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A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns: Part 1 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study
Binary Nodes

Unary Node

Leaf Nodes

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Case Study: Expression Tree Processing App

Goals Develop an OO expression tree processing app using patterns & frameworks
Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible expression tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations Consolidating creation of variabilities for commands, iterators, etc. Ensuring correct protocol for commands Structuring application event flow Supporting multiple operation modes Centralizing access to global resources Eliminating loops via the STL std::for_each() algorithm Pattern(s) Composite Bridge Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command Abstract Factory & Factory Method State Reactor Template Method & Strategy Singleton Adapter

3 ambiguity in algebraic expressions Expression trees are used to remove

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Case Study: Expression Tree Processing App

Goals Develop an OO expression tree processing app using patterns & frameworks Compare/contrast nonobject-oriented & objectoriented approaches


Composite_ Unary_Node


1 Tree Node 0|1|2

Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node

4 Despite decades of OO emphasis, algorithmic decomposition is still common

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Case Study: Expression Tree Processing App

Goals Develop an OO expression tree processing app using patterns & frameworks Compare/contrast nonobject-oriented & objectoriented approaches Demonstrate Scope,
Binary Nodes

Commonality, & Variability (SCV) analysis in the context

of a concrete example

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

SCV is a systematic software reuse method 5

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Case Study: Expression Tree Processing App

Goals Develop an OO expression tree processing app using patterns & frameworks Compare/contrast nonobject-oriented & objectoriented approaches Demonstrate Scope,
Expression_Tree expr_tree = ; Print_Visitor print_visitor; C++11 range-based for loop for (auto &iter : expr_tree) iter.accept(print_visitor);

Commonality, & Variability

(SCV) analysis in the context of a concrete example

Illustrate how patternoriented OO frameworks can be implemented in C++ & Java

ExpressionTree exprTree = ; ETVisitor printVisitor = new PrintVisitor(); Java for-each loop for (ComponentNode node : exprTree) node.accept(printVisitor);

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Expression trees consist of nodes containing operators & operands
Binary Nodes

7 See for expression tree info

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Expression trees consist of nodes containing operators & operands Operators are interior nodes in the tree i.e., binary & unary nodes
Unary Node Binary Nodes

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Expression trees consist of nodes containing operators & operands Operators are interior nodes in the tree i.e., binary & unary nodes Operands are exterior nodes in the tree i.e., leaf nodes
Unary Node Leaf Nodes Binary Nodes

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Expression trees consist of nodes containing operators & operands Operators have different precedence levels, different associativities, & different arities, e.g.:
Unary Operator Leaf Nodes Binary Operators


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Expression trees consist of nodes containing operators & operands Operators have different precedence levels, different associativities, & different arities, e.g.: The multiplication operator has two arguments, whereas unary minus operator has only one
Unary Operator Leaf Nodes Binary Operators


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Expression trees consist of nodes containing operators & operands Operators have different precedence levels, different associativities, & different arities, e.g.: The multiplication operator has two arguments, whereas unary minus operator has only one Operator locations in the tree unambiguously designate precedence
Unary Operator Leaf Nodes Binary Operators


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Expression trees consist of nodes containing operators & operands Operators have different precedence levels, different associativities, & different arities Operands can be integers, doubles, variables, etc. We'll just handle integers in this example, though it can easily be extended
Unary Operator Integer Operands Binary Operators


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Trees may be evaluated via different traversal orders, e.g., in-order iterator = -5*(3+4) pre-order iterator = *-5+34 post-order iterator = 5-34+* level-order iterator = *-+534

14 See for more info

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Expression Tree Processing App

Trees may be evaluated via different traversal orders, e.g., in-order iterator = -5*(3+4) pre-order iterator = *-5+34 post-order iterator = 5-34+* level-order iterator = *-+534 The evaluation step may perform various actions, e.g.: Print contents of expression tree Return the value" of the expression tree Perform semantic analysis & optimization Generate code etc.

1. S = [5] 2. S = [-5] 3. S = [-5, 3] 4. S = [-5, 3, 4] 5. S = [-5, 7] 6. S = [-35]

push(node.item()) push(-pop()) push(node.item()) push(node.item()) push(pop()+pop()) push(pop()*pop())

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

The expression tree processing app can be run in multiple modes, e.g.: Succinct mode % tree-traversal > 1+4*3/2 7 > (8/4) * 3 + 1 7 ^D Verbose mode % tree-traversal -v format [in-order] expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit > format in-order > expr 1+4*3/2 > print post-order 143*2/+ > eval post-order 7 > quit

A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns: Part 2 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques

Initialize Prompt User Read Expr Build Tree Process Tree No EOF? Yes End


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

How Not to Design an Expression Tree Application

Apply algorithmic decomposition Top-down design based on the
actions performed by the system
Start Initialize Prompt User

Read Expr Build Tree Process Tree

No EOF? Yes End


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

How Not to Design an Expression Tree Application

Apply algorithmic decomposition Top-down design based on the
actions performed by the system

Yes Verbose? No Verbose Prompt Succinct Prompt

Initialize Prompt User

Generally follows a divide &

conquer strategy based on the actions

Read Expr Build Tree Process Tree

i.e., general actions are

iteratively/recursively decomposed into more specific ones

Yes Print? No Print Tree Yes Eval Tree

No EOF? Yes End

Eval? No


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

How Not to Design an Expression Tree Application

Apply algorithmic decomposition Top-down design based on the
actions performed by the system
typedef struct Tree_Node { ... } Tree_Node; Well explore this shortly void prompt_user(int verbose); char *read_expr(FILE *fp); Tree_Node *build_tree (const char *expr); void process_tree (Tree_Node *root, FILE *fp); void eval_tree (Tree_Node *root, FILE *fp); void print_tree (Tree_Node *root, FILE *fp); ... Well explore this shortly 21

Generally follows a divide &

conquer strategy based on the actions

i.e., general actions are

iteratively/recursively decomposed into more specific ones

Primary design components e.g., C functions

correspond to processing steps in execution sequence

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Algorithmic Decomposition of Expression Tree

A typical algorithmic decomposition for implementing expression trees
Type tag typedef struct Tree_Node { enum { NUM, UNARY, BINARY } tag_; short use_; Reference count union { char op_[2]; Node value int num_; } o; #define num_ o.num_ #define op_ o.op_ union { struct Tree_Node *unary_; struct { struct Tree_Node *l_, *r_;} binary_; } c; #define unary_ c.unary_ Node child(ren) #define binary_ c.binary_ } Tree_Node; 22

would use a C struct/union to represent the main data structure

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Algorithmic Decomposition of Expression Tree

A typical algorithmic decomposition for implementing expression trees
would use a C struct/union to represent the main data structure
Memory Layout
tag_ use_ op_ num_

typedef struct Tree_Node { enum { NUM, UNARY, BINARY } tag_; short use_; union { char op_[2]; int num_; } o; #define num_ o.num_ #define op_ o.op_ union { struct Tree_Node *unary_; struct { struct Tree_Node *l_, *r_;} binary_; } c; #define unary_ c.unary_ #define binary_ c.binary_ } Tree_Node; 23

Class Relationships 1 Tree Node 0|1|2



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Algorithmic Decomposition of Expression Tree

A typical algorithmic decomposition uses a switch statement & a recursive
function to build & evaluate a tree, e.g.:
void print_tree(Tree_Node *root, FILE *fp) { switch(root->tag_) { Switch on type tag case NUM: fprintf(fp, "%d", root->num_); break; case UNARY: fprintf(fp, "(%s", root->op_[0]); print_tree(root->unary_, fp); fprintf(fp, ")"); break; case BINARY: fprintf(fp, "("); print_tree(root->binary_.l_, fp); fprintf(fp, "%s", root->op_[0]); print_tree(root->binary_.r_, fp); fprintf(fp, ")"); break; ... } 24

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Algorithmic Decomposition of Expression Tree

A typical algorithmic decomposition uses a switch statement & a recursive
function to build & evaluate a tree, e.g.:
void print_tree(Tree_Node *root, FILE *fp) { switch(root->tag_) { case NUM: fprintf(fp, "%d", root->num_); break; case UNARY: fprintf(fp, "(%s", root->op_[0]); print_tree(root->unary_, fp); fprintf(fp, ")"); break; case BINARY: fprintf(fp, "("); print_tree(root->binary_.l_, fp); fprintf(fp, "%s", root->op_[0]); print_tree(root->binary_.r_, fp); fprintf(fp, ")"); break; ... } 25

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Algorithmic Decomposition of Expression Tree

A typical algorithmic decomposition uses a switch statement & a recursive
function to build & evaluate a tree, e.g.:
void print_tree(Tree_Node *root, FILE *fp) { switch(root->tag_) { case NUM: fprintf(fp, "%d", root->num_); break; case UNARY: fprintf(fp, "(%s", root->op_[0]); print_tree(root->unary_, fp); Recursive call fprintf(fp, ")"); break; case BINARY: fprintf(fp, "("); print_tree(root->binary_.l_, fp); fprintf(fp, "%s", root->op_[0]); print_tree(root->binary_.r_, fp); fprintf(fp, ")"); break; ... } 26

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Algorithmic Decomposition of Expression Tree

A typical algorithmic decomposition uses a switch statement & a recursive
function to build & evaluate a tree, e.g.:
void print_tree(Tree_Node *root, FILE *fp) { switch(root->tag_) { case NUM: fprintf(fp, "%d", root->num_); break; case UNARY: fprintf(fp, "(%s", root->op_[0]); print_tree(root->unary_, fp); fprintf(fp, ")"); break; case BINARY: fprintf(fp, "("); print_tree(root->binary_.l_, fp); Recursive call fprintf(fp, "%s", root->op_[0]); print_tree(root->binary_.r_, fp); Recursive call fprintf(fp, ")"); break; ... } 27

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Limitations with algorithmic decomposition Little/no encapsulation
Implementation details available to clients

typedef struct Tree_Node { enum { NUM, UNARY, BINARY } tag_; short use_; union { char op_[2]; int num_; Small changes ripple } o; through entire program #define num_ o.num_ #define op_ o.op_ union { struct Tree_Node *unary_; struct { struct Tree_Node *l_, *r_;} binary_; Use of macros pollutes } c; global namespace #define unary_ c.unary_ #define binary_ c.binary_ } Tree_Node; 28

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Limitations with algorithmic decomposition Incomplete modeling of application domain
typedef struct Tree_Node { enum { NUM, UNARY, BINARY } tag_; short use_; union { Tight coupling char op_[2]; between int num_; nodes/edges } o; in union #define num_ o.num_ #define op_ o.op_ union { struct Tree_Node *unary_; struct { struct Tree_Node *l_, *r_;} binary_; Wastes space by } c; making worst-case #define unary_ c.unary_ assumptions wrt #define binary_ c.binary_ structs & unions } Tree_Node; 29
tag_ use_ op_ num_



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Limitations with algorithmic decomposition

Tree_Node data structure is passive & functions do all the real work

Complexity in (variable) algorithms rather than (stable) structure

void print_tree(Tree_Node *root, FILE *fp) { switch(root->tag_) { case NUM: fprintf(fp, "%d", root->num_); break; case UNARY: fprintf(fp, "(%s", root->op_[0]); Easy to make mistakes print_tree(root->unary_, fp); when switching on type tags fprintf(fp, ")"); break; case BINARY: fprintf(fp, "("); Tailoring the app for print_tree(root->binary_.l_, fp); specific requirements & fprintf(fp, "%s", root->op_[0]); specifications impedes print_tree(root->binary_.r_, fp); reuse & complicates fprintf(fp, ")"); break; software sustainment ... } 30 modeling, design, & implementation Overcoming limitations requires rethinking

A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns: Part 3 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for the expression tree processing app
Component_Node Expression_Tree

Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

How to Design an Expression Tree Processing App

Apply an Object-Oriented (OO) design based on modeling classes & objects in the application domain

Binary Nodes

Unary Node

Leaf Nodes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

How to Design an Expression Tree Processing App

Apply an Object-Oriented (OO) design based on modeling classes & objects in the application domain Employ hierarchical data abstraction where design components are based on stable class & object roles & relationships Rather than functions corresponding to actions
Post_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl In_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl ET_Iterator


Level_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl

Pre_Order_ET _|Iterator_Impl


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

How to Design an Expression Tree Processing App

Apply an Object-Oriented (OO) design based on modeling classes & objects in the application domain Employ hierarchical data abstraction where design components are based on stable class & object roles & relationships Associate actions with specific objects and/or classes of objects Emphasize high cohesion & low coupling

ET_Event_Handler handle_input() prompt_user() get_input() make_command() execute_command()

Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler prompt_user() make_command()

Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler prompt_user() make_command()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

How to Design an Expression Tree Processing App

Apply an Object-Oriented (OO) design based on modeling classes & objects in the application domain Employ hierarchical data abstraction where design components are based on stable class & object roles & relationships Associate actions with specific objects and/or classes of objects Group classes & objects in accordance to patterns & combine them to form






<< create >>

Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler

Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler


Strategy & Template Method



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

An OO Expression Tree Design Method

Start with object-oriented (OO) modeling of the expression tree application domain


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

An OO Expression Tree Design Method

Start with object-oriented (OO) modeling of the expression tree application domain
Applicationdependent steps Binary Nodes

