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Version 2006
Installation Guide

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MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -1- SM*V2006*Z*Z*Z*DC-OPS
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MSC.Software Corporation reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice.
The concepts, methods, and examples presented in this text are for illustrative and educational purposes only, and are not intended to be exhaustive
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User Documentation: Copyright  2004 MSC.Software Corporation. Printed in U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.
This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this documentation, in whole or in part. Any reproduction or distribution of this document, in whole
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The software described herein may contain certain third-party software that is protected by copyright and licensed from MSC.Software suppliers.
MSC, MSC/, MSC., MSC.Dytran, MSC.Fatigue, MSC.Marc, MSC.Patran, MSC.SuperModel, MSC.Patran Analysis Manager, MSC.Patran CATXPRES,
MSC.Patran FEA, MSC.Patran Laminate Modeler, MSC.Patran Materials, MSC.Patran Thermal, MSC.Patran Queue Manager and PATRAN are
trademarks or registered trademarks of MSC.Software Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
NASTRAN is a registered trademark of NASA. PAM-CRASH is a trademark or registered trademark of ESI Group. SAMCEF is a trademark or
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Data Systems Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong
to their respective owners.

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -2- Installation Guide
MSC.SuperModel Installation Guide
Version 2006
January 2004

Who Should Read This Guide?

This guide is for those who will be installing MSC.SuperModel. You must have previously installed MSC.Patran,
Analysis Manager, customization tools, the MSC.Nastran preference and the network licensing software, FLEXlm. You
should also have reviewed the MSC.SuperModel File Manager Administrator’s Guide.

Contents of This Guide

In Case of Problems
General Installation
Review Hardware and Software Requirements
UNIX Installation Procedures
Step 1: Login as root and change to the MSC.Patran Delivery Directory
Step 2: Mount the CD-ROM Drive
Step 3: Execute sminstall
Step 4: Pre-Installation of the FileManager Server
Step 5: Upgrade of Existing FileManager Server Installation
Step 6: Initial Installation of a FileManager Server
Step 7: Install FileManager Client
Step 8: Post-Installation Customization
Step 9: Verify MSC.Analysis Manager Operability

NT Installation Procedures
Step 1: Insert the MSC.SuperModel CD-ROM and Start the Installation Procedure
Step 2: Select MSC.SuperModel Components
Step 3: Installation of the FileManager Server
Step 4: Installation of the FileManager Client
Step 5: Initialization of FileManager Server on NT
Step 6: Complete the Installation
Uninstall (Optional)

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -3- Installation Guide
In Case of Problems
Please contact your responsible MSC Application Engineer.

General Installation
MSC.SuperModel integrates with two important configurable components: the MSC.Analysis Manager and the
FileManager. The former is a delivered, optional component of MSC.Patran and should be installed and configured prior
to the installation of MSC.SuperModel (although, if it is not, you will be notified during installation and required to
configure it). In MSC.SuperModel 2001(R3), the NT platform’s MSC.Analysis Manager was delivered with
MSC.SuperModel. In this release, however, all platforms’ MSC.Patran installations have the associated MSC.Analysis
Manager. In this installation guide, you will be instructed in the installation and configuration of the FileManager of
FileManager installation is composed of several steps which must be performed sequentially in order to provide a stable
system for the user community. The FileManager is based on the Client/Server software model and therefore requires
installation methods for both halves of this partnership. There are opportunities during the installation for the
customization of the software in order to meet the specific needs of your site. It is, therefore, highly recommended that
you review this document before undertaking the actual installation.
Installation of the software requires a thorough understanding of the FileManager system (see architecture illustration
below) and how it maps to the administrator’s network.

