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[referring to Dobby] Griphook: You buried the elf. Harry Potter: Yes. Griphook: It brought me here.

You are very unusual wizard. How did you come by this sword? Harry Potter: It's complicated. Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts? Griphook: It's complicated.

Harry Potter: The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steel it. Griphook: There is a sword in Madame Lestrange's vault identical to this one. But it is a

fake. It was placed there this past summer. Harry Potter: And she never suspected it was a fake? Griphook: The replica is very convincing. Only a goblin would recognize that this is the true sword of Gryffindor. Hermione Granger: Who is the acquaintance? Griphook: A Hogwarts professor. As I understand it, he's now headmaster. Ron Weasley: Snape? He put a fake sword in Bellatrix's vault? Why? Griphook: There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts. Harry Potter: And in Madame Lestrange's vault as well? Griphook: Perhaps.

Harry Potter: I need to get into Gringotts. Into one of the vaults. Griphook: It is impossible. Harry Potter: Alone, yes. But with you, no. Griphook: Why should I help you? Harry Potter: I have gold. Lots of it. Griphook: I have no interest in gold. Harry Potter: Then what? [points to Gryffindor's sword] Griphook: That. That is my price.

Hermione Granger: Are you thinking there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault? Harry Potter: Well, she was terrified when she thought we'd been in there. She kept asking me what else was taken. I bet you anything there's a Horcrux in there. Another piece of his soul. Lets find it and kill it and then we're one step closer to killing him. Ron Weasley: And what happens when we find it? How are we supposed to destroy it and then give the sword to Griphook? Harry Potter: I'm still working on that part.

Harry Potter: Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions. Ollivander: Anything, my boy. Anything. Harry Potter: Would you mind identifying this wand? We need to know if it's safe to use.

[Harry gives him the wand and Ollivander inspects it] Ollivander: Walnut. Dragon heart string. Twelve and three quarter inches. Unyie... unyielding. This belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange. Treat it carefully. [he gives the wand back to Harry] And this? [Harry gives him another wand to look at] Ollivander: Hawthorn and Unicorn hair. Ten inches. Reasonably pliant. This was the wand of Draco Malfoy. Harry Potter: Was? Is it not still? Ollivander: Well, perhaps not. If you won it from him. I sense its allegiance has changed.

Harry Potter: You talk about wands, as if they have feelings, can think. Ollivander: The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wand law. Harry Potter: And what do you know about the Deathly Hallows? Ollivander: It is rumored there are three. The Elder Wand. The cloak of invisibility to hide you from your enemies. And the Resurrection Stone, to bring back loved ones from the dead. Together, they make one the master of Death. But few truly believe that such objects exist. Harry Potter: Do you? Do you believe they exist, sir? Ollivander: Well, I...I see no reason to put stock into an old wives' tale. Harry Potter: You're lying. You know one exists. You told him about it. You told him about the Elder Wand and where he could go looking for it. Ollivander: He tortured me. Besides, I only conveyed rumors. There's...there's no telling whether he will find it. Harry Potter: He has found it, sir.

Ollivander: He's after you, Mr. Potter. If it's true, what you say and he has the Elder Wand, I'm afraid you really don't stand a chance Harry Potter: Well, I suppose I'll have to kill him before he finds me then.

[Hermione disguised as Bellatrix addresses a Death Eater on their way to Gringotts] Death Eater: Madame Lestrange. Hermione Granger: Good morning! Griphook: Good morning? Good Morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not some dewy-eyed schoolgirl! Ron Weasley: Hey, easy! Griphook: If she gives us away, we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand? Hermione Granger: No, he's right. I was being stupid.

[referring to Hermione and Ron losing their disguises after falling from the ceiling of Gringotts tunnel] Harry Potter: Oh, no! You look like you again! Griphook: The Thief's Downfall, washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly. Ron Weasley: You don't say? And just out of interest is there any other way out of here. Griphook: No.

[after Harry has got the Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault and has given Griphook the sword] Griphook: I'd say I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out.