Model a tree as a collection of nodes

Unary Node Leaf Nodes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

An OO Expression Tree Design Method

Start with object-oriented (OO) modeling of the expression tree application domain
Applicationdependent steps

Model a tree as a collection of nodes Represent nodes as a hierarchy, capturing properties of each node e.g., arities

Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

An OO Expression Tree Design Method

Start with object-oriented (OO) modeling of the expression tree application domain
Applicationdependent steps
Expression_Tree Component_Node

Model a tree as a collection of nodes


Composite_ Unary_Node


Represent nodes as a hierarchy, capturing properties of each node e.g., arities

Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node

Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node

Composite_ Divide_Node

Applicationindependent steps

Conduct Scope, Commonality, & Variability analysis to determine stable interfaces & extension points Apply Gang of Four (GoF) patterns to guide efficient & extensible development of framework components Integrate pattern-oriented language/library features w/frameworks has info on Gang of Four (GoF) book

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

C++ Pattern-Oriented Language/Library Features

Over time, common patterns become institutionalized as programming language features
Expression_Tree expr_tree = ; Print_Visitor print_visitor; Visitor object (based on Visitor pattern)


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

C++ Pattern-Oriented Language/Library Features

Over time, common patterns become institutionalized as programming language features
Expression_Tree expr_tree = ; Print_Visitor print_visitor;

for (Expression_Tree::iterator iter = expr_tree.begin(); iter != expr_tree.end(); Traditional STL ++iter) iterator loop (*iter).accept(print_visitor);


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

C++ Pattern-Oriented Language/Library Features

Over time, common patterns become institutionalized as programming language features
Expression_Tree expr_tree = ; Print_Visitor print_visitor; for (Expression_Tree::iterator iter = expr_tree.begin(); iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) (*iter).accept(print_visitor);

std::for_each (expr_tree.begin(), expr_tree.end(), [&print_visitor] (const Expression_Tree &t) { t.accept(print_visitor);}); C++11 lambda expression


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

C++ Pattern-Oriented Language/Library Features

Over time, common patterns become institutionalized as programming language features
Expression_Tree expr_tree = ; Print_Visitor print_visitor; for (Expression_Tree::iterator iter = expr_tree.begin(); iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) (*iter).accept(print_visitor);

C++11 range-based for loop

std::for_each (expr_tree.begin(), expr_tree.end(), [&print_visitor] (const Expression_Tree &t) { t.accept(print_visitor);}); for (auto &iter : expr_tree) iter.accept(print_visitor);

44 See for info on C++11

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Java Pattern-Oriented Language/Library Features

Over time, common patterns become institutionalized as programming language features
ExpressionTree exprTree = ; ETVisitor printVisitor = new PrintVisitor(); for (ComponentNode node : exprTree) node.accept(printVisitor); Java for-each loop (assumes tree implements Iterable)


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Java Pattern-Oriented Language/Library Features

Over time, common patterns become institutionalized as programming language features
ExpressionTree exprTree = ; ETVisitor printVisitor = new PrintVisitor(); for (ComponentNode node : exprTree) node.accept(printVisitor); for (Iterator<ExpressionTree> itr = exprTree.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) (printVisitor);

Java iterator style


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

OO designs are characterized by structuring software architectures around objects/classes in domains Rather than on actions performed by the software

<< accept >>




Expression_Tree << create >>





Level_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl In_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl Post_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl Pre_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

OO designs are characterized by structuring software architectures around objects/classes in domains Rather than on actions performed by the software


Systems evolve & functionality changes, but well-defined objects & class roles & relationships are often relatively stable over time


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

OO designs are characterized by structuring software architectures around objects/classes in domains Rather than on actions performed by the software



Systems evolve & functionality changes, but well-defined objects & class roles & relationships are often relatively stable over time To obtain flexible & reusable software, therefore, its better to base the structure on objects/classes rather than on actions

Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node


A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns: Part 4 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for the expression tree processing app Summarize the patterns in the expression tree design
Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible expression tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations Consolidating creation of variabilities for commands, iterators, etc. Ensuring correct protocol for commands Structuring the application event flow Supporting multiple operation modes Centralizing access to global resources Eliminating loops via the STL std::for_each() algorithm Pattern(s) Composite Bridge Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command Abstract Factory & Factory Method State Reactor Template Method & Strategy Singleton Adapter


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Outline of the Design Space for GoF Patterns

Abstract the process of instantiating objects Describe how classes & objects can be combined to form larger structures
Purpose: Reflects What the Pattern Does

Concerned with communication between objects

Creational Class Scope: Domain Where Pattern Applies Object Factory Method Abstract Factory Builder Prototype Singleton

Structural Adapter (class) Adapter (object) Bridge Composite Decorator Flyweight Faade Proxy

Behavioral Interpreter Template Method Chain of Responsibility Command Iterator Mediator Memento Observer State Strategy Visitor has info on Gang of Four (GoF) book

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations

Pattern(s) Composite Bridge

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command

Consolidating creation of Abstract Factory variabilities for commands, & Factory iterators, etc. Method

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations

Pattern(s) Composite Bridge

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command

Consolidating creation of Abstract Factory variabilities for commands, & Factory iterators, etc. Method

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations

Pattern(s) Composite Bridge

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command

Consolidating creation of Abstract Factory variabilities for commands, & Factory iterators, etc. Method

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations

Pattern(s) Composite Bridge

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command

Consolidating creation of Abstract Factory variabilities for commands, & Factory iterators, etc. Method

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations

Pattern(s) Composite Bridge

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command

Consolidating creation of Abstract Factory variabilities for commands, & Factory iterators, etc. Method

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations

Pattern(s) Composite Bridge

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command

Consolidating creation of Abstract Factory variabilities for commands, & Factory iterators, etc. Method

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem Extensible expression tree structure Encapsulating variability & simplifying memory management Parsing expressions & creating expression tree Extensible tree operations Implementing STL iterator semantics Consolidating user operations

Pattern(s) Composite Bridge

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Interpreter & Builder Iterator & Visitor Prototype Command

Consolidating creation of Abstract Factory variabilities for commands, & Factory iterators, etc. Method

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem


Ensuring correct protocol State for processing commands Structuring the application event flow Reactor Template Method & Strategy Singleton Adapter

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Supporting multiple operation modes Centralizing access to global resources Eliminating loops via the STL std::for_each() algorithm


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem


Ensuring correct protocol State for processing commands Structuring the application event flow Reactor Template Method & Strategy Singleton Adapter

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Supporting multiple operation modes Centralizing access to global resources Eliminating loops via the STL std::for_each() algorithm

61 See for the Reactor pattern

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem


Ensuring correct protocol State for processing commands Structuring the application event flow Reactor Template Method & Strategy Singleton Adapter

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Supporting multiple operation modes Centralizing access to global resources Eliminating loops via the STL std::for_each() algorithm


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem


Ensuring correct protocol State for processing commands Structuring the application event flow Reactor Template Method & Strategy Singleton Adapter

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Supporting multiple operation modes Centralizing access to global resources Eliminating loops via the STL std::for_each() algorithm


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Design Problems & Pattern-Oriented Solutions

Binary Nodes

Design Problem


Ensuring correct protocol State for processing commands Structuring the application event flow Reactor Template Method & Strategy Singleton Adapter

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Supporting multiple operation modes Centralizing access to global resources Eliminating loops via the STL std::for_each() algorithm

64 Naturally, these patterns apply to more than expression tree processing apps!

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF patterns provide elements of reusable object-oriented software that address limitations with algorithmic decomposition



A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns : Part 5 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for the expression tree processing app Summarize the patterns in the expression tree design Explore patterns for Tree structure & access
Component_Node Expression_Tree

Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Tree Structure & Access Patterns

P urpose: Define the key internal data structure for the expression tree & simplify access to this data structure



Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node

Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node

Composite_ Divide_Node


Composite 68

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Extensible Expression Tree Structure

Goals Support physical structure of expression tree e.g., binary/unary operators & operands


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Extensible Expression Tree Structure

Goals Support physical structure of expression tree e.g., binary/unary operators & operands Provide hook methods that enable arbitrary operations on tree nodes
Operation 1: Print all the values of the nodes in the tree Operation 2: Evaluate the yield of the nodes in the tree


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Extensible Expression Tree Structure

Goals Support physical structure of expression tree e.g., binary/unary operators & operands Provide hook methods that enable arbitrary operations on tree nodes Constraints/forces Treat operators & operands uniformly No distinction between one vs. many to avoid special cases

71 Eliminate need for type tags & switch statements, cf. algorithmic decomposition

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Recursive Structure

Model an expression tree as a recursive collection of nodes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Recursive Structure

Model an expression tree as a recursive collection of nodes Nodes are represented in a hierarchy that captures properties of each node, e.g.: Leaf nodes contain no children


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Recursive Structure

Model an expression tree as a recursive collection of nodes Nodes are represented in a hierarchy that captures properties of each node, e.g.: Leaf nodes contain no children Unary nodes recursively contain one other child node


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Recursive Structure

Model an expression tree as a recursive collection of nodes Nodes are represented in a hierarchy that captures properties of each node, e.g.: Leaf nodes contain no children Unary nodes recursively contain one other child node Binary nodes recursively contain two other child nodes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Component_Node Class Interface

Abstract base class for composable expression tree node objects Interface virtual virtual int virtual Component_Node * virtual Component_Node * virtual void
Virtual destructor ensures nodes are all deleted properly

~Component_Node()=0 item() const left() const right() const accept(ET_Visitor &visitor) const
This hook method plays an essential role in I terator & Visitor patterns (covered later)

Subclasses Leaf_Node, Composite_Unary_Node, Composite_Binary_Node, etc.

Commonality: Base class interface used by all nodes in an expression tree Variability: Each subclass defines state & method implementations that
are specific for the various types of nodes 76

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Component_Node Class Hierarchy

Note the inherent recursion in this hierarchy
Component_Node e.g., Leaf_Node is a Component_Node

Composite_ Unary_Node


e.g., Composite_Unary_Node is a Component_Node & also has a Component_Node

Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node e.g., Composite_Binary_Node is a Composite_Unary_Node & also has a Component_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node

Eliminates need for type tags & switch 77 statements by treating nodes uniformly!

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Intent Applicability Objects must be composed recursively

GoF Object structural

Treat individual objects & multiple, recursively-composed objects uniformly

and no distinction between individual & composed elements and objects in structure can be treated uniformly Structure
e.g., Component_Node

e.g., Leaf_Node

e.g., Composite_Unary_Node, Composite_Binary_Node, Composite_Add_Node, etc.


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Composite example in C++

GoF Object structural

Build an expression tree based on recursively-composed objects Component_Node *l1 = new Leaf_Node(5); Component_Node *l2 = new Leaf_Node(3); Component_Node *l3 = new Leaf_Node(4);





GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Composite example in C++

GoF Object structural

Build an expression tree based on recursively-composed objects Component_Node *l1 = new Leaf_Node(5); Component_Node *l2 = new Leaf_Node(3); u1 Component_Node *l3 = new Leaf_Node(4); Component_Node *u1 = new Composite_Negate_Node(l1); Component_Node *b1 = new Composite_Add_Node(l2, l3);






GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Composite example in C++

GoF Object structural

Build an expression tree based on recursively-composed objects Component_Node *l1 = new Leaf_Node(5); Component_Node *l2 = new Leaf_Node(3); u1 Component_Node *l3 = new Leaf_Node(4); Component_Node *u1 = new Composite_Negate_Node(l1); Component_Node *b1 = new Composite_Add_Node(l2, l3); Component_Node *b2 = new Composite_Multiply_Node(u1, b1); b2





In C++ we need to consider how to 81 manage dynamically allocated memory

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Composite example in Java

GoF Object structural

Build an expression tree based on recursively-composed objects ComponentNode l1 = new LeafNode(5); ComponentNode l2 = new LeafNode(3); u1 ComponentNode l3 = new LeafNode(4); ComponentNode u1 = new CompositeNegateNode(l1); ComponentNode b1 = new CompositeAddNode(l2, l3); ComponentNode b2 = new CompositeMultiplyNode(u1, b1); b2





82 Javas garbage collection handles dynamically allocated memory automatically

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Uniformity: Treat components the same regardless of complexity & behavior + Extensibility: New component subclasses work wherever existing ones do

GoF Object structural

+ Parsimony: Classes only include fields they need Perceived complexity: May need what seems like a prohibitive numbers of classes/objects Awkward designs: May need to treat leaves as lobotomized composites in some cases


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Uniformity: Treat components the same regardless of complexity & behavior

GoF Object structural

+ Extensibility: New Component subclasses work wherever existing ones do + Parsimony: Classes only include fields they need Perceived complexity: May need what seems like a prohibitive numbers of classes/objects Awkward designs: May need to treat leaves as lobotomized composites in some cases Implementation Do components know their parents? Uniform interface for both leaves & composites? Dont allocate storage for children in component base class (big problem with algorithmic decomposition solution)
84 Who is responsible for deleting children?

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Uniformity: Treat components the same regardless of complexity & behavior

GoF Object structural

Known Uses ET++ Vobjects InterViews Glyphs, Styles Unidraw Components, MacroCommands Directory structures on UNIX & Windows Naming Contexts in CORBA Internal representations of MIME types

+ Extensibility: New Component subclasses work wherever existing ones do + Parsimony: Classes only include fields they need Perceived complexity: May need what seems like a prohibitive numbers of classes/objects Awkward designs: May need to treat leaves as lobotomized composites in some cases Implementation Do components know their parents? Uniform interface for both leaves & composites?