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MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -4- Installation Guide
FileManager System Architecture

Server Workstation
Repository Remote
(user files) Workspace
smdl_fm_server executable

Client Workstation Dumb Terminal Client Workstation

(slaved to client)
FM Module of MSC.Patran FM Module of MSC.Patran

Local Workspace Local Workspace

(working directory/files) (working directory/files)

mount (direct or nfs) to disk
network connection

In particular, the installation script prompts you for the following pieces of information:
1. Type of installation being performed (client or server).
2. Name of the machine that hosts the server executable.
3. Program number which refers to this client/server.
4. Directory which serves as the repository.
5. Directory which is used as the local workspace for the server.
6. Directory which is used as the remote workspace for all clients.
The host machine is usually the machine on which the software is being loaded. More complicated software loads (i.e,.
those which would have the software reside on a machine other than the one which would be executing it) are possible;
you should contact your local MSC Application Engineer for assistance.
The program number is a unique integer number which is recognized by the system when it receives requests to
establish client/server communications. This number is written to two system files (inetd.conf and rpc) and the
installation script will later prompt you to execute commands intended to help ensure the uniqueness of this choice. The
default value provided (539117062) is as good as any other selection unless you know it already is being used or you
have been assigned a number by your system administrator.

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MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -5- Installation Guide
The directories requested (repository, local workspace, and remote workspace) must be carefully chosen so that
they comply with the system requirements in terms of both server and client accessibility. In addition, the directory
choice should also be based in part on the recommended space required for each (see the following section).
Note: The following Client/Server combinations are available:
• UNIX Client with a UNIX Server.
• NT Client with a UNIX Server.
• NT Client with a NT Server.

Note: There is a custom init.pcl file called init_sm.pcl that is used to start up MSC.SuperModel. If you have
made custom changes to the init.pcl file used by Patran, then you will also need to make these same changes to
the init_sm.pcl file. In order to run MSC.SuperModel the user enters the command p3sm.

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -6- Installation Guide
Review Hardware and Software Requirements
System and resource requirements are placed both on the server machine and on each of the client machines. These
requirements are summarized in the following tables.

Server Installation
•Must be successfully completed prior to undertaking any client installations
Client and Server Installations
•Require root privileges!
•Are Dependent on a pre-existing MSC.Patran installation

Server Installation
•Must have either a direct or NFS mount to the repository directory
Client Installations
•Must have network access to the server machine
•Must have either a direct or NFS mount to:
The repository directory
Local workspace directory
The remote workspace directory

Server Machine
•Dedicated to FileManager (this is due to the potential volume of requests that
will most likely result for even a moderately sized group of users)
•At least 128M of RAM
•At least 2G of dedicated disk space (this is a general estimate of the approxi-
mate disk space required and will vary based on the number of users your
installation will support and their level of activity)
Workspace (Local or Remote)
•At least 250M dedicated to that directory space (this is a general estimate
based on typical file sizes and scratch space required for running analyses)

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -7- Installation Guide
UNIX Installation Procedures

Note: This installation of MSC.SuperModel is installed on top of MSC.Patran. Prior to

installing MSC.SuperModel, you must have installed MSC.Patran, customization tools, Analysis
Manager and the MSC.Nastran Preference.
Note: After installation, use the p3sm command to start MSC.SuperModel.

Step 1: Login as root and change to the MSC.Patran installation directory

1. Login as root on the workstation that contains the MSC.Patran delivery files and change directories to
where MSC.Patran is installed:
cd $P3_HOME
2. If $P3_HOME is not recognized, set the environment variable P3_HOME. For example:
# setenv P3_HOME <installation_dir/patran3>

where <installation_dir> is the MSC.Patran installation directory.

