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We have become accustomed to define as the Orisha Shango Justice. This concept has always seemed rather limited, because if attery basically the resolution of grievances. We found another definition: "XANGO IS BEING EXISTING who coordinates all Karmnica Law, is also the Director of Souls, the Lord of Universal Scale, which measures our spiritual condition." This definition also brought in estrangement, because we do not see as Shango be, but as one of the forces of cosmic context. We accept that it is related to the karmic law, although it is considered that karma is sown and harvested by what may be compensated through regenerative acts, but not suppressed, even by higher orders. Each must answer for what sowed. As for the epithet Officer of Souls, we must go deeper, as far as we know, the Kingdom of Souls belongs to Mr. Omulu and otherwise learns that Xango has an aversion to death, although linked to Oya, which has strong connection with same. It is necessary to further study on these observations. Some claim that the son of Shango not support the approach of eguns. How then could one son of a Shango yard work, even if their more evolved entities are actually eguns? As a form of evolution the medium work for charity, and it often lies with the participating Higher Spirituality, desobssesso of work, would be a hindrance to the development of a psychic child of Shango. We then delve into more studies to understand these arguments, so we can discuss based on fundamentals. It was observed that the interaction between Omulu and Xango is a reality, contrary to what one might think, considering the qualities of Shango and Shango Abomi Aganju, which are representatives of Shango Line of Souls. DE unknown author, took a paragraph that seemed very consistent in this respect: "Some psychics have the vibration in your crown more than one Orisha Shango and may strongly (Father of head), but traces of Omulu. That way you can, for example, have your Caboclo vibrating line Shango and his Old Black line Omulu. " As we meditate, we reflect on the known point below:

"He is Shango of Souls it is done in Souls He is Shango of Souls it is done in AlmasOh Souls, oh my soul Your Agod that will avail ourselves Souls Oh, oh my soul Your Agod that will avail ourselves' What about being Lord of Universal Scale which measures our spiritual condition, researching a little more, we can see that the angel San Miguel, known to be the bearer of the scale, is known as the guardian archangel of Shango. Archangel Michael is immortalized in the epic where he faces Lucifer, who narrates the fall of the kingdom of spirits virginal (but that's another story ...) Father Rubens Saraceni already shows a very interesting sight. Because it puts Shango as that which administers the cosmic balance. He is both the point of balance that gives support to the atomic structure of an atom, as is the force that gives stability to the universe and all things therein, whether animate or inanimate. He owns and donates a quality balancing, whereby man balance, judgment, rationality. Explain to us the Father still Rubens: "Note that the balance provided by Shango is not limited to one aspect of our life, since he, while balancing quality, is all. Shango is the Throne of God generator and the radiator balancing factor, but the limit when we fail to use it to help us in all aspects and we only demand to cancel or impose Divine Justice in the life of beings unbalanced. " However, the aspect of justice must never be forgotten, remembering that everything has its positive pole and its negative pole. It is on this line of spiritual strength that gather all the spirits that coordinate the law of cause and effect, due to the karmic law as the foundation of the world, and manifest themselves as mestizos, blacks old, cattlemen, among others. The negative pole of the fulfillment of the righteousness of Shango belongs to the legacy of Exus and Dove Giras of Law

In line with Justice, Xango has Ians connection. lansa your mobile aspect and Shango is their appearance or Seated unchangeable because it operates in the transformation of human beings through their negative magnetism. lansa Act applies to the fields of Justice and is extremely active. One of its duties is to collect beings out-of-law and one of his magnetism, change all your emotional, mental and conscience, only then redirect it in another line of evolution, that will calm and facilitate his walk straight through evolution. The quarry, with Oya, Shango brings boldness, determination, strength, safety, firmness and support. At the waterfall, along with Oshun, purifies us, energizes us, gives us life, vigor, health and intelligence.