Dont allocate storage for children in component base class (big problem with algorithmic decomposition solution)
85 Who is responsible for deleting children?

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Encapsulating Variability & Simplifying Memory Management

Goals Help encapsulate sources of variability in expression tree construction & use
Expression_Tree expr_tree (new Composite_Add_Node (new Leaf_Node (3), new Leaf_Node (4)));

Hide complex recursive internal structure behind a simple interface


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Encapsulating Variability & Simplifying Memory Management

Goals Help encapsulate sources of variability in expression tree construction & use
Expression_Tree expr_tree (new Composite_Add_Node (new Leaf_Node (3), new Leaf_Node (4)));

Print_Visitor print_visitor; for (auto iter = expr_tree.begin(); iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) Iterate through all elements in expression tree without concern (*iter).accept(print_visitor); for how tree is structured or what traversal has been designated


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Encapsulating Variability & Simplifying Memory Management

Goals Help encapsulate sources of variability in expression tree construction & use
Expression_Tree expr_tree (new Composite_Add_Node (new Leaf_Node (3), new Leaf_Node (4)));

Print_Visitor print_visitor; for (auto iter = expr_tree.begin(); iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) Note how C++11 auto keyword can deduce type of Expression (*iter).accept(print_visitor);

_Tree iterator


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Encapsulating Variability & Simplifying Memory Management

Goals Help encapsulate sources of variability in expression tree construction & use Simplify memory management e.g., minimize use of naked pointers in C++ app code to avoid memory leaks stemming from exceptions
Component_Node *l1 = new Leaf_Node(5); Component_Node *l2 = new Leaf_Node(3); Component_Node *l3 = new Leaf_Node(4); Component_Node *u1 = new Composite_Negate_Node(l1); Component_Node *b1 = new Composite_Add_Node(l2, l3); Component_Node *b2 = new Composite_Multiply_Node(u1, b1); ... delete b2;

This is just asking for trouble in C++!


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Encapsulating Variability & Simplifying Memory Management

class Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl : public ET_Iterator_Impl { public: Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl Simplify memory management (const Expression_Tree &root) { stack_.push(root); e.g., minimize use of naked } pointers in C++ app code Need to optimize this to avoid memory leaks operation to avoid overhead stemming from exceptions of deep copies Constraints/forces // ... Account for the fact that STL private: algorithms & iterators have std::stack<Expression_Tree> stack_; value semantics }; 90

Help encapsulate sources of variability in expression tree construction & use

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Decouple Interface & Implementation(s)

Create an interface class (Expression_Tree) used by clients
Expression _Tree


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Decouple Interface & Implementation(s)

Create an interface class (Expression_Tree) used by clients & an implementor hierarchy (Component_Node et al) that encapsulates variability
Interface class can use a C++ std::shared_ptr reference count object to help automate memory management
Expression _Tree

Component _Node

Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_ Binary_Node

Composite_ Negate_Node

Composite_ Add_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node

Composite_ Multiply_Node


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Decouple Interface & Implementation(s)

Create an interface class (Expression_Tree) used by clients & an implementor hierarchy (Component_Node et al) that encapsulates variability
Expression _Tree

Component _Node

Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_ Binary_Node

Composite_ Negate_Node

The Abstract Factory pattern can be used to produce the right implementor hierarchy (as seen later)

Composite_ Add_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node

Composite_ Multiply_Node


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Expression_Tree Class Interface

Interface for composite structure that contains all nodes in expression tree Interface
Manage reference counts typedef ET_Iterator iterator ... Expression_Tree(Component_Node *root) Expression_Tree(const Expression_Tree &t) operator=(const Expression_Tree &t) ~Expression_Tree() Plays essential role in is_null() const I terator & Visitor item() const patterns (covered later) left() right() accept(ET_Visitor &visitor) begin(const std::string &order = "") end(const std::string &order = "") begin(const std::string order = "") const end(const std::string &order = "") const


bool const int Expression_Tree Expression_Tree Forward to void implementor iterator hierarchy iterator const_iterator const_iterator


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Expression_Tree Class Interface

Interface for composite structure that contains all nodes in expression tree Interface
Iterator trait void bool const int Expression_Tree Expression_Tree void Iterator iterator factories iterator const_iterator const_iterator typedef ET_Iterator iterator ... Expression_Tree(Component_Node *root) Expression_Tree(const Expression_Tree &t) operator=(const Expression_Tree &t) ~Expression_Tree() is_null() const item() const left() right() accept(ET_Visitor &visitor) begin(const std::string &order = "") end(const std::string &order = "") begin(const std::string order = "") const end(const std::string &order = "") const

Commonality: Provides common interface for expression tree operations Variability: The contents of the composite nodes in the expression tree
will vary depending on the user input expression 95

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Structural

Separate an interface from its implementation(s) Applicability When interface & implementation should vary independently Require a uniform interface to interchangeable implementor hierarchies Structure
e.g., Expression_Tree e.g., Component_Node

e.g., Composite_Unary_Node, Composite_Binary_Node , etc. 96

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Bridge example in C++

GoF Object Structural

Separate expression tree interface from the composite node implementations class Expression_Tree { root_ manages lifecycle of pointer parameter public: Expression_Tree(Component_Node *root): root_(root) {}
Interface forwards to implementor via shared_ptr

... void accept(ET_Visitor &v) { root_->accept(v); } private: std::shared_ptr <Component_Node> root_;

C++11/Boost smart pointer that handles reference counting

97 See for more

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Bridge example in C++

GoF Object Structural

Separate expression tree interface from the composite node implementations class Expression_Tree { public: Expression_Tree(Component_Node *root): root_(root) {} ... void accept(ET_Visitor &v) { root_->accept(v); } private: std::shared_ptr <Component_Node> root_; ...
expr_tree manages lifecycle of composite via Bridge pattern

Expression_Tree expr_tree (new Composite_Multiply_Node(u1, b1));


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Abstraction interface & implementor hierarchy are decoupled + Implementors can vary dynamically + Enables efficient use of value-based STL algorithms & containers

GoF Object Structural

One-size-fits-all abstraction & implementor interfaces


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Abstraction interface & implementor hierarchy are decoupled + Implementors can vary dynamically + Enables efficient use of value-based STL algorithms & containers

GoF Object Structural

One-size-fits-all abstraction & implementor interfaces Implementation

Sharing implementors & reference counting

e.g., C++11/Boost shared_ptr

Creating the right implementor Often addressed by using factories Not as widely used in Java as in C++

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Abstraction interface & implementor hierarchy are decoupled + Implementors can vary dynamically + Enables efficient use of value-based STL algorithms & containers

GoF Object Structural

Known Uses

ET++ Window/WindowPort libg++ Set/{LinkedList,


AWT Component/

One-size-fits-all abstraction & implementor interfaces Implementation

Java Socket/SocketImpl ACE Reactor framework

Sharing implementors & reference counting

e.g., C++11/Boost shared_ptr

Creating the right implementor Often addressed by using factories Not as widely used in Java as in C++

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Summary of Tree Structure & Access Patterns

Composite is used to define internal data structure for the expression tree processing app & Bridge simplifies access to this data structure for C++ code



Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node

Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node

Composite_ Divide_Node



102 of a pattern compound Bridge Composite is an example

A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns : Part 6 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for the expression tree processing app Summarize the patterns in the expression tree design Explore patterns for Tree structure & access Tree creation
Number Operator Unary_Operator

In_Order_ Uninitialized_ State make_tree() ET_Interpreter _Context








GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Tree Creation Patterns

P urpose: Parse user input expresion & create the internal data structure for the expression tree
Expression_Tree ET_Context ET_Interpreter_Context

<< use >>

ET_Interpreter << build >> Component_Node Symbol


Composite_ Binary_Node

Composite_ Unary_Node <<build>>




Composite_ Add_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node

Composite_ Negate_Node




Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Divide_Node






105 of patterns involved in this design There are many classes, but only a handful

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Parsing Expressions & Creating an Expression Tree

Goals Simplify & centralize the creation of all nodes in the composite expression tree

in-order expression

= -5*(3+4)


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Parsing Expressions & Creating an Expression Tree

Goals Simplify & centralize the creation of all nodes in the composite expression tree Be extensible for future types of expression formats & optimizations pre-order expression = *-5+34 post-order expression = 5-34+* level-order expression = *-+534 in-order expression = -5*(3+4)


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Parsing Expressions & Creating an Expression Tree

Goals Simplify & centralize the creation of all nodes in the composite expression tree Be extensible for future types of expression formats & optimizations Constraints/forces Dont recode existing clients when new types of expression formats are added Add new user input expressions without recompiling existing code

pre-order expression = *-5+34 post-order expression = 5-34+* level-order expression = *-+534 in-order expression = -5*(3+4)

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Build Expression Tree Using Interpreter

Use an interpreter to create a parse tree corresponding to user input expression
ET_Interpreter In_Order_ Uninitialized_ State make_tree()


ET_Interpreter _Context








GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Build Expression Tree Using Interpreter

Use an interpreter to create a parse tree corresponding to user input expression This parse tree is then traversed to build the appropriate type of nodes in the corresponding
ET_Interpreter In_Order_ Uninitialized_ State make_tree()


ET_Interpreter _Context

expression tree



We create the entire parse tree to enable optimizations (as a future extension)







GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Interpreter Class Interface

Transforms expressions into a parse tree & then generates the
corresponding expression tree
Interface virtual ~ET_Interpreter() Expression_Tree interpret(ET_Interpreter_Context &context, const std::string &input) <<uses>> ET_Interpreter_Context() ~ET_Interpreter_Context() int get(std::string variable) void set(std::string variable, int value) void print() The context can be used to implement void reset() setters/getters for variable leaf nodes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Interpreter Class Interface

Transforms expressions into a parse tree & then generates the
corresponding expression tree
Interface virtual ~ET_Interpreter() Expression_Tree interpret(ET_Interpreter_Context &context, const std::string &input) <<creates>>

Abstract base class of all parse tree nodes

Symbol(Symbol *left, Symbol *right) virtual ~Symbol() virtual int precedence()=0 virtual Component_Node * build()=0

This method is used to build a component node corresponding to the expression parse tree node 112

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Interpreter Class Interface

Transforms expressions into a parse tree & then generates the
corresponding expression tree
Interface virtual ~ET_Interpreter() Expression_Tree interpret(ET_Interpreter_Context &context, const std::string &input) <<uses>> ET_Interpreter_Context() <<creates>> ~ET_Interpreter_Context() Symbol(Symbol *left, int get(std::string variable) Symbol *right) void set(std::string variable, virtual ~Symbol() int value) virtual int precedence()=0 void print() virtual void reset() Component_Node * build()=0

Commonality: Provides a common interface building parse trees &

expression trees from user input expressions

Variability: The structure of the parse trees & expression trees can vary
depending on the format & contents of the expression input 113

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Class Behavioral

Given a language, define a representation for its grammar, along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language Applicability When the grammar is simple & relatively stable When time/space efficiency is not a critical concern Structure
e.g., Symbol

e.g., Number or Variable

e.g., operators like Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, etc.


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Class Behavioral

Interpreter example in C++ The interpret() method creates a parse tree from users expression input
Expression_Tree ET_Interpreter::interpret (ET_Interpreter_Context &context, const std::string &input) { std::list<Symbol *> parse_tree; Symbols added to parse tree as ... interpreter recognizes them if(is_number(input[i])){ Handle operand number_insert(input, parse_tree); } else if(input[i] == '+'){ Handle addition operator Add *op = new Add(); op->add_precedence(accum_precedence); precedence_insert(op, parse_tree); ... } else if(input[i] == '(') { Handle parenthesized expression handle_parenthesis(context, input, accum_precedence, parse_tree); } 115 ...

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Class Behavioral

+ Simple grammars are easy to change & extend e.g., All rules represented by distinct classes in a consistent & orderly manner + Adding another rule adds another class Complex grammars hard to create & maintain e.g., More inter-dependent rules yield more inter-dependent classes

116 approach (e.g., parser generators) Complex grammars may require different

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Class Behavioral

+ Simple grammars are easy to change & extend e.g., All rules represented by distinct classes in a consistent & orderly manner + Adding another rule adds another class Complex grammars hard to create & maintain e.g., More inter-dependent rules yield more inter-dependent classes Implementation Express language rules, one per class Literal translations expressed as terminal


Alternations, repetitions, or sequences expressed as nonterminal expresssions


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Class Behavioral

Known Uses Text editors & web browsers use Interpreter to lay out documents & check spelling e.g., an equation in TeX is represented as a tree where internal nodes are operators & leaves are variables Smalltalk compilers The QOCA constraintsolving toolkit

+ Simple grammars are easy to change & extend e.g., All rules represented by distinct classes in a consistent & orderly manner + Adding another rule adds another class Complex grammars hard to create & maintain e.g., More inter-dependent rules yield more inter-dependent classes Implementation Express language rules, one per class Literal translations expressed as terminal


Alternations, repetitions, or sequences expressed as nonterminal expresssions


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Creational

Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations Applicability Need to isolate knowledge of the creation of a complex object from its parts Need to allow different implementations/interfaces of an object's parts Structure
e.g., Symbol e.g., Leaf_Node, Composite_Add _Node, etc.

e.g., ET_Interpreter

e.g., Number, Subtract, Add, Multiply, etc.


