By Sarga: Common Ground

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Common Ground By Sarga They sat around the fire, the last vestiges of daylight quietly seeping from

the sky. The four adults and one fire-cat demon shared a tense atmosphere. Kagome was furious. All day, all she could think about was the blasted perverted monk. All day, he had ignored her. Not even his normal 'Oops, I just grazed your behind, please don't take offence and hit me with a blunt object.' And to top it all off, Inuyasha was getting on her nerves. Who did he think he was, anyway? Asking her 'Are you alright?'. Of course she was alright! Why wouldn't she be alright? It's not like that damned monk should be touching her ass like that!! Somehow Inuyasha didn't understand why she had sat him... Huffing in boredom, Kagome stood up abruptly, startling the demon slayer and drawing a wary glance from the corner of the half-demon's eye. Only Miroku damn him and his sexiness for corrupting her virgin mind! was unaffected, his meditating form leaning sedately against a tree. If only Kagome could have known how not sedate Miroku's mind was, fantasising about her naked in the hot spring last week, panty-flashing on Inuyasha's back earlier that day no, his mind was definitely not sedate... Kagome snapped her blanket out and placed it on the ground as far away from the monk as possible without being suspicious and proceeded to turn her back on the fire, essentially giving them all the breathing room they had been desperately wanting not that she realized it. It wasn't long before the whole gang was settled in for the night. Even Miroku nodded off... ---------Kagome awoke first, the early dawn light flickering through the tree leaves above to glitter in her eyes. Squinting against the intrusion, Kagome sighed as she saw that she would most likely have to go alone to fetch the water needed to make breakfast. Grumbling under her breath, Kagome brought the canteens with her on the short trek to the river for water. Kneeling down to get the water from the river, Kagome nearly pitched forward as she felt an uninvited if welcome hand on her posterior. Only the invader's swift reflexes he caught her torso by wrapping his arm around her and grabbing her breast prevented her from falling face-first into the frigid morning waters.

Wha... what are you doing? Heart hammering hard, Kagome whispered nervously as she felt Miroku's hands begin to writhe along her body. Her breast was being moulded enticingly and the hand on her ass was searching for an opening in her panties. As his hand slipped beneath the cotton cloth, Kagome gasped at the electric feelings his magical fingers drew from her flesh. He slipped two fingers into her pussy from behind and began sliding them into her, her own excited slickness spurring him on. Why Kagome, I thought that would be obvious. Only in dreams could I do this unmolested by the halfdemon. Dreams...? That's when she realized it. Inuyasha and Sango had been asleep, but she hadn't seen their auras. Ever since she had learned about spotting auras, she would see them clearly and easily. Today, however, theirs had been missing, as if this world were fake... Realizing that he was correct that this was a dream, and that in dreams no consequence would follow, Kagome gave in, moaning and arching her back willingly into Miroku's unyielding body. Feeling his hand slip out from inside of her, Kagome was whirled around and held by the waist to face the enamoured monk. His eyes flashed playfully before dipping in for a kiss, a kiss that turned heated as his hands roamed her body freely. Gasping for air, Kagome did some exploration of her own, the feeling so real that she could hardly believe it was 'just a dream' as she knew it to be. Smirking in satisfaction when she found his erection pressing forward, Kagome egged him on, rubbing through layers of cloth. Fuck me... the whispered entreaty was bold for her, but Kagome took comfort in the security of knowing it was imaginary. I've wanted you for so long... Kagome punctuated her plea with a firm squeeze on his cock. Eyes wide at her brazenness, Miroku quickly stripped himself of his robes, becoming as naked as he could be without destroying the world around him. Stopping only when he realized Kagome was staring at him... and his erection. Miroku flexed his muscles and his penis bobbed up, drawing a red blush from the priestess. I can see your aura... Kagome muttered averting her eyes as she realized she might have been had. And I can see yours... Miroku playfully replied. Even the worst of dreams have some for of reality in them... even if all of their participants don't. Miroku punctuated his observation by once again bobbing his penis, drawing a giggle from the girl in front of him. Now let's see what we can do about this... he motioned toward his erection.

