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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. although B. sidewalk C. along D. all 2. A. sunny B. Sunday C. century D. fund 3. A. told B. both C. lost D. program 4. A. shout B. loud C. group D. scout 5. A. school B. else C. secretary D. position

II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below. 6. They _________ the next meeting on November 5th. A. hold B. holding C. holds D. are 7. I intend __________ that shirt today. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. for buying 8. Im not sure, but probably he __________ be here tomorrow morning. A. may B. will C. was D. is 9. Ten countries participated in the last discussions. A. took part B. hold C. told D. buying 10. You ought to__________ the house as quickly as possible because its unsafe. A. get out to B. get off for C. get into D. get out of 11. I am thinking of _________ my job. A. change B. to change C. changes D. changing 12. We get used to __________ at night. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked 13. I collect stamps as a__________ whenever I have free time. A. hobby B. pastime C. favor D. a & b 14. If you want to join the library, youll need to fill __________ this form. A. in B. to C. at D. out 15. The __________ is the air, water, land, animals and plants around us. A. environment B. community C. organization. D. program 16. I__________ away on holiday next week. Can we meet the week after? A. be B. am going to be C. will D. was 17. According to some scientists, the sun__________ at 5.16 tomorrow. A. rise B. rises C. is rising D. is rise 18. I really enjoy __________ shoes. Its relaxing! A. clean B. cleans C. to clean D. cleaning 19. The circus _________ to our town next weekend. A. come B. comes C. coming D. will comes 20. He asked the people __________ after themselves. A. look B. looking C. to look D. for looking 21. We went to the cinema after ________ them in the hospital. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. to visit 22. They should __________ sales in Europe. A. increase B. increased C. increasing D. to increase 23. I like __________ activities such as walking and camping. A. outdoor B. indoor C. outside D. inside 24. She gave me a form and told me __________ it in. A. fill B. to fill C. filled D. filling 25. We collect used glass, paper and cans, and send the for ___________.

Name: ____________________


A. recycles

B. recycle

C. to recycle

D. recycling

III. Choose the underlined part that needs correction. 26. When you see Dennis, tell him phones me tonight. A B C D 27. I dont enjoy to go on vacation as much as I used to. A B C D 28. It is very kind to you to take me to the station. A B C D 29. They hope passing the driving test this Sunday . A B C D 30. She taught her children how to care after their pets. A B C D IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to each of the questions below. Since 1877, the Fresh Air Fund has helped poor children from New York City spend summers in the country. Each year, over ten thousand children, ages 6 to 18, participate in the program. Some stay at a camp; others live with a host family. The fund pays for all expenses ( chi ph ). The camps are for 8-to 15-year-olds. At camp, children can learn about the stars, see deer and cows and other animals, and go hiking, fishing, and of course, swimming. The children learn responsibility by helping out with chores like making beds and waiting on tables.
31. The aim of the Fresh Air Fund is to help__________.


33. 34.


A. poor children B. children from New York City C. all children D. poor children from New York City How many children take part in the program every year? A. all children ages 6 to 18 B. ten thousand C. over ten thousand D. no information What does the word others in line 3 refer to? A. summer B. camps C. programs D. children What do the children do at the camp? A. Learn about the stars. B. See deer, cows, and other animals. C. Go hiking, fishing and swimming. D. all are correct Which of the following could replace the word chores in line 6? A. homework B. hard work C. housework D. all are correct

V. Match a sentence in column A with one in column B and complete in column C. A 1.Could you open the door, please? 2. What is Ann like? 3. How can you swim? 4. Do you need any help? 5. Do you like playing soccer? 6. How often do you have English?
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B a. Very badly. b. Three times a week. c. Yes, I do. d. She is kind and generous . e. Yes. Of course. f. No, thanks. Im fine. THE END