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Creational

Builder example in C++ The interpret() method builds composite expression tree from parse tree
Expression_Tree ET_Interpreter::interpret (ET_Interpreter_Context &context, const std::string &input) { ... return Expression_Tree(parse_tree.back()->build()); Invoke a recursive expression tree build, starting with the root symbol in parse tree created by the interpreter


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Creational

Builder example in C++ The interpret() method builds composite expression tree from parse tree
Expression_Tree ET_Interpreter::interpret (ET_Interpreter_Context &context, const std::string &input) { ... return Expression_Tree(parse_tree.back()->build());

Component_Node * Multiply::build() { return new Composite_Multiply_Node (left_->build(), right_->build()); } Build equivalent component nodes Component_Node *Number::build() { return new Leaf_Node(item_); } 121

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Isolates code for construction & representation

GoF Object Creational

+ Can vary a product's internal representation

+ Finer control over the construction process May involve a lot of classes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Isolates code for construction & representation

GoF Object Creational

+ Can vary a product's internal representation

+ Finer control over the construction process May involve a lot of classes Implementation The Builder pattern is a factory pattern with a mission A Builder pattern implementation exposes itself as a factory It goes beyond conventional factory patterns by connecting various implementations together

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Isolates code for construction & representation

GoF Object Creational

Known Uses ET++ RTF converter application Smalltalk-80 ACE Service Configurator framework

+ Can vary a product's internal representation

+ Finer control over the construction process May involve a lot of classes Implementation The Builder pattern is a factory pattern with a mission A Builder pattern implementation exposes itself as a factory It goes beyond conventional factory patterns by connecting various implementations together

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Summary of Tree Creation Patterns

Interpreter & Builder patterns create internal data
structure for expression tree from user input
Expression_Tree ET_Context

<< use >> ET_Interpreter_Context

ET_Interpreter << build >> Component_Node Symbol


Composite_ Binary_Node

Composite_ Unary_Node <<build>>




Composite_ Add_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node

Composite_ Negate_Node




Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Divide_Node






Interpreter, Builder, & Composite125 are powerful pattern sequence

A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns : Part 7 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for the expression tree processing app Summarize the patterns in the expression tree design Explore patterns for Tree structure & access Tree creation Tree traversal for (auto iter = expr_tree.begin(); iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) (*iter).accept(print_visitor);

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Tree Traversal Patterns

P urpose: Traverse the expression tree & perform designated operations
<< accept >>





<< create >> Evaluation_Visitor Print_Visitor




Level_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl In_Order_ET_ Iterator_Impl Post_Order_ ET_Iterator_Impl Pre_Order_ET _Iterator_Impl std::stack


128 Patterns decouple expression tree structure from operations performed on it

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


Problem: Extensible Expression Tree Operations

Operation 2: Evaluate the yield of the nodes in the tree Operation 1: Print all the values of the nodes in the tree

Create a framework for performing operations that affect nodes in a tree

Binary Nodes

Unary Node Leaf Nodes 129

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


Problem: Extensible Expression Tree Operations

Operation 2: Evaluate the yield of the nodes in the tree Operation 1: Print all the values of the nodes in the tree

Create a framework for performing operations that affect nodes in a tree Constraints/forces Support multiple operations on the expression tree without tightly coupling operations with the tree structure i.e., dont have print() & evaluate() methods in the node classes
Unary Node

Binary Nodes

Leaf Nodes 130

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution (Part A): Encapsulate Traversal

Iterator Encapsulates a traversal algorithm without exposing representation details to callers e.g., in-order iterator = -5*(3+4) pre-order iterator = *-5+34 post-order iterator = 5-34+* level-order iterator = *-+534
Unary Node

Leaf for (auto iter = expr_tree.begin(); Nodes iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) (*iter).accept(print_visitor);


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution (Part A): Encapsulate Traversal

Iterator Encapsulates a traversal algorithm without exposing representation details to callers e.g., in-order iterator = -5*(3+4) pre-order iterator = *-5+34 post-order iterator = 5-34+* level-order iterator = *-+534 Iterator Structure
ET_Iterator ET_Iterator_Impl

Unary Node Leaf Nodes

Post_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl

In_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl Level_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl

132& simplifies memory management Bridge pattern encapsulates variability

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Iterator Class Interface

Interface for iterator that traverses all nodes in an expression tree instance
This interface plays the role of the abstraction in the Bridge pattern

Expression_Tree const Expression_Tree ET_Iterator & ET_Iterator bool bool

ET_Iterator(ET_Iterator_Impl *) ET_Iterator(const ET_Iterator &) operator *() operator *() const operator++() operator++(int) operator==(const ET_Iterator &rhs) operator!=(const ET_Iterator &rhs) ...

Overloaded C++ operators conform to whats expected from an STL iterator

Commonality: Provides a common interface for expression tree iterators

that conforms to the standard STL iterator interface

Variability: Can be configured with specific expression tree iterator algorithms via the Abstract Factory 133 pattern

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Iterator_Impl Class Interface

iterations algorithms that can be performed to traverse the expression tree ET_Iterator_Impl Interface (const Expression_Tree &) virtual ~ET_Iterator_Impl() virtual Expression_Tree operator *()=0 virtual void operator++()=0 This class virtual bool operator== doesnt need (const ET_Iterator_Impl &)=0 to mimic the virtual bool operator!= Bridge interface (const ET_Iterator_Impl &)=0 virtual ET_Iterator_Impl * clone()=0
clone() is used by P rototype pattern

Base class of the iterator implementor hierarchy that defines the various

Commonality: Provides a common interface for implementing expression

tree iterators that conforms to the standard STL iterator interface nodes in the expression trees in a particular traversal order 134

Variability: Can be subclassed to define various algorithms for accessing

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

Intent Access elements of an aggregate without exposing its representation Applicability Require multiple traversal algorithms over an aggregate Require a uniform traversal interface over different aggregates When aggregate classes & traversal algorithm must vary independently Structure
e.g., Expression_Tree e.g., ET_Iterator_Impl

e.g., Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl, In_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl, etc. 135

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

Comparing STL iterators with GoF iterators

STL iterators have value-semantics, e.g.:

for (auto iter = expr_tree.begin(); iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) (*iter).accept(print_visitor);

Easy to use, harder to implement

In contrast, GoF iterators have pointer semantics, e.g.:

Iterator *iter; Easy to implement, harder to use (correctly)

for (iter = exprTree.createIterator(); iter->done() == false; iter->advance()) iter->currentElement()->accept(printVisitor); delete iter; 136 The Bridge pattern enables STL iterator use in expression tree processing app

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

Comparing Java iterators with GoF iterators

Java iterators are closer to GoF iterators than STL iterators are, e.g.:
for (IteratorL<ExpressionTree> itr = exprTree.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) (printVisitor); }

Heres the equivalent Java code for GoF-style iterators, e.g.:

for (ETIterator iter = tree.createIterator(); !iter.done(); iter.advance()) (iter.currentElement()).accept(printVisitor);

137 in C++/Java is to use a for loop Often, the simplest way to use an iterator

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

for loop, e.g.:

GoF Object Behavioral

Comparing Java iterators with STL iterators

Often, the simplest way to use an iterator in C++/Java is to use a

C++11 range-based for loop for (auto &iter : expr_tree) iter.accept(print_visitor);

Java for-each loop for (ComponentNode node : exprTree) node.accept(printVisitor);


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Iterator example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

An STL std::stack can be used to traverse an expression tree in pre-order

class Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl : public ET_Iterator_Impl { public: Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl(const Expression_Tree &root) { stack_.push (root); } Begin the iteration virtual Expression_Tree operator*() { return (); } virtual void operator++() { Return current item if (!stack_.is_empty()) { Expression_Tree current =; stack_.pop(); if (!current.right().is_null()) stack_.push(current.right()); Advance one item if (!current.left().is_null()) stack_.push(current.left()); } } The use of a stack simulates recursion, one item at a time 139 ...

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

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Consequences + Flexibility: Aggregate & traversal are independent

GoF Object Behavioral

+ Multiplicity: Multiple iterators & multiple traversal algorithms Overhead: Additional communication between iterator & aggregate Particularly problematic for iterators in concurrent or distributed systems


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Flexibility: Aggregate & traversal are independent

GoF Object Behavioral

+ Multiplicity: Multiple iterators & multiple traversal algorithms Overhead: Additional communication between iterator & aggregate Particularly problematic for iterators in concurrent or distributed systems Implementation Internal vs. external iterators Violating the object structures encapsulation Robust iterators Synchronization overhead in multi-threaded programs

141 Batching in distributed & concurrent programs

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Flexibility: Aggregate & traversal are independent

GoF Object Behavioral

Known Uses C++ STL iterators JDK Enumeration, Iterator Unidraw Iterator C++11 range-based for loops & Java foreach loops

+ Multiplicity: Multiple iterators & multiple traversal algorithms Overhead: Additional communication between iterator & aggregate Particularly problematic for iterators in concurrent or distributed systems Implementation Internal vs. external iterators Violating the object structures encapsulation Robust iterators Synchronization overhead in multi-threaded programs

142 Batching in distributed & concurrent programs

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution (Part B): Decouple Operations from Expression Tree Structure

Visitor Defines action(s) at each step of traversal & avoids hard-coding action(s) into nodes
Unary Node Leaf Nodes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution (Part B): Decouple Operations from Expression Tree Structure

Visitor Defines action(s) at each step of traversal & avoids hard-coding action(s) into nodes Iterator calls accept(ET_Visitor&) method on each node in expression tree

Unary for (auto iter = expr_tree.begin(); Node

iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) (*iter).accept(print_visitor);

Leaf Nodes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution (Part B): Decouple Operations from Expression Tree Structure

Visitor Defines action(s) at each step of traversal & avoids hard-coding action(s) into nodes Iterator calls accept(ET_Visitor&) method on each node in expression tree

Unary for (auto iter = expr_tree.begin(); Node

iter != expr_tree.end(); ++iter) (*iter).accept(print_visitor); accept() calls back on visitor, e.g.: void Leaf_Node::accept(ET_Visitor &v) { v.visit(*this); }

Leaf Nodes

145 Note static polymorphism based on method overloading by type

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Visitor Class Interface

Interface for a visitor that defines operations performed for each type of
node in the expression tree Interface virtual virtual virtual virtual virtual virtual void void void void void void
An overloaded visit() method is defined for each Component_Node subclass

visit(const visit(const visit(const visit(const visit(const visit(const

Leaf_Node &node)=0 Composite_Negate_Node &node)=0 Composite_Add_Node &node)=0 Composite_Subtract_Node &node)=0 Composite_Divide_Node &node)=0 Composite_Multiply_Node &node)=0

Commonality: Provides a common accept()method for all expression

tree nodes & common visit()method for all visitor subclasses

Variability: Can be subclassed

to define specific behaviors for the visitors & nodes



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

Centralize operations on an object structure so that they can vary independently, but still behave polymorphically Applicability When classes define many unrelated operations Class relationships in structure rarely change, but operations on them change Algorithms keep state thats updated during traversal Structure
e.g., ET_Visitor e.g., Composite_Add_Node , Composite_ . Binary_Node, Composite_Unary_Node, etc. e.g., Evaluation_Visitor, Print_Visitor, etc. e.g., Component_Node


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Visitor implementation in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

The Print_Visitor class prints character code or value for each node
class Print_Visitor : public ET_Visitor { public: virtual void visit(const Leaf_Node &); virtual void visit(const Add_Node &); virtual void visit(const Divide_Node &); // etc. for all relevant Component_Node subclasses };


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Visitor implementation in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

The Print_Visitor class prints character code or value for each node
class Print_Visitor : public public: virtual void visit(const virtual void visit(const virtual void visit(const // etc. }; ET_Visitor { Leaf_Node &); Add_Node &); Divide_Node &);

Can be combined with any traversal algorithm, e.g.:

Print_Visitor print_visitor; for (auto iter = expr_tree.begin("post-order"); iter != exor_tree.end("post-order"); ++iter) (*iter).accept(print_visitor); calls visit(*this) 149

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

Visitor implementation in C++ The iterator controls the order in which accept() is called on each node in the composition accept() then visits the node to perform the desired print action
Iterator Leaf_Node(5) Composite_Negate_Node print_visitor


cout<< node.item();


cout<< -


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Visitor implementation in C++ The Evaluation_Visitor class evaluates nodes in an expression tree traversed using a post-order iterator e.g., 5-34+*

GoF Object Behavioral

class Evaluation_Visitor : public ET_Visitor { public: virtual void visit (const Leaf_Node &); virtual void visit (const Add_Node &); virtual void visit (const Divide_Node &); // etc.



