The Presentation Script For Creative Thinking

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The Presentation Script for Creative Thinking:

Matter Manner
Hi, I’m-------------------------------- [Teacher introduces himself]

[The teacher used appropriate accent,

intonation and gestures in order to
convince his message forcefully or

[Teacher introduces the topic]

That might appear a crazy thinking. But • Have you ever thought of
there is something new in the thought or private flying space- cars? If
somebody might take it an absurd idea. no, why?
But there is something new in that. Such
crazy ideas give birth to amazing things
whose creation by a scientist is regarded
an innovation.

Such creative thinking can revolutionize

the world we live in. So today, we
would learn about creative thinking
which you should resort to while trying
to solve the problems you face. We’d • Can you name some
also learn how creative thinking takes innovations made by the
place, the guidelines for it and the European scientists?
barriers on its way. Ready friends?


How to be creative/ innovative? How to

motivate and manage creative people?
All it requires, really, is letting people
think the way they like and never pose [ A question to students]
any ideological barriers on their way of
free and divergent thinking. • Do you think you are
creative? Why do you think
Creativity/ creative thinking is a
process, not a product. One cannot teach
creativity. By establishing the proper
environment and offering
encouragement, one can certainly
facilitate the expression of creative
ideas. Station-e does the same for the
students. This kind of thinking gives us
a way to look at the future and various
solutions from a fresh angle. It’s a
thinking skill that gets us out of the
always-thinking-the-same-way rut.
While thinking creatively, we invent
something or modify or change the
existing fact/ think in a new way.

For example, a) the idea to move round

the world was an innovative idea that
took in Magellan’s mind. He was almost
successful in it. b) The cordless
telephones are the modified versions of
their wired counterparts.

To define concisely, innovative or

creative thinking means using thinking
skills to make new and useful
connections to what is known and
ordinary and bring creative solutions
from the information you have or
know. Aristotle had once said,
“Something comes from something”,
and that’s the point of creative thinking
[ A question to students]
germination_ to make something new,
unique or different out of something old.
• Can you give examples?

The creative/ innovative thinking

Creative or innovative solutions are not
found quickly and / or coincidently as is
the general assumption among the
masses. In fact, the opposite is true.

The mental or intellectual process that

metes out creative solutions or
[Teacher shows the first slide]
innovative ideas takes place in 4 stages:

1. Getting ready:
This involves the following:
a. Recognizing, with sharp
alertness, the time / moment of
the opportunity occurrence and [slide disappears]
grabbing the solutions it offers
in the form of creative answers
or ideas.
b. Understanding of the problems
[along with their nature] that
confront us.
c. Understanding the nature of
the opportunity/ opportunities
in order to solve future

d. Gathering relevant information

about the problem and
endeavouring to fit it or its
part to the concerned solution. [Teacher shows the 2nd slide]

[Teacher points out each item.]

2. Contemplating over the
problem and the new ways to
find solutions:
Creative or innovative thinking involves
the better understanding of the problem
by ‘chewing’ it well. It takes time, many
[Teacher points out Getting ready]
a time. However, scientists have proven
by means of their credible
experimentation that the best solutions
[slide disappears]
are found out after we segregate
mentally or intellectually from the
problem we confront. The subconscious
part of the human mind has the capacity
of connecting unrelated information to
the problem at hand and of finding
whether this information can be
modified in such a way as to become the
remedy for the problem or the source of
its solutions or the way leading to them.

3. The Aha!
By doing the above-mentioned process,
the solution(s) we are looking for
come(s) to us like a flash of light or a
lightning_ a bolt from the blue. It occurs
generally after meeting the problem, • How do you gather
since the gap-period between meeting information about the
with the problem and finding its problem you face?
solution allows full of active thinking in
a new direction or through different
angles. Here you know more than you
thought you did. Archimedes’ shout,
“Eureka, Eureka” is the result of his
“aha”. [Teacher points out the 2nd point]

4. Assessing the new thought/

When you get some new thought or a [slide disappears]
likely solution for the problem at hand,
you need to check it out for its
relevance, usability, utility value,
viability, safety extent, the extent of its
impact, its side-effects and so on by
means of your analytical thinking. For
example, suggesting flying cars as the
innovative solution to traffic problems is
unviable and, hence, need to be set aside
as a ‘dross’ for a while.

• Guidelines for Innovative or

Creative thinking:
Creative thinking doesn’t wait for
anybody’s encouragement; but if given
any, it can work wonders. The following
guidelines for the innovative thinking
can prove very beneficial:
1. Withholding your judgment:
When you withhold your judgment for a
while, you allow as many ideas as
possible since it creates some ‘space’ for
their generation. This also benefits the
[Teacher points out 3rd point]
other way round in the sense that other
people would find it easy to mete out
their own creative/ innovative ideas as
they would know that their ideas
[slide disappears]
wouldn’t be judged right away.

