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Leading Trade Fair for Renewable and Conventional Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Utility Management

Export Forum Renewable Energy

24th April 2006 Hannover, Germany

Wind & Solar Powered Seawater Desalination

1 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

1 Company Profile 2 Desalination Technologies
Thermal and Membrane Processes: State-of-the-Art, Trends & Economy

3 Wind Powered Desalination

Design Options & Economy

4 Solar Powered Desalination

Design Options & Economy

5 RES Desalination - Outlook 6 Renewable Energy in the United Arab Emirates

Wind & Solar Resources, Activities & Projects
2 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Company Profile
Project developer for turnkey wind power plants - worldwide Full range of services from early stage investigation to final operation management SYNLIFT was significantly responsible for turnkey realisation of the first wind power project at the Arab Gulf (UAE) Design and launch of innovative wind power applications e.g. wind powered seawater desalination

SYNLIFT Systems GmbH

3 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Feed water for Desalination

Total Dissolved Solids TDS [mg/l] Location Open Seas (Oceans) Closed Seas (Mediterranean Sea) Red Sea Arabian Gulf TDS [mg/l] 35,000 38,000 41,000 45,000

Potable Water < 1,000 mg/l, WHO Standard < 500 mg/l Seawater Intake
directly from Sea (Open Intake) Coastal Aquifer
4 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Principles of Desalination


Membrane Process



Seawater Heat




5 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Desalination Technologies

Seawater Desalination Processes

Phase-change Thermal Processes
Multistage Flash Evaporation (MSF) Multi Effect Distillation (MED) Vapor Compression (VC) Mechanical (MVC) & Thermal (TVC)
6 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Single-phase Membrane Processes

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Electrodialysis (ED)

Comparison Thermal vs. Membrane

Energy Consumption Recovery Investment [$/(m/day)] Chemicals [$/m] approx. 13 kWhel/m
(70 kWhth + 3 to 4 kWhel)

4 - 5 kWhel/m 30 - 50 % 700 - 1,500
(10 % thereof for membranes)

10% to 20% (brine recycling) 1,000 - 1,500 approx. 0.03 to 0.05

approx. 0.06 to 0.1

(downwards, UF pre-treatment)

Membrane Replacement n.a. Brine, Quantity Brine, Quality O&M Robustness Improvement Potential
Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

every 5 years
(2% of investment/year)

Distillate X 4 to 9 Chemicals, Heat Scaling disposal High Low

Permeate X 1 to 4 Chemicals Washing of Filters (fortnightly) and Membranes (bimonthly) Less High, Fouling Sensitivity, Feedwater Monitoring !!! High
Source: Goebel, Lahmeyer International GmbH

Economics of Desalination

Specific Investment Cost [$/m/day] Total Cost Product [$/m]




1,200 1,500

900 1,000

950 1,000

700 - 900

1.10 1.25

0.75 0.85

0.87 0.95

0.68 0.82


Plant Capacity Interest Rate Project Life Price Electricity

30,000 m/day 7% 20 years 0.065 $/kWh


Source: Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, World Bank 2004

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Desalination Technologies

Distribution of installed plant capacity according to desalination process

16.3 % 36.5 %

47.2 %



MED, VC and Others

Source: 2004 IDA Worldwide Desalting Plants Inventory Report No 18; published by Wangnick Consulting

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Trends in Desalination Technologies

Reverse Osmosis world-wide dominates new installations of desalination capacity New thermal plants restricted to Gulf Region (MED with largest improving potential) Availability of temperature-resistant RO- Membranes ? Potential for Gulf Region Reduction of energy costs (approx. 30 - 60 % of water production costs !!) by: Increasing energy efficiency (RO, energy recovery) Increasing substitution of fossil by renewable energy systems (RES) expected

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

RES Desalination Combinations

Source: E. Drioli and E. Curcio, A study on modern water desalination technologies in the Gulf ESCWA member countries, prepared for ESCWA in July 2001


Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

RES Desalination Combinations

Energy Source

Form of Energy Electricity Heat

Steady Supply

Location specific

Resource Constraints

Solar PV

Solar Regime

Solar Heat

Solar Regime


Wind Regime Availability, Storage and Transport of suitable Biomass Wave Regime



* can be achieved with resource management

Source: Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, World Bank 2004


Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

RES Desalination Configurations

Offgrid - Systems
(medium or high RE penetration)

Ongrid Systems
coupling of RE system with desalination indirect (low RE penetration) or direct (medium or high RE penetration)

