Y4 Ict Planning Weeks 30-37

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YCIS BJ Curriculum Planning Topic

Topic: ICT Subject: Year 4 ICT Weeks: 30 37

N.C. Ref/s: ICT KS2

1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 4c

Learning Objectives:

Inquiry Skills: Creating Models Making Decisions

Outline of Content:

Teaching Strategies: Demonstration Discussion Explanation Multimedia Presentation Questioning Scaffolding Whole Class

Assessment Methods & Success Criteria: I can create a poster for the Seeds of Hope fundraiser. I can use persuasive language effectively. I can send the poster as an email attachment to 5 students. I can reply to 2 students to comment on their poster (giving 2 stars and a wish).

To be able to create a poster to persuade To be able to send an email attachment

To be able to create and Replicating read QR Codes Identifying To be able to use a QR Variables Code to present information

Ask the students what they have been learning about persuasive texts in their Literacy lessons. Ask them what they have learned about the Seeds of Hope, the schools charity. Inform them that they will create a poster to persuade others to attend the upcoming Seeds of Hope fundraiser at the school. Ask them for examples of content they could include on their posters to persuade others to attend the fundraiser. Tell them that they can use any program they choose to create it, plus they can choose to work alone or with a partner. Ask them which programs would be suitable to use for creating a poster. Review what they have learned in their Topic lessons about persuasive texts (the following has been adapted from what they have learned): Logo Benefits (Can help needy children; fun activities; prizes) Appealing adjectives (Devastating earthquake, Creamy chocolate) Snappy slogans (Im lovin it, Finger linkin good) Exaggeration (Best ______ in

I understand that QR Code stands for Quick Response Code. I can create QR Codes for a URL and a text message. I can insert them in my

Asia!) Wordplay (Be Human Kind; also use rhyme or alliteration) Second person (You) Please and Thank you (How would you feel if _______?) (facts and figures) Pictures of children Ask the students to create their fundraiser posters. Remind them to use examples of persuasive language in their posters. Bring the students together again. Using the IWB, introduce QR codes (including comparing them to regular barcodes), show them some examples, and show them how to create QR codes using www.the-qrcodegenerator.com and insert them in their posters. Ask them to create two QR codes (one based on persuasive language and another on the URL to the YCIS HKs webpage about Seeds of Hope, http://www.ycis-hk.com/en/enrichmentprogrammes/special-charity-seeds-ofhope), and insert them in their posters. Bring the students together again and ask them if they have ever sent an email attachment to someone. Discuss email attachments and the benefits of being able to send and receive them. Show them how to send an attachment using their ePal accounts. Ask them to send their posters to five students in the class, and to reply to two students giving their feedback on the effectiveness of their posters (2 stars and a

poster. I can use a QR Code reader to read QR Codes created by others.

wish). Ask them to revise their posters as needed based on the feedback they received. Bring the students together again. Show them how to use a QR code reader/scanner on an iPad to read QR codes. Ask them to print their posters, and take turns reading their and others codes.

Key Resources:

iMac and Macbook computers with Internet access, IWB, Safari, ePals.com

Key Vocabulary: persuasive, persuade, fundraiser, logo, benefits, appealing adjectives, snappy slogans, exaggeration, wordplay, second person, intriguing questions, statistics, comment, scan, Quick Response (QR) code, barcode Cross Curricular: Persuasive texts in Topic

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