Choi Soongook 1966 Korea PDF

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1108 E, 2412 Pierce Avenue

Hashville, Tennessee 37212

Dear Priends in Christ:

29 66

through you and your_deep concern has been the ground of our study and life of in Christ, Tnc value of this time will always live in us
0x110, and Kentucky,

Korea Christian College in Seoul.

After some six years of life and study in this country \ie are now returning^to_Korea to serve the Lord and his Church there, through the
V.'hat God has shov-na us in his

_ V/e will start in early June a "brief itinarary in Illinois, Indiana,

l/e wilx then drive out to the West Coast whence we

yfll sail, departing from San ]?rancisco on August IS, 1966. Our arrival
and the administrative duty of the Planning Association, We v/ill reside in Seoul and travel extensively among the Christian churches in cities

in Ptisan is scheduled to be September 1st, Our primary responsibil ity will be "teaching" in the Korea Christian College; Theology Institute,

and_in countries for "Reports-Interpretations-Plans" meetings with the ministers and the congregations which nujnber about 100. Cur goal is to v'in the comiiiitment of the Christian churches toward a responsible future in evangelism_and_develop a program in relation to the mandate of the gospel of Christ in view of the Korean situation, and eventually extend

Brother Toon Kwon Chae, In publishing the monthly, Hwanwon (approx, 3,000 subscribers), and conducting the Correspondence School of Theology (apprcx. 2,500 students). We v/ill be participating in the Continual Edu cational Programs of the Ministers of the Cnristian churches. Expansion
of the summer Youth Conferences will be another program v/e will take an

the work beyond the national boundaries.

We v/ill also collaborate with

number of ministers in the new church area evangelism in larger cities.

active interest

We will be joining our efforts with our students and a

in Korea, called Junse. \{b.en the rental contract expires, the owner of the house repays us tHe amount we gave him for the contract. In other vrords, v/e pay the rental by the interest of the sum). Lastly, (3) 02OO per month for the mission fund (this is for the projects mentioned above* The V/ebber Street Church of Christ lias graciously taken the responsibility
of living salary). Wnen you would like to contribute tov/ard our immediate
or continual needand we pray that you would, because the Pacific is a

to live (this is not purchasing a hotise. It is a rental system peculiar

Our needs are: (l) |)2,000 for our fare, (2) ;ii;2,000 to obtain a house

bit too wide to attempt t) swim across!you may send it, payable to
Korea Evangelistic Association, Proj.SC

c/o Mrs. June Price

412 So, 21st,, Mt. Vernon, Illinois

The amount of education we received through the Lincoln Christian College, A.B., M.A,, the Yanderbilt Divinity School, E.I)., where I am currently in Ph.P.program in theological studies, visiting your churches,

being invited into your hospitable homes, participating in summer camps,

evangelistic and revival meetings, ministering local congregations, has challenged our old views, and reshaped the mode of thinking, opened up a new outlook, and helped us to attain a degree of critical posture of mind
toward the life in Christ, the Church, and the world. V.Tiat G-od has done through his people in this country v/ill alv;ays live and grov/ in us. We thank you and v/e thsjik God because of you. Our address, after Sept. 1966, will be: Soongook Choi, International Post Office Box 1723, Seoul, Korea. Myonghi, Midong, and Sundong arc glad to have been in this country, and

we are now glad to get to work.

V/e are

Sj^cerely vours,


JUNE 21, 1966

Dear Brethren in Christ:

I feel terribly good to be able to write this letter to you all, I have been completing my class-works at the Vanderbilt University,tak ing exams and writing papers to submit in time. We were supposed to vacate the apart ment by May 31st and at eleven o'clock t hat night I was still typing my paper, the last pa per for sure but nothing was packed to be shipped to Korea, Beginning from January I have been preparing our return to Korea by maldng arrangements for speakin|i: engagements and writing letters for travel fun ds They were heavy works, I feel good just now
because I am relieved from most of these at

were pressed with time.

So, at three

o'clock that afternoon "we che eked

of the apartment.

We started off to Ur-

least for now.