[after getting away from Gringotts and surviving the fall into the sea] Harry Potter: He knows! You know who. He knows we broke into Gringotts. He knows what we took and he knows we're hunting Horcruxes. Hermione Granger: How is it he know? Harry Potter: I saw him! Hermione Granger: You let him in? Harry, you can't do that! Harry Potter: Hermione, I can't always help it! Well, maybe I can! I don't know! Ron Weasley: Never mind! What happened? Harry Potter: Well, he's angry and scared too. He knows if we find and destroy all the Horcruxes, we'll be able to kill him. I reckon he'll stop at nothing to make sure we don't find the rest.

[referring to a Horcrux] Harry Potter: There's more. One of them is at Hogwarts.

Hermione Granger: What? You saw it? Harry Potter: I saw the castle and Rowena Ravenclaw. It must have something to do with her. We have to go there now! Hermione Granger: Well, we can't do that! We've got to plan! We've got to figure it out! Harry Potter: Hermione! When have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose! Ron Weasley: He's right. One problem. Snape's headmaster now, we can't just walk through the front door. Harry Potter: Um...well, we'll got to Hogsmeade, to Honeydukes. Take the secret passage in the cellar.

[referring to Voldemort] Harry Potter: There's something wrong with him. It's like, you know, in the past I've always been able to follow his thoughts. And now everything just feels disconnected. Ron Weasley: Maybe it's the Horcruxes. Maybe he's growing weaker. Maybe he's dying. Harry Potter: No. No. It''s more like he's wounded. If anything, he feels more dangerous.

Aberforth Dumbledore: You bloody fools! What were you thinking coming here? Have you any idea how dangerous it is? Harry Potter: You're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother. It's you who I've been seeing in here. You're the one who sent Dobby.

Aberforth Dumbledore: Where have you left him? Harry Potter: He's dead. Aberforth Dumbledore: I'm sorry to hear it. I liked that elf. [pointing to the mirror] Harry Potter: Who gave that to you? The mirror. Aberforth Dumbledore: Mundungus Fletcher, about a year a go. Harry Potter: Dung had no right to sell that to you. It belonged to... Aberforth Dumbledore: It's serious. Albus told me. He also told me you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out I had it. But ask yourself, where would you be if I didn't?

Hermione Granger: Have you heard from the others much? From the Order? Aberforth Dumbledore: The Order's finished. You know who's one. Anyone's who says otherwise is kidding themselves. Harry Potter: We need to get into Hogwarts, tonight. Dumbledore gave us a job to do. Aberforth Dumbledore: Did he now? Nice job. Easy. Harry Potter: We've been hunting Horcruxes. And we think the last one is inside the castle, but we'll need your help getting in. Aberforth Dumbledore: It's not a job that my brother's given you. It's a suicide mission. Do yourself a favor, boy. Go home! Live a little longer.

Harry Potter: Dumbledore trusted me to see this through. Aberforth Dumbledore: What makes you think you can trust him? What makes you think you can believe anything my brother told you? In all the time you knew him, did he ever mention my name? [pointing to the painting of the girl above the fireplace] Aberforth Dumbledore: Did he ever mention hers?

Harry Potter: Why should he? Aberforth Dumbledore: Keep secrets. You tell me? Harry Potter: I trusted him. Aberforth Dumbledore: That's a boys answer. A boy who goes chasing Horcruxes on the word of a man who wouldn't even tell him where to start. You're lying! Not just to me, that doesn't matter. To yourself as well. That's what a fool does. You don't strike me as a fool, Harry Potter. So, I ask you again. There must be a reason? Harry Potter: I'm not interested in what happened between you and your brother. I don't care that you've given up. I trust the man I knew. We need to get into the castle tonight. [to the girl in the painting above his fireplace] Aberforth Dumbledore: You know what to do. [the girl in the painting nods her head in understanding, turns and walks away] Harry Potter: Where have you sent her? Aberforth Dumbledore: You'll see, soon enough.

[referring to the painting of the girl above his fireplace] Hermione Granger: That's your sister, Ariana, isn't it? She died very young, didn't she?

Aberforth Dumbledore: My brother sacrificed many things, Mr. Potter, on his journey to find power. Including Ariana, and she was devoted to him. He gave her everything, but time. Hermione Granger: Thank you, Mr. Dumbledore.