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Visitor implementation in C++ The Evaluation_Visitor class evaluates nodes in an expression tree traversed using a post-order iterator e.g., 5-34+*

GoF Object Behavioral

class Evaluation_Visitor : public ET_Visitor { public: virtual void visit (const Leaf_Node &); virtual void visit (const Add_Node &); virtual void visit (const Divide_Node &); // etc. private: std::stack<int> stack_; }; push(node.item()) push(-pop()) push(node.item()) push(node.item()) push(pop()+pop()) push(pop()*pop())

1. S = [5] 2. S = [-5] 3. S = [-5, 3] It uses a stack to keep track of the post-order expression tree value that 4. S = [-5, 3, 4] 5. S = [-5, 7] has been processed thus far during 1526. S = [-35] the iteration traversal

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Visitor implementation in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

The iterator controls the order in which accept() is called on each node in the composition accept() then visits the node to perform the desired evaluation action
Iterator Leaf_Node(5) Composite_Negate_Node eval_visitor






GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

+ Flexibility: Visitor algorithm(s) & object structure are independent + Separation of concerns: Localized functionality in the visitor subclass instance Tight coupling: Circular dependency between Visitor & Element interfaces Visitor thus brittle to new ConcreteElement classes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

+ Flexibility: Visitor algorithm(s) & object structure are independent + Separation of concerns: Localized functionality in the visitor subclass instance Tight coupling: Circular dependency between Visitor & Element interfaces Visitor thus brittle to new ConcreteElement classes Implementation Double dispatch General interface to elements of object structure


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

+ Flexibility: Visitor algorithm(s) & object structure are independent + Separation of concerns: Localized functionality in the visitor subclass instance Tight coupling: Circular dependency between Visitor & Element interfaces Visitor thus brittle to new ConcreteElement classes Implementation Double dispatch General interface to elements of object structure Known Uses ProgramNodeEnumerator in Smalltalk-80 compiler IRIS Inventor scene rendering TAO IDL compiler to handle different backends

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Implementing STL Iterator Semantics

Goals Ensure the proper semantics of post-increment operations for STL-based ET_Iterator objects, i.e.: Expression_Tree value = iter++ vs. Expression_Tree value = ++iter


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Implementing STL Iterator Semantics

Goals Ensure the proper semantics of post-increment operations for STL-based ET_Iterator objects Expression_Tree value = iter++ vs. Expression_Tree value = ++iter Constraints/forces STL pre-increment operations are easy to implement since they simply increment the value & return *this, e.g., iterator &operator++() { ++...; return *this; }


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Implementing STL Iterator Semantics

Goals Ensure the proper semantics of post-increment operations for STL-based ET_Iterator objects Expression_Tree value = iter++ vs. Expression_Tree value = ++iter Constraints/forces STL pre-increment operations are easy to implement since they simply increment the value & return *this, e.g., iterator &operator++() { ++...; return *this; } STL post-increment operations are more complicated since they return a copy of the existing iterator before incrementing its value, e.g., iterator operator++(int) { iterator temp = copy_*this; ++...; return temp; }


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Implementing STL Iterator Semantics

Goals Ensure the proper semantics of post-increment operations for STL-based ET_Iterator objects Expression_Tree value = iter++ vs. Expression_Tree value = ++iter Constraints/forces STL pre-increment operations are easy to implement since they simply increment the value & return *this, e.g., iterator &operator++() { ++...; return *this; } STL post-increment operations are more complicated since they return a copy of the existing iterator before incrementing its value, e.g., iterator operator++(int) { iterator temp = copy_*this; ++...; return temp; } Since our ET_Iterator objects use the Bridge pattern it is tricky to implement the copy_*this step above in a generic way
160 to say ++iter than iter++ As a general rule, in STL its better

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Clone a New Instance Via a Prototype

ET_Iterator operator++(int)

ET_Iterator_Impl clone()

In_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl clone() Level_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl clone() clone()

Post_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl clone() Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl

iterator ET_Iterator::operator++(int) { iterator temp(impl_->clone()); ++(*impl_); return temp; }

The Bridge pattern abstraction class neednt have direct knowledge of implementor subclass details

161& simplifies memory management Bridge pattern encapsulates variability

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Iterator_Impl Class Interface

Subclasses of this base class define various iterations algorithms that can
traverse an expression tree Interface ET_Iterator_Impl (const Expression_Tree &tree) virtual Component_Node * operator *()=0 void operator++()=0 virtual bool operator==(const ET_Iterator_Impl &)=0 virtual bool operator!= (const ET_Iterator_Impl &)=0 virtual ET_Iterator_Impl * clone()=0
Subclass performs a deep copy

Commonality: Provides a common interface for expression tree iterator

implementations Variability: Each subclass implements the clone() method to return a deep copy of itself for use by ET_Iterator::operator++(int) 162

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GoF Object Creational

Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance & create new objects by copying this prototype Applicability

When the classes to instantiate are specified at run-time Theres a need to avoid the creation of a factory hierarchy It is more convenient to copy an existing instance than to create a new one
e.g., ET_Iterator_Impl

e.g., ET_Iterator e.g., Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl, In_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl, etc.


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Prototype example in C++

GoF Object Creational

Relationship between iterator interface (Bridge) & implementor hierarchy (Prototype)

iterator ET_Iterator::operator++(int) { iterator temp(impl_->clone()); ++(*impl_); The Bridge pattern abstraction class return temp; calls clone() on the implementor } subclass to get a deep copy without breaking encapsulation


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Prototype example in C++

GoF Object Creational

Relationship between iterator interface (Bridge) & implementation (Prototype)

iterator ET_Iterator::operator++(int) { iterator temp(impl_->clone()); ++(*impl_); return temp; This method encapsulates the details } of making a deep copy of itself ET_Iterator_Impl *Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl::clone() { return new Pre_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl(*this); } 165

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Consequences + Can add & remove classes at runtime by cloning them as needed + Reduced subclassing minimizes need for lexical dependencies at run-time

GoF Object Creational

Every class that used as a prototype must itself be instantiated Classes that have circular references to other classes cannot really be cloned


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Can add & remove classes at runtime by cloning them as needed + Reduced subclassing minimizes need for lexical dependencies at run-time

GoF Object Creational

Every class that used as a prototype must itself be instantiated Classes that have circular references to other classes cannot really be cloned Implementation

Use prototype manager Shallow vs. deep copies Initializing clone internal state within a
uniform interface

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Can add & remove classes at runtime by cloning them as needed + Reduced subclassing minimizes need for lexical dependencies at run-time

GoF Object Creational

Known Uses

The first widely known

application of the Prototype pattern in an object-oriented language was in ThingLab related to the Prototype pattern for C++ & gives many examples & variations

Every class that used as a prototype must itself be instantiated Classes that have circular references to other classes cannot really be cloned Implementation

Jim Coplien describes idioms

Use prototype manager Shallow vs. deep copies Initializing clone internal state within a
uniform interface

Etgdb debugger for ET++ The music editor example is

based on the Unidraw drawing framework

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Summary of Tree Traversal Patterns

The Iterator, Prototype, & Visitor patterns traverse the expression tree & perform designated operations
<< accept >>





<< create >> Evaluation_Visitor Print_Visitor




Level_Order_Expression _Tree_Iterator_Impl In_Order_Expression _Tree_Iterator_Impl Post_Order_Expression _Tree_Iterator_Impl Pre_Order_Expression _Tree_Iterator_Impl std::stack


169 These patterns allow adding new operations without affecting tree structure

A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns : Part 8 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study ET_Command Evaluate the limitations with _Factory algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for expression tree processing app Summarize the patterns in the expression tree design Explore patterns for Tree structure & access Tree creation Tree traversal Commands & factories
Print_ Command ET_Command the _Factory_Impl ET_Command


Format_ Command Macro_ Command

Expr_ Command

Eval_ Command

Quit_ Command


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Command & Factory Patterns

P urpose: Define operations that can users can perform on an expression tree processing app & centralize extensible creation of these operations
ET_Event_Handler ET_Command_Factory ET_Command _Factory_Impl

Abstract Factory & Factory Method

<< create >>

Concrete_ET_ Command_Factory_Impl





1 Macro_Command Print_Command Set_Command Quit_Command Null_Command




172 These patterns decouple creation from use & provide a uniform command API

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Consolidating User Operations

Goals Support execution of user operations % tree-traversal -v format [in-order] Verbose mode expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit > format in-order > expr 1+4*3/2 > eval post-order 7 > quit % tree-traversal > 1+4*3/2 7

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Consolidating User Operations

Goals Support execution of user operations Support macro operations % tree-traversal -v format [in-order] expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit > format in-order > expr 1+4*3/2 > eval post-order 7 > quit % tree-traversal > 1+4*3/2 7

Succinct mode

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Consolidating User Operations

Goals Support execution of user operations Support macro operations Constraints/forces Avoid scattering the implementation of operations throughout the source code Ensure consistent memory management


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate an Operation w/Command

A Command encapsulates An operation method (execute()) An inverse operation method (unexecute()) A test for reversibility (boolean reversible()) State for (un)doing the operation
ET_Command_Impl ET_Command

Format_ Command Macro_ Command

Expr_ Command

Eval_ Command

Print_ Command

Quit_ Command


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate an Operation w/Command

A Command encapsulates An operation method (execute()) An inverse operation method (unexecute()) A test for reversibility (boolean reversible()) State for (un)doing the operation A Command may Implement the operation itself or Forward the operation implementation to other object(s)
Macro_ Command ET_Command_Impl ET_Command

Format_ Command

Expr_ Command

Eval_ Command

Print_ Command

Quit_ Command

177& simplifies memory management Bridge pattern encapsulates variability

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Command Class Interface

Interface for defining a command thatwhen executedperforms an
operation on an expression tree
This class plays the role of the abstraction in the Bridge pattern


ET_Command(ET_Command_Impl *=0) ET_Command(const ET_Command &) ET_Command & operator=(const ET_Command &) ~ET_Command() These methods forward to bool execute() the implementor subclass bool unexecute()

We dont use this method but its a common command feature

Commonality: Provides common interface for expression tree commands Variability: Implementations of expression tree commands can vary
depending on the operations requested by user input

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Command_Impl Class Interface

Base class of an implementor hierarchy used to define commands that
perform operations on an expression tree when they are executed
This class is the base class of the implementor hierarchy in the Bridge pattern


ET_Command_Impl(ET_Context &) ~ET_Command_Impl()= 0 ... The bulk of the work is virtual bool execute()=0 typically done here by virtual bool unexecute()=0

Commonality: Provides a common base class for implementations of

expression tree commands

Variability: Subclasses of this base class implement different expression

tree commands depending on the operations requested by user input

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Intent Applicability

GoF Object Behavioral

Encapsulate the request for a service as an object Want to parameterize objects with an action to perform Want to specify, queue, & execute requests at different times For multilevel undo/redo Structure
e.g., ET_Command_Impl

e.g., Eval_Command, Format_Command, Print_Command, Quit_Command, Macro_Command, etc.


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Command example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

Encapsulate execution of a sequence of commands as an object

class Macro_Command : public ET_Command_Impl { public: Executes a sequence of commands (used to ... implement succinct mode) bool execute() { std::for_each (macro_commands_.begin(), macro_commands_.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&ET_Command::execute)); return true; } private: std::vector <ET_Command> macro_commands_; ... Vector of commands to execute as a macro 181

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Command example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

Encapsulate execution of a sequence of commands as an object

class Macro_Command : public ET_Command_Impl { public: ... STL for_each() algorithm bool execute() { std::for_each (macro_commands_.begin(), macro_commands_.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&ET_Command::execute)); return true; } Application of the Adapter pattern private: std::vector <ET_Command> macro_commands_; ... Vector of commands to execute as a macro 182

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Command example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

Encapsulate execution of a sequence of subcommands as an object

class Macro_Command : public ET_Command_Impl { public: ... bool execute() { std::for_each (macro_commands_.begin(), macro_commands_.end(), [](ET_Command &c){ c.execute(); }); return true; } C++11 lambda expression private: std::vector <ET_Command> macro_commands_; ... 183

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Command example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

Encapsulate execution of a sequence of subcommands as an object

class Macro_Command : public ET_Command_Impl { public: ... bool execute() { for (auto &iter = macro_commands_) iter.execute(); return true; } C++11 range-based for loop

private: std::vector <ET_Command> macro_commands_; ... 184

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Abstracts executor of a service + Supports arbitrary-level undo-redo + Composition yields macro-commands Might result in lots of trivial command subclasses Excessive memory may be needed to support undo/redo operations

GoF Object Behavioral


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Abstracts executor of a service + Supports arbitrary-level undo-redo + Composition yields macro-commands Might result in lots of trivial command subclasses Excessive memory may be needed to support undo/redo operations Implementation

GoF Object Behavioral

Copying a command before putting it on a history list Avoiding error accumulation during undo/redo Supporting transactions

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Abstracts executor of a service + Supports arbitrary-level undo-redo + Composition yields macro-commands Might result in lots of trivial command subclasses Excessive memory may be needed to support undo/redo operations Implementation

GoF Object Behavioral

Known Uses InterViews Actions MacApp, Unidraw Commands JDKs UndoableEdit, AccessibleAction Emacs Microsoft Office tools See Also Command Processor pattern in POSA1

Copying a command before putting it on a history list Avoiding error accumulation during undo/redo Supporting transactions

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Consolidating Creation of Variabilities

Goals Simplify & centralize the creation of all variabilities in the expression tree application to ensure semantic compatibility Be extensible for future variabilities
ET_Command ET_Command_Impl









In_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl Level_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl




GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Consolidating Creation of Variabilities

Goals Simplify & centralize the creation of all variabilities in the expression tree application to ensure semantic compatibility Be extensible for future variabilities
ET_Command ET_Command_Impl

Constraints/forces Dont recode existing clients Add new variabilities without recompiling









In_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl Level_Order_ET_Iterator_Impl




GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Abstract Object Creation

Factory Instead of Use
Hard-codes a lexical dependency on

Print_Command ET_Command command(new Print_Command());

No lexical dependency on any concrete class

ET_Command command (command_factory.make_command("print")); where command_factory is an instance of ET_Command_Factory


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Abstract Object Creation

Factory Instead of ET_Command command(new Print_Command()); Use ET_Command command (command_factory.make_command("print")); where command_factory is an instance of ET_Command_Factory Factory structure
ET_Command_Factory ET_Command_Factory_Impl Concrete_ET_Command _Factory_Impl 191& simplifies memory management Bridge pattern encapsulates variability

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Command_Factory Class Interface

Interface used to create appropriate command based on string supplied
by caller Interface
This class plays the role of the abstraction in the Bridge pattern

ET_Command_Factory(ET_Context &tree_context) ET_Command_Factory(ET_Command_Factory_Impl *) ET_Command make_command(const std::string &s) ...

