Hot Information Technology Jobs With Response To Peers - Williams

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Information Technology Jobs Jennifer R. Williams Ferris State University

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS Abstract This paper addresses two specified skill areas in information technology (IT). An introduction includes a comparison of previous and current top rated IT positions and the reasoning for these choices. There are details provided regarding the two specified skill areas. Information on the education requirements and career paths of these positions is also provided. In addition, the nature of the work in these areas is discussed. The needed skills and experience to progress into such positions is also addressed. There is also information provided from an interview with a current IT professional. This interview provides Ms. Thorns perspective on the most promising IT positions. Dual business and IT positions are a focus of this interview. A summary of highlights for this paper is also provided.

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS Hot Information Technology Jobs Project management, security, and architecture skills were labeled as the three highest rated information technology (IT) jobs for 2007 (Bright, 2007). According to an article written for the CIO website, mobile application developers, software designers, and user experience designers will be the top three picks of 2012. Security also fell in close place to these picks, in fourth position (Levinson, 2011). On the other hand, the article Top IT Jobs names software engineers/developers, project managers, and business/systems analyst as the top three choices in 2012. This information was based off of the Dice Survey released in January of 2012. Feedback was gathered from hiring managers and recruiter in the IT industry; almost 1200 responded (Weedmark, 2012). Although there is varied information available, it is evident that there is a significant difference in IT job choices from 2007 to 2012. Levinson (2011) discusses that the change in requirements for the IT profession is propelled by the strong rebound of the IT market with improvement in the recession. In addition, cloud computing and mobile technologies are impacting new skill demands. The new focus on aggressive hiring will mean good news to those with an IT degree and those who are actively pursuing one. Demand will continue to go up, however supply is currently low. Therefore, IT jobs in greatest demand will also command the highest salaries in 2012 and in the future (Levison, 2011). This paper will address two specified skill areas in IT and provide information regarding what these career paths entail. In addition, the nature of the work in these areas will be defined and information regarding required education will be provided. Progression into such positions will also be discussed. Finally, there will be an interview of a current IT

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS professional that will provide their perspective on the most promising IT positions. A summary of highlights for this paper will also be provided. IT Careers Mobile Application Developer Skills. Mobile application developers plan, research, code, tests, and deploy mobile apps. These types of developers typically work with a team. (Lee, 2011). These individuals need general tech skills along with a strong Java and HTML background. In addition, there needs to be a strong understanding of programming, user interface, and design patterns. A skilled programmer is also able to move between programming languages with ease. Education. There is an available associates degree offered at many colleges in application development. There are also post-degree certificates for this profession for those who have already obtained an IT degree in other domains (University of California, 2012). However, most mobile developer positions require a Bachelors degree in Computer Science (Indeed, 2012). Career path. It is evident that mobile application developers need extensive experience to land a job. As stated in the skills selection, an individual looking to attain this type of position must have experience with programming in many languages. In addition, long term experience in software development is often required. Those looking for a mobile application developer position must also have a strong portfolio that supports previous success with working and useable mobile applications (Indeed, 2012). Therefore, an individual looking to achieve this type of position in IT will need to start with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and obtain adequate experience and skills before applying.

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS Project Manager Skills. IT project managers keep big tech projects on time and on budget. These individuals monitor and coordinate project tasks while delegating appropriate tasks to other members of the project team. The project manager will also choose priorities, monitor project progress, check quality/function, delegate responsibility, and report project updates to senior management and project stakeholders. Typically, strong communication skills, IT background, and management skills are required in these individuals (Milani, 2009). Education. A Bachelors degree in computer science or business is the typical requirement for an IT project manager. It is also preferred that an individual have a certification in project management (Indeed, 2012). There are also post graduate certificates in project management available at colleges and universities (University of California, 2012). Career path. Many employers require a great deal of both project and information experience for the project management positions. Typical qualifications require 5-10 years of experience for these individuals. The individuals rsum must also identify strong interpersonal communication skills, budget experience, strong analytical and problem solving skills, and experience in technical software support (Indeed, 2012). Essentially, IT project managers are grown not made. IT Interview Wendy Thorn has worked in the IT field for approximately 15 years. Ms. Thorn attended Western Michigan University and graduated with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration (BBA). She majored in Computer Information Systems and also completed a minor in General Business.