[as Neville is taking them to Hogwarts through

the tunnels from Aberforth's place] Hermione Granger: How bad is it with Snape at headmaster? Neville Longbottom: I hardly ever see him. It's the Carrow's you need to watch out for. Harry Potter: Carrow's? Neville Longbottom: Yeah. Brother and sister in charge of discipline. They like punishment, the Carrow's. [points to the bruises on his face] Hermione Granger: They did that to you? Why? Neville Longbottom: Today's Dark Arts lesson had us practicing the Cruciatus Curse on first years. I refused. Hogwarts has changed.

[to the others as he brings Harry, Hermione and Ron behind him through the secret tunnel] Neville Longbottom: Hey, listen up you lot! I brought you a surprise. Seamus Finnigan: Not more of Aberforth's cooking I hope. I'd be surprised if we could digest it!

Neville Longbottom: Right then. What's the plan, Harry? Harry Potter: Okay. There's something we need to find. Something hidden here, in the castle. And it may help us defeat, you know who. Neville Longbottom: Right, what is it? Harry Potter: We don't know. Neville Longbottom: Where is it? Harry Potter: We don't know that, either. I realize it's not much to go on. Seamus Finnigan: That's nothing to go on.

[referring to the Horcrux they're looking for] Harry Potter: I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw.'ll be small, easily

concealed. Anyone any ideas?

Luna Lovegood: Well, there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem. Ron Weasley: Oh, bloody hell! Here we go! Luna Lovegood: Lost diadem of Ravenclaw? Hasn't anyone heard of it? It's quite famous. Cho Chang: Yes. But Luna, it's lost. For centuries now. There isn't a person alive today who's seen it. Ron Weasley: Excuse me, can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is? Cho Chang: It's a sort of crown. You know, like a tiara.

[addressing the students and staff in assembly] Severus Snape: Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sited in Hogsmeade. [the children start talking among themselves] Severus Snape: Now, should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty.

[continuing his speech to assembled students and staff] Severus Snape: Now, then. If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening, I invite to step forward. Now. [suddenly Harry walks through the children in assembly] Harry Potter: It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of security problem, headmaster. [the doors of the assembly hall open and the remaining member of the Order walk in] Harry Potter: I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!

[after Snape leaves Hogwarts, everyone can suddenly hear Voldemort speak] Lord Voldemort: I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise, but this is a folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and nothing will be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You will have one hour.

Argus Filch: Students out of bed! Students out of bed! Students in the corridor! Minerva McGonagall: They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot! Argus Filch: Oh! Sorry Ma'am. Minerva McGonagall: As it happens, Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you please, to lead Miss Parkinson, and the rest of Slytherin House from the hall. Argus Filch: Exactly where is it I'd be leading 'em to Ma'am? Minerva McGonagall: The dungeons would do. [the rest of the students cheer and clap when they hear this]

[as she a casts a spell that summons the stone statues of knights in armor t

o life] Minerva McGonagall: Piertotum Locomotor! [the knights start marching down the steps of Hogwarts] Minerva McGonagall: Hogwarts is threatened. Man the boundaries! Protect us! Do your duty to our school! [to Molly Weasley as they watch the knights march across the main stone bridge] Minerva McGonagall: I've always wanted to use that spell.

Harry Potter: You're the Grey Lady, the ghost of Ravenclaw tower. Helena Ravenclaw: I do not answer to that name. Harry Potter: No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's Helena, isn't it? Helena Ravenclaw. Rowena's daughter. Helena Ravenclaw: Are you a friend of Luna's? Harry Potter: Yes. And she thought you might be able to help me. Helena Ravenclaw: You seek my mother's diadem. Harry Potter: Yes. That's right. Helena Ravenclaw: Luna is kind, unlike so many of the others. But she was wrong. I cannot help you! [she floats away from Harry] Harry Potter: Wait! Please! I want to destroy it! [this makes Helena stop and listen]

[referring to the diadem] Harry Potter: That's what you want too, isn't it, Helena? [she starts floats away again] Harry Potter: Stop! You want it destroyed? Helena Ravenclaw: My mother sought to destroy it many years ago. A strange boy, with a strange name. Harry Potter: Tom Riddle. Helena Ravenclaw: But he lied. Harry Potter: He's lied to many people. [suddenly she floats straight into Harry face and shouts] Helena Ravenclaw: I know what he's done! I know who he is! He defiled it with dark magic!