Looking back it is like a dream. On June 1st, Wednesday, we began to pack. Can you imagine how much we have a c c umulat e d in such a short time? We had things in this cor ner and things in that corner, everywhere.We gave away a lot of things to some of the s t un dents from other lands studying in Nashville, We gave, for instance, a goodly set of couch and chair. We paid $13 when we bought then:^ then someone gave us $30 worth covers ! But with Midong and Sundong climbing up anddwn
as if they are either mountains to conquer or spring boards to jump, those expensive cov
ers couldn't stand the endurance tests. We do-

Our Volkswagen rolled along fine an d we drove carefully because of the heavy loads we were carrying on roof-top lacks. They were our summer-time necessities and publicity materials for the Korea Christian College, We need travel funds to cross the Pacific but our college needs supports also. We came to Mt. Vernon Illinois and stopped by Mrs. June Price (our adopted mother) and found she had gone to bed. It was 11:30 p.m. We hatad to disturb her peace so leaving a note we
drove on. After a fine rest in a motel

that night we drove on again toward Ur bana to attend the worship service at the
Webber Street Church of Christ. Just be

fore the big overhead bump at T us cola, Illinois our rack fell of with a strange noise from the roof-top and hang up onftie rear bumper of the Volkswagen, Fortunatd.y, we were driving slow and a Highway p a trolman was following usj we managedto avoid a possible accident. That incident gave a couple of scratches on the auto
mobile, but other than that there was no

tained fibre barrels and began to pack books

(my books are precious to us, they are about

all ftie worldly goods we have, andthey are willed to the Korea Christian College library).
Guess what! They took 8 fibre barrels. W e . packed Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, with

damage. This time we packed everything in the little foreign made sardine-can and put Midong and Sundong on Myonghi's lap.
We reached the Webber Street Church in
time of Bible School with relief and thank

short sleeping hours, and finally on Saturday afternoon we had completed packing them in
to boxes and barrels. We stored them to

fulness, We were once again among our fellow Christians worshipping God with
thankful hearts. We have unloaded o u r


We were tired.

But there was

sense of accomplishment and it was good to feel that we were now one step closer toward our field of labor. We thanked God for Midong and Sundong being unusuadly helpful while we

things after the worship service. Andjrepared to settle down in the home of Mr.ard Mrs, Wilbur Boyd, and elder of the Wetber
Street Church.

Our summer is going to be bothpleasur(Con't. inside)


Continued from front page)

tble and also exciting with the opportuniies of seeing some of our friends and the jrospects of making new acquaintances anong God's people. We are still in need > $2, 000 for our travel fund, and $2, 0 0 0 or out housing fund. We need friends who vould >e concerned enough to examine our nissioii ry situations in Korea and would
dd us to . erve the Churches of C h r ist


June 5 a.m.

Webber Street Qiurch of Christi

Urbana, Illinois

p.m. Washington Christian Church,

Washington, Illinois June 5-10 Washington Christian Church, Washington, Illinois (D, V, B.S.)
June 12 Webber Street Church of Christ June 13-17 Webber Street Chuirchof Christ

here to ati- in a measure of maturity t o ake the full -esponsibility in home and e'angelistic ac Udties. We are excited ovir what God ha: done in terms of hope and )Ower, We are grateful for God who has ;hosen us at this . me to have this privi ege of preaching tj."? gospel of Christ.
Our schedule had bu-sn to sail from San

(D. v. B. S,) and Little Galilee Chris tian Assembly, Clinton, Illinois June 17 Chrisman Christian Church, Chrisman, Illinois (D, V, B,S,)

June 19 Webber Street Church of Christ (D,

June 20-24 Little Galilee Christian Assem


June 26 a.m. Sidney Christian Church,Sid

ney, Illinois p.m. South Fork Christian Church, Rochester, Illinois June 28-July 1 North American Christian

Trancisco, California . n August 18th, But ve have been on the wail.'ig list of the S,S, ^resident Cleveland since last February, t is Myonghi's opinion that we should give his up and take a flight whic!i is a 1 i ttl c nore costly but indeed save li'ne { 14 d^s )y ship and 2 days by airplane). There is . flight that vidll take us out of Lcs Angeles tn August 25th, and arrive in Seoul bynDon )f August 27th (of course, as you know we
;et an extra date when we cross the interlational dateline). We will have to make

Convention, Louisville, Kentucky July 3 Washington Christian Church, Wash ington, Illinois

July 4-8 Hanging Rock Christian Assembly,

West Lebanon, Indiana July 10 a.m. Central Church of Christ, Mt,
Vernon, Illinois

July 11-15 Christian Camp, Dixon, Tennes


ip our mind very, very soon.

