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Nectarean Waves of Supreme Devotion

published from New r Harids Nivs, Spain

Issue No.4, 23 September 2012, Rdham CONTENTS

Guru in rgnug-bhakti, part 2, by New r Harids Nivs r Gaddhara Paita is r Rdh, by New r Harids Nivs r-r-Rdh-Gaddhara-Daakam, by New r Harids Nivs Some Verses on r Rdh, by New r Harids Nivs

of good character such a guru should never be accepted, as from that one obtains no bhakti unto r posted by New r Harids Nivs Ka, rather only trivial things related to sasra. The idea that guru should be considered Ka (as Thus, if one sees r Guru as the form of r Ka expressed in B 11.17.27, and follows him, the desire for braja-bhakti automaand stated at the end of tically arises. In BRS 1.2.241 it is said: Since when I saw a certain person whose body the first article on this towas washed with his own tears, whose hairs were pic in Lahar 3) is further standing on end, and who stumbled around stabeing reflected on. mmering, with a heart full of supreme bliss, whinitya-siddhasya bhvasya le quivering to the extreme, I dont know how my prkaya hdi sdhyamind has lost attachment to my family. t (BRS 1.2.2) iti nitya-siddhasya bhvasya sdhakabhaktn hdi svaya prakaana sdhyat | tat-tad- By words when I saw a little of association is indibhvdi-mdhurye rute dhr yad apekate (BRS 1.2.292) cated, the expression I dont know how shows that ity rayiyame gurau tad-bhva-mdhurya sutar one does not give any importance to ones house, and dyate | etde r-ka-rpa-gurau de sati lobha my mind has lost attachment to my family refers to the appearance of bhva. svata eva utpadyate | yath (BRS 1.2.241)

GURU IN rgnug-BHAKTI, part 2

atha ravaa-guru-bhajana-ik-gurvo pryikam ekatvam iti | yath tathaivha r-bhakti-sandarbhe (206) tatra bhgavatn dharmn iked gurv-tma-daivata amyaynuvtty yais tuyed tmtma-do hari || BRS 1.2.2 says that The goal of sdhakas is sponta(SB 11.2.21) iti | neous manifestation of the bhva existing in the eter- tatraiva bhagavn deva |
dg-ambhobhir dhauta pulaka-patal maita-tanu skhalann anta-phullo dadhad atipthu vepathum api do kak yvan mama sa purua kopy upayayau na jte ki tvan matir iha ghe nbhiramate || nal associates of the Lord. Thus he who is about to choose a guru should certainly consider whether such a person has pure braja-bhakti-bhva, or mdhurya. It is absolutely essential that a guru have rgnug bhakti. If a guru is a yog, or makes a show of shedding tears, trembling etc, or makes business out of dharma, and is devoid Usually the ravaa-guru and ik-guru, who gives instructions about ones bhajan, are the same person [according to Mahrjj, this also applies to the dk-guru]. Indeed, the task of a guru is to give instruction. There is no such thing as uneducated guru (unable to give instruction). In this regard, r

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issue 4, page 2
Bhakti-Sandarbha (Anu. 206) gives the following verse from B (11.3.22): The said guru is ones well-wisher, best friend, supreme object of adoration and essential nature of r Hari. Following him incessantly without cheating, one should learn bhgavata-dharma from him, performing which r Hari, Who gives Himself (to His devotees), becomes pleased. That indeed is bhgavata-dharma. It is in r Guru that Bhagavn shines constantly as god (deva).

guru-bhakty sa milati smarat sevyate budhai | militopi na labhyate jvair ahamik-parai || ataeva nrada-pacartre tat-pjanasyvayakatvam ukta, yath
vaiava jna-vaktra yo vidyd viuvad gurum | pjayed v-mana-kyai sa straja sa vaiava | loka-pdasya vaktpi ya pjya sa sadaiva hi | ki punar bhagavad-vio svarpa vitanoti ya ||