The Sevens Heads of Legion of Spiritual Vibration of Shango:

Xango Caboclo Stone-White (intermediate for Oxal) Xango Caboclo Agod (intermediate to Oxossi) Xango Caboclo Seven Mountains (intermediate to Ogun) Xango Caboclo Seven Waterfalls (intermediate to Yori) Xango Caboclo Pedra Preta-(intermediate to Yorim) Xango Caboclo Seven Quarries (intermediate to Yemanja) In Umbanda Charismatic no other attributes branched Xango:

XANGO Kao - is the main and most worshiped as leader of this line. Also known as Old Shango. Vibra dark brown in color, symbolizing the ancient stone on which was seated justice, highlighting the wisdom. He works in the quarry on which sits the flowery field that receives the obligations Oxal.

XANGO ALAFIM - Eche - This Legion works on the stones of the solitary paths or forests that serve as the seat weary travelers or hunters, as if inviting them to meditation which leads to wisdom in seeking solutions to the problems of life. Its vibrations help speakers, intellectuals, lawyers and judges, but fully defend moral purity. His offerings are held in solitary stones. XANGO ALUFAM - This Legion works in stone rivers, seas, waterfalls, ponds and fountains. Alufam Shango is considered the protector of fishermen and responsible policy of the disembodied, because they have the keys of heaven, symbolizing water and stone. His offerings are held in all the stones that are in contact with water. XANGO AGOD - Legion of mestizos working the stones and that are within the rivers, pebbles, stones and stone baptismal initiation. His offerings are held on the stones of the rivers. XANGO Aganj - This Legion works in stone waterfall, symbolizing the harmony between love and justice. Oshun or between the wife and husband Shango, or marital harmony, which blesses the family. Its offerings are made in stone waterfall, including a candle dark blue or pink for Oshun. ABOMI XANGO - Is the legion of shifting cultivators who work in stone mountains or mountain chains interconnected, saws, etc.. His strength is very requested in times of trouble, when you lose something, and protect marriage. When it asks for marriage protection, sits a candle light blue offered to Yemanja. XANGO DJACUT - the legion's better known as the Lord the God of Thunder and Lightning, hot thunderbolts and Meteorites. Djacut also means stone. It is the commander of the mestizos who work in stone ray, symbolizing the righteousness that comes from above, ie, cosmic justice that comes from the Creator God. His strength is very requested in times of distress caused by injustices caused by others, becoming a white candle is offered to the Orisha Time And the mestizos of Shango are entities working in numerous phalanges, some of them represented by their names below: Araunah Caboclo Sun, Caja, Caramuru, Cobra Coral, Sunflower, Goitacaz, Guara, Guarana, Janguar, Kinkajou, Mirim, Seven Waterfalls, Seven Paths Seven Stars, Seven Moons, Seven Mountains, Seven Quarries, Tupi, Treme Terra, Sultan of Matas, Black Stone Cachoeirinha Urubato, Urubato Guia, Ubiratan, etc.. Found on the blog of Umbanda Temple Golden Star the following information: THE FOLLOWING ARE THE phalanxes of XANGO: 1. Phalanx of Ians - led by Santa Barbara 2. Phalanx Caboclo the Sun and Moon - headed by the same entity 3. Phalanx Caboclo of the Winds - headed by the same entity 4. Phalanx Caboclo of Waterfalls - headed by the same entity 5. Phalanx Caboclo Treme-Terra - headed by the same entity 6. Phalanx Caboclo Pedra Branca - headed by the same entity 7. Phalanx of Old Black - headed by Quenguel. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE LEGIONS OF XANGO: 1.Legio Caboclo Gale