13 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

RES Coupled Desalination

renewable energy used for desalination energy demand of desalination

RE penetration =

Consequences of high RE penetration

Increasing independency on volatility and rise of prices for fossil fuel Higher technical requirements
generation & load management variable operation of desalination process latent overcapacity installed storage capacity for product water
14 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

RE penetration/RE system integration in practice

Wind Powered Desalination

RE System Integration with Low Penetration

Loads, including Desalination Plant

Characteristics: RES < fossil generation capacity (fuel saver); constant operation of desalination plant; indirect coupling Advantages: RES completely usable ( even without storage); no technical modifications required; retrofit RES
15 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Disadvantages: small saving potential for water production cost

Wind Powered Desalination

RE System Integration with Medium Penetration

Characteristics: RES fossil generation capacity (no storage facilities) constant operation of desalination plant Advantages: no technical modifications for desalination required; retrofit RES; offgrid option

Disadvantages: limited saving potential for water production cost; surplus RE often not usable in offgrid configuration
16 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Wind Powered Desalination

RE System Integration with High Penetration

Characteristics: variable operation of desalination (load management); overcapacities & water storage supply guarantee Advantages: maximum saving for water production cost; minimum dependency on fossil fuel; offgrid option

Disadvantages: additional investments (tech. modification required); limited experience with variable operated desalination
17 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Wind Powered Desalination

System example 1: Electric powered RO

Wind Turbine Control System

RO 1

Pump Station ER SEA Pretreatment


Storage Tanks C1 C2

RO 2


ER Brine Diesel

Water Supply



Characteristics: - coupling via subnet (ongrid) or island grid (offgrid) - generation and/or load management required - adjustment water production/demand via overcapacities and/or multi-day storage tank Status: R&D / supplier: - constant-mode RO: customised indiv. plants < 100 m/d - variable-mode RO: few pilot plants, lack of experience - Canary Island Technological Institute SA, - Enercon GmbH (Enercon Desalination System), - SYNLIFT Systems GmbH (SYNWATER)/ IE and others


Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Wind Powered Desalination

System example 2: Mechanic. coupled MVC/RO

mechanical coupling of rotor with shaft driven pumps, generation and/or load management required

Power train of prototype

technical conceptual design

R&D / supplier:
aerodyn Energiesysteme GmbH (Wind Desalter) and others


19 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Wind Powered Desalination

System example 3: Electrically coupled MVC

vertical evaporator/ condenser units, electric heater consuming surplus energy

very few pilot projects

R&D / supplier:
WME GmbH (Germany), Canary Island Technological Institute SA and others

Source: WME/KGW Schweriner Maschinenbau GmbH


Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Wind Powered Desalination

Water production cost Electric powered RO (variable mode) - offgrid system
rated RO capacity 1.500 m/d water demand 1.000 m/d rated WEC capacity 850 kW rated capacity diesel 300 kW water storage capacity (daily productions) 1-3 project lifetime interest rate index O& M 20 years 8% 2%
Offgrid system - LWC comparison of conventional and advanced energy recovery [EURO/m)
wind penet [%]

fuel costs
0,30 EUR/ l 0,50 EUR/l 0,75 EUR/l 1,00 EUR/l

5 m/s total energy consumption 6 kWh/m3 6 m/s 7 m/s 8 m/s pure diesel 5 m/s

46 65 77 93 0 59 81 87 97 0

1,53 1,43 1,37 1,27 1,23 1,40 1,32 1,32 1,27 1,08

1,71 1,55 1,45 1,30 1,57 1,51 1,37 1,35 1,27 1,34

1,94 1,70 1,55 1,33 2,00 1,64 1,43 1,40 1,28 1,66

2,18 1,84 1,64 1,36 2,43 1,77 1,49 1,44 1,30 1,98

Competitive capacity Wind speed 6 m/s Fuel cost 0,50 EUR/l

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

total energy consumption 4,5 kWh/m3

6 m/s 7 m/s 8 m/s pure diesel

Wind Powered Desalination

Water production cost Electric powered RO (variable mode) - ongrid system
rated RO capacity 1.500 m/d water demand 1.000 m/d rated WEC capacity 850 kW water storage capacity (daily productions) 1-3 feed-in tariff 50 % (related to grid electricity costs) project lifetime interest rate index O&M 20 years 8% 2%
Ongrid system - LWC comparison of conventional and advanced energy recovery [EURO/m) grid electricity costs feed-in tariff 50 %
wind penet [%]