ik-guror apy vayakatvam ha r-daame r-raghuntha-dsa-gosvmi-pdenokta-mana(10.87.33) iky, yath vijita-hka-vyubhir adnta-manas tura-ga ac-snu nandvara-pati-sutatve guru-vara ya iha yatanti yantum ati-lolam upya-khida | mukunda-prehatve smara ity di | vyasana-atnvit samavahya guro caraa vaija ivja santy akta-kara-dhar jaladhau || The meaning is as follows: when one obtains the kye guro caraa samavahn ritytilola- knowledge of bhagavad-dharma through performing madntam adamita mana eva turaga durgama- the process of bhakti unto Bhagavn as taught by r smyd vijitair indriyai prai ca yantu bhaga- Guru, through his mercy one does not get overwhelvad-antarmukhkartu prayatante | te upya-khidas med by adversity and ones mind becomes quickly teu tepyeu khidyante | ato vyasana-atnvit stable. bhavanti | ataeva iha sasra-samudre santi tihanti Brahma-Vaivarta says: It is by the bhakti unto r dukham eva prpnuvantty artha | jaladhau aktaGuru that one can understand the Absolute Reality karadhar asvkta-nvik vaijo yath tadvat | that is what the wise say. The minds of those who
sary; in other words, accepting instruction is necessary. As it is said in B 10.87.33, even though controlling their pra and senses, those who leave the feet of r Guru and strive to attain the knowledge of the self, are in a situation of a boat without a helmsman adrift in the ocean: Those who do not take shelter of r Gurus feet and endeavour to make their highly fluctuating mind inclined towards the Lord by restraining their senses, are without any means to do so and get into infinite difficulties. Thus, in the ocean of sasra they only obtain pain. They are like merchants who undertake a journey across the ocean in a ship which has no helmsman, encountering many obstacles.

tasmt r-guror vayakatvam | tac-caravalambana vin premotpattir na bhavatti nikarrtha |

ik-guru is also neces- maintain their (false) ego consciousness do not become pure, even if they attain the Absolute Reality.

In the Nrada-Pcartra it is said that worship of guru is absolutely essential: those who see r Guru who instructs about Vaiava dharma as equal to r Viu, and who worship him with their body, speech and mind, are Vaiavas well-versed in stra. He who expounds verses and lokas is also always worshipable. What then can be said about him who bestows the svarpa of Bhagavn r Viu? Therefore, the conclusion is drawn that r Gurudeva is necessary and without taking shelter of his lotus feet prem will not originate. That is the essence. In the words of r Raghuntha ds Gosvm (Mana-ik 2): Always meditate on r acnandana r Caitanya Mahprabhu as non-different from the son of r Nanda Mahrj. Always remember r Gurudeva as most dear to r Mukunda.

r-guru-pradarita-bhagavad-bhakti-bhajanaprakrea bhagavad-dharma-jne sati tat-kpay --taken from the 10th chapter of r Rdhka dss vyasannabhibhtau ca saty ghram eva mano Sdhana-Dpik, as published in r Harids str mahrjjs rmad-bhgavaty uttam-bhaktinicala bhavatti bhva | nirpaam (pp. 125-128); translated according to atha brahma-vaivarte mahrjjs Hindi translation-commentary; emphasis added

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r gaddhara paita is r rdh

issue 4, page 3

That rmat Rdhran who is the personification of posted by New r Harids Nivs prem and who is the Goddess of Vndvana, appeared as r Gaddhara Paita, who was very dear to This article shows Lord Caitanya. the mood of rla

vraja-sadasi sad sasakta-citta virjad nanu r-gaddharasya rdhtve r-gaurasya govinvraja-bhuvi jayi-lakm-vnda-varggragayam datve ki pramam iti cet tatrhayath svaya nikhila-nigama-pnthlabhya-pdbja-gandham bhagavata r-kasya para-brahmatva, gha kim api karua-rpa naumi rdh-svarpam para brahma manuya-ligam ity de, tatopi rdh-svarpasya gaddharasya ghatara acnandanasya, tato ghatama prestotra mudkri santanena yasnm | parama-aktitva pradn, tath rprem pahan nitya-nilsal acnandanasya r-katve ra-pramni bahprpnoti sobha-pada hi tasya ni santi | ... preyasn parama-aktitvam atva-ghatvt r Santana Gosvm writes in his r-Rdh-Gamunin tatra tatra nokta ptai khalu svn- ddharaka (8): taragn prati tad-dvrtidhanyn prati kpay I pay obeisances to him who is svarpa of Rdh, prakaitam eva | tad yath prkta-saskteu ca | and embodiment of mercy. He is the fragrance of tatra r-karapra-gosvmino r-gaura-gaoddee the lotus feet unobtainable even by the studies of (147) all Vedas, and is the foremost amongst Jayi, Lakr rdh prema-rp y pur vndvanevar | m and Vndadev. He shines in the area of Vraja, s r-gaddharo gaura-vallabha paitkhyaka
If it is said by some as to what is the evidence with regard to r Gaddhara being Rdh and r Gaura being Govinda, then it is replied: with his mind always fixed on the abode of Vraja. This stotra about Gaddhara, who is svarpa of Rdh, was created with pleasure by Santana. The ever-joyous person who reads it with prem will attain his desired destination.

