Multistakeholder Report

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NOVEMBER 24-27, 2008

Prepared by Liu Yonggong, Zhang Xuemei, Wang Xiaoli Center for Integrated Agricultural Development-CIAD China agricultural University December 2008


Table of Content
1. INTRODUCTION TO THE WORKSHOP ................................................................................................... 3 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 THE TRAINING WORKSHOP ............................................................................................................................ 4 2. MAJOR TRAINING PROCEDURES AND OUTPUTS .............................................................................. 5 2.1 DAY 1: INTRODUCTION TO DRM CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT OF DRM PLAN ......................................... 5 2.2 DAY 2: THEMATIC TRAINING AND FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF DRM PLAN ................................................ 6 2.3 DAY 3: FINALIZATION OF THE DRM, VILLAGE WORK PLAN AND THEMATIC TRAINING .............................. 9 2.4 DAY 4: ON-SITE SURVEY TO PILOT VILLAGES ............................................................................................ 10 3. MAJOR OUTPUTS AND IMPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS............................................ 10 3.1 DRAFT COUNTY DRM MATRIX ................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 THE VILLAGE AND COUNTY WORK PLANS FOR 2009.................................................................................. 16 4. ANNEX............................................................................................................................................................ 21 4.1 TRAINING AGENDA ............................................................................................................................... 21 4.2 PARTICIPANT LIST ....................................................................................................................................... 22


Major Abbreviations and Acronyms BCC CIAD DRM FAO Beijing Climate Center Centre for Integrated Agricultural Development Disaster Risk Management Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Farmers Cooperative Gender Mainstreaming Ministry of Agriculture Participatory Land Use Planning Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences Technical Cooperation Program


1 ha= 15 Chinese Mu 1 USD=6.8 Yuan RMB


1. Introduction to the Workshop 1.1 Project background

The Project Strengthening Disaster Preparedness in Agricultural Sector-SDPAS is a technical cooperation project (TCP) between FAO and Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of China launched in China in July 2007. In accordance with Chinas new policy on natural disaster prevention and public hazards and emergency management the TCP project objective is to assist the Ministry of Agricultural-MOA and its line agencies at provincial and local levels in testing and operationalizing on pilot basis in Juye County Shandong Province, the process of shifting from an emergency response focused intervention approach towards a Natural Disaster Risk Prevention/Preparedness-oriented approach in the agricultural sector. Due to the situation in Juye County, the project has mainly focused on two types of disasters, floods (combined with water logging) and drought. The intended long-term project outcomes are to contribute to:

Reducing the economic losses of farmers to the impacts of recurrent natural disasters and to build up their own capacities and resilience to mitigate future impacts from natural calamities. Reducing environmental degradation (alkalization of soils); Enhancing the operational capacities and coordination mechanisms for risk prevention and management at community, county, prefecture and provincial levels; Improving of farmers livelihoods at the community level;

The expected outputs are: Develop a natural disaster management plan for Juye County; Establish the early warning system related to natural disaster risks (such as floods, drought), and market risks. Enhance the capacity of implementing the natural disaster management plan at county level; Support the development and the capacity building of Farmers Cooperatives-FC, to make them functional in community disaster management. The major activities being supported by this project include: Assist drainage system improvement in pilot villages, including desilting canals and rebuilding drainage system; Establish the early warning system and conduct disaster assessment; Improve salinate soil, introduce new varieties, support courtyard economy, livestock breeding, and technique training and so on; Establishment and capacity building of Farmers Cooperatives; Highlight womens participation and capacity building in community-based disaster risk management. Develop aquaculture-as resilience to flood disaster; Formulate land use planning as instrument for disaster management; Develop natural disaster management plan at county, township and village levels;