2.Legio Caboclo of Waterfalls 3.Legio Caboclo 7 Mountains 4.Legio Caboclo Pedra Branca 5.Legio Caboclo Coralsnake 6. People Quenguel The Xango Caboclo interlock in Astral so semibrusca, reflected in the physical jerks, their vibrations reach soon aware of the device (medium), forcing the chest to head movements in a half turn and the insufflation veins of the neck, with pronounced acceleration of heart rate, breathing, panting, to normalize its physical domain. Not emit a howl hysterically hallucinated that translate as "KA-", accentuating the syllables, but a kind of thorn bush sound, from the throat to the lips, it seems externalize the noise of a waterfall or a dull roar ... Do not like talk much. Your points are sung invocations serious, strong images and can be sung in low voices. His points pemba or signs scratched fix the mystery of the Arrow, Key and Root. In northern Brazil many cults that go by the name of Xango. In the Northeast, specifically in Pernambuco and Alagoas, the practice of Candombl given the generic name of Xango, perhaps because those regions there were many children of Shango among blacks who came brought from Africa. In the same line of misuse, can find expression Xango Caboclo, which obviously refers to what we call Candombl de Caboclo. In Africa, if a house is struck by lightning, the owner paid large fines to the priests of Shango, because it is considered that he has incurred the wrath of God. Soon after the priests will comb the rubble and dig the ground in search of stones-of-radius formed by lightning. For his ax is generally concentrated in the rocks, but mainly those resulting from destruction caused by lightning, and the meteorite is your ax up.

Shango, the God of Justice, Lord of the quarries, exerts a very strong influence on his son. All Orishas course, are fair, and transmit this feeling to their children. However, in Xango, justice ceases to be a virtue, to spend an obsession, what makes your child a sufferer, mainly because the parameter of Justice is their judgment, not of Divine Justice, almost always different than ours much land. This analysis is very important. The son of Shango has a firm type, energetic, confident and absolutely stark. His countenance, even the young, presents an early age, not to take at all, the beauty or joy. Its behavior is measured. It is unable to take a step higher than the leg and all his thoughts and resolutions are based on safety and who likes firm ground to tread. He is shy in touch but easily assumes the power of command.

It is eternal advisor, and does not like to be contradicted, and can easily leave the serenity to violence, but everything measured, calculated and outlined. Calms down as easily when his opinion is accepted. Do not hold grudges. Discretion makes your garments a traditional model. When the son of Shango manages to balance his sense of justice by transferring their own judgment for the judgment by God, whose sentence we are not allowed to know, it is an admirable person. Xango is heavy, whole, indivisible, immovable, with all this, it is evident that a certain part of his authoritarian figure and the legends about its determinations and purposes, something that is not questioned by most of his children, when asked. Their decisions are always considered wise, thoughtful, skillful and correct. He is the Orisha who decides about good and evil. Xango is an Orisha of fire, son of Hopefully with Yemanja. There is a strong connection Shango and stones, quarries, lightning and thunder. The fear of committing injustices often slows their decisions, which, contrary to harm you, only brings benefits. The major flaw is his judge others. If you learn to master this feature, it becomes a legitimate representative of the Old Man, Lord of Justice, King's Quarry. Speaking of quarry, loves to collect rocks.

The stones of Shango:

Below a study done on the RED JASPER stones - not stone or plant, is a skeletal remnant of marine organism. Mutes the emotions, relieves concerns. Its use increases the vibrations to better tune with nature and the creative forces. Good for any bone problem, strengthens heart and concentration. Energy: receptive. Planet Venus. Element: Water, ether. Objective: healing, peace, wisdom, harmony with nature. Chakras: spleen.

