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Pasilan, Jennifer Ann A.

PART II BASED ON THE CONCEPTS ABOUT MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, MAKE A DESCRIPTION ABOUT THE MARRIAGE OF YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR FAMILY. USE SHORT BONDPAPER. ITS YOUR OWN PREROGATIVE TO PUT PICTURES. Family of Procreation describes the family within which humans recreate themselves. It is a family that a person forms through marriage and by having or adopting children. Our family is a family of procreation which was bonded by the form of marriage and reproduce humans through my parents effort. We consider the concept of endogamy in terms of religion. Endogamy is the practice of marrying within a specific ethnic group, class, or social group, rejecting others on such basis as being unsuitable for marriage or other close personal relationships. My family as catholic must marry other people who also share the same belief and religion as we what have. This is for the reason that we wouldnt want our family end up fighting because of misunderstanding and different points of view. Also, my parent is under a monogamy relationship which is having only one spouse at their lifetime. Basing my opinion to our religion, it is immoral and unethical to have many spouses at a time. It is presumed to be being malandi or makati which is a concept that can be linked to being discontented and dissatisfied to their present life. At first, we are that kind of a nuclear family living under a neolocal situation. We are just with my parents and my two brothers. But as we grow up our family and need arises for temporary support, we then ended up having my grandparents in our home to look and guide us while my parents are at work. So, by this time, we have an extended family living under a matrilocal situation. Also, we somehow believe on the close family tie concept of the Filipinos which was also adopted from the Chinese concept. We are under the unilateral descent particularly the matrilineal descent. We used to be so much closed with my mothers side and it seems that we almost inherited a lot from my mothers side as compared with my fathers side. We resemble a lot of similarities in appearance, behaviour and even the way of living we have. Filipinos usually devoted so much respect for the male gender as what we learned from the time we are being colonized by the Spaniards for more than 300 years. With that, our family is one of a patriarchal family for bearing so much respect for my father. I also think that this concept is one of the reasons why I ended up having a family at an early age. My father is used to be an authoritarian one and no one will be allowed to express themselves if they already know that our father will disagree with that. He would always have the final say to everything and even my mother will not have the chance to voice out her side. And lastly of course, being one of the conservative catholic families, we do not consider annulment, divorce or any other kind of legal separation for we absolutely believe that it is as if illegal and unethical to what we had learned in the past. We strongly believe that the sacrament of wedding is binding until the last breath of the husband and wife and it is to be forever cherished as what they vowed in front of Jesus Christ.

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