1.2 The training workshop As an important milestone for capacity building a multi-stakeholder Training Workshop was conducted by the TCP (TCP3105) from 24 to 27 November 2008 in Juye County of Shandong Province. (1) Training Objectives Based on the projects progress, namely the baseline survey and the major activities which have already been (or are being) implemented so far, and also linked with 11th National Five Year Plan, the overall objective of this training was to increase the capacity of stakeholders at provincial, county, township and village levels on DRM related planning, including cross-sectoral aspects of DRM planning. Specific objectives were: Collect and discuss aspects and elements needed for drafting local DRM plans through participation of different stakeholders, and based on the outputs achieved in TCP project; Deliver practical training an exercises related to disaster management planning, including aspects of i.e. FC in community disaster management, land use planning as instrument for disaster management, aquaculture as resilience to flood disasters, early warning, Market information for farmers, Gender Mainstreaming in DRM, etc.; Consolidate based on the working group inputs from FCs, DRM work plans, 2009 for the FCs in four pilot villages Assemble and pre-structure priority aspects and elements identified by workshop participants for preparing an enhanced cross-sectoral DRM plan for Juye county in 2009s Refer to the annex 4.1 Agenda of the training workshop (2) Participants and Trainers A. Workshop participants All together 40 participants attended the 4 days training workshop. Participants are from following institutions and levels: (1) (2) Agricultural Department of Shandong Province, Shandong Agricultural Academy County governmental line agencies, such as: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) County Agriculture Bureau; Animal Husbandry Bureau; Water Resource Bureau; Meteorological Bureau; Civil Affairs Bureau; Development and Reforms Commission; Land Resource Administration; Public Health Bureau; Finance Bureau; Forestry Bureau;


k) l) m) n) (3)

Fishery Bureau; County Red Cross; County All China Womens Federation; Transportation Bureau

Township governors and water resource management technicians of Qilin Township Government Village leaders and directors of farmers associations of four TCP pilot villages, Nancao, Liuxi , Qianfengqiao and Caolou village


B. Trainers and resource persons

Dr, Stephan Baas, FAO HQ Prof. Liu Yonggong, CIAD, China Agricultural University Prof. Dr. Zhang Xuemei, CIAD, China Agricultural University Ms. Wang Xiaoli, CIAD, China Agricultural University Dr. Liao Yaoming, BCC Prof. Wang Yamin, Shandong University

Refer to Annex 4.2 Participant list of the Training workshop This report is prepared by Prof. Liu Yonggong, Prof. Zhang Xuemei and Ms. Wang Xiaoli based on the outputs and results of the training workshop. Dr. Stephan Baas, FAO HQ and Ms. Jiang Han, FAO Beijing, Dr Gerd Marmulla, FAO HQ, Prof. Wang Yamin, have provided valuable comments to the report and the village action plan. The report will be used as project annual planning document for guiding the implementation of project activities in 2009.

2. Major Training Procedures and outputs

2.1DAY1:IntroductiontoDRMConceptandDevelopmentofDRMPlans (1) Opening session The opening session include three welcome speeches by Mr. Qu Guoqing, National Project Director and Division Chief of Provincial Agricultural Department, Mr. Li Huabei, Deputy County Governor of Juye and Dr. Stephan Baas, FAO-HQ responsible official. Then workshop participants gave a self-introduction. After the opening session, Prof. Liu Yonggong gave an overview of TCP project with focus on the project objective, major components and activities already undertaken in the first project year. (2) Introduction to the concept of DRM and review of its implementation process in Juye country Dr. Stephan Baas gave a systematic introduction to DRM, its key terminologies, concepts and key steps of implementing DRM at local level within the context and importance for rural and agricultural development. He used the project implementation process and outputs


achieved so far in Juye as example to visually illustrate the concept and it components. He also pointed out how to reinforce these important concepts and instruments into the TCP project and in the integrated planning for DRM in 2009. (3) Group Work for development of the draft framework of DRM plan The afternoon session was moderated by Prof. Liu Yonggong. All participants were divided into three groups for developing the draft DRM framework. Each work group was assigned with certain task related to three broad phases of DRM, namely one group worked on prevention and mitigation, one on preparedness, and the third one worked on emergency relief and recovery. All participants from county line agencies, Qilin township government and the four pilot villages were randomly divided into three groups for group work. The major group work tasks of this session was to identify key activities and responsibilities related to DRM of the various stakeholders involved in one or more of the three phases. The discussion focused on the questions what is to be done, how it should be done , where and when, who will be responsible to do the activities, and what resources are/will be needed. The trainers facilitated the group work. Outcomes of this session are documented in chapter 3 of this report.