Harry Potter: I can destroy it, once and for all. But only if you tell me where he hid it. You do know where he hid it, don't you, Helena? you just have to tell me. Please. [she floats towards him and circles around him] Helena Ravenclaw: Strange. You remind me of him a bit. It's here, in the castle. In the place where everything is hidden. If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask. Harry Potter: Thank you.

[in the midst of the battle at Hogwarts]

Harry Potter: Ginny! Neville! Are you alright? Neville Longbottom: Never better! I feel like I can spit fire! You haven't seen Luna, have you? Harry Potter: Luna? Neville Longbottom: I'm mad for her! I think it's about time I told her, since we'll probably be both be dead by dawn! [Malfoy finds Harry in the Room of Requirement as he's looking for the diadem]

Draco Malfoy: What brings you here, Potter? Harry Potter: I could ask you the same. Draco Malfoy: You have something of mine. I'd like it back. Harry Potter: Well, what's wrong with the one you have? Draco Malfoy: It's my mother's. It's powerful, but it's not the same. Doesn't quite understand me. Know what I mean? Harry Potter: Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix. You knew it was me, you didn't say anything.

Harry Potter: It's the snake! It's just the last one. It's the last Horcrux. Ron Weasley: Look inside him, Harry. Find out where he is. If we find him, we can find the snake and can end this.

[as Harry is looking inside Voldemort to find out where he is] Lucius Malfoy: Might it not be more prudent to call off this attack. Simply seek the boy yourself. Lord Voldemort: I do not need to seek the boy. Before the night is out, he will come to me! Do you understand? Look at me! How can you live with yourself, Lucius? Lucius Malfoy: I don't know. Lord Voldemort: Go and find Severus. Bring him to me. [Harry feels and sees all this and realizes where Voldemort and turns to Ron and Hermione] Harry Potter: I know where he is!

[Harry, Ron and Hermione listen to Snape and Voldemort inside Hogwarts boat house] Severus Snape: You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my lord. In the last few hours alone. Lord Voldemort: No. No. I am extraordinary, but the wand resists me. Severus Snape: There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself said it. Tonight, when the boy comes it will not fail you, I'm sure of it. It answers to you, and you only. Lord Voldemort: Does it? Severus Snape: My lord? Lord Voldemort: The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know. Where does it's true loyalty lie?

Severus Snape: With you. Of course, my lord.

[Harry, Ron and Hermione continue to listen to Voldemort and Snape] Lord Voldemort: The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, because I am not its true

master. The Elder Wand belongs to the Wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live forever. Severus Snape: My lord... [suddenly Voldemort uses the Elder Wand to slash Snape's throat] Lord Voldemort: Nagini, kill! [Voldemort compels Nagini to repeatedly bite Snape]

[as Harry bottles the tears of Snape as he's dying] Severus Snape: Take them to the Pensieve. Look at me. [Harry looks at Snape] Severus Snape: You have your mothers eyes. [with that he breathes his last breath and dies]

[after Snape dies Voldemort's amplifies his voice so that everyone can hear him] Lord Voldemort: [voice] You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilt is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your debt with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me.

[as Harry looks at Snape's memories through the Pensieve] Dumbledore: The Prophecy did not refer to a woman. It spoke of a boy born at the end of July. Severus Snape: Yes, but he thinks it's her son! He intends to hunt them down now and to kill them. Hide her, hide them all. I beg you. Dumbledore: What will you give me in exchange, Severus. Severus Snape: Anything.

[as Harry sees through Snape's memories his mother being killed by Voldemort] Severus Snape: You said, you would keep her safe! Dumbledore: Lily and James put their faith in the wrong person, Severus. Rather like you. The boy survives. Severus Snape: He doesn't need protection, the Dark Lord is gone. Dumbledore: The Dark Lord will return. And when he does, the boy will be in terrible danger. He has her eyes. If you truly loved her. Severus Snape: No one can know.

Dumbledore: That I should never reveal the best of your service. Severus Snape: Your word! Dumbledore: When you risk your life every day to protect the boy.

[as Harry sees through Snape's memories how he tried to save Dumbledore's life] Severus Snape: Drink the rest. It will contain the curse to your hand for the time being. It will spread, Albus. Dumbledore: How long? Severus Snape: Maybe a year. Dumbledore: Don't ignore me, Severus. We both know Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy to murder me. But should he fail, I should presume the Dark Lord will turn to you. You must be the one to kill me, Severus. It is the only way. Only then will the Dark Lord trust you completely.

