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2 theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 12 2009

news without borders

No reason
why Lee
would want to
see me: Dr M
Singapore keen on
KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime
minister Tun Dr Mahathir Moha-
mad said yesterday he did not
see any reason why Singapore’s
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew
would want to see him.
Mahathir said this when asked
third bridge, says Najib
by Husna Yusop On financing of the bridge con- and a bigger challenge is how struction, he said it will be shared on to realise the speech with con-
by reporters on the possibility of an equal basis between Malaysia and crete and effective actions,”
him meeting Lee, who is in Malay- PUTRAJAYA: Singapore is interested Singapore. he said.
sia on an eight-day visit, Bernama in the construction of a third bridge Earlier, in his opening address, “Malaysia is prepared
reported. linking the republic and Malaysia, Najib said the government will pur- to be one of the countries
“I don’t see why he would re- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib sue the concept of the third bridge on which could cooperate with
quest to see me, I am a nobody,” Abdul Razak said yesterday. the eastern side of Johor. the US, more so because in
he said when pressed further on He said Minister in the Prime “Singapore did say it (the area his speech he has praised
what he would do if Lee requested Minister’s Department Tan Sri Nor to be affected by the bridge) has the Malaysia as one of the
to see him. Yakcop has been tasked to discuss potential to be another Nusa Jaya like progressive and developed
Mahathir met reporters after it with his Singapore counterpart in Bali,” he said. Muslim countries.”
launching Sapura Crest Petroleum and appoint a consultant to conduct To a question on the meeting In his speech, Obama talked
Berhad’s new state-of-the-art a feasibility study, including its cost between Lee and all the three Umno about a new beginning of relation-
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) implications. vice-presidents as well as the PAS ship between the US and the Muslim conducted since August last year,
called the Thypoon, which is ca- “When I discussed it with Singa- president and deputy president, Na- world, based on respect and truth, 1,910 (75.6%) of the 2,525 online
pable of deepwater operations, at pore’s Minister Mentor Lee Kuan jib, who is also the Umno president, and praised Islam’s contribution voters wanted MCA to leave BN, as
the Oil and Gas Asia 2009 Exhibi- Yew, he showed interest to work with said he does not have any problems towards the renaissance process in at yesterday.
tion at Kuala Lumpur Convention Malaysia in building this bridge as it with it. Europe. On the size of Budget 2010, Najib,
Centre. could be a means to develop Johor “He is free to meet anyone to get Asked about a survey posted on who is also the finance minister,
He was also asked to com- from Desaru to Mersing, Rompin, the actual picture because, to him, the blog of Transport Minister Datuk said the government is looking at its
ment on the meeting between Kuantan and up to Terengganu,” Malaysia’s stability is related to Sin- Seri Ong Tee Keat, who is also the revenue forecast and expenditure.
Lee and the opposition leaders, Najib told reporters after the 2010 gapore’s stability and our success, MCA president, on whether MCA “We need to fine-tune that. I
and the advice he gave them. budget consultation meeting at the too, will have an impact on Singa- should leave Barisan Nasional (BN), would not want to commit to the
“Lee Kuan Yew has much Treasury here. pore,” he said. Najib said he viewed it only as an figure at this stage as I want to be
experience. Our politicians know “It would also be related to the On US President Barack Obama’s academic exercise. as precise as possible,” he said,
nothing. That is why we have to Iskandar Malaysia development. So, speech in Cairo last week, Najib said “As far as I’m concerned, MCA when asked if the size of the budget
learn from Singapore. Singapore if we could implement many more it signalled the US government’s has no intention of leaving BN. would be RM200 billion as indicated
is a great country, they invest so initiatives together with Singapore, new aspiration to mend the rift It may be an academic exercise. earlier.
much money,” he said. the Iskandar area could be devel- between the Muslim countries and But the political position of MCA He also said the government is
On the third bridge issue, oped.” the West. has always been, and will continue hopeful the economy will be back
Mahathir said: “If we give sand, Asked when construction would “It is a very good speech and to be, a senior member of BN,” he on track with reasonable growth
then we can get the bridge.” start, he said it has yet to be decided, Malaysia would like to congratulate said. next year.
Bernard Cheah reports from
George Town: Lee will be making
pending the outcome of the study. Obama on that. What is important According to the opinion poll, » See also Page 16
his first official visit to Penang
tomorrow, 20 years after his last
official visit.
In December 1989, Lee, who
was then the Singapore prime
minister, visited Penang Hill, Pen-
PAC to call MACC officials on PKFZ
ang Butterfly Farm and the free
industrial zone in Bayan Baru. by Giam Say Khoon MACC with some suggestions on areas to
He is scheduled to meet Chief look into by the MACC.
Minister Lim Guan Eng and his After chairing the second day’s brief-
state executive councillors, before KUALA LUMPUR: The Public Accounts ing on the PKFZ episode called by the
meeting with Gerakan president Committee (PAC) will summon officials PAC, committee chairman Datuk Seri
from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com- Azmi Khalid said the PAC was disap-
and Minister in the Prime Minis-
mission (MACC) to attend its meeting next pointed that weaknesses that occurred
ter’s Department Tan Sri Dr Koh and resulted in huge losses, as reported
Wednesday to brief it on the progress of
Tsu Koon in the afternoon. in the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
the MACC’s investigation following the
Lee will be in Perak today and release of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) report.
is scheduled to go to Kota Baru audit report. “This happened because of lenient
after his Penang visit. The PAC also hopes to provide the administration by the Port Klang Authority