(1) Session 1: Thematic Training on Early Warning System for Climate and Agricultural Disasters The second day started with a Thematic Training Session on Early Warning System for DRM by Dr. Liao Yaoming, Senior Engineer from Beijing Climate Center-BCC. Dr Liao introduced the importance, major steps and methodologies to set up an effective Early Worning System-EWS for DRM. During the presentation he also provided some good cases and examples of early warning associated with different crops and different agricultural disasters. (2) Session 2: Further Development and finalization of the DRM Plan by group discussion After the thematic lecture, based on the preliminary outcomes of group discussion on the first day, each group continued to identify for the respective phase of DRM they were working on the key stakeholders, actors and relevant line agencies in charge for carrying out DRM related activities at different phases within the DRM cycle. The group discussions were facilitated by CIAD trainers. In order to verifying the group results by the member of other groups, a rotational verification session was carried out after each group completed their draft DRM plan; the first group (who had worked on prevention and mitigation) moved to review and comment the results of second group (which had been working previously on preparedness) , the second group was asked to comment the results of the third group (which had been working previously on response and recovery) , etc.; In this exercise, the participants gave many valuable supplementary comments to the results on the other phases


of DRM as, which made the results more comprehensive. As the last session in the morning, one representative from each group presented the results.

Photo 2-1 Group presentation and synthesis

Photo 2-2 Results of group discussion

Through the group discussion all participants, particularly village leaders, FC directors and village representatives from the four pilot villages have gained conceptual knowledge on Community based DRM planning and learned by doing became about the procedures and steps needed for preparing the DRM plans. As the first systematic of step of a multi-stakeholder DRM planning exericse, it also provided a visualized and interactive communication platform for governmental officials from different line agencies and villagers. It also provided an opportunity for all governmental line agencies to reflect from a cross-sectoral perspective about their specific tasks for disaster risks management. They used the opportunity to communicate with other line agencies about how they can interactively play roles and coordinate with each other for a more effective implementation of DRM plans at county level. At the end, participants also discussed which activities they thought should be implemented in 2009 as priority for each governmental line agencies. The underlying idea of the workshop was to use and submit after completion of the workshop, the outcomes and recommendations to Juye level decision makers within the line agencies to come up with final decision. (3) Session 3: Formulation of Village Work Plan for 2009 Based on the discussions of draft DRM activities at Juye level elaborated by the first group exercise, the afternoon session moved to the community level. Four groups were established based on the four project villages to focus on Village Work Plans for 2009. The steps for development of the village work plans included: What activities should be carried out in 2009; Time for implementing these activities; Where these activities should take place; Who will be responsible for carrying out these activities; What kind of support (financial/ in kind/ inputs) and training are needed.


The participants from county governmental line agencies and township government also joined the village groups. Therefore, at the end of the second training day, each project village had formulated their draft work plan for 2009, which also provided the project consulting team with a detailed guideline of how to conduct supportive activities for next project year. In order to be able to cover the entire crop growing season in 2009, the PMO and the lead technical officer had proposed that the project ending date would be postponed until November 2009, so that the achievements and results of village based activities can be soundly monitored during implementation and then evaluated.





Photo 2-7 2009 work plan for Qiao Fengqiao village

Photo 2-8

2009 work plan for Liuxi village


2.3DAY3:FinalizationoftheDRM,VillageWorkplanand ThematicTraining
(1) Session 1: Finalization of Village Work Plan and DRM The third day started with result presentations by representatives of each project village. The recommended results were documented by the trainers team as basis to agree on the 2009 village work plans. Participants from different governmental line agencies reviewed the DRM plans and prioritized some activities to be implemented in 2009. Those included technicians specialized in agriculture, animal husbandry, meteorology, forestry, aquaculture and government officers from Civil Affairs Bureau, Development and Reforms Commission, Land Resource Administration, Public Health Bureau, Finance Bureau, County Red Cross and Women Union. (2) Session 2: Thematic Training
On the afternoon, three thematic lectures were given:

a) Land Use Planning as tool for DRM presented by Prof. Liu Yongong: The major contents presented include: (i) Definition of Participatory Land Use Plan-PLUP; (ii) Why PLUP should be applied in the DRM; (iii) Procedures and Methodologies applied in the PLUP; (iv) Presentation of Result of PLUP carried out in June 2008; (v) How to incorporate the results of PLUP into DRM planning for 2009; (vi) Proposal for carrying PLUP in DRM for 2009 b) Fishery and aquaculture as important element in DRM by Prof. Wang Yamin: Major contents delivered in this training session included: (i) Context and importance of fishery and aquaculture for mitigating the reducing the flood disasters; (ii) which fishery and aquaculture countermeasures could be applied in the mitigation stage of DRM; (iii) proposals and recommendations for 2009. c) Gender Mainstreaming in DRM by Prof. Zhang Xumei: Gender mainstreaming-GM in DRM and in implementing village pilot activities is a very important component of the TCP project. A GM survey in the pilot villages has been carried in June 2008. This training session include: (i) Definitions and concept of GM; (ii) Why GM is so important for implementing DRM; (iii) How to incorporate GM into DRM and village pilot activities; (iv) recommendations for GM related activities in 2009. An interactive session was carried out for participants feedback on the importance of GM in community development and in implementing DRM at the community level.


According to the original schedule, the forth day would have been allocated for prioritizing the activities of the village plans and county plans. However, due to less availability of participants both from county and village level, trainers team agreed to change the schedule for visiting some irrigation projects implemented two villages, Liuxi and Nancao. As a supplementary measure, it was agreed that CIAD will document these already developed work plans and latter on to consult with Juye Agricultural Bureau and relevant FC leaders. The trainers team visited the culvert built in Liuxi Village and cleaned drainage canals in Liuxi and Nancao. During the visit, the team also discussed with FC and village leaders how to implement the planned FC activities in 2009. The visited sites of drainage facilities are presented in following photos.

Photo 2-9 Newly-built drainage canal in Liuxi village

Photo210Newly cleaned drainage canal in Liuxi village

Photo 2-11 not yet cleaned irrigation canal in Nancao village

Photo 2-12

Newly-cleaned canal in Nancao Village

3. Major outputs and implementation recommendations



Through three days workshop and thematic training and lectures, a draft county DRM framework could be developed through participation of all related county governmental line agencies. In addition, 2009 work plans were developed for four pilot villages.

An enhanced County DRM plan, which reflects the situation of Juye County and interlinks the functions and roles of governmental line agencies and cross-sectoral coordination, is an important and key output of the TCP project. The DRM plan should become an overall guideline for county government and relevant governmental line agencies to carry out in a better coordinated and integrated way relevant DRM activities and actions in 2009 and beyond for which they are in charge. The identification of key element of a draft DRM plan was a very important output of the training workshop. The elements will be further consolidated in early 2009 by ADPC into a comprehensive planning framework and Action plan for 2009. The draft consolidated plan will then be presented formally for adoption to decision makers in Juye county authorities. After consultation with relevant county authorities, this DRM plan, including actions and specified activities for implementing actions, responsible actors will become the guideline for Juye, but might be also replicable for other regions of the province.



Table 6 Draft DRM Plan for Juye County developed during the training workshop
Phase Actions Specific Activity Pilot in 2009? Implemented Beyond 2009? Who will finance? Responsible actors during the TCP and beyond Village Committee/FC/J uye County Water Resource Bureau Agri. Bureau