Chapter 7.

vndvanevar rdh prema-bhakti-pradyin Gaddhara Paita kalau r-gaura-dayita r-gaddhara-paita Gosvm, the initiator of the Gaddha- rla Rpa Gosvm says in his r-r-Rdh-Gara parivra. Unless ddhara-Daakam (1): stated otherwise, the Rdh, who is the Goddess of Vndvana and who quotes come from bestows prema-bhakti, appeared in Kali-yuga as S dhan -D pik , r Gaddhara Paita, the beloved of r Gaura.

Svayam Bhagavn r Ka is Parabrahman - this is indicated by the statements such as The confidenr Svarpa Gosvm writes in his notes: tial form of Parabrahman is the human form (B avani-sura-vara r-paitkhyo yatndra 7.15.75). More confidential than that is the form of sa khalu bhavati rdh rla-gaurvatre acnandana, and the most confidential are those of narahari-sarakrasypi dmodarasya His beloveds. His associates are His supreme akti. Thus, there is a lot of statements by ancient seers about r acnandana being r Ka ... (but) due to its supremely confidential nature, those seers did not mention at every place the fact that Kas beloveds are His supreme akti.

prabhu-nija-dayitn tac ca sra mata me

However, it was compassionately revealed by those acquainted with the matter to their close associates, It is said by r Lokantha Gosvm in r-Rdhand through that also to those highly fortunate ones Gaddharakam (1): rla vndvandh-svarpa sad-gurayam in the same way as it happens also among the learned persons in the material world. paitkhya prabhu-vara vande rdh-gaddharam In this connection, r Kavi Karapra Gosvm has written in his Gaura-Gaoddea-Dpik (147):

The best of the learned on the Earth, the king of devotees, called r Paita, is indeed Rdh in the ll of rla Gaura. That is the essential opinion of Narahari Sarakra, Dmodara and the dear beloveds of Prabhu, as also mine.

r-gaurga-mahbhva-kraka prema-varddhakam mahbhva-svarpa ta vande rdh-gaddharam

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issue 4, page 4
I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara, the best of Prabhus, who is called Paita, who is the abode of good qualities and who is svarpa of the Goddess of Vndvana. I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara, the essence of mahbhava, who increases prem and makes mahbhava appear in r Gaurga.


If Vedantins and materialists started to dance as women, having obtained the mood of gops on seeing the mood of r Gaddhara Paita and on becoming bewildered by the artistic mood of r Ka Caitanya, what can then be said about Vaiavas? Even then, He never manifested the name Rdh or Her form r Paramnanda Gosvm says in his r-Rdh- directly on this planet. It is r Gaddhara Paita who Gaddharakam (1): is r Rdh. He became selfkalinda-naga-nandin-taa-nikuja-pujeu yas renowned by manifesting r tatna vabhnujktir analpa-ll-rasam Rdhs complete character nipya vraja-magaloyam iha gaura-rpobhavat sa me diatu bhvuka prabhu-gaddhara r-guru and mood in the most elevated manner. Still, He careMay I happily get instructed by r Guru Prabhu fully kept His/Her name and form extremely confiGaddhara, who as the daughter of Vabhnu dential, and sang the glories of r Rdh-Ka only displayed rasas in manifold lls performed in nuthrough His bhva. merous caves found on the banks of the daughter yathsvayabhagavnr-vrajendra-nandanasvasya of Kalinda Mountain, and which were relished kya-vyha-praka-vilsa-parvastha-prbhava-vaiby the all-auspicious Hari Who appeared in the bhava-rpai r-baladeva-r-mathur-dvrak-gogolden form in Navadvpa.