2. Generating a large number of

The creative solution(s) call(s) for the
ample fodder of a large number of
innovative ideas. So you need to
generate as many ideas as possible even
though it takes some more time. Now let
me test your ability to generate ideas.

The more you dig deeper and wider into

the details of many possible innovative
ideas on the way to their germination, [Teacher points out the 4th point]
growth and fruition or occurrence, the
greater the likelihood of finding the
“golden nuggets”_ i.e. creative
solutions. Perhaps, amongst many, the
‘last’ solution after a prolonged [slide disappears]
deliberation can be a revolutionary
panacea; so, move unto the ‘last’.

3. Accepting the unusual or even

the queer:
Some ideas/ solutions generated in
human mind might appear irrelevant or
disconnected or too unusual or queer to
be accepted. But then its occurrence
might have some sort of linking or, at
least, remote inkling with the present or
future problems. Instead of rejecting
such ideas or solutions outright, you can
store and preserve them as the probable
alternative solutions for the present [Teacher shows the 3rd slide]
problems at hand or the solutions with
the likelihood of resolving the future
problems. [Teacher points out each item.]

4. Forming new links:

Creative thinking enables the
germination of more ideas or solutions
than the concerned problems. In a
creative climate, many of the options [Teacher points out the 1st point]
give birth to new and unexpected
products and new ways of doing things.
Forming new links often comes after
thinking deeply, silently and widely
about the probable new relationship(s)
[slide disappears]
and / or relevance formed by the
newfound ideas which can likely befit
as solutions to the problems. If you
come across a queer idea, you can try to
link it with another queer idea. The
number of combinations you, thus,
create can increase manifold, giving rise
to rich creative thinking_ a kind of chain
reaction_ that would enable you, during [Teacher points out the 2nd point]
its course of happening, to find out
proper novel solutions or remedies
which would otherwise have been [slide disappears]
impossible, had you indulged in
ordinary way or manner of thinking.
Barriers to Creativity
Creativity is a constructive human virtue
but to attain it needs removing certain
barriers on the way of our journey
towards it. One of the most important
steps in developing creative abilities is
recognizing and owning up to the
obstacles to devising much desired
creative ideas.
A. The foremost barrier is baseless • Give me ideas on increasing
assumptions. employee efficiency of an
For years the greeting card
companies labouredunder the
fond assumption that their
competition was other greeting
card companies. No doubt this
affected—and constrained—their
creative efforts. However, the
unexpected popularity of sending
flowers and plants with just a
telephone call (e.g. Florists
Telegraph Delivery—FTD) soon
came in vogue. Then, after a few
years, people started sending
greeting cards via picture
[Teacher points out the 3rd point]
SMSesand internet facilities.

B. Unverified judgments are another

barrier. When was the last time
you quickly responded to an idea
with “It will never work,” or “We [slide disappears]
tried that before,” or “They'll
never buy it”. Think about
judgments some European people
laughed at: “He'll fall off the end
of the earth” (about Christopher
Columbus), or “They'll never
replace horses” (said about
automobiles), or “Birds were
made to fly, not man” (said about
airplanes). What about the
judgments that are now accepted
as valid? Could today's blind
acceptance of things, as they are,
inhibit creativity? The answer is
regrettably ‘yes’.

C. Unfortunately, a common barrier [Teacher points out the 4th point]

to creativity, the ‘right answer’
syndrome, is locked into people's
brains shortly after they begin
their formal education, with the
[slide disappears]
get-the-right-answer focus typical
of our conventional education
system. Most school systems are
better at turning out ‘human
automatons’ who can memorize
and parrot the right answer
memorized over the years of
mechanical learning. These
systems are not so expert at
creating such geniuses who can
think and invent new or different


especially that of failure_is the
greatest barrier to creativity.
is actually contributes
significantly to creativity; it's a
tremendous learning tool. In fact,
the person can learn well by trial-
and-error method and be creative
through it, since it involves
searching or exploring various
alternative answers or solutions to
the problem(s) via divergent
thinking method or process.
My dear friends, today, we have
learnt about creative thinking which
you should resort to while trying to [Teacher shows the 4th slide]
solve the problems you face. We’ve
also learnt how creative thinking
takes place, the guidelines for it and [Teacher points out each item.]
the barriers on its way. Any
[slide disappears]

[Teacher points out the 1st point]

• What are the features of

baseless assumptions?
[slide disappears]

[Teacher points out the 2nd point]

[slide disappears]
[Teacher points out the 3rd point]

[slide disappears]
[Teacher points out the 4th point]

• Why are we afraid of failure?

[slide disappears]
[slide disappears]

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