Step 2: Mount the CD-ROM drive

1. Create a directory for the CD-ROM if it does not already exist:
# mkdir /CDROM

2. Make sure the CD-ROM drive is on-line and available.

3. Mount the CD-ROM drive as the name /CDROM by issuing one of the following commands:

HP 10.x: # mount -F cdfs /dev/dsk/c0tud0 /CDROM

where u= CD-ROM SCSI controller number

IBM: # mount -rv cdrfs /dev/cd0 /CDROM

SGI: Mounts the CD automatically. If not:

# mount -rt iso9660 /dev/scsi/scCdul0 /CDROM
where C = the SCSI controller number and u= CD-ROM unit number. These
values can be found by entering the command, /bin/hinv.
NOTE: The “l” in scCdul0 is the letter “L” (in lowercase); not a “one”.
SUN: You do not need to enter a mount command since the CD-ROM will be
automatically mounted by the Solaris vold daemon. The actual mount point is
specified in the file /etc/vold.conf which, by default, is /cdrom/cdrom0. If this
directory does not appear after inserting the CD-ROM, verify the vold daemon
Main Index is running.
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -8- Installation Guide
Note: If the CD-ROM drive is located remotely on another workstation, instructions for
mounting a remote CD-ROM drive are documented in the MSC.Patran Installation and
Operations Manual.

To remove the MSC.SuperModel CD-ROM, enter:

# cd <other_dir>

# umount /CDROM

Where <other_dir> is any directory, other than /CDROM. Then press the eject button on the CD-ROM
drive. On Sun Solaris, enter:

# eject cdrom

Step 3: Execute mscsetup

1. Execute the mscsetup script from the CDROM location and follow the instructions given. Select the
MSC.SuperModel product set. The load operation will augment some MSC.Patran files and add the
MSC.SuperModel specific files.

Step 4: Pre-Installation of the FileManager Server

Note: If you are not installing the FileManager module, go to Step 9: Verify MSC.Analysis
Manager Operability.

Note: If you are not customizing the FileManager installation, go to Step 6: Initial Installation
of a FileManager Server.

CAUTION: FileManager Upgrades: Upgrades to the FileManager software DO NOT

require or support changes made to the previous hierarchy specifications. All other
customizations to the system are supported, but an attempt to redefine the hierarchy
depth or level labels may result in corruption of FileManager’s database. This would
leave FileManager in an unusable state and would result in an inability to identify or
locate the user files which the system had been tracking.

If you have not already done so, please review the detailed explanation in the General Installation section.

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 -9- Installation Guide
This section covers areas of customization that should be addressed following the software load but prior to the actual
installation. The critical nature of the timing has to do with the fact that the database, which FileManager uses to
maintain information on the file system, must be initialized during installation to match the specific architecture that you
desire for your site.

Hierarchy Layout

CAUTION: This step of customization cannot be changed after installation!

The hierarchy layout refers to the depth of the tree structure with which your users will operate as well as the generic
labels for each of these levels. FileManager allows up to ten levels in depth to be defined and used for file storage.
Customization is controlled through a configuration file which can be found in the installation directory after you load
the software. That file is called:
The general rules for editing this file are:
• Each line contains the label to be assigned to the next level in the hierarchy.
• Levels proceed from top (most general) to bottom (most specific).
• Comment lines may be entered by starting the line with a dollar sign ($) and can occur throughout
the file (although partial line comments are not supported).
The following is a sample customization file which establishes the default hierarchy.

$: FileManager Hierarchy Definition

$: This file provides the mechanism for customizing the hierarchy
$: layout for your installation of FileManager. You may change
$: the number of levels and the labels for each to best suit your
$: needs (up to a maximum of 10 levels).
$: Replace the default configuration below with the desired levels!
$: Entry format: (example shows a three deep hierarchy structure)
$: <level-label>
$: <next_level-label>
$: <last_level-label>
$: Reminder:
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MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 10 - Installation Guide
Administrative Privileges

Note: These privileges may also be changed following installation. This customization should
be accomplished by the method outlined in Step 8: Post-Installation Customization.

Several FileManager functions are restricted from use by the general user community. These are located under the
Administration option of the FileManager menu. In general, these operations can make drastic changes to the system
and the files in it and should be performed only by a select group of users which have a thorough understanding of the
system. These types of users are referred to as administrators and are recognized by the system through the use of two
configuration files. Prior to installation, the file:
can be used to identify users who should be allowed access to the administrative capabilities.

