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March 2010 Vol. 10, No.

for the West, about the West, from the West

Making smart choices about cow power

tion projects in place, generating nearly 150,000 combined megawatts of electricity per year. There are 29 dairies in the Western U.S. with systems installed, 16 in California alone. Nationwide, dairies account for 116 of cross the Western United all anaerobic digestion projects. States over $150 million may be Decision support tools similar lost every year in untapped enerto the one being developed at gy generation. Not from solar or CSU have been developed for wind or natural gas sources, but Eastern dairy farmers to help adfrom cow manure. vance the use of this technology, An interdisciplinary team of reespecially in Vermont where searchers from Colorado State seven dairies now provide elecUniversitys Institute for Livetricity generated from manurestock and the Environment is derived methane gas to the working to help dairy producers states utility customers. water is passed through, effectively leaching In a two-stage anaerobic manure digestion sysout organics that are later converted into tem the process is separated into distinct pordecide if and when to use techIn a recently published study, methane gas. tions, mirroring the biological process. High nologies that convert manure into solids waste are placed in a concrete bay where University of Texas at Austin reuseable energy and, thus, increase searchers estimated that convertIn collaboration with economist Cathercow power. ing manure into renewable energy could ine Keske and biowaste specialist Jessica Although dairies in the Western U.S. meet up to three percent of electricity conDavis, all from CSUs Institute for Livehave an ample supply of manure, producers sumption needs in North America, leading stock and the Environment, Sharvelle is dehave been reluctant to adopt anaerobic dito a substantial reduction in greenhouse veloping an on-line decision-support tool for gestion technology that would convert it gas emissions. producers considering on-farm bioenergy into methane-rich biogas which could poPart of the reason why Western dairy conversion. The web site will guide them tentially be used to power farm operations producers have been slow to adopt anaerothrough a series of yes/no questions deor heat on-site buildings, thereby decreasbic digestion technology is that unlike their signed to help determine if the technology ing operating costs. It could also be sold as Eastern counterparts, Western dairies typiis technically and economically feasible and a replacement for natural gas, thereby dically collect manure by scraping drylots meets their needs. Users will also receive versifying revenue for dairies at a time rather than flushing indoor barns, which advice on selecting the right technology, when milk prices are often fluctuating. In requires a high volume of water. Add to finding an equipment provider, and how to addition to these financial benefits, recythat a naturally dry, moisture-evaporating operate and maintain the equipment. cling manure would help to reduce greenclimate and what do you get? Manure that The Environmental Protection Agency house gas emissions, decrease unpleasant is too dry for traditional technologies. estimates there are 140 anaerobic digesters odors, and improve water and air quality. How dry is too dry? Conventional anaeroperating at commercial livestock operaThe technology is out there, says Sybil obic digestion technology (complete mix, tions across the U.S.; 126 of which generate Sharvelle, an associate professor in CSUs plug flow, fixed film, and upflow sludge electrical or thermal energy from the capDepartment of Civil and Environmental blanket) all require inputs to be over 85 tured biogas. Of the 17 Western states, 10 Engineering and an expert on biological percent liquid. In Colorado, for example, (Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, waste processing. Farmers just need tools dairy manure scraped from dry lots can Montana, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, to help make smart choices about how and contain as much as 88 percent dry solids. Nebraska, and Texas) have anaerobic diges(continued on next page) when to use it. By Sarah Lupis, Sybil Sharvelle, Catherine Keske, and Jessica Davis Institute for Livestock and the Environment, Colorado State University

Western Dairy News is a collaborative effort of Dairy Specialists from:

March 25, 2010



cow power . . .
(continued from previous page)


To use conventional anaerobic digestion technology, waste products would have to be diluted with water. For example, to digest 1,000 metric tons (2.2 million pounds) of waste with 90 percent total solids, a conventional digester would require the addition of almost 2.4 million gallons of water. Not only would the expense associated with pumping and heating that much water be enormous, but that much water is simply not there to use. In addition, clean water is contaminated by the process. Sharvelle is also developing new anaerobic digestion technology that can help make the process of converting animal waste into energy more efficient. She is studying the feasibility of using a multiple-step process in which a small amount of water, typically from existing on-site wastewater, is percolated through dry manure until it has leached out as much organic material as possible. That water, now saturated with energy-rich organic compounds, is then converted into methane gas using microbes. Having tested this new technology at a small scale, Sharvelle, in cooperation with CSUs Kenneth Carlson and Stacey Simms of the Governors Energy Office, is now working to develop a plant scale demonstration version. It will be built at the Colorado Correctional Facility in Cannon City where horse, cow, and aquaculture wastes are all readily available and on-site facilities exist to manufacture all of the materials needed to set up the system. Conversion of manure to methane is a multi-step process. First, in a process called hydrolysis, enzymes released from microorganisms naturally present in the manure break down the organic compounds in manure (in this case, organic means the compound at the molecular level contains a carbon atom) into simpler compounds which dissolve more readily. It is this initial step that is often the biggest hurdle to anaerobic digestion in the West because at a molecular level it requires water to break apart chemical bonds. In the second step, called acidogenesis, the simple organic compounds are chemically converted into organic acids such as acetic, formic, and butyric. In the third step, the organic acids produced during acidogenesis are consumed by bacteria that produce methane as a waste product. Unlike conventional technology, twostage anaerobic digesters can handle material that is anywhere from zero to 50 percent solids, opening up new possibilities for Western waste-to-energy conversion endeavors. Several scenarios are possible. Dairies with on-site two-stage anaerobic digesters could accept waste materials, including crop residue, leaves, and organic municipal wastes for processing, potentially profiting from both drop-off fees and the energy generated. Alternatively, independent large-scale digesters could be established that would handle diverse dry wastes from municipal and agricultural sources, and then pipe the biogas back to their regional
March 25, 2010

