Thesun 2009-06-12 Page10 Loanshark Link To Money Laundering

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10 theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 12 2009

news without borders

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

Loanshark link to
money laundering
POLICE will go all out to investigations) at the appropriate
investigate the link between time,” he said.
along (loansharks) and money The report quoted police
laundering, China Press reported sources as saying that many
yesterday. traders whose businesses involve
The recent exposé on along cash sales, turn over the money
chaining and locking up loan they earn to “agents” to operate
defaulters has prompted police illegal moneylending business.
to set up a special task force To avoid attention, these
to probe illegal moneylending “agents” credit the profits from
activities, including identifying such investment into the bank
the black hand that is supplying accounts of these traders monthly
along with the capital. while retaining the capital for
It is learnt that apart from their operations.
syndicates, many traders and The report said an officer from
businessmen are also involved in the Bukit Aman commercial
money laundering to evade tax. crime investigation department
Inspector-General of Police had revealed that along were in-
Tan Sri Musa Hassan has pointed deed linked to money-laundering
out that police will investigate the activities and police were keeping
loansharks’ activities from many close tabs.
angles, including their link to “Once police obtain evidence
money laundering. of money laundering, they will
“You (media) and the public freeze the bank accounts and as-
should give police time to inves- sets of those involved.”
tigate and handle the problem. The officer said police could
Police will not let up (on along also “freeze” the suspects’ pass-
in their investigations) and will ports to prevent them from leav-
announce the progress (of their ing the country.

* Pig farmers bitter over
DISCOUNTS ‘having to face higher risk’
UP TO PROFIT and risk are the under-
lying factors of the feud between
pig farmers and pork sellers,
the death of their animals, there
is no reason why they should
be making less profit than pork
says Datuk Lee Chong Meng, a sellers,” said Lee.
former secretary-general of the However, he said pork sell-
Federation of Livestock Farmers ers are also exposed to risks on
Associations of Malaysia. their credit sales to restaurant
Lee said pig farmers are bitter operators.
that they are facing higher risk “They incur losses if they
and yet getting less profit than have problem collecting money
pork sellers. from their debtors,” he said.
Talking to Sin Chew Daily a He said since pig farmers
day after the two parties failed cited cost of production each
to resolve their latest fight over time they raised the ex-farm
pig prices at their first dialogue price of pigs, it would augur well
in five years on Tuesday, he said for them to be transparent about
their relationship was less bit- the cost and give a breakdown of
ter years ago when both parties the costs of the items that go into
enjoyed profit margins of about the production chain.
30%. Lee said Malaysians are
But with the rising cost of consuming less pork, and about
production, the pork sellers’ 7,000 pigs are slaughtered each
attempt to maintain the same day now compared with 10,000
profit margin by suppressing pig pigs a day 20 years ago.
prices has resulted in a never- Many consumers have cited
ending saga of rivalry between the high prices of pork and their
the two sides. loss of confidence in the safety
“Pig farmers feel that since of the meat following incidents
they have to bear a lot of risks, such as beta-agonist abuse in pig
such as diseases that result in farms.

It’s now domestic trade, cooperative

and consumerism ministry
KUANTAN: The Domestic Trade try. A logo designing competition
and Consumer Affairs Ministry will be organised soon,” he said
is now known as the Ministry of after the state-level launching of
Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Koperasi Bela Rakyat (Kobera),
Consumerism. here.
Its minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Ismail Sabri said the name
Sabri Yaakob, in announcing this change was made because a
yesterday, said Prime Minister number of cooperative-related
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak and agencies, which were previously
the cabinet had agreed to the under the Entrepreneur and
name change on Wednesday. Cooperative Development Min-
“The change was effective im- istry which was then abolished,
mediately (yesterday) and we will now came under his ministry.
be using a new logo for the minis- — Bernama

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