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HVE assignment -2

Hot line maintenance

Submitted by R.Karthik

Final eee

Hot line maintenance is the process of working with transmission lines without de-energising it . Hot line maintenance is done even at very high voltages. This method was introduced in early 20th century .

Need of hot line maintenance :

1) To avoid discontinuity in electricity supply. 2) De-energising lines for maintenance is difficult and costly. 3) To increase reliability of supply.

1) Non availability of enough clearance . 2) Risk of electrical shock. 3) Need of skilled labor.

Various techniques:
a) Hot stick:
No direct contact with the line wire. Enough clearance is maintained from the line. Maintenance is done with the help of insulating sticks. Works such as changing fuses and insulators can be done. Tools are attached to the ends of stick to do the work. Can work even at 765kv.

b) Rubber glove method : Direct mechanical contact is established with the live line. Worker wears insulating gloves. Protected by insulating equipments. Can be used up to 36kv.. Blankets and line hose are used for additional safety. c) Potential method : Direct electrical contact is made with line .

Workers body is maintained at same potential as electrical line. Suitable isolation is made from other potentials. No current will flow through the worker. Connection with nearby conductors , supports , ground is avoided . The worker works standing on the insulating ladder. Insulation strings , vibration dampers can be replaced. Once the worker goes near the line he must bond himself to line to prevent arcing. The worker wears Faraday suit and cage. This is successfully implemented even at above 1000kv lines.

Related image:

General guidelines :
Hot line maintenance must be done in sunny weather conditions. All equipments and tools will be checked before working.

Personnel protective equipment must be equipped before doing the work. Workers should not wear any metallic chain or rings.

Preventive maintenance can be done. Permanent outages and failures can be avoided. India
Power grid corporation of India is performing live line maintenance to ensure continuity of supply. V-string insulator replacement , energized puncture detection is performed in India. Insulator sensors are used to detect failures.

Different types of work:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Erection of power transformer . Transformer oil filtration work. Erection of substation equipments. Replacement of faulty insulators. Clearing under ground cable faults.

References :
1) 2) 3) 4) 47217CDC92C1256EFA0048910E 5) imgurl= 02.png&imgrefurl= %3D875175%26show %3Dhtml&h=580&w=827&sz=307&tbnid=RfrOLkQ9jxBBM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=124&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dimages%2Bfor %2Bhot%2Bline%2Bmaintenance%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo %3Du&zoom=1&q=images+for+hot+line+maintenance&usg=__IwNJsF Q8VnOrBCVQGPYLAnzA8yU=&docid=5vy7HHx21TX1oM&sa=X&ei =2kr-UYKwO4XLrQfd9YHoBw&ved=0CDMQ9QEwAg

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