Prevention and Mitigation

Irrigation and drainage system improvement and maintenance

Dredge and De-silt the drainage canals from villages to the backbone drainage facilities; Build draining culvert and sluice (pilot in Liuxi completed in 2008 ) in non pilot villages by using governmental funds; Build small reservoirs in a low and flood area; where exactly? how many? Maintenance the irrigation system in pilot villages. Further replication in other villages by using governmental funds; Field PLUP survey for improving land use pattern in Caolou Village. Assist Nancao, Liuxi and Qainfengqiao to implement recommendations of PLUP: High land: keep the original structure\ plant economic crops and Greenhouse Vegetables and so on; Low land: return to wetland \ plant rice or lotus\ fishery\forestland, etc. Introduce hazard resistant crops, cotton, maize and wheat, and farming system, with new varieties of anti-drought, anti-floods and insect-resistant features in Nancao, Liuxi and Qaingfengqiao Collect information on market, disaster and meteorology; Inform villagers of the weather information, such as EWS for flood\drought\storm, EWS for insect and pest and such through TV, leaflets Support the farmers cooperatives to make good use of weather information to reduce market risk; How?? Develop large-scale aquaculture by digging fish pond in lower lands in Caolou Introduce special aquatic species; Advance reservoir and fishery pond; Link Fishery Cooperatives with the market and provide



County water resource bureau in


Yes, replicate other villages

?? ?? long term maintenance by using governmental funds



Carry out Land use planning for change of land use pattern

Caolou Village

Village Committee/CIA D/FC Agricultural Bureau Land Adminstration

Adjust crop cultivation structure and increase productivity

Juye Bureau/


Shandong Agricultural Academy-SAAS

Early Warning System

BCC/Mr. Fang Cheng/ Juye Meteorological Bureau/FC

Promote aquaculture

Juye Fishery Bureau/ Mr.Wang Yamin/FC



FC development for community disaster management

technique information; Control on epidemic disease and aquatic animal disease; mention equipment purchase as proposed by Wang Yamin and cleared Present 2 times special training course on aquaculture technique for Caolou and county fish farmers Promote cooperation and co-management between different government agency on water resources management and fisheries agency, set up a mechanism on water flow for aquatic species ecology function Support the development of FC Capacity building of FC in disaster management by training Develop livestock breeding: e.g. Underwood livestock breeding (chickens, ducks, foxes, etc); Build hazard proof housing and seed\food storage by county government; Conduct and introduce soil testing and formulated fertilization in water logged solids in. Nancao, Liuxi and Qianfengqiao Village and replicate in other villages after 2009; Restructure the farming system: extend dry farming and dry ridge water cultivation techniques, promote water-saving agricultural production technology in pilot villages and replicate in other villages where flood disasters occur Deep Plough Salinate Land for leaking the salt in salt areas affected by water logging; Levelling Land in pilot villages as required and further replicate in non-pilot villages; Crops production technical training; Plant Pest and disease control; Develop and apply animal breeding techniques for improving the productivity; Provide livestock feeding service and training on related skill, e.g. livestock hygiene and vaccination; Vegetable production technical service and training


CIAD Village FC Agricultural Bureau Animal Husbandry Bureau Civil bureau SAAS Juye Agri.Bureau FC affaires

Soil rehabilitation and improvement


Service Technical training


Yes SAAS County Agricultural Bureau County Animal Husbandry Bureau FC



Preparedne ss

Community preparation

Greenhouse management training Fertilization techniques Set up community responsible committee (CRC) for coping with disasters; train farmers on basic knowledge on coping with disasters; prepare necessary materials and equipments for coping with disasters, such as mid-size machines of water pumping, soil grabbing, and pesticide spraying; Set up EWS for flood, drought and low temperature hazards; Deliver EW information on floods, diseases and insect hazards of cotton, wheat, and corn; EW for disease and insect hazards of poplar trees;

Township government village committee FC Juye Agri. Bureau

Early Warning System

BCC/Mr. Cheng


Juye Meteorological Bureau Juye Forestry Bureau FC County governor Relevant County governmental line agencies

County Management Committee (CMC) organize regular meetings for dealing with of disasters, with participation of county and township relevant agencies; formulate and implement preparedness plan set up emergency medical treatment teams; store necessary emergency relief materials and goods ; prepared control diseases transmission among people and animals; publicize knowledge and information on dealing with possible disasters yes -