rla Narahari Sarkr says in r Ka-Bhajanmta: paya, paya, nighti-nigha nirpyate | sakalendriyai svadhn mahnta parama-magala rahasya vantu | r-ka-caitanya-deva prakaa-paramnanda-vigrahopi sarvvatra-srabhto pi sarvvatra-akti-praka-samartho pi sarvvatra-vyaktaye dsa-ds-sagavn api rdhsakha-praka na ktavn ... r-ka-caitanyabhva-kal-vimohit r-gaddhara-paita-bhvadarana-samudita-gop-gaa-bhv vedntino pi viayio pi prakti-bhvair nantu, vaiavn k kath ? tathpi rdheti nma-rpa ca vyakta dhara-maale na prakitavn r-rdh gaddharapaita eva, sakala-caritra-bhva ca praasya svair vikhyta | tathpi nma tasypi rpa ca nighakd bhvais tu, rdh ka vin kam anya na bodhaymsa |

loka-paravyoma-ntha-nsiha-raghunthdibhi svvatrvalbhis tat tat pradai ca rman-nitynanddvaita-rvsa ktv kalau r-ka-caitanya-mahprabhu san kpay prakaobht | tath tena rasika-maala-ekharea svasya mahakti-hldin-sra-rp sarva-lakm svarp-r-vabhnu-nandin rmat rdhaiva r-gop-gaa-mahigaa-lakm-gaai svasya kya-vyha-praka-rpai sahit r-gaddhara-paita-rpevatritbht |

Svayam Bhagavn, r Vrajendra Nandana, mercifully appeared in the age of Kali as r Ka Caitanya Mahprabhu, together with all His physical expansions, prbhava, vaibhava, parvastha, vilsa, praka forms, with His forms like r Baladeva, the Lord of r Mathur, Dvrak, Goloka, Paravyoma, r Nsiha, r Raghuntha etc and the series of

Look! Look!! I am now going to describe the most secret of all secrets. Concentrating all your senses, In the same way, accompanied by this crown jewel become attentive, O great souls, and listen carefully of all rasikas, rmat Rdh, who is the daughter of r Vabhnu and is the svarpa of all Lakms as to this supremely auspicious secret. well as the essence of hldin (the mah-akti), desr Ka Caitanyadeva, though He is the manifest cended in the form of r Gaddhara Paita, togepersonification of the highest nanda, being the esther with Her forms praka and kya-vyha like the sence of all avatras, in spite of being fully capable gops, Lakms and Queens of Dvrak. of manifesting the potency of all avatras and in spite of being the associator with the servants of all ava- prabhutvt tasyaiva | akti ca aghaana-ghaantras in order to manifest those avatras, He did not payas yogamy vaibhavena yad yad icch karoti tat kim api durghaa na bhavati manifest His association with Rdh.

avatras, making the respective associates appear as rman Nitynanda, Advaita and rvsa.

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This is possible due to His being the Lord. Also, whenever the potency called yogamy, that makes impossible possible, wishes something because of its power, there is nothing it cannot achieve.

issue 4, page 5
apra-karu-pra-puritnta-mano-hradam sad rsa-rasmoda vande rdh-gaddharam
I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara, who is always absorbed in the bliss of rasa that arises from the sporting of r Ka, and whose mind is like a lake full of unlimited compassion. (3)

avatrya sakrtannandveena tat-tat-prvabhva sva-sva-vilsa-akti-pradapratidaritavn | etat tu r-karapra-r-vndvana-dsa-r-vsudeva-r-narahari-hakkurdi-r-rpa-santana-rkadsa-r-kavirja-r-locanadsa-prabhtibhi sva-sva-granthe likhitv sthpitam asti | tasmt sarve r-ka-caitanya-pradn mate r-gaddhara-paita eva r-vabhnu-nandin r-rdh | ki bahu-vicritena |
Having descended, through His deep absorption in the bliss of sakrtana He manifested His respective past moods (from His various forms) to His associates who are manifestations of His vilsa-akti. This was specially established in the works of r Karapra, r Vndvana dsa, r Vsudeva, r Narahari

sakh-gaa-gadhyaka-madhumatydi-sakulam vndvane rsa-rata vande rdh-gaddharam I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara who is always absorbed in the sporting pastimes of r Ka in Vndvana with large crowds of gops such as Madhumati, the chief of a group of sakhs. (4)

hakkur, r Rpa Gosvm, r Santana Gosvm, r Kadsa, r Kavirja, r Locana dsa etc.
Thus in the opinion of all associates of r Ka Caitanya, r Gaddhara Paita is indeed r Rdh, the daughter of r Vabhnu. What more is there to elaborate on this?
--Sdhan-Dpik text taken from; r Ka-Bhajanmta text taken from Mahrjjs 1978 edition; the rest of quotes taken from Mahrjjs r-Bhakti-Sarvasvam --pictures taken from & elmensajedebhagavat.

