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Diplomacy By Sarga

No! Absolutely not! I will not, under any circumstances agree to such an unnatural and unhealthy act!

Kagome stared at the monk, her half-smirk warning him that his emphatic disagreement was not being heeded.

Surely you can't expect me to agree to such a thing? Would you, in my place, agree to sharing me with Kikyou? Miroku was desperate, she wasn't budging, not one bit.

Actually, now that you mention it... I've always wondered what it would be like to see another woman taken from behind... call it a voyeuristic fantasy.

You can't be serious!? Miroku was desperate now, his voice raising in pitch. He had expected the priestess to explode in a rage, to forget she had even asked him such a... heinous request. She wasn't supposed to agree with him!

Quite serious, Kagome folded her arms determinedly. I want you to get Hatchi to switch into your form and have a three-way with us.

Miroku stared hard at his priestess.

Was this his fault? Had he squeezed her ass a little too hard and broken the part of her that was supposed to be restrained? Had he... made her the pervert?

Miroku began to panic.

Pouting now, Kagome couldn't stand the idea of not being indulged in the one thing she had ever asked of him. Sure it was a biggie, but it wasn't like he hadn't taken liberties with her body without asking...

Kagome sighed, wondering if she could somehow go about this another way.

Find, I give in, Miroku, Kagome scowled at Miroku's instant relief from the panic. If you promise to let me use this, Kagome held a brightly-coloured, penis-shaped piece of floppy rubber in her grasp and waved it around in an absurd manner that just screamed 'this is a nightmare' to the monk. Let me use this while we make love, and I'll forget about the Miroku-double, okay?

Okay! Miroku agreed without hesitation, knowing he would be infinitely more comfortable with a small rubber penis in her ass than his tanuki-demon ally.

Kagome smirked at her small victory. She had always wanted to know what it would feel like to be filled in both sides at once... now she would find out.

Okay! Kagome echoed enthusiastically, grabbing her monk by the hand to lead him to his hut.

Kagome was not known for her patience.

Wait... you want to do this now? Miroku, confused by the sudden turn-around, placidly stumbled

along behind the priestess while his mind did the same.



Kagome practically threw the monk inside as she dropped her backpack in the corner of the room. Digging through to find the lubricant, she held both prizes the dildo and the lube aloft. Placing them within easy reach, the priestess started giggling aloud with excitement as she launched herself after the confused monk. This would be so fun!

Mmm, Kagome... Miroku was lost. Overwhelmed by the sensation of her hands searching, groping, grasping at any part of him, he was pulled inexorably higher. His clothes joined hers in a pile on the floor and his hands seemed to know what to do without thought because, frankly, he wasn't capable of thought at all, what with the constant deluge of priestess-driven fervour.

The feel of Kagome leaving him standing alone was followed shortly with the feel of cool rubber meeting his hands. With an embarrassed tinge to her cheeks that was coloured further by her arousal, Kagome took his breath away. What she said after that just possibly might have prevented him from breathing ever again.

I've lubed it up... can you... put it in? Kagome was panting, her short breath and racing heart proof of her anticipation. Spinning on her heel, Kagome bent forward and offered her rear for her lover to comply with her request.

The feel of the slippery fake penis-head at her anus was overwhelming. She could feel Miroku hold the rubber cock with a steady, even pressure as he slipped first one finger, then another ahead of it, preparing her for the slightly larger implement.

Ready now, Kagome pushed back wordlessly, hoping Miroku would understand her need for penetration. He did.

Miroku pulled his fingers out and put more pressure on the dildo. Pushing forward, Kagome cried out in pleasure as the thing breached her outer ring and was worked back and forth, in and out until it was seated deeply inside of her rear passage. Flicking the wireless switch in her hands, Kagome nearly squealed at the feeling of the device revving up inside of her.

Now, Miroku, Kagome gasped in lust-filled need. Take me like this!

Miroku, harder than he could remember ever being, rubbed his pre-cum-slickened tip along her warm, wet seam. Working himself up and down her pussy lips, he lubricated himself more and more, the torturous foreplay almost too much for them both.

Slipping within her folds, Miroku thrust until his penis was overwhelmed with an unusual vibration. Pulling back a little and thrusting forward with a startled moan, Miroku realized that thing was going to make things very, very difficult... or easy depending on point of view.

Milking the sensation for everything it was worth, Miroku pushed in to the hilt, his dangling balls tightening with the nearness of his impending orgasm. Picking up the pace, he could feel as Kagome neared her own climax, the dual sensations of his hardened length and the vibrating toy thrusting inward too much to deny any longer.

Kagome's knees nearly gave out as her orgasm tore through her, the vibrating dildo inside relentless in its sensual assault. Miroku, equally unrelenting, slammed into her over and over, drawing out her moaning cries into one long wail.

Still throbbing around him, still crying out her pleasure, Kagome felt as Miroku joined her, the thinlyseparated vibrator causing just enough stimulation to drive him to completion.

Hitting the switch on the toy, Kagome collapsed to the floor, curling up into a ball of warm, oozing flesh. Pulling Miroku's nearby robes as a blanket, she made a nest for herself right where she had dropped, after removing the toy and laying it safely to the side.

Miroku picked up the girl not knowing just where he got the strength after such a powerful release and moved her to the softer layers of blankets that made up their shared 'bed'.

See... much better than a tanuki-demon, Miroku cooed tiredly as he wrapped himself and his lover in layer after layer of blanket.

Nah... he would have had your... attributes. Somehow I think I got the raw end of that deal, Kagome replied with a yawn.

Somehow, I think we both got the winning end... Miroku nuzzled the back of his lover's neck as they tiredly bantered, both on the edge of sleep.

Kagome's next words jolted the monk out of his almost-sleep.

Besides... next time, you're going to have to deal with two priestesses. I'd have thought you'd like all the help you could get.

Kagome was out like a light.

Kagome, what do you mean, 'two priestesses'? Miroku blinked wondering what in all hells she meant. Kagome?

Too bad the monk hadn't been face to face with the woman. He might have seen her weary smirk and known she had been joking...


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