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YCIS BJ Curriculum Planning Topic

Topic: ICT Subject: Year 4 ICT Weeks: 10 15

N.C. Ref/s: ICT KS2

1c, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 4c

Learning Objectives:

Inquiry Skills: Creating Models Making Decisions Replicating Identifying Variables

Outline of Content:

Teaching Strategies: Demonstration Discussion Explanation Multimedia Presentation Questioning Scaffolding Whole Class

Assessment Methods & Success Criteria: I can import a large image to use as a background. I can add the source for the image. I can add relevant (ringtone) onomatopoeias as images. I can distort the onomatopoeias in the shape of the background image. I can evaluate my and others work by considering: The onomatopoeias fit together like a puzzle. All text is readable. I have added: Title (& it is the largest) Name and

To be able to manipulate images to present information To discuss the quality of your and others work To explore ideas on how the work might be improved To be able to save a document in another format

Discuss with the students what they learned about onomatopeoias. Discuss possible onomatopeoeias they might use to describe ring tones for a mobile phone. Introduce word clouds and shape poems and inform the students that they will make a type of word cloud of ring-tone onomatopeoias arranged in the shape of the screen on a smart phone. Introduce Comic Life as a good program for creating the type of word cloud that they will be making. Demonstrate how to open the program using Spotlight. Demonstrate how to use Google Images to search for a picture of a smart phone, and how to filter the results so only large images are shown. Show them how to view one of the images full size on the webpage in which it is found, and how to import (copy and paste) it into Comic Life. Show them how to copy and paste the URL for the webpage containing the image into a text box in Comic Life, and how to remove the text boxs border. Ask the students to find a large image of a smart phone and to copy and paste it and its reference (URL) into Comic Life. Remind them to be sure to copy the URL of the webpage containing the

image; Google Images is the not the source, it is a search engine that helps us find the source (they should not copy the URL for Google Images, but for the source webpage)! Show them how to add text (onomatopeoias) as images, and how to distort them to cover the screen of the smart phone image. Ask them to add and distort ring-tone onomatopeoias so they cover the screen on the smart phone image. Ask them to add a title at the top of the page (suggest Ring Tone Onomatopeoias), their name and class, and the words Smart-phone image source: before the URL in the text box added earlier. Discuss assessing ones own work and making improvements to it. Ask the students what they should consider when assessing their work. If not offered by the students, remind them that they should begin by checking their work against the success criteria. Also explain that they should look at the overall layout of their document. Does it look balanced (or are the elements on the page crowded to one side)? Does it look attractive? Are colour and fonts used well? Ask the students to self-assess their work and make improvements to it, if needed. Ask them to then assess another students work and to discuss with them how they might improve their work. Show them how to export their document as a PDF (Portable Document Format) file. Define PDF and explain how exporting as a PDF allows them to open their document

class Image source The layout is attractive and balanced. I can consider and make improvements. I can export my document as a PDF document.

outside of Comic Life. Ask the students to save their document and then export it as a PDF file. Ask the students to save both their original Comic Life files and their PDF files to the Teachers Shared Folder on the network. Review how to do so for the students that need help. Ask those who finish early to go to BBC Dance Mat Typing.

Key Resources:

iMac and Macbook computers, IWB, Comic Life 2, Finder, Safari, BBC Dance Mat Typing

Key Vocabulary: Image, manually, automatically, word cloud, shape poem, onomatopoeia, format, Portable Document Format (PDF), evaluate, assess, improve, layout, balanced Cross Curricular: Study of onomatopeoias in Literacy

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