CARNELIAN - Calms anger, jealousy, envy, hatred and depression. Promotes peace and harmony. Good to be used by people who are shy and timid. Opens the heart chakra. Energy: projective. Planet: Sun Sign: Leo Element: Fire. Purpose: protection, courage and peace. Chakras: spleen, solar plexus. CITRUS - is a form of quartz. Good to detoxify the bowel. Broadens the mind, can be used in meditation to rejuvenate the physical and eliminate toxic forms of thought. Self destructive tendencies and suicide are replaced by confidence. Increases contact with your Higher Self and alignment among all energy bodies. Energy: projective. Planet: Sun Element: Fire. Objective: healing, communication, psychic awareness. Chakras: splenic, coronary. FIRE AGATE - Healing Main: influence entire endocrine system. Stimulates the cells of the memory. Streamlines and leads to harmony. Energy: projective. Element: fire. TIGER EYE - Attracts solidary people and property. Centralizes energy and focuses the mind and gives luck. Orange Calcite - Orange Calcite is presented, usually, crystals, granules or aggregates of thick or thin. This is a calcium carbonate. JASPER RED is a widespread and fairly common mineral in the earth's crust. Occurs as masses of rock called sedimentary limestones sometimes being the only mineral present in these rocks. Its name comes from the Latin word Calx, meaning burnt lime and its orange color is due to inclusions of oxide ferro. Stone of virility and corresponding to the second chakra. The stone Shango to be alive, it has to be with slime, slimy, as it dries it will die, for this reason, you should keep the OTA Shango, always immersed in the water, always adding, do not change the water. EDUN Ara, STONE-THE-RAY Stones-the-lightning - edun ar of Yoruba - are fetishes of Shango, magnetized by the power of the deity. It is believed that the stone-ray, also called-stone Santa Barbara, falls from the sky during storms, driven by electric sparks, penetrating the ground to a depth of only seven fathoms and rising to the surface after seven years . Who can find one of these stones have in hands the most valuable talisman that provides all fortunes. Stones-the-hell are actually archaeological finds from the Neolithic era - axes, hammers and fragments of polished stone artifacts, to which they attributed a source weather. Divinity of meteorites in litolatria of Shango, Nina Rodrigues noted, "are mixed cases of worship cliffs and boulders fields and roads."


Color Wire Accounts Herbs Symbol

Brown and Yellow to Yellow and Pure Shango and Shango Lilac for the East Brown and Yellow to Yellow and Pure Shango and Shango Lilases to the East Houseleek, Strawberry, Moss Quarry Stone breaks, uplifting, To hell, Saio Machado Two Blades, the OXE

Points of Nature Flowers Essences Stones Metal Health Planet Day of the week Element Greeting Drink Pets Food Date Commemorative Syncretism:

Quarry Yellow palms and Lilacs, Yellow Bishop, Monsignor Lilac, Violet lilacs and Miss Melon and Lilac Xango To the East, To Xango Pure Strawberry Amethyst To Xango and Eastern Tiger Eye To Xango Pure Tin and Molybdenum Liver and Gallbladder Jupiter Wednesday Fire Cabecile Kao (Kao Opanix ) Dark beer Turtle, Ram Ageb, Amala September 30 St. Jude, St. Jerome.
Source: Course Umbanda - The Seven Spiritual Society Lines-Forest Green

Axes double cut, which means the soul in search of balance are also the symbol of impartiality, meaning the balance of justice Oxal; The six-pointed star associated with the wisdom of Solomon, representing the balance between heaven and earth, water and fire, man and woman, ie, represents the universal balance. In the representation of points scratched use three types of axes, as follows:

Offerings to Shango: white candles, red and brown, dark beer, wine and liquor sweet ambrosia; various flowers, all deposited in a waterfall, mountain or quarry. Xango is syncretized with images of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Jerome, St. John the Baptist and St. Peter. Called Umbanda and Candomble cross, worships is Shango-Ahira, old and broken, dressed in white with red bars. Do not eat oil, it has pact with Oxal. Identified with St. Peter, an increasingly rare in Candombl. Shango Gold, a teenager dressed in varying colors, is John Boy. No "down" anymore, because no longer found the necessary herbs in initiation rites for the "head input" this deity. A Xango banned for ecological destruction.

Shango Ogodo dance with oche in each hand and the name itself is a reference to the double ax because Ogodo means "that cuts both ways." In Recife worship Xangs two main Shango-old, identified with St. Jerome, whose feast day is September 30, and Shango-Younger (Ani-Shango), syncretized with St. John is celebrated on June 24. Of its symbols and regalia, the double ax or "crutch" and pestle are conserved in peji, where they can go in certain rituals. Is never removed, however, the "Twinkle" or it or air (stone-ray's), which remains stored in a bowl (Ober). Xango is so popular in Pernambuco, the name came to designate patios and even more widely, all african-Brazilian cults. Among the various forms of Dada Shango Shango cite, in Porto Alegre identified with St. John the Baptist, and that in his day, June 24, not "low" because with the fireworks that celebrate, he would set the world ablaze.

