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The only time you have struggle and pain is when you are trying to be someone you are Not. misel od tukaj enominutna meditacija za sprostitev: tukaj 2. The key to riding the wave of chaos is not to resist it but to allow yourself to know you are a part of the energy of chaos. Allowing a new form of organization in, rather than imposing your old system of organization upon it. Allow the chaotic action to show you through sychronicity, what it is you really need to be aware of, how it is that life will organize itself using you as a guide post. 3. The secret to the secret to the secret ears opened wide. This is going to sound very simple but its very important. When you are acting on your passion, you must also be passionate about being passionate. 4. Everything is Neutral, you supply the meaning youve been taught to supply it with, so if you find you are anxious, you are supplying a meaning that is by definition generating anxiety. if you dont prefer that, supply a definition to whats happening that will allow you to extract only beneficial experiences from it no matter what anyone else may be experiencing in the very same event. 5. Integrity = Thoughts and emotions aligned Space Time Travel 6. When you feel yourself waning, you look around and use your imagination and create for yourself an action and a behavior that will take you back into your passion. 7. If you look in a glass mirror and see your reflection, if the expression on your reflections face is frowning, you dont go over to the mirror and try to make the reflection smile- you know that the only way to get the reflection to smile is to decide to smile first. 8. The reality you experience is a reflection of what you believe is most possible. 9. The only reason that you create impatience is because you think you need patience and you dont. If you are enjoying every single moment of your life because you know every single moment of your life is there for a reason, then you wont be waiting for something better to come along. And when you are not waiting for something better to come along, you dont need to be patient. 10. Physical reality is not outer, it is inner, its just a reflection of you at every given moment, individually and collectively. So if you find as you view your outer physical reality that there are things about it that you would prefer to change, all you really need to do is to change something about yourself and you will see that change take place unerringly and effortlessly. 11. Excitement tells you what you are best capable of doing. If something excites you, it excites you for a reason. There are no extraneous creations, no accidental interactions. 12. We are in one family, we are in one relationship, we are in one marriage. 13. By changing that frequency, by accelerating itby stepping it up through the method of being more yourself, getting closer in alignment to your true, core, vibration, you will create a reality that makes it more likely and more probable and more possible, for any other being that operates on a similar level, to be able to interact with each and every one of you. 14. Act at every moment to the best of your ability on the things that excite you the most to the degree you are capable of taking action on them. 15. Re-define any situation you now feel prevents you from doing something you prefer to do. Understand that there are no interruptions in your life. The sooner you use every circumstance you have created to learn from, the sooner it can change Page 1

Untitled into another situation Remember that a path is not something youre actually on a path is what you are. You cannot, by definition, be off yourself. 16. Physical reality is not outer, it is inner, its just a reflection of you at every given moment, individually and collectively. So if you find as you view your outer physical reality that there are things about it that you would prefer to change, all you really need to do is to change something about yourself and you will see that change take place unerringly and effortlessly. 17. You create the past and the future from the here and now. 18. The more you insist and remain insisting on becoming active in; those things that have nothing to do with you, that are really not your truth, the more difficult it will be for you to maintain your course towards that Eye of the Needle, that transition point, that is coming up very much more strongly, now than ever before. 19. None of you will ever have more Impact than you have just by existing. Ever. So stop worrying about how to create more Impact with what you want to do. You will never be able to create more Impact than you already have upon the universe just by the very fact of your existence. 20. Grant yourselves permission and grant yourselves the right to create life, as you desire it to be, for you have the ability to create it that way. All you need do is remind yourselves that your ability to conceive of that idea is, in and of itself, the indication of your ability to create that idea. 21. Allow yourself to understand that the relaxation you experience when you Go with the Flow is not giving up control, it is Taking Control. It is just that the natural control you already contain doesnt meet with resistance. 22. One of the greatest acts of spirituality that you can possibly achieve is to simply live your physical life to the fullest that you can. 23. The body, the mind and the heart each has its own way of receiving information. The body senses vibration resonance. Thats how it gets its information it senses. The brain gets its information by thinking, processing. The heart gets its information by knowing, feeling. Now all of this contains resonance and vibration, of course, but it is different expressions of it. 24. All those other people in the world: you are responsible to them, but you are not responsible for them. And what they are choosing to be is their choice. The way you actually can assist them best is by fully being the person you wish to be, regardless of what you see externally. 25. Take whatever steps you can take without the fear of not being supported. Redefine the concept of support, and abundance so that it is not only money, but that it comes in whatever form is required and remembering that the definition of abundance is simply the ability to do what you want to do when you want to do it, no matter how it may happen. 26.You have the freedom, regardless of what you have been taught, regardless of what you may still believe, you have the freedom at any given to choose who you prefer to be, how you prefer to act, what experience of life you prefer to have that you believe is most representative of the you you are. 27. The reality you experience is a reflection of what you believe is most possible. 28. Looking at circumstances neutrally, you will become more capable of understanding how it is you may be of assistance to others who may be caught up in their own definitions, and unable to see a way to break out of the situation and circumstance, and unable to understand that it is their own definitions that have made the circumstance seem so iron clad, when in fact it is made of nothing but tissue paper definitions. Page 2