[Harry continues to see through Snape's memories] Dumbledore: There will come a time when Harry Potter must be told something. But you must wait until Voldemort is at his most vulnerable. Severus Snape: Must be told what? Dumbledore: On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry, and Lily Potter cast herself between them, the curse rebounded. When that happened, a part of Voldemort's soul latched itself onto the only living thing it could find. Harry himself. There was a reason Harry could speak with snakes. There was a reason he could look into Lord Voldemort's mind. A part of Voldemort lives inside him. Severus Snape: So when the time comes, the boy must die? Dumbledore: Yes. Yes. He must die.

[Harry continues to see through Snape's memories] Severus Snape: You've kept him alive so that he can die at the proper moment. You've been raising him like a pig for slaughter. Dumbledore: Don't tell me now that you've grown to care for the boy. [Snape casts his own Patronus, the silver doe, same as Lily's, that helped Harry find the Sword of Gryffendor in Part 1] Dumbledore: Lily? After all this time? Severus Snape: Always. So, when the time comes, the boy must die? Dumbledore: Yes, he must. And Voldemort himself must do it. That is essential.

[Harry in shock from finding out that he himself is a Horcrux he encounters Ron and Hermione on the steps of Hogwarts]

Hermione Granger: Where have you been? Ron Weasley: We thought you went to the Forest. [Harry walks past them]

Harry Potter: I'm going there now. Ron Weasley: Are you mad? No! You can't give yourself up to him. [Harry stops] Hermione Granger: What is it, Harry? What is it you know? Harry Potter: There's a reason I can hear them. The Horcruxes. I think I've known for a while. And I think you have too. [Hermione starts to cry] Hermione Granger: I'll go with you. Harry Potter: No. Kill the snake. Kill the snake, and then it's just him. [Hermione hugs Harry]

[in the Forest Harry finds the Resurrection Stone in the Golden Snitch and then he sees his parents, Remus and Sirius] Lily Potter: You've been so brave, sweetheart. Harry Potter: Why are you here? All of you. Lily Potter: We never left. [he turns to Sirius] Harry Potter: Does...does it hurt? Dying? Sirius Black: Quicker than falling asleep. James Potter: You're nearly there son. Harry Potter: I'm sorry. I never wanted any of you to die for me. And Remus, your son? Remus Lupin: Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. One day, he'll understand. Harry Potter: You'll stay with me? James Potter: Until the end. Harry Potter: I hear I won't be able to see you. Sirius Black: No. We're here, you see. [points to Harry's heart] Harry Potter: Stay close to me. Lily Potter: Always.

[as Harry meets Voldemort in the Forest] Lord Voldemort: Harry Potter. The boy who lived, come to die. [Voldemort slowly raises the Elder Wand and fires the Killing Curse at Harry]

[after Harry has been hit with the killing curse he wakes up in a marble white train station,

there he finds a child-like and bloodied version of Voldemort bent in a fetal position under a seat]

Dumbledore: You can't help him. Harry, you wonderful boy. You brave, brave man. Let us walk. [they start walking] Harry Potter: Professor, what is that? Dumbledore: Something beyond either of our help. A part of Voldemort sent here to die. Harry Potter: And exactly where are we? Dumbledore: I was gonna ask you that? Where would you say that we are? Harry Potter: Well, it looks like Kings Cross Station, only cleaner and without all the trains. Dumbledore: King's Cross, is that right? This is, as they say, your party.

[as they continue walking in the clean looking station] Dumbledore: I expect you now realize that you and Voldemort have been connected by something other than fate, since that night in Godric's Hollow all those years ago. Harry Potter: So, it's true then, sir. A part of him lives within me, doesn't it? Dumbledore: Did. It was just destroyed many moments ago by none other than Voldemort himself. You were the Horcrux he never meant to make, Harry. [they sit down on one of the white marble benches] Harry Potter: I have to go back, haven't I? Dumbledore: Oh, that's up to you. Harry Potter: I have a choice? Dumbledore: Oh, yes! We're in King's Cross, you say. I think if you so desired, you'd be able to board a train. Harry Potter: And where would it take me? Dumbledore: On.