The general rules for editing this file are:

• Each line contains the user-name (not user-ID) of an administrator.
• Comment lines may be entered by starting the line with a dollar sign ($) and can occur throughout
the file (although partial line comments are not supported).

Note that root is always given administrator privileges and there is no need to include it in the
customization file.
The following is a sample customization file which establishes the user big_kahuna as the sole administrator.
$: FileManager Administrative User List
$: To permit a user to have access to administrative functions
$: within FileManager, include their user-id on a separate line.
$: Changes to this list may be made post-installation, HOWEVER they
$: must be made on the version which is placed with the FileManager
$: database! (located in <smdl_fm_repository>/smdl_fm_administors)
$: Entry format: <user-id>

As mentioned in the header of this file, after installation, the copy resident within the installation directory is no longer
the official version. This is because the file must be copied to a location that is globally available to every client that starts
FileManager. To accomplish this, the installation process copies the file to:
where, <smdl_fm_repository> is the directory name which you provide during the installation procedure for
holding the database and directory structure known collectively as the repository.

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 11 - Installation Guide
File Associations

Note: File Associations may also be added following installation. To do so, follow the method
outlined in Step 8: Post-Installation Customization.
File associations (the ability to relate two files to one another) are an important part of the FileManager system. Once
established, an association allows a user to get to one file based on the relationship it has to another.
For example, the FileManager could be configured to hold not only FEM related files (such as MSC.Patran databases),
but also the native CAD files typically used as the starting point for FEM modeling. By also providing an association
labeled Parent Geometry, the user would be able to link the geometry file imported to the FEM model file that received
the data. This provides traceability to the engineering process (and potential support for automating updates between
related files).
Customization is controlled through a configuration file which can be found in the installation directory after you load
the software. That file is called:
The general rules for editing this file are:
1. Each line contains three fields delimited by colons (:). These fields hold information about a single
• Association ID - a unique integer number assigned to this association.
• Association label - the text string by which users will refer to this association.
• Association strength.
2. Comment lines may be entered by starting the line with a dollar sign ($) and may be placed throughout
the file (although partial line comments are not supported).
Association strength provides a means of defining associations which are unavailable to the user community, but can be
relied on by other software customizations. Two options are available: Strong and Weak.
Strong Associations are reserved for software customizations that must rely on their existence (i.e., the user is never
allowed to build or break these associations except throughout the intended customization software). In addition, file
deletions are prohibited on files that have these types of relationship since this would presumably render the customized
software useless. These are designated within the configuration file by entering the string Strong in the third field.
Weak Associations are those to which the users have direct access. They may be built and broken through the
conventional FileManager interface and have no affect on file deletion. These are designated within the configuration
file by entering the string Weak in the third field.
A sample customization file is shown, which establishes two file associations. The first follows the example previously
given and allows the user community to establish pointers between their FEM files and geometry files. The second is
intended to be used by a software add-on that provides a simple fastener strength check based on inputs associated with
the FEM model. The input file for this analysis can be stored within FileManager and related to the FEM file from which
the data was gathered.

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 12 - Installation Guide
$: FileManager Association Customization File
$: Changes to this list may be made post-installation, HOWEVER they
$: must be made on the version which is placed with the FileManager
$: database, located in <smdl_fm_repository>/smdl_fm_associations.
$: Entry format <assoc-id>:<assoc-label>:<assoc-strength>
$: (for more info refer to the FileManager Administrators Guide
$: ===============================================
1 : Parent Geometry : WEAK
2 : Fastener Check : STRONG

CAUTION: The FileManager stores information about associations based on the association
ID. These should never be changed once established. You may add additional IDs and even
change association labels and association strengths, but a change to the ID may render the
system unusable!
As mentioned in the header of this file, once installation has occurred the copy resident within the installation directory
is no longer the official version. This is because the file must be copied to a location that is globally available to every
client that starts FileManager. To accomplish this, the installation process copies the file to:
where, <smdl_fm_repository> is the directory name provided during the installation procedure for holding the
database and directory structure, known collectively as the respository.