These are helper factory methods This is the main factory method

ET_Command ET_Command ET_Command ET_Command ET_Command ET_Command

make_format_command(const std::string &) make_expr_command(const std::string &) make_print_command(const std::string &) make_eval_command(const std::string &) make_quit_command(const std::string &) make_macro_command(const std::string &)

Commonality: Provides a common interface to create commands Variability: Implementations of expression tree command factory
methods can vary depending on the requested commands 192

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Command_Factory_Impl Class Interface

Base class of an implementor hierarchy used to create appropriate commands
based on string supplied by caller Interface
This class is base class of implementor hierarchy in the Bridge pattern

ET_Command_Factory_Impl(ET_Context &context) ~ET_Command_Factory_Impl() virtual ET_Command make_command(const std::string &s)=0 ... Pure virtual methods virtual virtual virtual virtual virtual virtual ET_Command ET_Command ET_Command ET_Command ET_Command ET_Command make_format_command(const std::string &)=0 make_expr_command(const std::string &)=0 make_print_command(const std::string &)=0 make_eval_command(const std::string &)=0 make_quit_command(const std::string &)=0 make_macro_command(const std::string &)=0

Commonality: Provides a common interface to create commands Variability: Subclasses of this base class define expression tree

command factory methods vary depending on the requested commands 193

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Factory Structure
ET_Command_Factory ET_Command



Concrete_ET_Command _Factory_Impl +make_command() #make_expr_command() #make_format_command() #make_eval_command() #make_macro_command() #make_quit_command() #make_print_command() Format_ Command Macro_ Command Print_ Command Expr_ Command Eval_ Command Quit_ Command

Each factory method creates a different type of concrete command

194& simplifies memory management Bridge pattern encapsulates variability

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Factory Method
Intent concrete type to a subclass

GoF Class Creational

Provide an interface for creating an object, but leave choice of objects


When a class cannot anticipate the objects it must create or a class

wants its subclasses to specify the objects it creates
e.g., ET_Command_Impl


e.g., ET_Command _Factory_Impl

e.g., Concrete_ET_ Command_Factory_Impl

e.g., Eval_Command, Print_ Command, Macro_Command, etc.


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Factory Method
Factory Method example in C++

GoF Class Creational

An interface for creating a command, letting subclass chose concrete type

class ET_Command_Factory_Impl { Pure virtual method public: virtual ET_Command make_macro_command(const std::string &) = 0; ...


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Factory Method
Factory Method example in C++

GoF Class Creational

An interface for creating a command, letting subclass chose concrete type

class ET_Command_Factory_Impl { public: virtual ET_Command make_macro_command(const std::string &) = 0; ... class Concrete_ET_Command_Factory_Impl Used to implement : public ET_Command_Factory_Impl { public: succinct mode virtual ET_Command make_macro_command(const std::string &expr) { std::vector <ET_Command> commands; Create vector of commands that are executed as a macro commands.push_back(make_format_command("in-order")); commands.push_back(make_expr_command(expr)); commands.push_back(make_eval_command("post-order")); return ET_Command(new Macro_Command(tree_context_, commands)); } 197 Encapsulates command within Bridge abstraction object

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Factory Method

GoF Class Creational

+ Flexibility: The client becomes more flexible by not specifying the class name of the concrete class & the details of its creation + Decoupling: The client only depends on the interface More classes: Construction of objects requires an additional class in some cases


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Factory Method

GoF Class Creational

+ Flexibility: The client becomes more flexible by not specifying the class name of the concrete class & the details of its creation + Decoupling: The client only depends on the interface More classes: Construction of objects requires an additional class in some cases Implementation There are two choices The creator class is abstract & does not implement creation methods (then it must be subclassed) The creator class is concrete & provides a default implementation (then it can be subclassed) If a factory method can create different variants the method should be passed a parameter to designate the variant 199

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Factory Method

GoF Class Creational

Known Uses InterViews Kits ET++ WindowSystem AWT Toolkit The ACE ORB (TAO) BREW feature phone frameworks

+ Flexibility: The client becomes more flexible by not specifying the class name of the concrete class & the details of its creation + Decoupling: The client only depends on the interface More classes: Construction of objects requires an additional class in some cases Implementation There are two choices

The creator class is abstract & does not implement creation methods (then it must be subclassed) The creator class is concrete & provides a default implementation (then it can be subclassed) If a factory method can create different variants the method must be provided with a parameter 200

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Abstract Factory
Intent Applicability

GoF Object Creational

Create families of related objects without specifying subclass names When clients cannot anticipate groups of classes to instantiate
e.g., ET_Command _Impl e.g., ET_Command _Factory_Impl e.g., Eval_Command, Print_ Command, Macro_Command, etc.

e.g., Concrete_ET_ Command_Factory_Impl


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Abstract Factory
Abstract Factory example in C++

GoF Object Creational

Create families of related objects without specifying subclass names

class Concrete_ET_Command_Factory_Impl : public ET_Command_Factory_Impl { public: Concrete_ET_Command_Factory_Impl() { command_map_["format"] = &make_format_command; command_map_["expr"] = &make_expr_command; command_map_["eval"] = &make_eval_command; ... std::map associating command names to pointerto-member-function command factories


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Abstract Factory
Abstract Factory example in C++

GoF Object Creational

Create families of related objects without specifying subclass names

class Concrete_ET_Command_Factory_Impl : public ET_Command_Factory_Impl { public: Concrete_ET_Command_Factory_Impl() { command_map_["format"] = &make_format_command; command_map_["expr"] = &make_expr_command; command_map_["eval"] = &make_eval_command; ... The primary factory method that creates the

designated command based on user input virtual ET_Command make_command(const std::string &input) { auto iter = command_map_.find(command_name(input)); if (iter != command_map_.end()) { auto ptmf = iter->second; return (this->*ptmf)(command_parameter(input)); } Dispatch command 203factory method via returned via map ...

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Abstract Factory
Consequences + Flexibility: Removes type (i.e., subclass) dependencies from clients + Abstraction & semantic checking: Encapsulates products composition Complexity: Tedious to extend factory interface to create new products

GoF Object Creational


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Abstract Factory
Consequences + Flexibility: Removes type (i.e., subclass) dependencies from clients + Abstraction & semantic checking: Encapsulates products composition Complexity: Tedious to extend factory interface to create new products Implementation Parameterization as a way of controlling interface size

GoF Object Creational

Configuration with prototypes to determine who creates the factories Abstract factories are essentially groups of factory methods

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Abstract Factory
Consequences + Flexibility: Removes type (i.e., subclass) dependencies from clients + Abstraction & semantic checking: Encapsulates products composition Complexity: Tedious to extend factory interface to create new products Implementation Parameterization as a way of controlling interface size

GoF Object Creational

Known Uses InterViews Kits ET++ WindowSystem AWT Toolkit The ACE ORB (TAO)

Configuration with prototypes to determine who creates the factories Abstract factories are essentially groups of factory methods

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Summary of Command & Factory Patterns

which then dictate how users interact with an expression tree processing app
ET_Event_Handler ET_Command_Factory ET_Command_Factory_Impl

Abstract Factory contains Factory Methods that create Command objects,

Abstract Factory & Factory Method

<< create >>






1 Macro_Command Print_Command Set_Command Quit_Command Null_Command




207 These patterns enable extensibility of operations via new factory methods

A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns : Part 9 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for the expression tree processing app Summarize the patterns in the expression tree design Explore patterns for Tree structure & access Tree creation Tree traversal Commands & factories Command ordering protocols
209 quit() print() make_tree() eval() format() make_tree() *_Order_ Uninitialized State format() Uninitialized State

*_Order_ Initialized State

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of a Command Protocol Pattern

P urpose: Ensure user commands are performed in the correct order



Uninitialized _State

Pre_Order_ Uninitialized_State

Post_Order_ Uninitialized_State

In_Order_ Uninitialized_State

Level_Order_ Uninitialized_State

Pre_Order_ Initialized_State

Post_Order_ Initialized_State

In_Order_ Initialized_State

Level_Order_ Initialized_State


<< use >> ET_Interpreter

This pattern uses design of classes to 210 explicitly order user commands correctly

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Ensuring Correct Command Protocol

Goals Ensure that users follow the correct protocol when entering commands % tree-traversal -v format [in-order] expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit Protocol > format in-order violation > print in-order Error: ET_State::print called in invalid state


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Ensuring Correct Command Protocol

Goals Ensure that users follow the correct protocol when entering commands Constraints/forces Must consider context of previous commands to determine protocol conformance, e.g., format must be called first expr must be called before print or eval % tree-traversal -v format [in-order] expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit Protocol > format in-order violation > print in-order Error: ET_State::print called in invalid state

print & eval can be

called in any order

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate Command History as States

Handling user commands depends on history of prior commands This Uninitialized history can be State represented as a state machine
Uninitialized State format()

*_Order_ Uninitialized State format()

make_tree() *_Order_ Initialized State

print() quit() make_tree() eval()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate Command History as States

Handling user commands depends on history of prior commands This Uninitialized history can be State represented as a state machine
Uninitialized State format()

*_Order_ Uninitialized State format()

make_tree() *_Order_ Initialized State

print() quit() make_tree() eval()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate Command History as States

Handling user commands depends on history of prior commands This Uninitialized history can be State represented as a state machine
Uninitialized State format()

*_Order_ Uninitialized State format()

make_tree() *_Order_ Initialized State

print() quit() make_tree() eval()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate Command History as States

Handling user commands depends on history of prior commands This Uninitialized history can be State represented as a state machine
Uninitialized State format()

*_Order_ Uninitialized State format()

make_tree() *_Order_ Initialized State

print() quit() make_tree() eval()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate Command History as States

Handling user commands depends on history of prior commands This Uninitialized history can be State represented as a state machine
Uninitialized State format()

*_Order_ Uninitialized State format()

make_tree() *_Order_ Initialized State

print() quit() make_tree() eval()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate Command History as States

Handling user commands depends on history of prior commands This Uninitialized history can be State represented as a state machine
Uninitialized State format()

*_Order_ Uninitialized State format()

make_tree() *_Order_ Initialized State

print() quit() make_tree() eval()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Encapsulate Command History as States

Handling user commands depends on history of prior commands
*_Order_ Uninitialized State make_tree() format() *_Order_ Initialized State eval() make_tree() print()

This Uninitialized history can be State represented as a format() state machine The state machine can be encoded using various subclasses that enforce the correct protocol for user commands


219 & simplifies memory management ET_Context also encapsulates variability

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Context Class Interface

Interface used to ensure commands are invoked according to correct protocol
These methods correspond to user commands


void void void void

ET_State * void Expression_Tree & void

format(const std::string &new_format) make_tree(const std::string &expression) print(const std::string &format) evaluate(const std::string &format) ... Setter/getter for state() const ET_State subclasses state(ET_State *new_state) tree() tree(const Expression_Tree &new_tree)

Commonality: Provides a common interface for ensuring that

expression tree commands are invoked according to the correct protocol

Variability: The implementations& correct functioningof the

expression tree commands can vary depending on the requested operations & the current state 220

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_State Class Interface

Implementation used to define the various states that affect how users
commands are processed Interface virtual void format(ET_Context &context, const std::string &new_format) virtual void make_tree(ET_Context &context, const std::string &expression) virtual void print(ET_Context &context, const std::string &format) virtual void evaluate(ET_Context &context, const std::string &format)
These methods are delegated from ET_Context methods

Commonality: Provides a common interface for ensuring that

expression tree commands are invoked according to the correct protocol

Variability: The implementations& correct functioningof the

expression tree commands can vary depending on the requested operations & the current state 221

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changesthe object will appear to change its class Applicability

When an object must change its behavior at run-time depending on

which state it is in

When several operations have the same large multipart conditional

structure that depends on the object's state
e.g., ET_State

e.g., Uninitialized_State, Pre_Order_Uninitialized_State, Pre_Order_Initialized_State, etc.

e.g., ET_Context


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

State example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

This method delegates to the ET_State object

Allows ET_Context object to alter its behavior when its state changes
void ET_Context::make_tree(const std::string &expression) { state_->make_tree(*this, expression); }

class Uninitialized_State { public: virtual void make_tree(ET_Context &tc, const std::string &expr) { throw Invalid_State("make_tree called in invalid state"); } ...