Service system for DRM

Civil Affairs Bureau Public Health Bureau County Red Cross

Machinery and heavy equipment for emergency response

Respons e

Delivering emergency relief

prepare necessary materials and equipments for coping with disasters, such as big machines of water pumping, soil grabing,and pesticide spraying Within three days after the disasters: Report to the upper level about the losses and damage and what relief needed; Organize emergency relief delivery: Deliver food, water, medicine, rescue measures, fertilizer and seeds, etc.;


Agri. Bureau Civil Affairs

DRM group Civil Bureau



Line agencies village committee FCs

Emergency Evacuation At county, township and village levels, set up rescue team and choose shelter; Through TV, broadcasting, variety show, leaders speeches; One week after the disaster, start to help

DRM leading group, village committee and FCs Bureau of Radio and TV\ Public Health Bureau;

Comfort people



Emergency harvest

themselves; At county, township and village levels; Set up an emergency harvest team; Report to the upper what varieties and how many needed; Delivery seeds Organize post disaster re-planting Villagers do volunteer job; One week after the disaster Drainage water ASAP, public information timely, provide fertilizer and machine; Village self-organize; Spray chemicals during the foggy and wet days without wind and the sun;

FC, Agri. Bureau

Seed supply and re-planting crops

Agricultural bureau, seed station and county government

Clean of ruins or mud

FC/Village committee/ relief team

Protect forests

County forestry bureau, village committee and FCs



This draft county DRM plan will be used as conceptual version for further detailed formulation of the DRM plan. ADPC will take the leading role for follow-up development. Juye Agricultural Bureau, the workshop participants from relevant line agencies will be focal point agents for further work. Further consultation and coordination on the DRM development and implementation are needed for preparing the final version of county DRM plan. Agricultural Bureau will take the coordination role.

(1) Nancao Village Work Plan for 2009
Area Activity Ranked Priority Fund needed and who finances? FAO or government? Who will be involved? Expected impact to reduce vulnerability (why is it crucial?)

Adjustment of agricultural structure

Rebuild canals with total length of 7540 m, three dams; Rebuild five ponds with a total area of 250 mu; Registration of FC by County Industry and Commerce Bureau; Capacity-building Training;

The most urgent is rebuilding canals and three dams..

FAO funds support the most urgent activities; The rest could be left to the local governments. Registration can be solved by FC; Training will be organized by county economic management station, leaded by county Agricultural Bureau;

FC/ Village Committee/CIAD

Farmers Cooperative

Juye Agricultural Bureau; CIAD; FC leaders in Nancao

Agricultural technical service and training

Introduce hazard resistant crops;

As contracted with SAAS: Cotton varieties: Lu Mianyan 28-500kg; Lu Mianyan 29-500kg; Lu Mianyan 30-150kg;


FC/Juye County Agricultural Bureau /CIAD/Mr. Wang Yamin/ SAAS



Cultivation technical trainings;

Cultivation technique trainings: e.g. water-saving cultivation techniques,etc.; Livestock breeding technique training: Juye Agri. Bureau invited an livestock expert in Heze District; Based on the results of soil testing in 2009, Juye Agri.Bureau will provide fertilizer for FC; FC Self-organize


Livestock breeding training;

FAO-Juye Agri.Bureau Cost: 4500 USD

Supply seeds and fertilizer for FC members;

FAO-Juye Agri.Bureau (1500 USD for all project villages.)

Planting and selling the product collectively;


FC/village committee;

(2) Qianfengqiao Village Work Plan for 2009

Area Activity Ranked priority Budget and who will finance? FAO support; funds Who Expected impact to reduce vulnerability

Improvement of water drainage system

Adjustment agricultural structure Soil rehabilitation and improvement


Farmers Cooperative of economic animal breeding

Widen and deepen the canals; Harden canals with concrete; Build bridges across roads; Decrease size of cotton planting; Increase size of maize and soybean production. Soil sampling; Provide soil nutrition information, based on which farmers use fertilizer Technical training on raising of special animals; Advise HHs improving the animal shelter hygiene conditions; Training of disease

The most activities;


Village Committee/FC

FC self-organize

Village Committee/FC/ CIAD Juye Agri.Bureau

Before June 2009;

Juye Bureau


The domestic expert will provide technical support for FCs; His CV has been submitted to FAO-CN;