Step 5: Upgrade of Existing FileManager Server Installation

Note: Starting with MSC.SuperModel Version 3, Interbase for the FileManager was no longer
required. At that time an automated FileManager database conversion script was created to
convert the Interbase installation if the MSC.SuperModel Version was 2.X or lower. If you have
not already done so, please convert all your File Manger databases over NOW.

The reloading of either MSC.SuperModel or FileManager software on the server machine requires special attention (this
is not true of software on client machines). In order for a proper installation, the FileManager server must first be
stopped; this will disrupt service to any users that are currently in an MSC.SuperModel session. Therefore, the following
procedure must be followed when upgrading a FileManager (or MSC.SuperModel) installation:
1. Ensure that there are no MSC.SuperModel sessions currently running.
2. Stop the FileManager server process, by identifying the process ID and killing the process utilizing
the following commands:
$ ps -ef | grep smdl_fm_server
Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 13 - Installation Guide
$ kill <pid>
For upgrades to MSC.SuperModel you can now safely follow the installation instructions provided in the next step.
3. If only FileManager is being upgraded, you will have received a separate installation set. This will
consist of a single tar file (usually delivered on tape or through direct ftp transfer) which should be
copied to $P3_HOME/Filemanager and then expanded using the command:
$ tar -xvf <tar_file>
where <tar_file> is usually a filename of the form smdl_fm_vX.X.tar. This operation will replace the
previous existing files required by FileManager with the latest version. After completing this, use the
following initial installation step.

Step 6: Initial Installation of a FileManager Server

Note: If an existing installation is being upgraded, please see Step 5: Upgrade of Existing
FileManager Server Installation before continuing with this step.
If you have not already done so, please review the detailed explanation in the General Installation section.
1. The installation of the software is accomplished by executing the following commands:
$ cd $P3_HOME/Filemanager/install
$ ./fm_install

CAUTION: FileManager Upgrades: When upgrading an existing installation,

answers to the questions listed below must match the existing installation EXACTLY.
The install script should provide the original responses as the default, but if anything
looks incorrect it would be best to abort the operation and double check your

Note: The install script obtains it’s default information from one of two locations. The file
$P3_HOME/Filemanager/install/Defaults is sought and should be found if you are upgrading.
Otherwise, $P3_HOME/Filemanager/install/FM_Defaults is used under the assumption that an
initial installation is required or Defaults has been deleted.

• Type of installation being performed (client or server).

• Name of the machine that will host the server executable.
• Program number which will refer to this client/server application.
• Directory which will serve as the repository.
• Directory which will be used as the local workspace for the server.
• Directory which will be used as the remote workspace for all clients.
After responding to the above questions, the script will provide additional commands associated with initializing the
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MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 14 - Installation Guide
2. Initializing the Server

The first few commands provided by fm_install are checks to ensure that the client/server application
will be properly recognized by your system. If any of the commands or the files they operate on are
unfamiliar, you should contact either your local system administrator or MSC Application Engineer to
assist you in understanding the output of these commands.

The final command provided actually performs the initialization of the server (hence the name
initialize_server). For completeness, the command is also provided here:

$ ./initialize_server

CAUTION: Initialization of the FileManager server must ONLY be attempted for initial
installations of the software! Performing this operation at any other time (i.e., upgrades) could
result in the loss of files previously being accessed through FileManager.

CAUTION: The command MUST be executed from the install directory of FileManager
(which you should already be in after completing the software load).

The above command invokes a MSC.Patran session in batch mode in order to properly configure
FileManager for use. The output of this command will provide you with indications of its success or
failure. In particular you should expect to see the following lines if the initialization proceeds correctly:


If you should encounter error messages, please consult with your local MSC Application Engineer for assistance.
3. When the FileManager installation is complete on the server machine, a file called fm_client.tar
will be created. This file will be used by each client machine to insure the FileManager is set up

Step 7: Install FileManager Client

Note: If the client is to reside on the same machine as the server, this step is not required. Go to
Step 9: Verify MSC.Analysis Manager Operability.

