Thesun 2009-06-15 Page11 Fighting Fire With Fire

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Fighting fire with fire

private equity groups. This profit-making stance has been
Sequoia Capital, a venture harshly criticised by Muhmmad Yu-
capital firm that funded Google’s nus, the economist and Nobel Prize
startup, has invested US$11 million winner who founded Grameen
(RM38.5 million) in SKS Microfi- Bank in Bangladesh in 1976.
nance, the largest MFI in India. In However, Gil Crawford disagrees
2007, Helios Investors, a UK-based with Yunus. Crawford, the chief
private equity firm, paid US$175 executive of Microvest, a US-based
AMID the furore over Despite exorbitant The phenomenal growth of million (RM613 million) for a 25% fund manager with US$70 million
loansharks imprisoning interest rates charged microfinance institutions (MFIs) stake in Equity Bank, a Kenyan MFI (RM245 million) in microfinance
borrowers in apartments by loansharks and suggests otherwise. MFIs lend eager to expand and challenge big- in its portfolio, argues the alterna-
to enforce repayment and despite widespread small sums of money to individuals ger banks. tive will force potential borrowers
the subsequent clamour publicity about their to start profitable businesses. Prop- Banco Compartamos, a profita- to turn to loansharks who charge
for tough government tendency to use erly run, the rate of NPLs is very ble MFI in Mexico, adopted another even higher interest rates.
action against these violence, that many low and some MFIs are highly Providing more capital for
callous moneylenders, individuals continue to profitable. MFIs also helps to foster greater
three popular myths patronise loansharks In Malaysia, the most no- competition, Crawford says. In
need to be debunked. suggests there is strong table MFI is Amanah Ikhtiar Bolivia, competition has caused
Myth No 1 – A high demand for fuss-free, Malaysia (AIM). Under Budget lending rates to fall from 100%
proportion of those who MakingSens unsecured personal 2009, AIM will be disbursing to less than 30%, he points out.
borrow from loansharks loans. RM500 million this year to Investing in MFIs can be
are gamblers. This by Tan Siok Choo Jailing loansharks those earning RM1,500 or less. profitable. Crawford says his
statement is unlikely to will reduce supply In 1997, 618 MFIs had 13.5 first fund exceeded expecta-
be true. Gamblers almost always without impacting demand. This million customers worldwide. tions by earning a 20% return
default on their loans. If loansharks phenomenon is evident in another Ten years later, the number last year.
lent mainly to gamblers, their non- sphere – drug busts. Whenever the had ballooned to more than “Oftentimes, microfinance
performing loans (NPL) would be police confiscate a huge cache of 3,000 institutions serving 154.8 companies’ returns on equity
unsustainably high and they would illegal drugs, inevitably, the street million customers with an es- are higher than in the banking
soon go out of business. prices of these illegal drugs esca- timated US$30 billion (RM105 system,” says Robert Annibale,
That loansharking is a thriving late. billion) in outstanding loans, Citigroup’s London-based head
business suggests most borrow- This doesn’t mean the govern- the Consultative Group to As- of microfinance.
ers are non-gamblers with a good ment shouldn’t prosecute loan- sist the Poor, a World Bank unit In short, encouraging the
record of repayment. sharks. What it needs to do is adopt that tracks and assists MFIs, growth of more MFIs to pro-
Myth No 2 – To curb says. vide greater competition to
loansharks, the govern- A major challenge MFIs loansharks rather than jailing
ment should prosecute Oftentimes, microfinance face is funding. Because them is a better solution to the
moneylenders and reduce companies’ returns on equity are most MFIs don’t accept deposits, route. In April 2007, it raised US$467 fundamental issue – the lack of fuss-
significantly the number of higher than in the banking system,” the traditional source of capital million (RM1.6 billion) in a partial free unsecured small loans that will
moneylenders. is donations from individuals, initial public offering (IPO) that val- enable the poor in this country to
Moneylenders who - Robert Annibale, Citigroup’s London-based philanthropic institutions and ued the MFI at a staggering US$1.5 improve their businesses.
resort to violence should be head of microfinance. governments. But donations billion (RM5.3 billion). From 61,000
prosecuted under relevant can’t keep pace with demand clients in 2000, Compartamos now Opinions expressed in this article
criminal and civil laws and this a two-track approach – enforcement for microfinance. has 1.2 million active clients and its are the personal views of the writer
should be done quickly and consist- and greater competition. Recently, MFIs have begun to rate of NPLs is just 1.9%. and should not be attributed to any
ently. But jailing loansharks could Myth No 3 – Making loans with- attract attention from some main- Compartamos’s success stems organisation or financial institution
shrink the number of moneylenders out collateral is a losing business stream banks like US-based Citi- from the fact it charges an interest she is connected with. She can be
without addressing the fundamental because the rate of repayment is group, France’s Societe Generale, rate that generates a profit – some- contacted at siokchoo.nsamail@
problem of demand. low. Germany’s Deutsche Bank and times 100% interest on some loans.

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