FAO-Juye Agri.Bureau

Agri.Bureau/CI AD/domestic livestock expert



prevention control;


County agricultural science station will provide training on disease prevention and control; Juye Meteorological Bureau Juye Meteorological Bureau

Early Warning System

EWS for summer season-sanxia during June: wheat harvest period, planting period (June 6-20)

(3) Liuxi Village Work Plan for 2009

Area Activity Ranked priority Budget and who will finance? FAO funds cleaning drainage canals; Who Expected impact to reduce vulnerability Reduces

Irrigation system construction

Clean drainage canals (out of or within the village); Build anti-seepage canals; Rebuilt dams (5);

The most urgent activities is cleaning drainage canals; Building anti-seepage canals and rebuilding 5 dams are not as urgent as the first one, could be solved later step by step;; Consulted with fishery expert and county fishery bureau;

Village committee, FC and villagers and water bureau.

Land use pattern adjustment

Make use of the low land for planting lotus and rice; Change natural pond to fish pond (30 mu); Control of pests and diseases; Improvement of livestock breeding environment;

Better be funded by FAO;

Village, Bureau of Aquatic Products, Prof. Wang Yamin Agri. Bureau, Bureau of Aquatic Products

FC activities

County agricultural science station will provide training on disease prevention and control;




(4) Caolou Village Work Plan for 2009

Area Fishery production Activity Enlarge fish pond (1 and 3 combined as one); May to October, 2009; Fish fry, technique training, fodder and sale Capacity building training Ranked Priority 600 USD per mu. Budget and who will finance? The local government; Who Township government and Fishery Bureau Village, fishery bureau, and relevant professors

Establishment Fishery Cooperative


The most urgent activities; Need further input of fishery expert and county fishery bureau: including two series of training courses with a total cost of 3000 USD;

FAO aquaculture training budget;

Water quality and water level monitoring

Aquaculture technical service and training

Measurement for: Digestibility of Oxygen PH-value trial Bacteria in water Plankton N\P Cultivation technical trainings;

County fishery bureau will take charge of buying water equipment;

3,043USD left under expendable equipment budget;

Fishery Bureau and Prof. Wang Yamin

Cultivation technique trainings: e.g. water-quality control, aquaculture species adjust and introduce, Cultivation technique

FAO aquaculture training budget; USD 3,734

Fishery Bureau and Prof. Wang Yamin

(5) Juye County Work Plan for 2009

Activities Update DRM Plan When Before June DRM relevant Before July Budget FAO needed from Who ADPC/ Juye Agricultural Bureau

Consultation stakeholders


ADPC/Juye Bureau/CIAD Other line agencies


Carrying out soil sampling and test in Liuxi, Nancao, Qianfengqiao Village Advise farmers fertilization Provide farmers on anti-saline

Before June

Soil sampling and testing cost: 30,000USD; Sample storage cost: 7,500USD; Training cost: 38,000USD; In total, 15,469 USD.

Juye Agri. Bureau




Distribute information brochures and



leaflets on fertilization Assess the results of the improved fertilizations. Before June.

(Refer to LOA with Juye Agri. Bureau.)

Carrying out and coordinating relevant technical training Introduce new varieties cultivation techniques; and new


Juye Agri.Bureau/SAAS

Evaluation the outcomes and results of TCP project Prepare the TCP Report Wrap-up workshop


Juye Agri.Bureau/ CIAD

October November

Juye/CIAD/FAO Juye county government and all relevant departments

The above village work plans and Juye 2009 County Work Plan will guide the 2009 project implementation at county and village level. These plans are also the basis for allocating project funds both to the village farmers cooperatives as well as to Juye Agricultural Bureau, Shandong Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The requirements on the supports and assistances for conducting the village activities and development of the DRM on SAAS, CIAD, BCC, ADPC, Prof. Wang Yamin, FAO officials are also documented in these plans. These will be the guideline for planning the consultancy activities by different consultancy institutions (also refer to BTOR by Dr. Stephan Baas).



