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Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

4.5 Design of Sections for Flexure (Part IV)

This section covers the following topic.

Magnels Graphical Method

Notations The variables used in this section are as follows. A ct cb e ft fb = area of cross section of member = distance of the top of the section from CGC = distance of the bottom of the section from CGC = eccentricity of CGS with respect to CGC = stress at the top of the section = stress at the bottom of the section.

fcc,all = allowable compressive stress in concrete fct,all = allowable tensile stress in concrete I kt kb MT P0 Pe r Zt Zb = moment of inertia of cross section of member = distance of top kern point from CGC = distance of bottom kern point from CGC

MSW = moment due too self weight = total moment = prestress at transfer after immediate losses = prestress at service after long term losses = radius of gyration, r2 = I/A = section modulus corresponding to top of the section = I/ct = section modulus corresponding to bottom of the section = I/cb = ratio of prestressing forces = Pe /P0

4.5.1 Magnels Graphical Method

The determination of maximum and minimum eccentricities at the critical section helps in placing the CGS. But with different types of possible sections, the computations increase. The graphical method proposed by G. Magnel gives a visual interpretation of the equations involved.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

There are essentially four stress conditions to be checked. These conditions are as follows.

At transfer: ft fct,all and fb fcc,all At service: ft fcc,all and fb fct,all

The above expressions are algebraic inequalities where the stresses ft and fb are positive if tensile and negative if compressive. The allowable tensile stress fct,all is assigned a positive value and the allowable compressive stress fcc,all is assigned a negative value. The allowable stresses are explained in the Section 1.5, Concrete (Part I). It is to be noted that the values of fcc,all at transfer and at service are different. They are calculated based on the strength of concrete at transfer and at service, respectively. Similarly, the values of fct,all at transfer and at service can be different. As per IS:1343 1980, the values of fct,all at transfer and service are of course same. The stresses ft and fb in the four inequalities are expressed in terms of the initial prestressing force P0, the eccentricity e at the critical section of the member, the section properties A, Zt, Zb, kt, kb and the load variables Msw and MT. After transposition, 1/P0 is expressed in terms of e by linear inequality relationships. For a selected section, these relationships are plotted in the 1/P0 versus e plane. The acceptable zone shows the possible combinations of 1/P0 and e that satisfy all the four inequality relationships. A combination of P0 and e can be readily calculated from the acceptable zone.

The method is explained in a general form. For Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 members, the value of allowable tensile stress (fct,all) is properly substituted. For Type 1 members, fct,all = 0 N/mm2.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

At Transfer

The following sketch shows the variation of stress in concrete after the transfer of prestress and due to the self weight.

ft MSW e P0 fb
Figure 4-5.1

ct cb

Stress profile in concrete at transfer

The stress at the top is calculated from P0, e, Msw as follows. P0 P0ect Msw ct + A I I P ect Msw = 0 -1+ 2 A r Zt = P0 e M -1+ - sw A k b Zt

ft = -

The inequality relationship satisfying the stress at the top is expressed in terms of 1/P0 and e as follows.
ft fct,all P0 e M -1+ - sw fct,all A k b Zt or, (-1+ e/k b ) 1 P0 Msw fct,all + Z A t


The following sketch shows the plot of inequality relationship. The straight line given by the above inequality is plotted in the 1/P0 versus e plane and the acceptable zone is shaded.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

1 P0



Figure 4-5.2

Plot based on stress at the top at transfer

The following expression relates the stress at the bottom with the load and section variables. fb = P0 P0ecb Msw cb + A I I P ecb Msw =- 0 1+ 2 + A r Zb =P0 e 1+ A kt Msw + Z b

The inequality relationship satisfying the stress at the bottom is expressed as follows.
fb fcc,all P0 e 1+ A kt Msw + Z fcc,all b ( 1+ e/kt ) 1 or, P0 Msw -fcc,all + Z A b


The following sketch shows the plot of the inequality relationship.

1 P0


- kt

Figure 4-5.3

Plot based on stress at the bottom at transfer

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

At Service

The following sketch shows the variation of stress in concrete at service and due to the total moment.

ft MT e P 0 fb
Figure 4-5.4

ct cb

Stress profile in concrete at service

Here, Pe is expressed as P0, where is the ratio of effective prestress (Pe) and prestress at transfer (P0). The expression of the stress at the top is given below.
ft = P0 P0ect MT ct + A I I P ect MT = 0 -1+ 2 A r Zt = P0 e M -1+ - T A k b Zt

The inequality relationship satisfying the stress at the top is expressed as follows. ft fcc,all P0 e M -1+ - T fcc,all A k b Zt e -1+ kb 1 or, P0 MT fcc,all + Z A t

The following sketch shows the plot of inequality relationship. The straight line given by the above inequality is again plotted in the 1/P0 versus e plane and the acceptable zone is shaded.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