Harry Potter: Voldemort has the Elder Wand. Dumbledore: True. Harry Potter: And the snake's still alive. Dumbledore: Yes. Harry Potter: And I've nothing to kill it with. Dumbledore: Help will always be given at Hogwarts, Harry, to those who ask for it. I've always prized myself on my ability to turn a phrase. Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it. But I would in this case amend my original statement to this; help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it. Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living. And above all, all those who live without love.

Harry Potter: Professor, my mother's Patronus was a doe, wasn't it? It's the same as Professor Snape's. It's curious, don't you think? Dumbledore: Actually, if I think about it, it doesn't seem curious at all. I'll be going now, Harry. [as Dumbledore is walking away from him] Harry Potter: Professor? Is this all real? Or is it just happening inside my head? Dumbledore: Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry. Why should that mean that it's not real? [Dumbledore turns and he disappears into the white light] Harry Potter: Professor, what shall I do? Professor? [Harry re-awakens then in the Forest]

[referring to the still body of Harry lying on the Forest ground] Bellatrix Lestrange: The he dead? [Narcissa walks over to Harry and sees that he's alive whispers to him] Narcissa Malfoy: Is he alive? Draco, is he alive?

[Harry nods his head to confirm seeing this Narcissa turns to Voldemort and the others] Narcissa Malfoy: Dead.

Lord Voldemort: Harry Potter is dead! Ginny Weasley: [screams] No! No! [she runs towards Hagrid who's carrying Harry's body] Lord Voldemort: Silence! Stupid girl! Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me. [turning to his crowd of followers] Lord Voldemort: Harry Potter is dead! And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us or die.

[after Voldemort has asked them to join him, Neville steps forward and limps towards him] Lord Voldemort: Well, I must say I'd hoped for better. [Voldemort's followers laugh] Lord Voldemort: And who might you be, young man?

Neville Longbottom: Neville Longbottom. [Voldemort's crowd laughs again] Lord Voldemort: Well, Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks. Neville Longbottom: I'd like to say something. Lord Voldemort: Well, Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say. Neville Longbottom: It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. Seamus Finnigan: Stand down, Neville. Neville Longbottom: People die everyday! Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us. In here. [points to his heart] Neville Longbottom: So is Fred and Remus, Tonks. All of them. They didn't die in vain. [he turns to Voldemort] Neville Longbottom: But you will! Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us! [Neville pulls the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat he'd been carrying] Neville Longbottom: And it's not over! [at that moment, Harry jumps out of Hagrid's arms to reveal he's still alive]

[as Harry and Voldemort are battling it out] Harry Potter: You were right. When you told Professor Snape that wand was failing you. It will always fail! Lord Voldemort: I killed Snape. Harry Potter: But what if that wand never belonged to Snape? What if its allegiance was always to someone else? Come on, Tom. Let's finish this the way we started it. Together! [Harry grabs Voldemort around the neck and throws themselves over the edge of the castle]

[after war is finally won and Voldemort has been killed] Hermione Granger: Why didn't it work for him, the Elder Wand? Harry Potter: It answered to somebody else. When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his. But the thing is, the wand never belonged to Snape. It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy Tower. From that moment on, the wand answered to him. Until the other night, when I disarmed Draco. At Malfoy Manor. Ron Weasley: So that means... Harry Potter: It's mine. Ron Weasley: What shall we do with it? Hermione Granger: We? Ron Weasley: Just saying, that's the Elder Wand. The most powerful wand in the world. With that, we'd be invincible. [Harry snaps the wand in half and throws the pieces over the edge of the bridge]

[last lines; 19 years later Harry and Ginny now married take their children to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters to board Hogwarts Express] Albus Severus Potter: Dad, what if I am put in Slytherin? Harry Potter: Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man I'd ever known. Albus Severus Potter: But just say that I am. Harry Potter: Then Slytherin House will have gained a wonderful young wizard. But listen, if it really means that much to you, you can choose Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account. Albus Severus Potter: Really? Harry Potter: Really. [the train warden sounds his whistle for everyone to board the train] Harry Potter: Ready? Albus Severus Potter: Ready. [Harry hugs his son, then Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny watch as their children depart for school on the Hogwarts Express]

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