Grinning impishly, Kagome dropped to her knees without preamble. Staring longingly at the appendage she would never truly get to see, she fingered his balls, testing their weight as she began to stroke his shaft. Thankful that she was able to control herself in this dream, Kagome explored him, testing his length and girth with broad strokes, drawing out gasps and moans as she teased the shaft and balls with her touch. Mmm... not that I'm complaining about having your hands on my person, Miroku closed his eyes and let his head loll back a bit. ...but it just isn't the same without your delightful body... Take off your clothing, Kagome. Strip for me. Loving his teasing tone, Kagome knelt back completely oblivious to how wanton she looked on her knees before him and began to take off her futuristic attire. Naked from the waist up, Kagome slid her hand down her stomach and waggled her eyebrows as she dipped her own hand into her waistband. Not to be left behind the monk dropped to his knees to be level with the priestess and he reached under her skirt, eager fingers slipping covertly behind the cotton of her panties to draw teasing circles along her clit. Uh-un, Miroku cooed as she tried to jerk away from the sudden stimulation. You got to play with me for a bit. It's only fair that I return the favour. That's when Kagome realized something. Naraku had nothing on this guy... Miroku was the devil. Moaning as his expert hands stimulated her hardened nub of erect flesh, Kagome hooked her fingers into the band of her panties. Sliding them down, Kagome pushed Miroku's hand momentarily out of the way before he returned to renew his erotic assault. Pushing her backwards until she shifted to lie down, Miroku used his other hand to begin a second point of attack. Thrusting his fingers inside of her, Miroku continued circling the excited flesh of her clitoris, delighting in the delicate moans she was breathing out. Finally she couldn't take it any more and Kagome felt her orgasm hit her in waves. With Miroku still stimulating her, Kagome rode long and hard, her thick juices flowing over his constricted fingers. Removing his hands from within her, Miroku began rubbing his cock with a cum-slicked hand and leaned into the girl, guiding his erection to her juicy pussy lips. Easing into her with a groan, Miroku allowed himself to fall forward, catching himself on his arm just before his weight would have fallen on his lover. Fuck me... Kagome urged again, her whispered words little more than mere breath. Moaning in response, Miroku let her slick heat encase him as he pushed himself in as far as she would take him. Drawing out these initial thrusts, Miroku soon lost his willpower and began to impale the

woman again and again. Kagome felt overwhelmed as his thick cock pushed in and pulled out at a rapidly increasing tempo, their panted breaths almost in unison. Revelling in the feeling of his hardness rubbing against her inner walls, Kagome threw her head back with a deep moan, only to feel Miroku start to become slightly arrhythmic in his movements. Pulsing wildly, Miroku came inside Kagome, the thick spurts of cum coating her inner walls. Letting her slick depths milk him for all he was worth, Miroku collapsed onto his elbows, trying not to suffocate the woman beneath him. Nestled in each other's arms, the monk's length growing flaccid inside of the priestess, the pair of lovers fell asleep. ---------Kagome awoke, this time unsure if she was still in the dream world or not. Searching the campsite, things appeared normal but how could she tell that this wasn't the beginning of another erotic dream? Crawling over to the sleeping monk, Kagome bit her lip, contemplating on whether she had the courage to make a move on what could be the real Miroku. Knowing him, he would think of it as some sort of come-on (which it was) and never let her live it down. In her musings Kagome missed the tell-tale sign that he was awake. As she focused hard on his lips, she did not miss the sight of his tongue darting out to lick his top lip enticingly. Gasping, Kagome brought her eyes up to meet his, and an electric jolt was shared between them. Raw, animalism, she could see the passion in his eyes and gave in to her dream once more. Her lips crashed into his and his hands moved to her ass, pulling her to grind against his obvious erection. What the fuck!? The sound of the livid half-demon drew both of there attention and Kagome cast a nervous glance over her shoulder. Inuyasha. She could see Inuyasha's aura. This isn't a dream... both figures spoke at the same time. Kagome's expression was one of pure shock and disbelief. He had been so convincingly enthralled with

her, she had been sure it was still a dream. That meant he had also been there... Kagome's faced flushed then turned beet red. Miroku's expression was, at first, just like Kagome's. Half a second of pure disbelief, then one of awe she had participated fully in the debauchery of their shared dream after all and his lip was curling up in a wicked show of predatory desire. Before Kagome could register his change in expression he pounced. Miroku's lips crashed into Kagome's in a show of brutal passion. Both were aware that this wasn't a dream. When neither broke away from the other, both were aware that the other was aware that this wasn't mere fantasy. Kagome found herself suddenly wrenched from Miroku's embrace at the same time as Hiraikotsu came down hard on the monk's head. Poor Miroku, so misunderstood... and concussed.

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