Kitchen ritualistic
Pigweed Parboil shrimp dry, peel it and pass in the grinding machine. Peel the roasted peanuts, garlic and onion and also pass on the grinding machine. Mix all these ingredients ground and saute them in oil palm, until they begin to brown. Add the okra washed, dried and cut into very thin rodelinhas. Mix with a wooden spoon and add a little water and oil palm in quantity enough to cook okra. If necessary, put more water and palm oil while cooking. Taste and season with salt to taste. Pigweed Stir with a wooden spoon all the while cooking. When the okra is cooked, add the fresh prawns cooked and fried fish (in this large chips), take over a boil and serve, hot. Ageb Cut the okra, sliced thinly on a Trough, and go knocking them as if raking them with your hands, until you create a league and Homogeneous. Oxtail Cook the oxtail with onions and palm oil. In a separate pan saut onion makes a palm, separate 12 okra and cut the rest into slices and strips, add the cooked oxtail. With cornmeal, polenta and make a line a bowl with it, put the stew and garnish with the 12 okra Amala tucking them in upside down. Shango shares with the Ians Machada Justice. You see the point: Radius of the morning, go and brightens. When the sun rises to lighten, its rays reflect crown Oya. And tearing the sky, thunder winds, To greet the king of all quarries. To greet the king of all quarries.

Eparrei Ians, Eparrei Oya, Cao Cao cabecil Shango Strength of axes makes the trial Cut the injustice with your bar wind Shango sends the reason Ians feelings. Shango sends the reason Ians feelings. Eparrei Yans, Eparrei Oya, Cao Cao cabecil Shango. Guardian of peace, Shango vigilante. Explendo light, Ians warrior. Is XanGo brings the stones, Oya rapids. Is XanGo brings the stones, Oya rapids.

Xango, syncretized with Saint Jerome, is the Lord of Souls, whose attribute is wisdom in order to exercise the Divine Justice, checking on their balance all souls. By manipulating the element fire, Xango, rather than enforcing the karmic law for all living beings, illuminates the path to be followed, as well as helps to release the shackles that enslave millennial delusions of consciousness. Your Law is like the rock: hard, fair, blind. And xang smoldering fire in the stone while the stone itself in which the attributes are sought that are stiffness, implacability and stability. That is to say: do not yield even bending nor pressure, judges sternly but without precipitation and finally establishes order tranqilizadora.Portanto this vibration warns us that his presence - JUSTICE is necessary for there to true stability and strengthening the soul, individual and universal.Dono laws and written, patron of intellectuals Shango is the Orisha of wisdom, which generates power politics, it is that we use to solve problems with papers, documents and studies. We should think twice before we hit the hand, head and cry out for justice, for if our demand for fair bolster him in and if not, the rigors of his law, we will be called and its radius correction will come upon us thereof. So when we feel wronged, we must ask Shango enlighten us and if we are right, then he clarifies the other party, and if it does not hear, so we do not even ask, that the law of action and reaction is automatic and it is done to Shango justice in our lives. On incorporation of Shango can see the medium as an elderly person and with his arms crossed over his chest, beating steadily, and S. Jerome made with stones on his chest to ward off the evils of the flesh and of the spirit temptation. Legions of Shango: Shango Kao - is the main and most worshiped as leader of this line. Also known as Old Shango. Vibra dark brown in color, symbolizing the ancient stone on which was seated justice, highlighting the wisdom. He works in the quarry on which sits the flowery field that receives the obligations Oxal. Xango da Pedra Preta - This Legion works on the stones of the solitary paths or forests that serve as the seat weary travelers or hunters, as inviting meditation which leads to wisdom in seeking solutions to the problems of life. Its vibrations help speakers, intellectuals, lawyers and judges, but fully defend moral purity. His offerings are held in solitary stones. Shango Quarries - Legion of mestizos who work in stone and are within the rivers, pebbles, stones