C 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. _____


Name: ____________________



I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others . 1. A. pancake B. surface C. situation D. tasty 2. A. family B. grocery C. try D. happy 3. A. business B. humid C. music D. community 4. A. cheap B. please C. speak D. area 5. A. delicious B. concern C. price D. parcel II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below. 6. Martina has been a tennis player _________ 1994. A. since B. for C. on D. in 7. Today, the city center is _________ crowded than usual. A. least B. few C. many D. more 8. I never feel ____________ in this old house. A. comfort B. comfortable C. comfortably D. comforting 9. Its warmer today, so it isnt _________ it was yesterday. A. as cold as B. as cold so C. as cold like D. so cold so 10. _________ is it since you last saw Joe? - For a week. A. How long B. How far C. What time D. What day 11. You_________ be hungry because you havent had anything so far. A. have B. has to C. must D. ought 12. I am a new-comer here, so I dont know_________ you do. A. as many as people B. as many people as C. such many people like D. so many as people 13. _________ is something that people make or grow to sell. A. Product B. Production C. Produce D. Productive 14. She has been a singer _________ ten years. A. since B. for C. in D. on 15. The wallet was _________ in my pocket. A. too big to put B. too big for putting C. so big to put D. bigger cant put 16. She has earned millions of dollars _________ 1994. A. since B. for C. in D. at 17. I am not prepared to discuss _________ the matter any further. A. about B. on C. for D. 18. I spent _________ money than you. A. more B. few C. many D. much 19. Their house is about three times as big _________ ours. A. as B. so C. than D. like 20. -_________ have you known Jane? For about three years. A. How far B. How long C. What time D. What day 21. We lived close _________ the sea. A. with B. at C. by D. from 22. The water wasnt _________ in. A. clean enough to swim B. enough clean to swim C. clean enough for swimming D. enough clean for swimming 23. Martina has loved sports _________ she was a child. A. since B. for C. when D. as 24. My opinion is different ________ yours. A. for B. on C. with D. from 25. They are very concerned about their sons illness.

Name: ____________________


A. worried

B. uncomfortable

C. unhappy

D. dissatisfactory

III. Choose the underlined part that needs correction. 26. She has won many tennis matches since she move from Slovakia. A B C D 27. Most people want to live in comfortable in their old age. A B C D 28. The city center is twice as crowded like it used to be. A B C D 29. He has taken five exams and hasnt got any poor grades for January. A B C D 30. They lived at Barker Street two years ago. A B C D iV. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces. We live in the suburbs, and its just too (21)_____! There arent (22)_____ shops, and there are certainly no clubs or theaters. (24)_____ a lot of parks, good schools, and very (25)_____ crime; but nothing ever really happens here. I would really love (26)_____downtown. suburb (n) : ngoi thnh 31. A. noisy B. noisily C. quiet D. quietly 32. A. much B. many C. more D. a lot of 33. A. Has B. Having C. There is D. There are 34. A. little B. less C. many D. lots of 35. A. to live B. living C. to living D. a & b V. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to each of the questions below. My neighborhood is very convenient - its near the shopping center and the bus station. It is also safe. But those are the only good things about living downtown. It is very noisy the streets are always full of people! The traffic is terrible, and parking is a big problem! I can never park on my own street. Id like to live in the suburbs. 36. What does the word convenient in line 1 mean_________. A. close to something B. beautiful C. far from other places D. noisy 37. What does the word it in line 1 refer to? A. the authors neighborhood B. shopping center C. bus station D. downtown 38. Its not easy to _________. A. find a place to park B. live in the suburbs C. move to another place D. go to the bus station 39. The author _________. A. likes to live in the suburbs B. thinks that his/ her neighborhood is too quiet C. thinks that living in the suburbs is very convenient D . feels that his/ her neighborhood is not safe 40. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The authors neighborhood is inconvenient. B. The author doesnt want to move to anywhere. C. Its too difficult for the author to find a place to park his/ her car. D. Living downtown is better than living in the suburbs.

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