Yours in the service of Christ,

SoongDok Choi
Con't from 2nd column)

Vugust 14 a.m. First Christian Church, Downey, California p.m. Rosewood ChristianQurcl^ Compton, California iugust 21 A speaking engagement not yet

July 17 a.m. River Dr. Christian Chur ch, Irvine, Kentucky p.m. Northern Heights Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky July 18-22 Blue Grass Christian Asseirbly, Lexington, Kentucky July 24 a.m. First Christian Church, Lex ington, Kentucky p.m. Southland Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky July 25 p.m. First Christian Church, Wil low Springs, Missouri July 26 p.m. Draper Park ChristianChurcl^ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma July 28-29 First Christian Church, Chand
ler Arizona

August 25 DEPARTURE: 1:05 p.m. on United Airline (fit. No. 308) from L.A. Ar r , 3:11 p.m. Seattle, Washington Dept. Seattle on N, W, Orient {Fit. Mj, 7) 6:40 p.m, Arr. Tokyo August 26, 8:40 p.m. Dept. Tokyo August 27, 10:30 a.m, Arr. Seoul at 12:30 p.m.
eoul Address: Soongook Choi
International P, 0 Box

July 31 a.m.

Newhall Church of Chr ist,

Newhall, California

p.m. Lamirada First Christi a n Church, Lamirada, California

August 1-5 Alvarado Christian Camp, Castaic, California

August 7 a.m,

Montclair Christian Church,

Montclair, California

p.m. West Reseda Church of Oirasli

Reseda, California

August 8-12 Bakersfield Camp, BakersEiel^


Seoul, Korea

(Con't, in 1st column)

(Con't. from 3rd column)

Korea. You have chosen us to be your liv ing link missionaries to our own people and you have taken the full responsibility to rep-!
resent and oversee our work. We will dili

gently look for supports for our projects -- about $400 per month -- from our sister churches and brethren in this country, and

all of these things will be reported to you

Joha R, Pierce Mr, John Pierce Webber Street Church of Christ

regularly so that you may have full know ledge of our work and involvement. We want you to know everything we do in the name of the Lord and increase your concern and love as you have been. Our prayer is with you all always.

107 S, Webber Street

Urbana, Uliaois


Having partnership in Christ,

Dear Brother John;

It is good to be back in home church for

a while. It was brief three weeks and it is

Soon^ok Choi

almost over. During which we were gone for a week to Washington Christian Church, and also to the Little Galilee Christian Camp at
Clinton, Illinois, But our visits with some
of our elders and others refreshed cur minds and renewed our determination to serve the

Transportation $2, GOO

Settlement (renting a house under Junse*

rental) -- $2,000 .

Living Link in work $500 per month,

Korea Christian College
Ministers continual education

Lord who in his grace granted us such a coiv gregation as this to be conce-fned of the Lord's
work in Korea,

Hwanwon monthly

Christians in Korea are coming to t h e

self-consciousness to serve the Lord, With

Sible Correspondence School

Evangelistic campaigns New church evangelism

little help and Christian concern they may eventually attain a degree of maturity to be oar full partners in preaching the gospel in Ko
rea and even beyond the national boundaries,
I know and I am convinced of the dedicat ion

Equipment, materials, and supplies

* Note; Junse is a system used in Kor e a
to benefit the renters, When the renter

and importance of these people because I am one of them and I have lived among them long
enough to have full empathy with them.I lo ve them first of all because they belong to t h e Lord, and secondly because they have ftiepo tential to do a great work for the Lord, and last but not least because they are Korea n Christians. In the love of Christ, you and
our fellow Christians in the Webber Street

moves in he pays a contractual sum and at

the end of the term when he moves out from the house, receives the same amount hefcas

paid according to the contract. In other words he is paying the owner of the house by interest of the sum,

(until June 20, 1966)

West Reseda Church of Christ, Reseda, California] First Christian Church (Junior Department), Murphysboro, Illinois; Cen tral Church of Christ, Mt. Vernon, Illinois -- Mrs, Donna Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dorris, Mrs. Lester Page, Mrs. Tress a Davis; Pattonsburg Christian Church pood Samaritan Class), Ivlinonk, Illinois: Church

the challenge for the Kingdom of God.Wetiar^

you and we thank God for what is envisione d

Church had deep insight and vision to take up

by our people who are sending us out to our

people in Korea,

We will be working primarily in connec tion with the Korea Christian College, but we will also be working with a number of pr o jects our Planning Association presides over
and also in connection with a number of min

of Christ, Danville, Ohio; Mr, Carl Hagelbarger, Brinkhaven, Ohio; Mr. H.H.Scott,

isters of Christian Churches in Korea,

We thank you for your love for Christ and for your deep concern for the Christians i n (Con't, in 4th column)

