Biostatistics Lect 3

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Time Series Analysis

The data associated with successive intervals or points of time is called time series Using time series we analyze past in order to understand the future better.

Non parametric Testing

This testing is useful, when no quantitative data involves in the sample. i.e. there is no parameter for testing The most common non parametric test is 2 the c ( chi square )

Measures of Association
Association means relationship between two or more attributes Attribute is a qualitative characteristic that is either present or absent in an individual. e.g. Smoking, blindness, a disease etc.

Through Statistical tools we can check whether association exists among some attributes or not.

Some Statistical tools for measuring association

nominal The phi coefficient data Cohen's kappa coefficient ordinal Spearman's rho data Kendall's tau Kendall's W

Multivariate Analysis
A simultaneous study of many dependent variables as functions of many independent variables

Factor Analysis Reduces the a no. of variables to a smaller no. of manageable variables called factors. The analysis explores the interrelationship among the variables to discover these factors.

Quality Control Techniques To find out whether some assignable causes are operating in a process (medical)

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