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Traditional Thai Yoga Massage

10-20th September 2009

Beginners course w ith Krishnataki

Omshanti, Granollers – Barcelona

“Feel the presence of their breath and of yours

feel the weight of their body and of yours
acknowledge the beauty of the soul
unify all and move and dance
ever in ease
with no judgments
for the good of all our brothers and sisters”

Thai Yoga Massage
Traditional Thai Massage dates back to some 2500
years ago in India, in times of Ayurvedic and Yogic
healing. It was brought over to Thailand by “Jivaka
Kumar Baccha”, Buddha’s personal physician. He is
now known as the “father of medicine” throughout
Thailand and homage is given to him by all serious
practitioners of Thai massage. Most of the literature
of this ancient healing technique was destroyed in the
Burmese invasion of Thailand, however elaborate
carvings and drawings in the famous Wat Po temple
of Bangkok give testimony to its existence and

The teaching and sharing from generation to generation and from master to
student has made this massage the intuitive healing art that it is. Along with
herbal medicine, nutrition and spiritual practice, Thai massage makes up the core
of traditional Thai medicine and is for this reason that the treatment is more of a
spiritual practice, closely connected with the teachings of the Buddha. The
application of Metta (loving kindness) and Vipassana (meditation of insight)
enables both the giver and receiver to open energy channels and be healed.

“May I mindfully
mindfull y meet
the su ffering o f others
with the grace of an open heart
so that I may compassionately
share with them
the emotions natural to our hum an

Lord Buddha
The Course
This course gives a solid practical training on the art of Traditional Thai Yoga
Massage, with enough material to give a full body two hour massage. It is for
both beginners and practitioners of other kinds of bodywork and there are no
prerequisites for the course – everybody can do it and everybody is welcome.

Based on the book “The Traditional Art of Thai Massage” by Asokananda and
our own prepared materials, we travel, day by day, from the feet to the head
with daily demonstrations, theory and practice time.

Course certified by the “International Society of Thai Yoga Massage”

The overall structure is as follows:

Day 1: Introduction - feet and energy lines of the legs

Day 2: Single leg stretches
Day 3: Double leg stretches
Day 4: Stomach, chest, arms and hands
Day 5: Side position
Day 6: Practice day
Day 7: Back – energy lines and stretches
Day 8: Shoulders, neck and head
Day 9: Face - therapy points, energy lines - Oils & herbal hot compress
Day 10: Practice Day
Day 11: Evaluation – practical test with constructive feedback

A typical daily schedule is as follows:

6:00 – 6:45 Morning Meditation

7:00 – 9:00 Sunrise Yoga
9:00 – 11:00 Breakfast and Shower time
11:00 – 14:00 Massage demonstration and practice
14:00 – 16:00 Lunch and siesta
16:00 – 19:00 Massage practice
19:00 – 20:00 Qi Gong / AcroYoga
20:00 – 21:00 Dinner
21:30 – 22:00 Metta meditation/Bhakti Yoga (chanting)
22.30 Mouna - Silence

Krishnataki, originally from Greece, has been

teaching Thai Yoga massage, Chavutti Thirumal
and yoga since 1998 having lived and studied in
Thailand and India. He is a senior massage teacher
of the Sunshine Network, and has trained with Thai
massage masters Pichet Boonthume and C hayuth
Priyasith among others. He is passionate about
organic farming, C hinese medicine, cooking and
nutrition and incorporates aspects of yoga,
meditation and Qi Gong into all his courses.

He is now based in Greece, at Sunshine House, where he teaches daily yoga

classes, offers treatments and runs retreats. He is renown for his unique, fun-
loving and passionate way of teaching as well as his generous spirit, hot hands
and delicious home-made recipes.
OMSHANTI Centre de Ioga Integral Omshanti
Omshanti is located just outside Barcelona in the hills. A one hour train ride
from Barcelona’s airport.

ACCOMMODATIONS The options available are to sleep in shared rooms on

thick mats or there is an option to camp as well.
Please bring your sleeping bag and, if you choose to camp, your own tent.

WHAT TO BRING Sleeping bag, towel, yoga mat, comfortable clothing,

natural/ecological soap for the outside wild showers, your own re-usable water
bottle, tent (if you choose to camp – RECOMMENDED)
Any instrument you play and your Karma yoga spirit!!


Directions from Barcelona’s Airport:
Take a train to BARCELONA SANTS (the main station in the city) and then
another train to GRANOLLERS CENTRE (direction north).
We will pick you up from GRANOLLERS CENTRE train station.

Directions from Girona’s Airport:

Take a bus directly to Granollers Bus Station

ARRIVAL The course starts on Thursday 10th at 7pm with dinner, and
finishes on Sunday 20th after lunch.
PRICE 850€
Price includes instruction, lodging, meals and a ride from Granollers train Station.


Transfer 300€ to this account to reserve your place:

Bank Name: Triodos Bank

Name Of Account Holder: OM SHANTI
Account Number: 1491 0001 20 0010005487
IBAN: ES39 1491 0001 20 0010005487
Please write: FULL NAME and THAI COURSE

In case of cancellation the deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE

+ Info & registration

Pau (+34) 625121469

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