0,05 EUR/ kWh

0,08 EUR/ kWh

0,11 EUR/ kWh

0,14 EUR/ kWh

5 m/s total energy consumption 6 kWh/m3 6 m/s 7 m/s 8 m/s excl. mains 5 m/s

46 65 77 93 0 59 81 87 97 0

1,32 1,28 1,24 1,17 0,88 1,27 1,23 1,21 1,15 0,80

1,41 1,33 1,25 1,13 1,07 1,32 1,24 1,19 1,09 0,94

1,50 1,37 1,26 1,10 1,26 1,36 1,24 1,16 1,03 1,09

1,59 1,42 1,28 1,07 1,45 1,41 1,25 1,14 0,97 1,23

Competitive capacity Wind speed 6 m/s Grid electricity 0,14 EUR/kWh

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

total energy consumption 4,5 kWh/m3

6 m/s 7 m/s 8 m/s excl. mains

Wind Powered Desalination

Summary Wind Power with Cost of Energy (COE) between 4 - 10 Cent/kWh is one of the most economic RES Promising coupling of wind power & desalination
Seawater desalination facilities in coastal areas with good wind resource due to sea breezes and high demand Storage of desalinated water compensates for the variability of RES power output and its availability in terms of time Smart generation & load management permanent adaptation of water production according to wind power Latent desalination overcapacity allows water production and storage in periods of strong wind

Wind powered Reverse Osmosis plants

Lack of long-time experience and process improvement in variablemode RO operation Further R&D and pilot projects required
23 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Solar Powered Desalination

Solar Radiation

Collector Photovoltaic Heat Solar Thermal Power Plant

Electric Energy Waste Heat

Electric Energy


Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis

Desalinated Water
24 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Solar Powered Desalination

Photovoltaic - RO - System

COE approx. 0.20 0.40 $/kWh Suitable for small capacities up to 10 m/day
1 m/day needs 400 Wp (approx. 4 m PV panels) 2 kWp PV, battery and charger for 24/7 operation Costs RO 4,000 $/(m/d) PV (400 W) 2,000 $

remote villages hotels islands

Commercial application

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

no grid no fossil resources


Solar Powered Desalination

Thermal Desalination I

Solar Still
Sun + low temp. Collector Heat + Distillation

Simple solution for smallest capacities 1 m/day requires 250 m !!! Applications:
remote villages developing countries

26 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Solar Powered Desalination

Thermal Desalination II

Solar MED
Sun + medium temp. Collector Heat + Distillation
Stand alone systems with heat generation cost of 2.5 $Cent/kWhth, and energy consumption of 70 kWh/m
Source: E. Drioli and E. Curcio, A study on modern water desalination technologies in the Gulf ESCWA member countries, prepared for ESCWA in July 2001

For large capacities up to 100,000 m/day:

1 m/d requires 2.4 kWth (5 m collector, 5 h/d nominal power), 24/7 operation requires 12 kW collector and thermal storage Investment: MED (large capacity) 1,000 $/(m/d) Collector 1,000 $/(m/d) (for 5 m) Stand alone facilities, LWC approx. 2.95 $/m Hybrid operation as fuel saver in fossil-fuelled MED (low penetration) competitive above 0.25 $/litre fuel cost



Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Solar Powered Desalination

Thermal Desalination + RO

Solar Thermal Power Plant

Sun + high temp. Collector Heat Power Distillation + RO


COE 0.12- 0.20 $/kWh

For capacities upward 10,000 m/day: 1 m/d RO requires 200 Wel (1 m collector, 6 h/nominal power), 24/7 operation requires 4 times oversize and thermal storage Investment: RO 800 $/(m/d), STPP 500 $/(m/d) (for 6 h/nominal power) Applications: Stand alone facilities or as fuel saver in fossil-fired co-generation plants competitive above 0.25 $/litre fuel cost
Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin


Solar Powered Desalination


Small solar desalination systems (Solar Stills, PV + RO) competitive at remote sites Larger solar distillation systems rather expensive in stand alone mode (water cost approx. 2 - 3 $/m) In hybrid configurations more viable (fuel saver) Competitive combinations of solar driven distillation with Combined Cycle Co-Generation Plants Solar steam drives MSF during daytime Solar thermal steam can boost steam turbine in co-generation plants

29 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

RES Desalination

Market development of RES desalination benefits from price rice and depletion of fossil resources (peak oil) Solar powered desalination viable under specific conditions (fuels & other RE not viable, offgrid applications, combination with other thermal processes) Wind powered desalination already competitive at many sites (steady increasing saving potential) Significant growth rates expected for ongrid wind powered RO in medium-term, because of: Size of on-grid desalination market Capacities of centralised RO plants not limited Highest wind penetration, minimising investment and power exchange to grid (generation/load management)