Azmi speaks
to reporters
Join us this Sunday after
@ Calvary Church! Assemblies of God
briefing on
PKFZ. Beside
him is PAC (PKA) and decisions made without the He said a report will be prepared
deputy knowledge of the (PKA) board, and by the PAC next week for the parlia-
2, Jln Damansara Endah, Damansara Heights, 50490 KL
chairman (despite) admonitions given to the ment.
Worship Services @ 8am 10.30am 5pmO O

Interpretation into Bahasa Malaysia Dr Tan Seng government officers in the Finance Asked if the PAC will join the
& Cantonese at 10.30am Giaw. Ministry and Economic Planning Unit, MACC in the investigation, Azmi said
SCG & CW @ 8am 10.30am O
who sit on the board,” he told report- the committee has no power to press
DAMANSARA PERDANA ers. charges but it will propose to MACC to
4th Floor, 20 Jln PJU 8/5G, “The government has also taken also get information from the PKFZ’s
Bandar Damansara Perdana, 47820 PJ action, including the appointment of former operator from Dubai to facili-
Worship Service @10.30am certain bodies (a special task force tate the investigation.
Interpretation into Bahasa Malaysia and two committees) to help salvage On whether the PAC was satisfied
SCG @ 9am & CW @10.30am the situation, as well as handing over after the briefing by the PKA and
CHERAS the matter to the MACC, so PAC will PwC, he said the new PKA officers,
2nd & 3rd Floor, Block C, Lot 18113,
meet up with the commission to get including its chairman Datuk Lee Hwa
off Jln Cerdas, Taman Connaught, 56000 KL feedback, discuss the next course of Beng, had done their best to explain
Worship Service @ 9am action and also provide some views to the committee “but there is need
Interpretation into Cantonese to the commission as we want a for a more in-depth investigation than
SCG @ 10.45am & CW @ 9am comprehensive investigation to be the PwC report”.
AMPANG conducted and stern action taken by Asked if former transport ministers
7th Floor, Wisma Central, Jln Ampang, 50450 KL MACC.” Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and Tan Sri Chan
Worship Service @ 10.30am Azmi said the PAC was of the Kong Choy, and former PKA chairman
Interpretation into Cantonese view that a thorough investigation is Datuk Chor Chee Heung would also
SCG @ 9am & CW @ 10.30am Hadi be summoned by the PAC for the
imperative because the report had
SCG|School of Christian Growth (Bible Study classes) spells out mentioned that all weaknesses were hearing, Azmi said although there was
CW|Carpenter’s Workshop (Children’s programme) terms the result of genuine oversight by the a suggestion to summon them, the
parties involved. committee felt it was not appropriate
for ‘unity
For non-Muslims only

Tel: 03-7728 6000 “We want the MACC to determine and the option should be left to the talks’ whether it is a genuine oversight, or MACC.
pg 4 the parties involved had provided mis- Lee described the meeting with
represented information to the board the PAC as “a tough session” and said
as well as their intentions, and the he was “grilled” for five hours.
government must act transparently He declined to disclose the details
Senior Pastor: Rev. Tan Sri Prince Guneratnam, M.A., D.D., D.Litt., LLD. in this matter,” he said. of the meeting.

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