parent/guardian sign and return the bottom portion to me; keep the top for your records. Sincerely, Mrs. Foxley
Class Outline and Expectations Student Name: _______________________________________________ Parent Signature__________________ Date_______ Name of primary contact__________________________ Relationship to student:______________________ Student Signature_______________________ email address____________________________ phone number____________________________ language:_______________________________ best time to contact:______________________ Name of secondary contact_____________ __________ Relationship to student:______________________ email address____________________________ phone number____________________________ language:_______________________________ best time to contact:___________________________

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