and stone baptismal initiation. Shango of Waterfalls - This Legion works in stone waterfall, symbolizing the harmony between love and justice. Or between the wife Oshun and Shango husband, or marital harmony, which blesses the family. Shango of the Seven Mountains - is the legion of shifting cultivators who work in stone mountains or mountain chains interconnected, saws, etc.. His strength is very requested in times of trouble, when you lose something, and protect marriage. Xango the Rays - the legion is best known as the God of Thunder and Lightning Lord. It is the commander of the mestizos who work in stone ray, symbolizing the righteousness that comes from above, ie, cosmic justice that comes from the Creator God. His strength is very requested in times of distress caused by injustices caused by others. Syncretism: Saint Jerome Gender: Male Color: Brown Features: Orisha of justice and strength Tool: stone, sweet white wine, stout, candles, guides, etc.. Flower: Lily white or yellow, carnation and white palm. Guide: Crystal Beads Dark Brown Location: Quarry and waterfall Celebration: September 30 Salute Shango: Shango Kao! Or Kao Cabecil!

To continue with posts related to Orisha Shango, today we will talk of his phalanx, the Mestizos of Shango, these entities are mestizos that vibrate with the energy of fire, and we see this line also detailed talk of old black-vibrating with Xango and Exus Fire, ie Exus comandadados of Shango. Xango Caboclo: Are mergers quick guides and contained generally arriando the medium on the floor. Work to: employment; causes justice, property and professional achievement. Give too much pass dispersion. Are straightforward to speak. Seven commanders this line: Commander: Xango Caboclo "dog" - Cruising with Oxal. Entities: Caboclo Aymore, Caboclo Peri, Caboclo Sun, Caboclo Urubato, Sunflower and Caboclo Caboclo Seven Stars. Commander: Xango Caboclo "Black Stone" - Cruising with Yemanja and Oshun. Entities: Cabocla Indai, Caboclo Moon, New Moon Cabocla, Caboclo Sete Luas, Caboclo Pedra Grande, Caboclo Three Moons. Commander: Xango Caboclo "Seven Waterfalls" - Cruising with Cosmas and Damian. Entities: Caboclo Cachoeirinha Caboclo Waterfall, Cascade Caboclo, Caboclo Apapori, Caboclinho Mountain, Caboclo Morning Star. Commander: Xango Caboclo "Seven Quarries" - Hotline Shango. Entities: Caboclo Fire, Caboclo Itaguruss, Caboclo Breaking Stone Caboclo Goitacaz, Caboclo Pedra de Fogo, Caboclo Red Skin.

Commander: Xango Caboclo "Pedra Branca" - Cruising with OSHOSSI. Entities: Caboclo Cobra Coral, Caboclo Pena Branca, Caboclo Gale, Caboclo Wind, Caboclo Saracutinga, Caboclo Reed Green. Commander: Xango Caboclo "Seven Mountains" - Cruising with Ogun. Entities: Fire Breaks Caboclo, Caboclo Sierra Rompe, Rompe Caboclo Serra, Caboclo Mountain, Caboclo Sete Montes, Caboclo Three saws. Commander: Xango Caboclo "Agod" - Cruising with Obaluay. Entities: Caboclo Caramuru Caboclo Serra Negra, Caboclo World Turns, Caboclo Treme-Terra, Caboclo Urucutango, Caboclo Arana Old Black Xango: Just as the mestizos of Shango, harness the medium on the ground, are heavy and fast incorporation, working for causes of prosperity solid goods such as home ownership, process of justice and achievements profissionais.Passam seriousness in every word . Cobram enough of their mediums and sitters. Some old black-known: Father John, Father Jeremiah, Father Francis, Father Mane, Father Thaddeus, Benguela Father, Father Jos among others. Children of Shango: Led by Damian Cosminho usually are well rejoicest, bouncy, and like ready, levao normally work for the state of the person, bringing joy to the environment. Some familiar names, Louie, Dewey, Pedrinho, chiquinho, among others. Lexus of Shango: Commanded by Exu Gira-World, are the Exus that its incorporation elevate the body temperature of the medium, grins and are very happy, working with fire and especially the fairness of this deity, are the great performers The controlled direct-Exu Gira World are: Eshu Quarries, Eshu Hunchback, Eshu Gale, Midnight Exu, Eshu Eshu and Hose Break-Stone, Other Exus that intersect with Xango: Ganga Eshu, Exu Come Fire, Exu Seven Keys , Tira Teima Eshu, Exu-Bad Cangira. Of course there are other entities that are described in the blog, these are the names I know. But there are others.