30 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Renewable Energy in the UAE

31 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Renewable Energy in the UAE

Resources Wind

lack of wind measurement campaigns no reliable data available annual average wind speed mostly below 5.0 m/s onshore sea breeze of 6 to 7.5 m/s on the shore line overnight and during morning lower average wind speeds
Maps: Annual average wind speed at 80 m above ground level in m/s
Source: DLR with data from ECMWF, ISET


Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Renewable Energy in the UAE

Activities & Projects Wind Power

Experts estimates: potential national capacity of 1,000 MW Several wind measurement campaigns or feasibility studies completed (Fujairah, started in 2002) or ongoing (e.g. Dubai) Feasibility study of Ministry of Energy and Fujairah Gov: proposal for three wind farms with 66 MW capacity Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA): 12 month monitoring of wind conditions and pilot scheme

Middle Easts first wind power plant set up in 2004 on Sir Bani Yas Island, UAE

33 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Renewable Energy in the UAE

Activities & Projects Wind Power Wind Power Project Sir Bani Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
Hybrid system (low penetration) Cap. inst. fossil: Cap. inst. wind: Load min./max.: System voltage: Substation: 15 MW Dieselgen set 850 kW Vestas V52 1.0 / 9.0 MW 11 kV 690 V / 11 kV 1,250 kVA

Mean annual wind speed: 5.0 5.2 m/s (hub height) Energy yield/year: min. 1,000,000 kWh
1,2001,300 full load hours, 13.7-14,8 % capacity factor
34 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Renewable Energy in the UAE

Resources Solar Radiation
2.000 kWh/m/year throughout the country daily coincidence of solar radiation with electricity demand peak 70 % of electricity consumed for air-conditioning and cooling purposes high potential for solar cooling systems and large scale use of solar energy
Global Irradiation: year [kWh/m]

Source: Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin


Renewable Energy in the UAE

Activities & Projects Solar Power
Current applications of solar-powered systems: telecommunications oil rigs, corrosion protection of pipes parking meters, traffic light signals monitoring systems (e.g. water flow) approx. 200 kWp photovoltaic capacity installed in UAE (according to experts estimates) Solar-powered thermal desalination plant (Solar MED) at Umm Al-Nar power and desalination station, Abu Dhabi commissioned in 1984 as demonstration unit to evaluate technical and economical feasibility capacity 100 m/day Dubais first Green Building (Pacific Control Systems, 2006) 100 kW use of solar energy for lighting and solar-thermal for 100 tons of air-conditioning
36 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Renewable Energy in the UAE

Strategic targets
Department of Renewable Energy at MoE forecasts up to 50 % of UAEs energy demand coming from renewable energy in 2050 Abu Dhabi Energy Vision (ADEV), now Al Masdar Initiative 1.500 million $ of investment in the first stage ! Focus on the development of advanced and innovative technologies in:
Renewable energy, Energy efficiency, Carbon management & monetisation, Water usage and Desalination

Four operative elements:

Innovation Center (demonstration, commercialisation and adoption of sustainable energy technologies) University (specialist graduate programmes in renewable energy) Development Company (commercialisation of CDM solutions) Special Economic Zone (development and production of renewable technologies and products)
37 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

The UAEs Water Supply Strategy

Desalination Capacity of Emirate Abu Dhabi in 2006: 640 MGD in 2020: 960 MGD (ADWEA news - 03/06)

38 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Market Opportunities for RES Desalination

Promising applications in the UAE

Wind powered desalination

Solar powered desalination

Short and medium-term

Offgrid-applications for nearshore islands and remote coastal areas

Small offgrid-applications for nearshore islands and remote coastal areas

Ongrid-applications Medium and long-term

Challenges: - moderate wind power potential, - low electricity tariffs, - No legal regulations for operating RES applications

e.g. hybrid operation as fuel saver in fossil-fuelled distillation plants viable

39 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

Market Opportunities for RES Desalination

Gulf & MENA-Region
Pilot projects being implemented in the United Arab Emirates will attract high international attention and may initiate follow-up projects in the countries of the Gulf and the entire MENA region on their way to alternative water treatment plants.

SYNWATER at UAE project site

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

SYNLIFT Systems GmbH


Thank you for your kind attention !

41 Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kufler SYNLIFT Systems GmbH, Berlin

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