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS Ms. Thorn is currently working at State Farm within a technology unit in the Property and Casualty Department. She has held many positions during her career at State Farm, however currently works as a System Analyst. Throughout her career, Ms. Thorn has also obtained experience and participated in the following IT roles: Developer/Coder, Business Analyst, Lead Supervisor, and Project Manager. She has also worked at the University of Illinois as a Systems Engineer (Wendy Thorn, personal communication, October 31, 2012). Ms. Thorn expressed that from her perspective, the most promising current and future IT roles will be positions that combine both IT and business knowledge. She adds that this combined skills set promotes the understanding of business needs and the ability to utilize technology to fulfill these needs. Related positions that require such skills include Business Analyst and Project Manager (personal communication, October 31, 2012). Ms. Thorn believes that combined business knowledge, problem solving skills, and extensive IT experience are essential components to create IT business solutions. Appropriate education and dual business/IT experience will be needed to make a significant impact on business automation. She further expresses that there will continue to be a considerable need for IT positions that architect and build desired business solutions (personal communication, October 31, 2012). Summary It was identified that top IT jobs for 2007 differ somewhat from promising IT jobs for 2012. Although, project management and developer/designer positions remain substantial skill sets in current IT. It was further identified that there are multiple predictions related to which IT positions will be remain on top in the future.

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS A web search uncovered that mobile application developers work diligently to create, test, and deploy new applications in the mobile market. Project managers oversee projects, delegate tasks to appropriate team members, keep projects on budget/task, and communicate with stakeholders and senior management regarding project progress. Both discussed IT jobs require appropriate education, extensive background experience, and significant skills to progress into these positions. An interview with an individual in a current IT position revealed the perception that business and technology go hand-in-hand. In addition, it was identified that Ms. Thorn projects that project management and business analyst positions will continue to be in high demand to promote and build successful IT business solutions. Responses to Classmates Response #1 Vincent Rene Taylor, You identified the similarities in significant IT jobs for 2007 and 2012 as Project Management and Security. It seems to be a class consensus that Security, Project Management, and Application Development are all areas in IT that will continue to grow (Bright, 2007; Levinson, 2011; Weedmark, 2012). I find it interesting that your interview reveals that project managers often lack either IT experience or project management experience. However, it is evident that there would have to be some individuals that have to gain experience in order to have it. In other words, the experienced project managers have to come from somewhere. My interview revealed that future IT jobs will require individuals that are experienced in both business and IT. It was expressed that this combination is essential to

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS have a significant impact on business automation (Wendy Thorn, personal communication, October 31, 2012). I am compelled to agree with this perception. In my experience, a well rounded individual that has significant expertise in business will always have organization success in mind. I have identified from writing my paper that IT will continue to grow in many areas, although there are a few jobs that have been in high demand and will stay there into the future (Bright, 2007; Levinson, 2011; Weedmark, 2012). In addition, IT professionals will continue to hold many hats thorough their careers and grow into both business and IT skills to meet the demands or organization. It is evident that a Bachelors degree or beyond will be the baseline requirement for future IT professionals. In addition, many organizations are requiring additional certifications, experience, and proof of successful projects (Indeed, 2012; personal communication, October 31, 2012). Response #2 Victoria, You gave a wonderfully detailed paper regarding the comparison of 2007 and 2013 IT jobs. I like that you included a full list; instead of just the top two as most of us did. I agree with your information on Mobile Application Developers and the ongoing need for this skill in the future. However, it is evident that information technology grows faster than IT professionals can be educated, trained, and gain experience (Weedmark, 2012). Your paper also revealed that education and experience in IT will be essential to land a job in this field. It is apparent that many organizations will be requiring a Bachelors degree in some field of IT along with adequate experience (Indeed, 2012). Many of us have found the same information regarding IT positions.

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS It is interesting that each of your interviews resulted in different information. This only goes to show that each IT professional will have their own view on what IT jobs are currently essential and will continue to grow. I suppose this is related to their knowledge, experience, and what area of IT they currently worked in. On the other hand, it is apparent that all areas of IT will continue to grow, just some more than others. Also with the rapid changing IT world, hot IT jobs will also continue to change year by year (Bright, 2007; Levinson, 2011; Weedmark, 2012).

HOT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOBS References Bright, S. (2007). Trends 2007: Hot IT skill areas. Forrester Research, 1-12. Indeed (2012). Mobile Application Developer [web search]. Retrieved from Indeed (2012). IT Project Manager [web search]. Retrieved from Lee, C. (2011). Careers: Web and Mobile Apps Developer [web log comment]. Retrieved from Levinson, M. (2011). 6 hot IT jobs that will pay well in 2012. CIO Careers. Retrieved from Milani, J. (2009). Hot Job of the Month: IT Project Manager. Retrieved from University of California. Campus Academic Programs [web search]. Retrieved from of Weedmark, D. (2012). Top IT Jobs: Some of the Best Information Technology Jobs Today. Retrieved from


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