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MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 15 - Installation Guide
1. Unlike the server installation, the software for a client installation is not provided on the delivery
media. Instead, it is generated by the server installation and packaged into the file:
$P3_HOME/Filemanager/install/fm_client.tar. This file should be copied to the
$P3_HOME directory of each client machine and expanded using the following command:
$ tar -xvf fm_client.tar
2. In the event that the above file is not available, it is possible to load the client software from the original
media and then upgrade it to match the server installation. To accomplish that, the following steps
must be taken:
(a) Unload the FileManager software following Steps 1-3 above.
(b) Copy the file $P3_HOME/Filemanager/install/Defaults from the server to the
client machine (this may require an ftp transfer).

3. Verify that the parent to a local workspace directory exists. The location of the local workspace
directory will be the only change to the defaults when fm_install is run.
# cd $P3_HOME/Filemanager/install

# ./fm_install

You will be presented with the same list of questions previously encountered during the server
installation. These are reiterated, with an indication of those questions for which the defaults should
match the previous installation (allowing you to simply accept their values).

(a) Type of installation being performed (client or server) [client]

(b) Name of the machine that will host the server executable [default]
(c) Program number which will refer to this client/server application [default]
(d) Directory which will serve as the repository [default]
(e) Directory which will be used as the local workspace for the server
(f) Directory which will be used as the remote workspace for all clients [default]
Main Index

Step 8: Post-Installation Customization

This section covers areas of customization that can be addressed following the installation of FileManager. Many of these
operations are also configurable prior to installation, and doing so alleviates some of the confusion associated with
finding the correct configuration file.
1. Repository
The UNIX directory structure, used to hold the user files and referred to as the repository, should not be changed without
first consulting your MSC Application Engineer for guidance. FileManager starts with the directory name which is
supplied at initialization and builds sub-directories in a very regimented manner. Relocating any of these UNIX
directories will make it impossible for FileManager to recognize any of the files being moved.
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 16 - Installation Guide
2. Administrative Privileges

Following installation, the file:


where, <smdl_fm_repository> is the directory name which was provided during the installation
procedure, can be used to identify users who should be allowed access to the administrative functions.
As with pre-installation customization, additional administrators can be registered by adding their user
names to the file.

The following is a sample customization file which establishes the user big_kahuna as the sole administrator.

$: FileManager Administrative User List

$: To permit a user to have access to administrative functions
$: within FileManager, include their user-id on a separate line below.
$: Changes to this list may be made post-installation, HOWEVER they
$: must be made on the version which is placed with the FileManager
$: database! (located in <smdl_fm_repository>/smdl_fm_administors)
$: Entry format: <user-id>

3. File Associations

Following installation, the file:


where, <smdl_fm_repository> is the directory name which was provided during the installation,
can be used to identify file associations supported for use by both the user community and customized
The following is a sample customization file which establishes two file associations. The first allows the user community
to establish pointers between their FEM files and geometry files. The second is intended to be used by a software add-
on that provides a simple fastener strength check based on inputs associated with the FE model. The input file for this
analysis can be stored within FileManager and related to the FEM file from which the data was gathered.

$: FileManager Association Customization File

Main Index $: Changes to this list may be made post-installation, HOWEVER they
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 17 - Installation Guide
$: must be made on the version which is placed with the FileManager
$: database, located in <smdl_fm_repository>/smdl_fm_associations.
$: Entry format <assoc-id>:<assoc-label>:<assoc-strength>
$: (for more info refer to the FileManager Administrators Guide
$: ===============================================
1 : Parent Geometry : WEAK
2 : Fastener Check : STRONG

Step 9: Verify MSC.Analysis Manager Operability

Note: This step is required only if you have installed the Assembly and Configuration module.

