The Power of Worship #2

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The Power Of Worship

Job 1:1-3, 13:22

There are a number of weapons that Christ gave to the church to be used for spiritual war. The Name of Jesus The Blood of Jesus The Word of God Keys of Binding and loosing The word of our testimony

One other that is hardly mentioned is WORSHIP. It is powerful and it is quick because it cause God to react towards us. Notice that Job was under the attack of the enemy. He had bad news # 1 the Sabeans came and took all his asses and his oxen and killed his servants except the one that escaped. Job did nothing. He had bad news #2 fire came down from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants except the one that escaped. Job did nothing. He had bad news # 3 the Chaldeans stole all the camels and killed the servants except the one that escaped. Job did nothing. He had bad news #4 the wind had destroyed the house where his sons and his daughters were and they will all killed except the one that escaped. Then Job acted.

When Job acted he did not call the funeral home, he did not mourn and groan. He did not bawl out for help he went into worship. In Luke Chapter 11 we have the story of the death of Lazarus and in this story we have something significant.

When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick he stayed where he was for another three days. Jesus was first met by Martha the sister of Lazarus and she said these words to him: Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. 22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. Jesus only response was Thy brother shall rise again When he met with Mary she said the exact words of her sister to Jesus but something was different about her that propelled Jesus into action. In verse 32 she said Lord if thou hadst been here my brother had died not but just before she said those word there is something significant that she did - she fell down before him. I want you to know that the term she fell down before him does that mean she lost her footing or she slipped but it means she went sown in worship. Her words brought out the manifested power in Jesus and the Bible says he groaned in his spirit and was troubled. That is what worship does. It moves the hand of God and gets him involved in our circumstance and when he groans in His spirit I know I am coming out of the situation. That is the power of worship There are some terms in the Bible that are related to worship. Look them up and see the wonder working power of God when they are used to worship God. The lifting of hands Bowing down Falling down before Laying prostate

In Exodus Chapter 17 Israel was at war again the Amalekites. Moses was interceding on behalf of Israel but there was something significant again in that

incident. When Moses lifted his hand Israel prevailed but when Moses dropped his hands the Amalekites prevailed. The lifting of hands is a sign of worship. In Acts16 Paul and Silas were in prison bound with chains as the other prisoners were. Verse 25 tells us that at midnight they prayed and sang hymns to God, this means they worshipped God. What was the effect of that worship? The prison shook All the doors opened Everyones bands were loosed

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