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ATTENTION CDA TRAINERS: Use this monthly training tool to help you plan group training sessions for

your CDA candidates. These sessions can be counted as seminar training hours.

Training Module*

Listening Comprehension
PURPOSE To explore the meaning and importance of listening comprehension as it relates to young children ages two to five. DEFINITION Before we begin, lets take a minute to discuss the term listening comprehension. This skill can be observed when you read to the children. Listening comprehension can be defined as the ability to recall and understand information which is presented orally. This information might be presented through a book, filmstrip, video, or felt board set. EXAMPLES Mr. Fields, the preschool teacher, is reading the book Goldilocks and the Three Bears to the children. After he finishes reading, Mr. Fields asks the children, How many bears lived in the house? Rosie shrugs her shoulders and looks confused, but Jeremy exclaims, Three! Mr. Fields says, Thats right, Jeremy. There were three bears in the story. Lets count them together. Mr. Fields turns the pages of the book until he comes to an illustration that contains the three bears. The children and Mr. Fields count the bears together. Mr. Fields then asks, How did the bears know that someone had been eating their porridge? Albert responds, Because Baby Bears bowl was empty. Jeremy says, Because someone told them. Mr. Fields then uses the book to help the children discover the correct answer. In the above example, Rosie clearly needs more practice with listening skills. Jeremy was able to quickly answer a question concerning the facts of the story, but he had more difficulty with a question requiring problem solving. Albert, however, was able to answer the more challenging problem-solving question.
2007 HighReach Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved.

IMPORTANCE OF LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening comprehension is a very important skill for a number of reasons. First, being able to recall and understand information is an important prereading skill. In order to be a strong reader later on, a child must be able to recall information when it is presented orally. Second, children who have strong listening comprehension skills also tend to be good listeners overall. As adults we often spend too much of our time talking and not enough time listening. Listening is a skill that a child will use throughout his/her entire life. Developing strong listening comprehension skills early on will help each child become a better listener for life. And finally, strong listening comprehension skills also promote thinking and problem-solving skills. When listening to a story, the children begin to develop their own thoughts and ideas about the situations presented in the story. Now that you have a better understanding of listening comprehension, lets take some time for you to try what youve learned!
* ATTENTION TEXAS CUSTOMERS: This training module is considered self-instructional material.


TRY WHAT YOUVE LEARNED! Read the story The Three Little Pigs to the children. When finished, ask the following questions: How many pigs were in the story? How did the wolf destroy the pigs houses? Why couldnt the wolf destroy the brick house? As the children answer these questions, record their responses in a notebook. Later, review your notes to see which children demonstrated strong listening comprehension skills by answering the questions correctly. Now that you are more familiar with the concept of listening comprehension, lets take some time to see how you can build this skill in your classroom. PROMOTING LISTENING COMPREHENSION IN THE CLASSROOM One of the best ways to promote listening comprehension is by asking questions as you read to the children.Young children (two year olds) should be able to answer simple questions based on fact, such as, What was the little girls name who visited the three bears? Older children (four year olds) can answer more thought-provoking questions, such as, Why do you think Goldilocks went into the three bears house? and Do you think that was a good idea? These types of questions are great for building higher-order thinking skills. As the children share their answers to these questions, keep in mind that these types of questions may not have right or wrong answers. The following are a few examples of the different levels of questions you can ask to help the children build strong listening comprehension skills. Keep in mind that young children will probably be able to answer only questions that are based on obvious facts. Older children, on the other hand, should be able to answer questions that require more creative thought.

The following questions are based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood. FACT QUESTIONS Where was Little Red Riding Hood going? Who was Little Red Riding Hood going to visit? What was Little Red Riding Hood taking with her? Who was dressed in Grandmas nightgown? Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma? PROBLEM-SOLVING QUESTIONS What did Little Red Riding Hood do that she should not have? Why did the wolf dress in Grandmas nightgown? CREATIVE THINKING QUESTIONS What would you have done if you were Little Red Riding Hood? What type of treat would you take to your grandmother? Why? What do you think would have happened if Little Red Riding Hood had stayed on the path? Each of the above questions can be used to help children develop listening comprehension skills. Keep in mind as you ask the questions that very young children (two year olds) will probably only be able to answer simple fact questions, while older children should be able to answer all three types. Also, remember that the creative thinking questions do not have right or wrong answers. SUMMARY Listening comprehension is a very important skill that children will use throughout life.You can have an active role in each childs development in this area by remembering to ask questions as you share stories, videos, filmstrips, and felt board props. We all know children love to ask questions. Why not turn the tables and ask them some for a change?

2007 HighReach Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved.


ATTENTION CDA TRAINERS: Have each CDA candidate complete this Follow-up Evaluation individually after your group presentation. Evaluate his/her performance and then discuss the results together.This evaluation does not need to be reviewed by HighReach Learning.

Follow-up Evaluation
Listening Comprehension
Name ______________________________________________ HRL Customer Number __________________ Phone _________________ Phone __________________

Address ________________________________________________________ School Name _____________________________________________________

School Address __________________________________________________________________________________ Who is responsible for payment? 1. Define listening comprehension. o Self o Other ___________________________________________________

2. Name one technique you can use to develop listening comprehension skills.

3. Why are listening comprehension skills important to a young child?

4. Name the three different types of questions that promote listening comprehension.

2007 HighReach Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved.


5. Give an example of a fact question.

6. Choose one of your favorite books. Print the name of the book below and then write one fact, one problem-solving, and one creative thinking question that relate to the book.

7. Which type of questions are the easiest for the children to answer? Why?

8. Read your favorite fairy tale to the children. Ask several fact questions and record the childrens responses below. If you

work with older children, you may also want to ask some problem-solving and/or creative thinking questions as well.

This Training Module is designed to be used in conjunction with the curriculum you are currently using in the classroom. Prior to completing the module, explore your curriculum plans and think about how the topic of the module fits into those plans. Throughout the coming months, consider ways in which you can apply the training topic to a variety of classroom activities. As with children, practicing new skills on a daily basis makes a big difference.

In order to receive credit:

1. Read the Training Module and complete the Follow-up Evaluation. 2. Enclose check or money order in the amount of $18.00 (payable to HighReach Training Program) and your completed Follow-up Evaluation. 3. Mail to: HighReach Learning Attn: Training Department 5275 Parkway Plaza Blvd, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28217

Attention Customers: These modules have been approved as training credit in many states. Call 1-800-729-9988 or visit our Web site at to see how many hours YOU can earn! New states are added throughout the year, so check back often for updates!
2007 HighReach Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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