Its invalid to call make_tree() in this state


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

State example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

This method delegates to the ET_State object

Allows ET_Context object to alter its behavior when its state changes
void ET_Context::make_tree(const std::string &expression) { state_->make_tree(*this, expression); }

class In_Order_Uninitialized_State : public Uninitialized_State { public: Calling make_tree() in this state initializes expression tree virtual void make_tree(ET_Context &et_context, const std::string &expr) { ET_Interpreter interp; ET_Interpreter_Context interp_context; et_context.tree(interp.interpret (interp_context, expr)); et_context.state(new In_Order_Initialized_State); } ... Transition to the new state 224

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + It localizes state-specific behavior & partitions behavior for different states + It makes state transitions explicit + State objects can be shared Can result in lots of subclasses that are hard to understand

GoF Object Behavioral


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + It localizes state-specific behavior & partitions behavior for different states + It makes state transitions explicit + State objects can be shared Can result in lots of subclasses that are hard to understand Implementation Who defines state transitions? Consider using table-based alternatives Creating & destroying state objects

GoF Object Behavioral


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + It localizes state-specific behavior & partitions behavior for different states + It makes state transitions explicit + State objects can be shared Can result in lots of subclasses that are hard to understand Implementation Who defines state transitions? Consider using table-based alternatives Creating & destroying state objects

GoF Object Behavioral

Known Uses

The State pattern & its

application to TCP connection protocols are characterized by Ralph Johnson & Johnny Zweig in their article Delegation in C++. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, 4(11):22-35, November 1991

Unidraw & Hotdraw drawing



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Summary of State Pattern

State ensures user commands are performed in the correct order



Uninitialized _State

Pre_Order_ Uninitialized_State

Post_Order_ Uninitialized_State

In_Order_ Uninitialized_State

Level_Order_ Uninitialized_State

Pre_Order_ Initialized_State

Post_Order_ Initialized_State

In_Order_ Initialized_State

Level_Order_ Initialized_State


<< use >> ET_Interpreter

This pattern uses design of classes to 228 explicitly order user commands correctly

A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns : Part 10 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for the expression tree processing app Summarize the patterns in the expression tree design Explore patterns for Tree structure & access Tree creation Tree traversal Commands & factories Command ordering protocols Application structure
Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler Reactor register_handler() remove_handler() run_event_loop() end_event_loop() Event_Handler


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Application Structure Patterns

P urpose: Structure the overall control flow of the event-driven expression tree processing app
Reactor Event_Handler





<< create >>

Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler

Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler


231 of events & user options These patterns simplify processing

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Structuring Application Event Flow


Decouple expression tree

processing app from the context in which it runs

e.g., command-line vs.

various GUI environments

% tree-traversal -v format [in-order] expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit > format in-order > expr 1+4*3/2 > eval post-order 7 > quit


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Structuring Application Event Flow


Decouple expression tree

processing app from the context in which it runs

e.g., command-line vs.


various GUI environments

Dont hard-code control flow into app logic Dont hard-code event processing logic into app structure


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Separate Event Handling Concerns

Create a reactor to detect input on various
sources of events
Reactor register_handler() remove_handler() run_event_loop() end_event_loop()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Separate Event Handling Concerns

Create a reactor to detect input on various
Reactor register_handler() remove_handler() run_event_loop() end_event_loop() Event_Handler

sources of events & then demux & dispatch the events to the appropriate event handlers


Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Separate Event Handling Concerns

Create a reactor to detect input on various
sources of events & then demux & dispatch the events to the appropriate event handlers handlers & register the concrete event handlers with the reactor
Event handlers perform various operation modes of the expression tree processing app

Create concrete event


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Separate Event Handling Concerns

Create a reactor to detect input on various
sources of events & then demux & dispatch the events to the appropriate event handlers handlers & register the concrete event handlers with the reactor loop to drive the application event flow
Note the inversion of control

Create concrete event

Run the reactors event


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Reactor & Event Handler Class Interfaces

An object-oriented event demultiplexor & dispatcher of event handler
callback methods in response to various types of events
Enact inversion of control


void void void void static Reactor * instance()

~Reactor() run_event_loop() end_event_loop() register_handler(Event_Handler *event_handler) remove_handler(Event_Handler *event_handler)

Singleton access point Attach/detact event handlers


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Reactor & Event Handler Class Interfaces

An object-oriented event demultiplexor & dispatcher of event handler
hook methods in response to various types of events


void void void void static Reactor * instance()

~Reactor() run_event_loop() Process an event end_event_loop() register_handler(Event_Handler *event_handler) remove_handler(Event_Handler *event_handler)

virtual void ~Event_Handler()=0 virtual void delete_this() virtual void handle_input()=0

Commonality: Provides a common interface for managing & processing

events via callbacks to abstract event handlers

Variability: Concrete implementations of Reactor & event handlers can

be tailored to a wide range of OS muxing mechanisms & applicationspecific concrete event handling behaviors 239

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


POSA2 Architectural Pattern

Allows event-driven applications to demultiplex & dispatch service requests

that are delivered to an application from one or more clients Applicability

Need to decouple event handling from event management infrastructure When multiple sources of events must be handled in a single thread
e.g., Event_Handler

e.g., Verbose_ET _Event_Handler, Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler

240 See for the Reactor pattern

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Reactor example in C++

POSA2 Architectural Pattern

Detect/demux events & dispatch event handler callback methods in response

class Reactor { Singleton access point public: static Reactor *instance(); void run_event_loop() { Run the app event loop while (run_event_loop_) wait_for_next_event()->handle_input(); } void register_input_handler(Event_Handler *event_handler) { dispatch_table_.push_back(eh); } ... Register an event handler for

input events in dispatch table private: std::vector <Event_Handler *> dispatch_table_; ... 241

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Simplify concurrency control Non-preemptive Scalability issues

POSA2 Architectural Pattern

+ Separation of concerns & portability


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Simplify concurrency control Non-preemptive Scalability issues Implementation

POSA2 Architectural Pattern

+ Separation of concerns & portability

Decouple event detection/demuxing mechanisms from event dispatching e.g., via Bridge Handle many different types of events e.g., input/output events, signals, timers, etc.

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Simplify concurrency control Non-preemptive Scalability issues Implementation

POSA2 Architectural Pattern

Known Uses X Windows Xt InterViews Dispatcher ET++ WindowSystem AWT Toolkit ACE & The ACE ORB (TAO) Java NIO package

+ Separation of concerns & portability

Decouple event detection/demuxing mechanisms from event dispatching e.g., via Bridge Handle many different types of events e.g., input/output events, signals, timers, etc.
244 See for Java Reactor info

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Managing Access to Global Resources

Goals Centralize access to resources that should be visible globally, e.g.: Command-line options that parameterize the program behavior Reactor that drives the main event loop % tree-traversal -v format [in-order] Verbose mode expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit > format in-order > expr 1+4*3/2 > eval post-order 7 > quit % tree-traversal > 1+4*3/2 7

Succinct mode

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Managing Access to Global Resources

Goals Centralize access to resources that should be visible globally, e.g.: Command-line options that parameterize the program behavior Reactor that drives the main event loop Constraints/forces Only need one instance of command-line options & event loop driver Global variables are problematic in C++ % tree-traversal -v format [in-order] Verbose mode expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit > format in-order > expr 1+4*3/2 > eval post-order 7 > quit % tree-traversal > 1+4*3/2 7

Succinct mode

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution: Centralize Access to Global Resources

Rather than using global variables, create a central access point to global
instances, e.g.:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Parse the command-line options if(!Options::instance()->parse_args(argc, argv)) return 0; Dynamically allocate the appropriate event handler based on the ET_Event_Handler *event_handler = command-line options ET_Event_Handler::make_handler (Options::instance()->verbose()); Reactor::instance()->register_input_handler (event_handler); Register event handler with the event loop driver // ... 247

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Intent Applicability

GoF Object Creational

Ensure a class only has one instance & provide a global point of access When there must be exactly one instance of a class & it must be accessible from a well-known access point When the sole instance should be extensible by subclassing & clients should be able to use an extended instance without modifying their code Structure
If (uniqueInstance == 0) uniqueInstance = new Singleton; return uniqueInstance;

e.g., Options & Reactor


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Singleton example in C++

GoF Object Creational

Define a singleton class to handle command-line option processing

class Options { public: static Options *instance(); if (instance_ == 0) instance_ = new Options; return instance_;

// Parse command-line arguments and sets values as follows: // 't' - Traversal strategy, i.e., 'P' for pre-order, 'O' for // post-order, 'I' for in-order, & 'L' for level-order. bool parse_args(int argc, char *argv[]); bool verbose() const; // True if program runs in verbose mode. char traversal_strategy() // Returns desired traversal strategy. ... Accessor methods to check for enabled options private: Make constructor private to prevent multiple instances Options(); static Options *instance_; ... 249 Points to the one & only instance

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Reduces namespace pollution + Makes it easy to change your mind & allow more than one instance + Allow extension by subclassing Same drawbacks of a global if misused Implementation may be less efficient than a global Concurrency/cache pitfalls & communication overhead

GoF Object Creational

250for discussion of Singleton issues See

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Reduces namespace pollution + Makes it easy to change your mind & allow more than one instance + Allow extension by subclassing Same drawbacks of a global if misused Implementation may be less efficient than a global Concurrency/cache pitfalls & communication overhead Implementation Static instance operation

GoF Object Creational

Registering singleton instance with manager Deleting singletons

251 Singleton deletion

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Reduces namespace pollution + Makes it easy to change your mind & allow more than one instance + Allow extension by subclassing Same drawbacks of a global if misused Implementation may be less efficient than a global Concurrency/cache pitfalls & communication overhead Implementation Static instance operation

GoF Object Creational

Registering singleton instance with manager Deleting singletons

252 Singleton management

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Reduces namespace pollution + Makes it easy to change your mind & allow more than one instance + Allow extension by subclassing Same drawbacks of a global if misused Implementation may be less efficient than a global Concurrency/cache pitfalls & communication overhead Implementation Static instance operation

GoF Object Creational

Known Uses Unidraw's Unidraw object Smalltalk-80 ChangeSet, the set of changes to code InterViews Session object ACE Singleton See Also Double-Checked Locking Optimization pattern from POSA2 book

Registering singleton instance with manager Deleting singletons

253 has more synchronization info

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Summary of Application Structure Patterns

Reactor structures the overall control flow of the event-driven expression tree processing app & Singleton simplifies access to global resources
Reactor Event_Handler





<< create >>

Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler

Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler


254 The Reactor pattern embodies key characteristics of frameworks

A Case Study of Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns : Part 11 Professor of Computer Science Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Douglas C. Schmidt

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Topics Covered in this Part of the Module

Describe the object-oriented (OO) expression tree case study Evaluate the limitations with algorithmic design techniques Present an OO design for the expression tree processing app Summarize the patterns in the expression tree design Explore patterns for Tree structure & access Tree creation Tree traversal Commands & factories Command ordering protocols Application structure Encapsulating algorithm variability 256
Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler Reactor register_handler() remove_handler() run_event_loop() end_event_loop() Event_Handler


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Algorithm Variability Encapsulation Patterns

P urpose: Simplify processing of multiple operation modes
Reactor Event_Handler Options




<< create >>

Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler

Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler


Strategy & Template Method

These patterns support controlled257 variability of steps in an algorithm

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Supporting Multiple Operation Modes


Minimize effort required to

support multiple modes of operation modes

e.g., verbose & succinct

% tree-traversal -v format [in-order] Verbose mode expr [expression] print [in-order|pre-order|postorder|level-order] eval [post-order] quit > format in-order > expr 1+4*3/2 > eval post-order 7 > quit % tree-traversal > 1+4*3/2 7

Succinct mode

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Problem: Supporting Multiple Operation Modes


Minimize effort required to

support multiple modes of operation mode

e.g., verbose & succinct


Dont tightly couple the

operation modes with the program structure enhancements algorithmic decomposition

Simplify future

Avoid limitations of

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution A: Encapsulate Algorithm Variability

Implement algorithm once in base class & let subclasses define variant parts
Event_Handler void handle_input() { prompt_user(); std::string input; if(!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ET_Command command = make_command(input); if(!execute_command(command)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); }

ET_Event_Handler handle_input() prompt_user() get_input() make_command() execute_command()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution A: Encapsulate Algorithm Variability

Implement algorithm once in base class & let subclasses define variant parts
Event_Handler void handle_input() { prompt_user(); std::string input; if(!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ET_Command command = make_command(input); if(!execute_command(command)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); }

ET_Event_Handler handle_input() prompt_user() get_input() make_command() execute_command()

The other four methods are hook methods

handle_input() is a template method


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution A: Encapsulate Algorithm Variability

Implement algorithm once in base class & let subclasses define variant parts
Event_Handler void handle_input() { prompt_user(); std::string input; if(!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ET_Command command = make_command(input); if(!execute_command(command)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); }

ET_Event_Handler handle_input() prompt_user() get_input() make_command() execute_command()

Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler prompt_user() make_command()

Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler prompt_user() make_command()


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution A: Encapsulate Algorithm Variability

Implement algorithm once in base class & let subclasses define variant parts
Event_Handler void handle_input() { prompt_user(); std::string input; if(!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ET_Command command = make_command(input); if(!execute_command(command)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); }

ET_Event_Handler handle_input() prompt_user() get_input() make_command() execute_command()

