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Use of tenses Tall 1g about the present ‘The present progressive is used: «= totalk about an action that ishappening ‘now, or about a temporary situation: > We're just having breakfast » What areyou reading? » She'snot listening me. » They'tespendinga.year in Spain. 1 totalk about something thatis noe yer finished, even ifyouare not doing itatthe ‘moment when you aretalking: > Tm leaming lian > She's writinga novel, += withalways, to talk about something that happens often, and that you find annoying: > He'salways asking silly questions. > They're always cominground hereto borrow something. Some verbsare not used in the progressive tenses, fr exampleneed, want, know, agree, seem, appear, understand, smell, hear, et. These verbs refer toa state, » Ineed some new shoes. > He wantsto go home. > Doyou know Tania smith? » They lovedapanes food. > She hatesierob Other verbs are used in the present progressive when they referto an action, and the present simple when they referto a state > Hes tasting the soup. » Thesoup tastes salty. » She's being dificul again. > She'sa dificul child » What areyou thinking about? > Doyou think should leave? ‘The present simple is used: 1 totalk abouta permanent situation or something that is always tue: > Helivesin Spain. » Does he workin a factory? > Incects haves legs > What temperature doeswater boil ar? 1 totalk about things that happen regulary: > She leavesforschoolat 80lock. > Wedon'toften go out forameat. > What time doyou catch the bus? Tall ig about the past ‘The past simple isused: 1 totalk aboutan action that took place inthe past: > Hegot up, paid thebill and left > Idid’t read the eter, just gave ito Lee > What didyousay? Oftena specific imein the pastis ‘mentioned: » Did you speak to Amy yesterday? ‘= totalk abouta state that continued forsome time, but that is now finished: > Iwentea school in Scotland, > Didshe really work therefor ten years? 1 totalk about actions that happened regularly inthe past: > Joften played cennis with her Sheabwayswon, > They never wentto thecinemawhen ‘they lived in the country. The present perfects used: 1 totalkabout something that happened during ‘period of time that isnot yet finished: » Thetrain has been ate three times tis week > Hestill hasn't visited her. ‘= when the time inthe pastisnot mentioned, orisnot important: He's written abook, > We've boughta new computer. 1 when the action finished in the past, Dbutthe effec ssi elt in the present: > He's lost hiscalelator (and he sil hast foundit). f= with fr and since toshow the duration ‘ofan action or state up until the present: > Thave worked here since 1998 > She hasn't bought any new clothes for years, 1 inBritish english, with just, ever, already and yet: > Tvejustarrived, > Have you ever been here before? » He's already packed hs suitcases. > Haven't you finished yer? Ininformal American English the past simplecan be used with jut, already and yet: » Healready packed his suitcases » Didn'tyoufnishyet? ‘The present perfect progressive is used: 1 with fr andsince to talk about an activity that started inthe past and still happening » Te been workingsince eight o'clock. > He'sbeen learning English for severalyears. + totalkabout an activity that has finished, but whose results ae visible now: > My handsaredirty because "ve been gardening. ‘The past progressive is used: + totalkabout an action that was in progress ‘ata particular time inthe past: > What were you doing inthe summer of 19992 > Wasitraining when youleft home? + totalkabout something that wasalreadyin progress when something else happened. (You use the past simple forthe action that interrupts: » The doorbellrang while hey were having breakfast ‘As with the present progressive, this tense cannot be used with state’ verbs: > Thejresh bread smelled wonderful (wor weanling The past perfect is used 1 totalk about something thathappened before another action in the past: Thad already met Ed before he came to Bath. > When gotta the station, the train had lft ‘The past perfect progressive is used: 1 with for orsince totalk about an activity that started ata time further backin the past than something else: » She hadn't been lvinghereverylong when shemetMark. «= totalkabout an activity that hada result inthe past: » My hands were dirty because had been gardening Talking about the future ‘Thereare several waysof talkingabout the Future. ‘The future simple (will with the infinitive is used «= totalkabout a decision that you make as you are speaking: » Tesco in here."OK, 1 close the window.” > Lhave the sald, please. = totalkabout what you know or think will, happen inthe future (but not about your own intentions or plans: > Hermother wll be ninety nest week. > Willhe pass the exarn, do you think? > Thisjob won't take long 1 for requests, promises and offers: > Will yu buy some bread on your way home? > We'll beback arty, don't worry. 1 help you with your homework. However, othertenses and expressions are alsoused to express a future’ide. ‘The present progressive is used: 1 totalkabout future plans wherethetime is mentioned: 1 totalk about what you intend todo in the future > Tm going to phone Michael tonight. > What ae you going to dowhen you leave schoo? | About to withthe infinitive is used: «= totalkabout the very near future: » Goandask him quickly He's about to go out ‘The present simple is used: 1 torefertoa future timeafter when, assoonas, before, until, et > Ringmeas soon as you hear any news. > Mlook afer Jountilyouget back. > Youll recognize the sireetwhen youseeit. totallabout future plans where something has been officially arranged, for example ‘on timetable or programme: P'WeleavePaimaat 10andarrivein luton at 12.30. » School tartan 9 September. ‘The future progressive is used: 1 totalkabout actions hat will continue for aperiod of time in the fuure: > 1 be waiting near the ticker office, be wearing agreen hat. > Thistimenextweekyou'l be relaxing inthesun! 1 toask somebody about their plans or How many nights willyou bestaying? > Willyou be lying back or goingby train? ‘The future perfect or the future perfect progressive is used: + totalk about the duration of something that ‘you will belooking back on at a particular time inthe future: > They'll have lived here forfour yearsin May. » shel have been working here fora year in October.

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