Untitled 29. Recognize that you have chosen your purpose in being in this society at this time on your planet. Know that if you were not going to make a difference, you would not be here. As you begin to see the idea of the connection of everything in your society as it relates to you, and as you relate to it, you will begin to understand that each and every individual makes a difference within the society as a whole. 30. You are your own master now. Act like it. Recognize that the idea of any master, the first thing any master will tell you is that you are your own master. 31. Everything already always exists. The change you experience is simply an illusion of continuity. You do not change one earth into another. You shift your consciousness focus from one earth to another that already exists you only shift to a parallel reality where that reality already represents the shift in your own vibration. Nothing changes in that context. The change happens within your consciousness. 32. One of the greatest acts of spirituality that you can possibly achieve is to simply live your physical life to the fullest that you can. 33. As soon as you allow where you are to be all right, you will be able to get where you want to be much Faster. 34. Its the excitement in the simple things that tells you what simple things are actually connected to the bigger things that excite you. And will actually get you there in what may seem to be a round about manner, but by following the excitement is actually the shortest, fastest, straightest path. 35. Circumstances dont matter only state of being matters. 36. Time to energize and wake up, and the way you will do that is to surrender to who you are. Accept who you really are in your Heart of Hearts as a Dream-er, as an Imaginative Creator. And accept reality as a reflection of you. 36. ALL of you are as Powerful as you need to be to create anything you desire in life without having to hurt anyone else or yourselves in order to create it. Believe in the Power you are as the reflective representation of Infinite Creatorhood. As you think, as you picture, as you imagine, that is Real. Be it, if you prefer what you imagine and that will be the reality you experience. 37. Allow yourself to recognize that this is an opportunity for you to know that you chose your reflections, you chose your circumstances, and you chose your situations so that you would enforce your own weaning, and take your own power and exercise your own self-empowerment. Be your own master crystal, your own master tone. Share in love and light what you know to be true for you. 38. You are always learning equal learner. It makes you you learn most quickly by you are capable of doing it and always teaching. Everyone is an equal teacher, and an equal sharer. And you learn by doing that is how doing the thing you wish to learn about, in whatever way first.