The Analysis Manager must be installed and its queue manager must be running for MSC.SuperModel to properly
function. Please refer to the MSC.Analysis Manager documentation, specifically the section titled Installation

Note: Use the command p3sm to start up MSC.SuperModel.

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 18 - Installation Guide
NT Installation Procedures
Note: This installation of MSC.SuperModel is installed on top of MSC.Patran. Prior to
installing MSC.SuperModel, you must have MSC.Patran, the Customization tools, and the
MSC.Nastran Preference installed.
Note: After installation, use the MSC.SuperModel icon to start the product up.
Note: MSC.Analysis Manager is located on the MSC.Patran installation CD and should be
installed and configured prior to installing MSC.SuperModel

Step 1: Insert the MSC.SuperModel CD-ROM and Start the Installation Procedure
1. Load the MSC.SuperModel CD-ROM into your CD Drive. It automatically starts. If it does not
automatically start, go to the setup.exe file and double click on it.
2. The install script automatically searches for the MSC.Patran installation. A dialog box with this
information is displayed asking you if it is OK to continue installing MSC.SuperModel at this
location. Select YES to allow the installation to continue, or select NO to stop the installation.
3. Next, the software licensing agreement is displayed. Select Next to continue or Cancel to stop the

Step 2: Select MSC.SuperModel Components

This CD-ROM contains all three MSC.SuperModel modules (Modeling and Simulation, Assembly and Configuration,
and FileManager). The required files for installation of MSC.SuperModel are already selected.
1. The installation of individual modules is optional, depending on your particular software
configuration. Select the modules that you need to have installed.
2. After everything has been properly selected, select Next to continue or Cancel to stop the installation.
3. Define the program folder. A dialog box is displayed asking you to define the program folder. The
default value is set to MSC.SuperModel. Either leave the folder, the default name, or enter a different
name. Select Next to continue or Cancel to stop the installation.

Step 3: Installation of the FileManager Server

Note: If you are not installing the FileManager, go to Step 6.

1. You are now asked to enter the name of the server machine. After you have entered the name, click on
Next to continue or Cancel to stop.
2. Assign a program number to the server. The default value 539117062 is provided. Select Next to
continue or Cancel to stop.

Main Index
3. Specify the location of the Hierarchy. Select Next to continue or Cancel to stop.
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 19 - Installation Guide
4. Specify the location of the local workspace. Select Next to continue or Cancel to stop.
5. Specify the location of the remote workspace. Select Next to continue or Cancel to stop.
6. Enter the SuperModel Administrator user id. Select next to continue or cancel to stop.

Note: If the directories for the local and remote workspace do not exist, they are created.

Step 4: Installation of the FileManager Client

Note: If you are not installing the FileManager, go to Step 6.

1. Enter the NT path where the hierarchy is to reside for the client. Be sure to define a full pathname
including the drive letter. Select Next to continue or Cancel to stop.

Step 5: Initialization of FileManager Server on NT

Note: If you are not installing the FileManager Server on NT, go to Step 6.

1. The install script launches Patran. Wait for the Patran run to complete.
2. Look for the following text in the Patran history window:
$# Initializing the FileManager Database
$#Initializing Default File Types

Note: If you don’t get the above message, there is a problem with the installation. Uninstall
MSC.SuperModel and try again, or contact your MSC Representative.

3. Exit Patran.

Step 6: Complete the Installation

1. An information message is displayed informing the user that the Analysis Manager files have been
installed, but that it still needs to be configured. Click OK to acknowledge the message.
Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 20 - Installation Guide
2. Select Finish to exit the installation procedure.

Note: If the server is to be run on a UNIX system, complete Steps 1-6 and Step 8 of the UNIX
Installation procedures.
Note: Use the MSC.SuperModel icon to start the product up.

Uninstall (Optional)
1. To uninstall MSC.SuperModel, navigate to Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs.
2. Select MSC.Patran and click Add/Remove.

Main Index
MSC.SuperModel Version 2006 - 21 - Installation Guide

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