Do We Limit God ?

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God has been speaking to me personally about why we see only a limited move of the miraculous in most of the west, are we for instance afraid to lay hands on the dead that they shall live? Are we believing Him regarding what He can do in and through us His people? Do we limit God even although we believe in the full Gospel? Time to go up a level in faith. I have seen me pray for someone to be healed and niggling doubts arise about my worthiness, for God to come through for me.. Yet I have laid hands upon the sick and seen them healed, but when it happened even I was amazed. HELLO- Its not who I am- IT IS ABOUT WHO LIVES IN ME > IN HIS NAME WE WILL SEE GREATER MIRACLES ----IN HIS NAME ! ----- THERE IS AUTHORITY IN THE NAME OF JESUS. GOD IS THE GOD OF THE BREAKTHROUGH. Why are we crippled? Are we afraid? Do we have doubts? That stop us stepping out. What hinders the church? Most of us, From walking in the miraculous, Like the New Testament Church. Do we think God wont come through for us? If we step out in faith believing for miracles, So we act tentatively, Even Pentecostals behave rather conservatively. Sometimes its all self doubt, Surely I am not worthy for God to use me? Have I really been given authority? That is ok for the Apostles not me. When did the Lord not respond to faith? Do we doubt that He will do what He says? Can God do creative miracles today? Indeed he can and does do them today. So why do we put limitations on God? Are we not the children of God? The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, Lives within us children of God. Why are we surprised when we see Him come through? Why are we so amazed when we see what he can do? Then next time when someone needs a healing, Why are there doubts that they are healing receiving?

Oh we expect to see occasional miracles? When they dont happen we put the onus on God or others, Maybe he or she didnt have enough faith? Maybe we should be examining our own faith? We are those who believe, Jesus made promises to those who believe, He said we will do the miracles that He does, Because he has gone to the Father we will do even greater works. Not by our might, nor by our power, But by the Holy Spirits power, We will lay hands on the sick and see them recover, Believing by faith we will see them healed in this hour. The Lord never said it might be my will to heal, It is time for us to get real, And believe in the truth of Gods Holy Word, Yesterday, today and forever he is an unchanging God. God our God is the God of the breakthrough, He is never limited in what he can do, He has placed his Spirit in me and you, Will we move faith up a level now? In the name of Jesus we have authority, In his name demons have to flee, No more limiting what the Holy Spirit can do, Time for expectancy to rise up in me and you. Irene McGough 2013-08-30

Mark 16:15 And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover." TO THE COMMISSION TAKE HEED Time for us to the commission take heed, Go wherever he leads, Proclaiming the full Gospel truth, That Jesus is the way, the life and the truth. Then we will see people saved, Also healed and delivered , In water being baptized, And by the Holy Spirit baptized. People of every nation, Need to know the truth of salvation, Will we say yes to the commission? And go out in power in this generation? Irene McGough 2013

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