"My Father's Xango, the Lord who is King of Righteousness, always asserts the Divine, purify my soul in the waters of your waterfall.

If wrong, give me the light of forgiveness. Make your broad chest and strong my shield so that the eyes of my enemies will not find me. Lend me your strength as a warrior to fight injustice and greed. That justice is done forever. Grant me the grace to receive its light and its protection. I offer my devotion. KAWO Kabecile! Save Shango! "

Shango is the Orisha guardian of strength point of justice, is the lord of fire and acts as such when it decides to punish those who reproach the law of the Creator, that this law is like the rock that crushes and destroys all who carry their weight on shoulders. But Shango is always willing to listen to us, if our demand for justice, will accompany us, and if it is wrong, we will clarify and if you still do not listen, then we will be undergoing the rigors of law, which are the reverse. His Light is the support, your fire is purification, because only through the fire ore crude and imperfect is melted and hardened, thus eliminating all their impurity becoming perfect. As we have seen everything in life has its two sides: positive and negative, Light and Dark, Good and Evil Therefore all men also have these two sides and the ease of getting from one to the other, according to situation to experience, then we have to find the balance between them, it is not lacking in respect for our actions, knowing admit our mistakes, trying to fix them and being humble retreat in a situation where evil is prevailing, seeking knowledge and necessary forces to better fight it, because then we will always remain on an ascending scale of evolution and not sunk in our own arrogance. Who understands the true meaning of the laws of equilibrium and she submits, will always be supported by it. But who dare to challenge it and try to escape it, for it will be punished and abandoned. On the other hand those who redeem himself and recognize his mistakes and bow to it, will get back to your side. Nobody could use Divine mysteries to harm anyone, but will spend the balance of Shango, and the weight of the law to shoot in darkness. Of all the deities of Umbanda, Xango although hard, serious and silent, is what he likes to speak of the law, and all who seek to have the patience and humility to understand it, will slowly be enveloped by its fluid energy balancers, if restoring. We can see that the people who are governed by Shango stand by obstinacy, by intelligence, by being weighted, and honor their dignity and panache, but when carried away by petty ego become extremely vain, conservative, intolerant and proud . Shango is the Orisha of Justice, the Lord of Lightning and Thunder, is the one who coordinates all cosmic laws of the Creator, its fundamental element is Fire and Earth, its color is brown, her day is Wednesday, his point of strength and vibration are the thunder and lightning, are the quarries in the mountains, rivers, waterfalls and seas and their greeting is "KAWO Kabecile". Some describe their actuation force saying that Shango Pedra Branca bolsters, while the Black Stone Shango runs. The waterfalls and seas purify, so like the fire that burns everything that is bad in us. The Xango Earth sustains the fallen and waits to awaken from their ignorance, the ray is what brings the Divine Laws Alto to Earth, and time is what judges the length of sentences of the Law If everyone could get to know the mysteries of Shango, operate with more balance, if policing not to undergo the rigors of the law. That no one challenges the Divine Laws, if not, found many rocks in your path, all placed by Shango, the Orisha of Justice and Fire purifier.

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