39. By changing that frequency, by accelerating itby stepping it up through the method of being more yourself, getting closer in alignment to your true, core, vibration, you will create a reality that makes it more likely and more probable and more possible, for any other being that operates on a similar level, to be able to interact with each and every one of you. 40. There is only the understanding of the thing that needs to be taught to every child on the planet, and that is the knowledge that every single individual on this planet is already powerful as he or she needs to be to create any reality desired, without having to hurt yourself, or anyone else, to get it. Thats how powerful you are. Page 3

Untitled 41. As expressed in the the concept of play, of PLAYING with everything that happens in your reality. Really having an attitude of gratitude toward it so that you receive every experience you have in a playful way and thus by receiving it in that playful way you can do that much more with it. Be creative with it. Allow it to be that much more flexible. Malleable! Streeetchable. Changeable. Formable. Play. PLAY! 42. You are multi-dimensional creators; and as you think, as you feel, and as you believe, so you experience the creation of the physical reality around you always! No exceptions. 43. A problem is a situation like any other situation. Your belief that it is difficult to change is what makes it difficult to change. So if you wish to dissolve them, stop believing they are difficult to change, and allow them to dissolve. You see, you may be under the assumption that you have to make things change. All you need to do is allow them to change, because change is the only constant in the universe. 44. Allow yourself to recognize that this is an opportunity for you to know that you chose your reflections, you chose your circumstances, and you chose your situations so that you would enforce your own weaning, and take your own power and exercise your own self-empowerment. Be your own master crystal, your own master tone. Share in love and light what you know to be true for you. 45. The Creation of your day-to-day reality is second nature to you. You are so powerful in doing it that you have been able to forget you are the creators of that experiential reality. It is so easy that youve been able to overlook your responsibility for all that creation. Every single moment, you are exercising choice. 46. Because you are creating life through you, you are experiencing who you are through you, and as you become clear and as you become centered and as you become like unto the eye of the needle, then nothing that does not belong will be capable of passing through you. You will be your own best filter and you will filter out that which is not you. 47.None of you will ever have more Impact than you have just by existing. Ever. So stop worrying about how to create more Impact with what you want to do. You will never be able to create more Impact than you already have upon the universe just by the very fact of your existence. 48. Hate only reinforces the things you say you do not prefer, because thats what you are focusing on. Be peace; live peace. Breathe peace; Share peace. Love, unconditional love, will transform your entire world in the twinkling of an eye. UNCONDITIONAL love for all. 49. Begin with Self Valuation. We understand from our experience with many of you that one of the most difficult things that many of you now have to do on your planet..is learn to value yourself. Because you have forgotten your connection with the Infinite, you have been taught to think of yourselves as less than worthy, without an understanding of your value, no tool we would share with you would really be effective. 50. So we would recommend more importantly than ever you lighten up and let go. Drop those things that have nothing to do with you.You do not need them. They only hold you back. You must be able now to move more swiftly because things are going to accelerate even more. and more. and more. and more. Especially in what you call your next couple of years. 51. The egos job is to keep your consciousness focused into the physical reality you have said you want to be focused into. Thats its job; thats it. Negative ego is simply when you give over your power to that particular portion that you have created yourself to be, to run the whole show. Thats not its job. Its job is to simply provide a focus, not to do the thinking. Page 4

Untitled 52. Remaining Relatively Neutral at first will give you an opportunity to gain greater insight, more depth of understanding as to how the circumstances came together, what they are based on in terms of the definitions that are going on in you and in others, and give you an opportunity to learn to replace those definitions, in doing so, assign New Meaning, you can then glean from it New Impact, New Effect, New Feeling. 53.. Unity in a society does not come from conformity. Unity can only come from granting equality and validity to the infinite diversity of all the individuals. The universe is infinitely diverse. Every being has their own way of exploring the idea of infinite creation, and all these ways are equally valid. When a society encourages the unique expression of each individual, that is when the society is most unified. 54. We have no need for you to believe in us. We are here to assist you in believing in yourselves. 55. We are in this interaction to put ourselves out of a job. Our dearest desire is to have there come a day on your planet when you do not need us at all. And then on that day we will be able to interact with you on an equal level. The way you open that door is not by wishing for us to interact with you, not by the desire alone, but by expressing more of a desire for you to interact with yourselves as equals. 56. The tools will only be as strong and because the energy comes from youthrough determines the efficacy of the tool. They and by themselves because they draw their realization capability from you. as powerful as the energy you give them, youtherefore you are the one that do not really have the ability to work of energy from you they draw their

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