divya-sad-gua-mikya-peikdi-manoharam vndvana-kal-ntha vande rdh-gaddharam

I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara who is expert in the arts forms that are unique to Vndvana. He captivates peoples eyes and minds like a jewel-box of rubies that are his divine and virtuous qualities. (5)

gaurga-ghatbhva-bhva-nirysa-bhvitam karu-varu-dhra vande rdh-gaddharam

I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara whose nature is that of an ocean full of compassion, and whose mind is soaked in the nectarine mood of intense closeness to r Gaurga. (6)

rla rpa gosvms


posted by New r Harids Nivs

vndvanevar rdh prema-bhakti-pradyin kalau r-gaura-dayita r-gaddhara-paita Rdh, who is the Goddess of Vndvana and who bestows prema-bhakti, appeared in Kali-yuga as r Gaddhara Paita, beloved of r Gaura. (1) sarva-pitya-srkhya prema-ratna-vibhaam mdhavtmaja-vandygra vande rdh-gaddharam
I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara, the son of r Mdhava, who is the best among those worthy of adoration. He is famous as the essence of all erudition, and is ornamented with the gem called prem. (2)

krtid-krtida nitya nitynanda-vivarddhanam raslaya rasdhra vande rdh-gaddharam

I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara who gives fame to Krtid, who always increments Nitynandas bliss and is both the receptacle as well as shelter of rasa. (7)

puarka-prema-vidy-vidyotitayam asma-gua-sampra vande rdh-gaddharam

I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara who is full of unlimited good qualities and whose mind is illuminated by the mantra that gives prem and knowledge, received from Puarka Vidynidhi. (8)

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issue 4, page 6
rvsptatama gha murri-gupta-guptakam vandye vaojjvala-kara vande rdh-gaddharam I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara who makes
his praiseworthy lineage illustrious, who is the hidden treasure of Murri Gupta and who is the receptacle of rvsas intense prti. (9)

(O Rdh!) You have lost interest in eating, You have attained supreme detachment from all wordly objects, Your eyes have become focused on the tip of Your nose, And Your mind has attained concentration. You have undertaken a pledge of silence, And the whole world appears to You like a void. So tell us, O friend, Are You a yogin or are You a viyogin? *yogin means female ascetic while viyogin means one pining for her separated lover.

ivnanda-priya-guru nayannanda-vanditam uddha-kcana-gaurga vande rdh-gaddharam I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara whose bodily color is like that of pure gold, to whom Nayannanda pays obeisances and who is the much beloved guru of ivnanda. (10)

gaurga-bhakta-vndena rjita paramojjvalam rmnanda-rasmoda vande rdh-gaddharam I pay obeisances to Rdh-Gaddhara who delights in the rasa of Rmnanda, whose supreme
beauty shines brilliantly and who is always surrounded by the devotees of r Gaurga. (11)

rla-gaddharasyeda padya hdya manoharam ya pahen niyata bhakty sa premni pramiled dhruvam (12)
He who always reads with devotion this pleasant and charming poetry about rla Gaddhara will quickly obtain the treasure of Gauras prem. (12)

asys tpam aha mukunda kathaymy edas te katha padminy sarasa dala vinihita yasy satpe hdi | dau uyati sakucaty anu tata cratvam padyate pacn murmurat dadhad dahati ca vsvadhta ikh ||356||
How can I relate to You, O Mukunda, the agony of the deer-eyed One, Who clasps a bunch of blooming lotuses against Her agonized heart. Drying up at first, the flowers wither away, and are then reduced to powder. After that they begin to crackle as they burn in the fire of agony that She releases with Her breaths. --taken from mahrjjs Padyval, translated by Gaurav Raina, lokas 175, 238 and 357, all by Anonymous


posted by New r Harids Nivs svm nihantu vihasantu pura sapatnyo bhartur bhajantu gurava pitara ca lajjm etvat yadi kalaki kula tathstu rmnuje mama tanotu manonurgam
May My husband chastise Me. May My co-wives laugh at Me in My presence, And may the parents and elders of My husband suffer embarrassment because of Me. If, in this way, disgrace comes to My clan, then so be it. (I care not.) But may My hearts affection for the younger brother of Balarma ever increase.

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hre virati samasta-viaya-grme nivtti par nsgre nayana yad etad apara yac caikatna mana mauna cedam ida ca nyam akhila yad vivam bhti te tad bry sakhi yogin kim asi bho ki viyoginy api

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