Verbose_ET_ Event_Handler prompt_user() make_command()

Succinct_ET_ Event_Handler prompt_user() make_command()

ET_Command make_command (const std::string &input) { return command_factory_. make_macro_command(input); }

ET_Command make_command (const std::string &input) { return command_factory_.make_command(input); }


Customized hook methods

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

ET_Event_Handler Class Interface

Provides an abstract interface for performing the algorithm associated
with the expression tree processing app Interface virtual void static ET_Event_Handler * virtual void virtual bool virtual ET_Command
Hook methods Template method Factory

handle_input() make_handler(bool verbose) prompt_user()=0 get_input(std::string &) make_command(const std::string &input)=0 virtual bool execute_command(ET_Command &)

Commonality: Provides a common interface for handling user input Variability: Subclasses implement various operation modes, e.g.,
verbose vs. succinct mode

events & performing steps in the expression tree processing algorithm


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Template Method

GoF Class Behavioral

Provide a skeleton of an algorithm in a method, deferring some steps to subclasses Applicability Implement invariant aspects of an algorithm once & let subclasses define variant parts Localize common behavior in a class to increase code reuse Control subclass extensions Structure
e.g., ET_Event_Handler e.g., Verbose_ET_Event _Handler, Succinct_ ET_Event_Handler


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Template Method
Template Method example in C++

GoF Class Behavioral

Allow subclasses to customize certain steps in event handling algorithm

void ET_Event_Handler::handle_input() { Template method prompt_user(); std::string input; if (!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ET_Command command = make_command(input); if (!execute_command(command)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ... Hook methods


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Template Method
Template Method example in C++

GoF Class Behavioral

Allow subclasses to customize certain steps in event handling algorithm

void ET_Event_Handler::handle_input() { prompt_user(); std::string input; if (!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ET_Command command = make_command(input); if (!execute_command(command)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ... ET_Command Verbose_ET_Event_Handler::make_command (const std::string &input) { return command_factory_.make_command(input); Specialized hook } methods ET_Command Succinct_ET_Event_Handler::make_command (const std::string &input) { return command_factory_.make_macro_command(input); 267 }

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Template Method
Template Method example in C++

GoF Class Behavioral

Allow subclasses to customize certain steps in event handling algorithm

void ET_Event_Handler::handle_input() { prompt_user(); std::string input; if (!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ET_Command command = make_command(input); if (!execute_command(command)) Reactor::instance()->end_event_loop(); ... ET_Event_Handler *ET_Event_Handler::make_handler(bool verbose) { return verbose ? new Verbose_ET_Event_Handler : new Succint_ET_Event_Handler } Factory creates appropriate strategy objects 268 This is not the only (or best) way of defining a factory

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Template Method
Consequences + Enables inversion of control (Hollywood principle: don't call us we'll call you!) + Promotes code reuse + Lets you enforce overriding rules Must subclass to specialize behavior (cf. Strategy pattern)

GoF Class Behavioral


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Template Method
Consequences + Enables inversion of control (Hollywood principle: don't call us we'll call you!) + Promotes code reuse + Lets you enforce overriding rules Must subclass to specialize behavior (cf. Strategy pattern) Implementation Virtual vs. non-virtual template method Few vs. many primitive operations (hook methods)

GoF Class Behavioral

Naming conventions (do_*() vs. make_*() prefix)


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Template Method
Consequences + Enables inversion of control (Hollywood principle: don't call us we'll call you!) + Promotes code reuse + Lets you enforce overriding rules Must subclass to specialize behavior (cf. Strategy pattern) Implementation Virtual vs. non-virtual template method Few vs. many primitive operations (hook methods)

GoF Class Behavioral

Known Uses

InterViews Kits ET++ WindowSystem AWT Toolkit ACE & The ACE ORB (TAO) Android Activities

Naming conventions (do_*() vs. make_*() prefix)


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution B: Encapsulate Algorithm Variability

Implement algorithm once in base class & let strategies define variant parts
Event_Handler void handle_input() { prompt_user(); ET_Event_Handler handle_input() std::string input; if(!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance() ->end_event_loop(); ET_Command cmd = make_command(input);

Same template method & hook methods as before

if(!execute_command(cmd)) Reactor::instance() ->end_event_loop(); }


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution B: Encapsulate Algorithm Variability

Implement algorithm once in base class & let strategies define variant parts

void handle_input() { prompt_user(); ET_Event_Handler handle_input()


std::string input; if(!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance() ->end_event_loop(); ET_Command cmd = make_command(input); if(!execute_command(cmd)) Reactor::instance() ->end_event_loop(); }


Strategy_ET_ Event_Handler


handle_input() prompt_user() get_input() make_command() execute_command()

Strategy objects can be passed as arguments to Strategy_ET_Event_Handler constructor

Strategy objects can be defined 273 using C++ parameterized types

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Solution B: Encapsulate Algorithm Variability

Implement algorithm once in base class & let strategies define variant parts

void handle_input() { prompt_user(); ET_Event_Handler handle_input()


std::string input; if(!get_input(input)) Reactor::instance() ->end_event_loop(); ET_Command cmd = make_command(input); if(!execute_command(cmd)) Reactor::instance() ->end_event_loop(); }


Strategy_ET_ Event_Handler


handle_input() prompt_user() get_input() make_command() execute_command()

Hook methods forward to strategy object methods

ET_Command make_command(const std::string &input) { return mc_strategy_.make_command(input); } bool execute_command(const std::string &input) { return ec_strategy_.execute_command(input); }


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Strategy Template Parameters

Provides template parameters that perform steps in the algorithm associated
with the expression tree processing app Template Parameters MAKE_COMMAND _STRATEGY ET_Command make_command(const std::string &input) EXECUTE_COMMAND Expected method signatures _STRATEGY bool execute_command(const std::string &input) ...

Commonality: Provides common expected method signatures for

performing steps in the expression tree processing algorithm Variability: Template arguments provided to Strategy_ET_Event _Handler implement various operation modes, e.g., verbose vs. succinct

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt


GoF Object Behavioral

Intent Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, & make them interchangeable to let clients & algorithms vary independently Applicability When an object should be configurable with one of many algorithms, and all algorithms can be encapsulated, and one interface covers all encapsulations Structure



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Strategy example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

Customize algorithm behavior by composition/forwarding vs. inheritance

Parameterized template <..., typename MAKE_COMMAND_STRATEGY, type strategies typename EXECUTE_COMMAND_STRATEGY> class Strategy_ET_Event_Handler : public ET_Event_Handler { public: Reuse handle_input() Strategy_ET_Event_Handler template method (..., const MAKE_COMMAND_STRATEGY &mc_strategy, const EXECUTE_COMMAND_STRATEGY &ec_strategy) ... Pass strategy objects via constructor & assign to corresponding data members

277 Note combination of Template Method & Strategy patterns

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Strategy example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

Customize algorithm behavior by composition/forwarding vs. inheritance

template <..., typename MAKE_COMMAND_STRATEGY, typename EXECUTE_COMMAND_STRATEGY> class Strategy_ET_Event_Handler : public ET_Event_Handler { public: Strategy_ET_Event_Handler (..., const MAKE_COMMAND_STRATEGY &mc_strategy, const EXECUTE_COMMAND_STRATEGY &ec_strategy) ... ... ET_Command make_command(const std::string &user_input) { return mc_strategy_.make_command(user_input); } Hook methods forward to strategy objects bool execute_command(ET_Command &command) { return ec_strategy_.execute_command(command); } 278

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Strategy example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

Customize algorithm behavior by composition/forwarding vs. inheritance

template <..., typename MAKE_COMMAND_STRATEGY, typename EXECUTE_COMMAND_STRATEGY> class Strategy_ET_Event_Handler : public ET_Event_Handler { public: Strategy_ET_Event_Handler (..., const MAKE_COMMAND_STRATEGY &mc_strategy, const EXECUTE_COMMAND_STRATEGY &ec_strategy) ... ... Will be used as argument to the class Macro_Command_Strategy { Strategy_ET_Event_Handler public: parameterized type ... ET_Command make_command(const std::string &input) { return command_factory_.make_macro_command(input); } }; Creates a macro command 279

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Strategy example in C++

GoF Object Behavioral

Customize algorithm behavior by composition/forwarding vs. inheritance

template <..., typename MAKE_COMMAND_STRATEGY, typename EXECUTE_COMMAND_STRATEGY> class Strategy_ET_Event_Handler : public ET_Event_Handler { public: Strategy_ET_Event_Handler (..., const MAKE_COMMAND_STRATEGY &mc_strategy, const EXECUTE_COMMAND_STRATEGY &ec_strategy) ... ... Factory creates appropriate strategy objects ET_Event_Handler *Strategy_ET_Event_Handler::make_handler (bool verbose) { return verbose ? new Strategy_ET_Event_Handler <..., Command_Strategy, ...> : new Strategy_ET_Event_Handler <..., Macro_Command_Strategy, ...> } 280

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Greater flexibility, reuse + Can change algorithms dynamically Strategy creation & communication overhead Inflexible Strategy interface Semantic incompatibility of multiple strategies used together

GoF Object Behavioral


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Greater flexibility, reuse + Can change algorithms dynamically Strategy creation & communication overhead Inflexible strategy interface Semantic incompatibility of multiple strategies used together Implementation Exchanging information between a strategy & its context Context is not always necessary Static binding of strategy selection via parameterized types

GoF Object Behavioral


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Consequences + Greater flexibility, reuse + Can change algorithms dynamically Strategy creation & communication overhead Inflexible strategy interface Semantic incompatibility of multiple strategies used together Implementation Exchanging information between a strategy & its context Context is not always necessary Static binding of strategy selection via parameterized types

GoF Object Behavioral

Known Uses InterViews text formatting RTL register allocation & scheduling strategies ET++SwapsManager calculation engines The ACE ORB (TAO) real-time object request broker middleware See Also Bridge pattern (object structural)


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Comparing Strategy with Template Method

Strategy + Provides for clean separation between components via black-box interfaces + Allows for strategy composition at runtime + Supports flexible mixing & matching of features Incurs the overhead of forwarding May yield many strategy classes


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Comparing Strategy with Template Method

Strategy + Provides for clean separation between components via black-box interfaces + Allows for strategy composition at runtime + Supports flexible mixing & matching of features Incurs the overhead of forwarding May yield many strategy classes Template Method + No explicit forwarding necessary + May be easier for small use cases Close coupling between subclass(es) & base class Inheritance hierarchies are static & cannot be reconfigured at runtime Adding features via inheritance may yield combinatorial subclass explosion Beware overusing inheritance since its not always the best choice Deep inheritance hierarchies in an app are a red flag

Strategy is commonly used for Black-box frameworks Template Method is commonly used for White-box frameworks

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Overview of Algorithm Variability Encapsulation Patterns

The Strategy & Template Method patterns simplify processing of multiple operation modes







<< create >>

Verbose_Expression_ Tree_Event_Handler

Macro_Expression_ Tree_Event_Handler


Strategy & Template Method

286 These patterns avoid limitations of algorithmic decomposition

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvements over the original algorithmic decomposition


Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

1 Tree Node 0|1|2 287

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvements over the original algorithmic decomposition Much more modular & extensible


Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

1 Tree Node 0|1|2 288

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvements over the original algorithmic decomposition Much more modular & extensible Design matches the domain better


Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

1 Tree Node 0|1|2 289

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvements over the original algorithmic decomposition Much more modular & extensible Design matches the domain better Less space overhead
1 Tree Node 0|1|2 290 Koenigs Ruminations on C++ book has another OO expression tree example


Composite_ Unary_Node


Composite_Binary _Node

Composite_Negate _Node

Composite_ Add_Node Composite_ Multiply_Node

Composite_ Subtract_Node Composite_ Divide_Node

GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt Visitor

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvement over the original algorithmic decomposition Exhibits high pattern density



GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt Visitor

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvement over the original algorithmic decomposition Exhibits high pattern density Nearly all classes & objects in design play a role in one or more patterns
Prototype Iterator


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt Visitor

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvement over the original algorithmic decomposition Exhibits high pattern density Nearly all classes & objects in design play a role in one or more patterns Patterns help clarify the relationships of myriad classes in the design
Prototype Iterator


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvement over the original algorithmic decomposition Exhibits high pattern density Same design can easily be realized in common OO programming languages
Expression_Tree expr_tree = ...; Print_Visitor print_visitor; C++11 range-based for loop for (auto &iter : expr_tree) iter.accept(print_visitor);

ExpressionTree exprTree = ...; ETVisitor printVisitor = new PrintVisitor(); Java for-each loop for (ComponentNode node : exprTree) node.accept(printVisitor);


GoF Patterns Expression Tree Case Study

Douglas C. Schmidt

Pattern-oriented expression tree processing app design has many benefits: Major improvement over the original algorithmic decomposition Exhibits high pattern density Same design can easily be realized in common OO programming languages C++ & Java solutions are nearly identical, modulo minor syntactical & semantic differences
Expression_Tree expr_tree = ...; Print_Visitor print_visitor; C++11 range-based for loop for (auto &iter : expr_tree) iter.accept(print_visitor);

ExpressionTree exprTree = ...; ETVisitor printVisitor = new PrintVisitor(); Java for-each loop for (ComponentNode node : exprTree) node.accept(printVisitor);

295 See for many examples of patterns in C++ & Java

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