Retail Management and Internet Marketing Lesson Plan-2013

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LESSON PLAN Batch: 2012 2014 Course: Retail Management & Internet Marketing Period: July 2013 October 2013 Course Instructor: Kavitha T C MLP 31 Class: II MBA - Marketing Course code: MGT-MR-631

Introduction to subject: Retailing is a vibrant part of our changing society and a major source of employment. Driven by changing lifestyles, rising income levels, favorable demographic patterns and by the entry of corporate sector, Indian retail is growing like never before. Though the Indian market is dominated by unorganized players, the entry of national and international organized players is set to change the scenario. Organized retail management has been growing at a blistering pace, however, the success of retail industry would depend on how efficiently retail stores perform their day-to-day operations. Course objective : This course aims at providing insight into retailing operations, retailing environment and retailing strategy. It also provides inputs such as merchandise planning, pricing in retailing and retail control along with the role of information system in retailing. The topics on internet marketing give the students an overview of internet marketing and the various related issues. Learning outcome: At the end of the course students should be able to have clear understanding of store operations, retail mix strategy , pricing policies, merchandise planning and electronic retailing.

Sessions 1-9

Topics to be Covered Module 1 Understanding retailing Retail environment Consumer behavior in retail context Market segmentation Retail store formats Case Analysis Module 2 Retail mix strategy Physical facilities Pricing Promotion Patronage service Group Presentation A balanced retail operation Case Analysis Module 3 Site selection - Approaches to site selection Store design and layout Use of IT in retailing Group presentation Case Analysis Module 4 Pricing policies and practices Promotion Retail advertising Retail services Retail organization and retail HR policies Retail control- Analyzing performance in a retail store Group Presentation Case Analysis Module 5 Merchandise planning Selecting merchandise and vendors Merchandise budget sales forecast Buying systems Branding strategies & International sourcing Store management Group presentation Case Analysis

Text Book R1





R1 &R2








Module 6 Non-store retailing Electronic retailing Internet marketing basics Strategies and internet branding issues Group presentaion Review


Reading material: R1 Michael Levy and Barton Witz, Retail Management, Tata MCGraw Hill, 2007 R2 Vedamani, Retail Management, JAICO Publishers, 2006 R3 -Berman, Retail Managemnt, Pearson Publishers, 2004

Pedagogy: The Pedagogy has a blend of lectures, case discussions, presentations and assignments. Instructions to students: Stick to the deadlines. No request for postponement will be entertained. Come to class on time. Groups are pre-determined and will remain the same through the course. Those not present for the relevant session will not be graded for the exercise even if it is a take home. Any leave taken and hence missing of assignments has to be cleared by the concern authority. Late assignments will be not be graded. Please put the group number and assignment number in the subject line always. Strict action will be taken against anyone using cell phones in the class. There will not be any make up quizzes / assignments for those who miss out due to any reason.

Evaluation Plan Sl. No Evaluation component Frequency of Evaluation 1 1 2 No. of marks allocated 20 10 5 Total Marks 20 10 10 Percentage of Weight age 20% 10% 10% Evaluating Faculty Kavitha T C Do Do

1 Mid-term Exam 2 Presentations 3 Case Analysis

5 Assignment 6 End Term

2 1

5 50

10 50

10% 50%

Do Kavitha T C & External Examiner

Total Marks


Prepared By Kavitha T C

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