communities as an alternative to home heating natural gas. The potential for co-digestion is one thing that makes anaerobic digestion more economically attractive in the West. Although new technologies are creating new possibilities for those who are thinking about adopting anaerobic digestion, economist Catherin Keske offers a word of caution. She recently completed a feasibility study of anaerobic digestion sponsored by the Governors Energy Office in Colorado, to evaluate the experiences of those who have tried the technology, determine if and when anaerobic digestion makes economic sense for producers, and identify what could be done to make it more accessible in Western states. Based on the technology currently available (two-stage digestion was not included because it is still in development and not yet widely available) and the current economic climate, her report concluded that Western dairy producers cannot make enough or save enough money from on-site use of biogas to generate electricity to make this a good decision. It also said that adopting existing technology with the hope of turning a profit by selling carbon credits isnt realistic either, at least not until the market price of carbon goes up. She did say, however, that There are situations that would make anaerobic digestion economically attractive. One of these is when a producer is faced with nuisance lawsuit related to odor. According to case studies in Keskes research, producers can expect to pay on the order of $100,000 in legal fees to fight a lawsuit, and could potentially be ordered to pay damages of $50 million. Under conditions like this, installing anaerobic digesters starts to look good. In situations where the technology is primarily used for mitigation, generating electricity is merely an added bonus rather than a true cost savings. In general, Keske determined that generating electricity from anaerobic digestion isnt a smart move for a couple of reasons. In the West, electricity rates are not very high, so generating your own electricity doesnt create huge cost savings. Similarly, supplying it to the grid is not a profitable option. Secondly, methane is a relatively
Western Dairy News is published as a service to people interested in the health and welfare of the Western dairy industry. Archives of this publication may be found at: For further information contact: Dr. Ragan Adams, Editor ILM, CSU-VTH 300 W. Drake Road Fort Collins, CO 80523 970-297-0371 Material published in Western Dairy News is not subject to copyright. Permission is therefore granted to reproduce articles, although acknowledgement of the source is requested. Cooperative Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.

dirty gas that often clogs generators, causing them to break down and need frequent maintenance or repair. The best use for methane biofuel generated from anaerobic digestion appears to be as a heat source replacing natural gas, especially when it can be used on-site or piped to a nearby location. For example, a dairy with a neighboring facility that can use the biofuel to heat buildings. But the most economically attractive option for anaerobic digestion at the present time and with currently available technology, according to Keskes report, is a regional-scale conventional digestion facility that relies on co-digestion. As stated earlier, anaerobic digestion in the West is severely limited by the availability of water. Co-digestion overcomes that hurdle because by using a variety of inputs from agricultural and municipal sources, some with high solids content (like manure or grass) and some with low solids content (like paunch, the material left over from meat processing) ensures that inputs to the system will reliably have enough water content for the multi-step anaerobic digestion process to work. Projections are that the entrepreneurial individual who decides to invest in a regional co-digestion facility could make between $700,205 and $8.9 million, representing between three and 46 percent return on the initial investment. But under a worstcase scenario the investment could lose over $5 million. To maximize returns, Keskes report recommends using the biogas product on-site. For the Colorado Correctional Institution thats what makes investing in anaerobic digestion so attractive it has on-site inputs from a dairy herd and a horse training and boarding facility, and it can use the methane biogas to heat buildings, including its goat nursery and tilapia barn. The development of a separate stage anaerobic digester capable of processing dry wastes is expected to make this process more affordable, reliable, and practical for producers, industry, and municipalities in the Western U.S. As new technology becomes available, current technology is improved, and as markets change to make electricity or carbon more valuable, producers will need to know how to respond. Remember the on-line decision-support tool we talked about earlier? Thats where the web site designed by Sharvelle, Keske, and Davis to guide prospective investors through a process of identifying existing resources, potentially suitable technology, and anticipated outcomes, will be most helpful. Before taking the plunge and investing in anaerobic digestion technology, producers and others will be able to use it to assess their current situation and receive advice and estimates about conditions that could result in a profitable, positive endeavor. Additional information on anaerobic digestion, with links to the reports and studies described in this article, can be found through the Institute for Livestock and the Environment at


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