Date\Time 24. Nov. (Mon.) AM Topic\Activities Training Topic: DRM Plan Opening session - Welcome speech by Provincial official - Welcome speech by County Governor - Welcome speech by FAO-HQ Official - Introduction of the participants Overview of TCP Project Introduction to DRM, conceptual background and field application of disaster reduction in agriculture and related sectors TCP Progress review Presentation of the DRM planning framework Identifying key activities of different stages of DRM by group discussion Presentation of the results of group work and synthesis Responsible Chaired by Prof. Liu Yonggong Mr. Tang Guohua Mr. Li Huabei, Juye County Stephan Bass FAO HQ

Liu Yonggong Dr. Stephan Baas

PM -

Liu Yonggong

Participants Participants

25. Nov. (Tue.) AM

PM 26.Nov.(Wed.) AM PM

Training Topics: DRM/EWS - Lecture: EWS for DRM - Identifying the stakeholders and line agencies for conducting activities in DRM by group discussion - Presentation and synthesis of the results - Development of Village Work Plan Training topics: Work Plan 2009/Thematic lecture - Village and County Work Plans of 2009 Thematic Training: - Fishery and Aquaculture in DRM; - Gender Mainstreaming in DRM - PLUP for DRM

Dr. Liao, BCC Participants and facilitators

Participants Participants Participants and facilitators Dr. Zhang Xuemei Prof. Wang Yamin Prof. Zhang Xuemei Prof. Liu Yonggong

27.Nov.(Thur.) AM

Field survey of Trainers Team to Liuxi and Nancao Village Departure of consultants





1. Provincial Participant Mr. Qu Guoqing Mr. Tang Guohua Mr. Division for International Cooperation, Shandong Agricultural Department-SAD Senior Officer and Interpreter of SAD of Agricultural

Shandong Academy Sciences-SAAS 2. Juye County Participants Wang Fengyue Cheng Qian Liu Xiangguo Niu Yujun Yin Yandi Zhang Zhenguo Xie Jiangong Li Shuo Bi Yanfu Bai Guodong Tan Song Wang Zhongqi Gu Niancheng Guo Qiuxia Huang Zehai Qiao Guifang Yu Xiangran Lu Xinhui Wang Guilian Yang Chunying Xu Chunming Wu Zhen Sun Ziqi Yao Lanqin Song Yan Zhang Fangzheng Cao Chuanzeng Cao Dejin Cao Jinying Cao Baotian Cao Baohe Chen Changyu Lin Guanjiang Zheng Jianli County Agriculture Bureau County Agriculture Bureau County Agriculture Bureau

0530-8212414 15305402879 0530-8088210 0530-8088070 13184065086 13573066698 0530-8212824 0530-8221131 0530-8225112 0530-8212062 13583015611 0530-8212520 0530-8366869 13805307726 13905406808 13365306608

County Agriculture Bureau Animal Husbandry Bureau Water Resource Bureau Meteorological Bureau Civil Affairs Bureau Development and Reforms Commission Land Resource Administration Public Health Bureau Finance Bureau Forestry Bureau Fishery Bureau County Red Cross All China Womens Federation, Juye County Transportation Bureau, Juye County Integrated Agriculture Development Office, Juye County Juye Solid Manure Station Agriculture Technical Station Plant Protection Station Seeds Station Cotton Station Qilin Township Qilin Township Qilin Township Nancao Village Nancao Village Nancao Village Nancao Village Nancao Village Liuxi village Liuxi village Liuxi village

13561332043 13583032899 15854017315 15854017315

13563879055 0530-8279133 0530-8277016



Yao Yuanchen Qian Fengqiao Village Shi Qinghe Qian Fengqiao Village Yao Zhuanyuan Qian Fengqiao Village Chang Haidong Caolou Village, Dushan Township Pang Baoyuan Caolou Village, Dushan Township Yin Shunli Caolou Village, Dushan Township Fu Changbin Dushan Township 3. Trainers/resource persons Stephan Baas FAO Officer, FAO HQ Liu Yonggong CIAD Zhang Xuemei CIAD Wang Xiaoli CIAD Liao Chuming BCC Wang Yamin Shandong University


13561372658 15898687731 15865806806 13854033156


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