Christian Church, Millwood, Ohio; Washing ton Christian Church, Washington, HI, ;Little Galilee Christian Service Camn (High
School Week), Clinton, HI.; Churches Christ Association, Sidney, Illinois of

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Mr Darrel Malcom
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Washington Christian Church Washington, Illinois

Dear Darrel:

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1 want to thank you and every Christian in the congregation for our part in the wor ship service and the week of Daily Vacation
Bible School,



3 3 ""JSSSSs-

It was an experience of learning ani chal lenge, You have taught us many things,The hospitalities of your families, I say "wow!" because it is.both deep and open. May God oarich such a congregation. '.V'hat y<?ur; congregation is aiming in her minibtry to Christ seems to be a couragsous step forward, W.e pray that it will yield abutidaat 'fruits*

Yours in Christ,

Soonesrok Choi

North American
H- ?r

Christian Convention

June 28 - July 1 Louisville, Kentucky



will be looking forward to seeing

you and to making new friends; i "

Christ and nenewing old acquai.




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AUGUST 25, 1966


WE NEED $2,000

Note: Settlement funds - $2, 000 - are in. Our primary concern as to our return to Korea is $2, 000 to fly from Los Angeles to Seoul for two full fares and two half fares, and the ship ping of our books and a few household articles.


It was another intense and exciting ex

My Family;

Myonghi, Midong, and S u n-

perience in fellowship, I arrivedin Louisville, Ky., late afternoon of June 28. The poor little country boy was quite lost by the "one way" and "no turn" sighs. Ittcok nearly 30 minutes to park the VW nearths Kentucky Hotel, There we pitched an ex
hibit table on the second floor. It was a

dong nad to stay at the home of Mr, andMrs,

Boyd at Urbana, Illinois during the timie of the Convention although we all were regis tered and had originally planned for it. Mi
dong first Ccune up with the old fashion red

meagre, not so attractive display. We had two brochures at hand, Shipjaga (Number 1) and Dong'yuk (Letter 2), on the table. But there were men deeply interested in the Korea Christian College who encour aged us by acknowledging that they have been closely following with the develop

measles and suffered a week long fever, and thirst, and restriction from going out side, They both were vaccined earlier. But a physician told us that vaccine is good for about 95% and our children were that special 5%, Ha! Who wants to be special anyway ! So, during the week of Convention, Sundong came up with measles of same type. Midong
was disappointed much when I told him ^out the Shermans little pony. But his consola tion was a little swimming pool built at the


There were friends of Yooni^on

Chae and others who inquired about Jaikwan Ahn, Some have already become ac

backyard of the Brewers ifor their children.

It was a marvellous experience. The con

quainted with Mansoo Lee, There were friends of ours who came by whose faith and personality have deeply affected our experience as Christians. The present course and future promise of the work of
the Christian Churches in Korea have drawn men and women of concern and

gregation of Christians who dared to sing

"The Lord's Prayer" directed by Dean Jacoby, a masterful production, I say, thrilled
us to no end. Some of the Convention m e s-

faith around the display table.

The Christian Hospitality of Mr, and

MrsT Floyd J. Sherman of Okolona Qirfetian Church was warm and excellent.lhere
we found a Christian home where we oDuId

I thank Godfor that one week, and especially for those with whom we had opportunities to chat over s o many topics of common interest. The Lord gave you all to us to be our challenge, i n spiration, and strength.

sages were timely and rich,

kick off our shoes and socks and sleep jist like at home (snoring as loud--what abad habit! --as tosleep comfortably). Both Jim and his wife devoted their precious time serving the Convention need. Even one of their young sons, Steve, took an. active part serving at the i nformation desk. Jim produced a little box, "the thing" of TV's Adam's family, whichvas the most unique fund raiser for the col lege. When a quarter or a dime was fed in it, it groans and twists for a while and then it opens up with a stretched outhand, grabs the coin and takes it in so fast, no one can help but burst into a broad laugh ter. Thank you, Jim, for that "Grab it
for KCC Box",

iKe one
loVe fo


I rteie are monv crosses

Lui' just one CROSS,


One day I looked at myself,

At the self


Christ can

I saw the person I am today And the one I ought to be.

I saw how little I really pray. How li:ll3 I really lio; 1 saw the infiueni-'e of my life Ho..' little of it was true!
I saw the nundle of fauiti; and

The Advisors' Meeting was

called on

Thursday afternoon.

