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Out of Breath By Sarga

Kagome sighed as she shuffled down the village road, her tired feet leading her back to the inn where Inuyasha was sleeping and where she would meet Miroku once he was done trading in the market. Having made it most of the way back to Kaede's, the trio had been flagged down by a strange old man spouting off claims that a wolf-demon had been stealing his corn. After hearing the man out, Kagome had felt it prudent to at least speak with the village's priestess.

Inuyasha had been indignant when they had been stopped, even more so when the old man had claimed the offending demon was a wolf.

A wolf-shit would be more likely to eat the old man than his stupid corn, Inuyasha had grumbled before refusing to help 'solve the problem'.

It turned out Inuyasha was right.

Kagome was almost back to the inn when she spotted the familiar black and purple robes of her lover out of the corner of her eye. Her feet were lighter and she practically skipped to Miroku's side until she was just within ear-shot.

Do not worry, old woman, Kagome has not yet lost her powers. Miroku's voice was jovial but with an edge that Kagome recognized as annoyance. We will be married in the traditional way when she is ready.

Kagome stopped dead in her tracks as she heard Miroku's declaration. Obviously the old woman had qualms about an unwed female in the presence of an unwed male, and word had gotten out of their

sleeping arrangements. Miroku had essentially appeased the older woman's 'delicate' sensibilities with the implication that they had not yet consummated the relationship. The 'knowledge' that only pure maidens could maintain a priestess' powers were misleading. 'Purity' did not apparently equate to 'virginity' or else Kagome would have lost her powers ten times over.

Kagome's mind whirled a mile a minute, unsure if she had heard Miroku correctly. Had he just said they would marry? Was he lying to the merchant to keep her from denying him service, or was he merely biding his time, waiting for her to be 'ready', as he had said?

Kagome realized Miroku had headed on without her and was almost back to the inn where they were supposed to have met up. Stumbling over her own feet, Kagome caught up with him as he reached the door.

Ah, my love! Were you successful in speaking with the village priestess? Miroku questioned jovially as they approached their shared room.

Wha... oh, yeah, she was there. She said the old man was known for his random bouts of craziness. Last week he came tearing into town in the middle of the night crying that his home was on fire. When the men ran to his homestead with water to put it out, they found that not only was his home not on fire, but his cooking fire had gone out.

Miroku chuckled to himself, nodding in understanding. Sometimes people went a little mad when they were alone. They would spend one night in the old man's hut, leave for a couple of hours and, if they really couldn't find anything, tell him they had vanquished the evil demons who had threatened to burn his home to the ground.

So... uh... I saw you in the market, Kagome prompted conversationally, wondering if he would reveal what she had overheard as a farce. Did you... find out anything?

Miroku smiled, thinking of the silly old merchant. Yes actually.

Kagome held her breath as they entered their room.

This town has very overpriced fruit.

Kagome nearly tripped over her feet at the anticlimactic statement.

But what about getting married? Kagome blurted out before immediately slapping her hands over her own mouth and holding her breath once more. Kagome wasn't sure, but she might not want to do that too often. Her vision was starting to spin...

Oh. You... overheard that, did you? Miroku was a little nervous about what he had let slip, just like the priestess.

Yeah, I overheard you, Kagome whispered, wondering why he wasn't saying it was just a joke to throw off an old lady. Did you mean it? Kagome's voice was small, much smaller than she meant it to be. Was it right that her voice was so small when the question was so big?

Miroku looked hard into Kagome's eyes, wondering if she really didn't know the answer to her own question, after so many weeks together.

Every word.

That's when Kagome found out...

...that she really shouldn't hold her breath for so long.

The priestess had fainted.

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