1 P0


Figure 4-5.5

Plot based on stress at the top at service

The following expression relates the stress at the bottom with the load and section variables.
fb = P0 P0ecb MT cb + I I A P ecb MT =- 0 1+ 2 + A r Zb =P0 e 1+ A kt MT + Z b

The inequality relationship is expressed as follows.

fb fct,all P0 e 1+ A kt MT + Z fct,all b e 1+ k 1 t or, P0 MT -fct,all + Z A b The following sketch shows the plot of the inequality relationship.
1 P0


- kt

Figure 4-5.6

Plot based on stress at the bottom at service

Next, the four lines are plotted simultaneously. The common region is the acceptable zone.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

1 P0

Acceptable zone

(4-5.2) (4-5.8) (4-5.4)

- kt


Acceptable zone

Figure 4-5.7

A combination of a trial section, prestressing force (P0) and eccentricity (e) at the critical section, can be plotted in the form of the above graph. If the point lies within the acceptable zone, then the combination is valid.

The following problem illustrates the use of Magnels graphical method.

Example 4-5.1
The section shown is designed as a Type 1 member with MT = 435 kNm (including an estimated MSW = 55 kNm). The height of the beam is restricted to 920 mm. The prestress at transfer fp0 = 1035 N/mm2 and the prestress at service fpe = 860 N/mm2. Based on the grade of concrete, the allowable compressive stresses are 12.5 N/mm2 at transfer and 11.0 N/mm2 at service.

The properties of the prestressing strands are given below.

Type of prestressing tendon : 7-wire strand Nominal diameter Nominal area = 12.8 mm = 99.3 mm2

For the section, find the acceptable zone by Magnels graphical method. Compare the designed values of eccentricity (e) and the inverse of prestressing force at transfer (1/P0) with the acceptable zone.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

435 100 100 CGC CGS

e = 290

920 (10) 7-wire strands with P0 = 994 kN

A) Calculation of geometric properties

The section is symmetric about the horizontal axis. Hence, the CGC lies at mid depth. The section is divided into three rectangles for the computation of the geometric properties.

1 410 CGC 2

ct = 460

3 Values in mm.
Area of the section

A = 2 A1 + A2 = 2(435100) + (720100) = 159,000 mm2

Moment of inertia of the section about axis through CGC I = 2I1 + I2 1 1 = 2 435 1003 + (435 100) 4102 + 100 7203 12 12 = 1.78 1010 mm4

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

Square of the radius of gyration

r2 = I A 1.78081010 = 159,000 = 112,000 mm2

Section moduli
Zb = Zt = I = 38,712,174 mm3 ct

Kern levels

k b = kt =

r2 = 243.5 mm ct

B) Calculation of the inequality relationships of Magnels graphical method Ratio of effective prestress and prestress at transfer = = Pe P0 fpe fp 0 = 860 1035

= 0.83 At Transfer ft fct,all

(-1+e/kb ) 1 P0 Msw fct,all + Z A t

1 -1+ e 243.5 P0 55106 0 + 159,000 38,712,174 1 e -1+ 225,897.9 243.5

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

The relationship is plotted in the following graph.


1/P 0 (1/kN)

0.001 0.0005 0 -300 -200 -100 0 e (mm) 100 200 300

At Transfer fb fcc,all
( 1+ e/kt ) 1 P0 Msw -fcc,all + Z A b

1 1+ e 243.5 P0 55106 12.5 + 159,000 38,712,174 1 1+ e 2,213,397.9 243.5 The relationship is plotted in the following graph.

1/P 0 (1/kN)

0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 e (mm)

At Service
ft fcc,all

e -1+ kb 1 P0 MT fcc,all + Z A t
1 (-1+ e 243.5)0.83 P0 435106 -11.0 + 159,000 38,712,174 1 -1+ e 45,358.0 243.5

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

The relationship is plotted in the following graph.

0.0015 1/P 0 (1/kN) 0.001 0.0005 0 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 e (mm)
At Service
fb fct,all
e 1+ k 1 t P0 MT -fct,all + Z A b

1 (1+ e 243.5)0.83 P0 435 106 0.0 + 159,000 38,712,174 1 1+ e 2,152,587.1 243.5

The relationship is plotted in the following graph.

1/P 0 (1/kN)

0.0015 0.001 0.0005


-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 e (mm)

The four relationships are plotted in the following graph. The acceptable zone is shown. The zone is zoomed in the next graph.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

1/P 0 (1/kN)

0.001 0.0005 0 -300 -200 -100 0 100 e (mm) 200 300


1/P 0 (1/kN)


0.0008 225 250 275 300 e (mm) 325

The calculated values of e and 1/P0 for the Type 1 section are as follows. e = 290 mm 1/P0 = 1/(994 kN) = 0.001kN1. The solution of the design is shown in the graphs. It lies in the acceptable zone.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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