It was attended by

Messers. B. E, Junkins, John R. Pierce^ DonDeWelt, G, Richard Phillips, and as guests, the former missionaries toKarea, John T. Chase and Paul Ingram, andas a

I ought to lay on the shelf;

I had ^iven n little bit to God, But I hadn't civen myself. 1 came from seeing myself, With the mind made up to be
The sort of person that Christ
can use

special guest Charles Magnusen of Long

Beach, California, A number of interest ing issues were brought up, and we tharfc
these men for their concern and s o u n d

With a heart He may rlways



(Con't, in next column)

Whaf Conviction:


Korea Christian College

Christian Churches Churches of Christ
Webber Street

Bible Correspondence

Church of C^ist

Soongook Choi Korea Evangelistic


Ministers' Continual

Christian Individuals

Hwanwon monthly

Evangelistic campaigns
New Church evangelism

It is not a difficult task for any conscientious Christian to see the need of responsibility and discipline on the part of the missionary and the supporting congregations. Too often our mis sionary support has been based on sentimentalism and wishful thinking assuming that their
support is producing fruitful results. This has caused innumerable case of waster and has

proven many of us as poor stewards of the Lord's money and personnel just like that servant who received one talent from his departing master and had hidden it. His action was out of the fear of loss, but ours is mostly out of slothfulness. What can we do to correct this situation?
The relationship we have described above is an effort to correct the obvious weaknesses of

our way of missionary approach. The Webber Street Church of Christ, Urbana,. Illinois, rep
resented by her elders and minister take the responsibility of answering any question from the

supporting churches and individual Christians. In order to do so she will diligently search and
ask questions to her missionary to Korea, Soongook Choi, as to the intentions and the results. Soongook Choi, within the framework of Korea Evangelistic Association, will be answerable to the individual supporters, but primarily to the Webber Street Church by supplying allmaterials for discussion in relation to the work he will be engaged in.
There are many small details that need to be worked out, but here is a case we are awar e

of and would endeavor constantly to establish an orderly and faithful relationship. It will take communication in letters, tape-recording, and personal investigations. This is done with the conviction that truth and truthfulness is the source of inspiration for Christian growth and greater work for the Lord in Korea and in the United States. Finally, conscientious manag e-

ment of funds and personnel is a way of excellence in business even more so in the preaching
of the gospel of Christ any business manager will testify.

Ghrisman Christian (Missionary Society) Chrisman Christian (DVBS) Washington Christian (DVBS)
South Fork Christian

Transportation -- $2, 000 Living Link in work -- $500 per month Korea Christian College
Ministers' Continual Education

South Fork Christian (Junior Class) Sidney Christian Washington Christian

Mt, Vernon Central Christian
Chrisman Christian

Hwonwon monthly

Bible Correspondence School

Evangelistic Campaigns

New Church Evangelism

Equipment and supplies

Washington Christian (Sunday School)

Webber Street Church of Christ Indiana

Hanging Rock Christian Assembly

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - 'iTemptation . doesn't Diake men just
sorts out the weak from the

IF i mMEHf



strong, '

-^"Xhe real tragedy of life is not in be ing limited to one talent, but in the
failure to use the one talent."

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Mrs. June Price of Mt. Vernon, Illinois

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For a person who is sojourning in a far asay country, receptions into homes and hospitality are the most unforgettable impressions whi:h will become a part of his person throughout his life. This is the reason, during myse^en

I 1


years stay in the United States, I remember most vividly the families and homes where we were given with over night hospitality or din
ner. We thank God for those wonderful Chris

tians who knew no stranger but found a son or a brother in me through the love of Christ,



Mom Price took us into her family and^ve us every setting of a family. She has gracxxisly called me her son, MyongM her daughterin-law. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter
Endicott, most humble and devoted Christian

elder, her daughters and their husbands:Ronnie and Deana Sides, Don and Claudia Dorris; her brother Lyle Endicott and his wife, her
sister Donna Anderson and her husband Jave,

What is amazing is her concern in Christ for our well-being penetrated through the usual defense mechanism of a sojournor and made the bonds in Christ far more meaningful than just mouthing them, Mt, Vernon, Illinois is an interesting place. With many other things to see there are rich
tliickets of "Rose-o-Sharon" flowers, "Rose-

o-Sharon" is the national flower of Koreanpeo pie. We call it "Mugungwha" and cherish it. But Mt, Vernon is more than a garden of "Mugungwha" to us. Mom Price with other
O era

concerned members of the Central Church of

Christ sustained us during our study with prayers and unselfish financial support, and now as we are preparing for the final depar
ture for our field, she, with Mr, and Mrs, Lester Pages and others have contributed an
enormous sum.

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