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BICYCLE AS A MODE OF TRANSPORT IN CITIES Case study of BRT corridor, Delhi & Lohia path, Lucknow

Overall population growth and increasing urbanization have led to the rapid growth of large cities, which have been over whelmed by the sudden jump in travel demand. As city size increases, trip distances become longer, increased number of motorized vehicle leads to traffic congestion, accidents and pollution harming most to the vulnerable users of non-motorized transport like bicycle and pedestrians. The use of bicycle, having its own importance, benefiting individuals, families, communities and societies, should be encouraged in today's context as none other mode has the advantages what bicycle has. Viz. Meeting ecological and environmental demands, zero fuel, zero emission, and zero noise, accessible to almost all including children, and even some people with disabilities, healthy and keeps you fit. It is a mode of travel that provides mobility to all citizens, including the young, old, disabled, low income and others who may not drive. Making cities Bicycle friendly does not always mean creating separate lanes everywhere. It only means the street which has fast traffic need exclusive lanes but on the other road, the motorized traffic should not conflict with the Bicycle by making small roundabouts, different textures, and road humps etc, which makes the basis of the Bicycle Master Plan. So how can we can measure the suitability of bicycle on a road segment to know that how much Cycle Friendly is it. How the roads can be selected from the whole city to develop it for providing bicycle Infrastructure, making it less accident prone, providing comfortable bicycling by the mean of bicycle master plan.

The aim of the study is to evaluate the popularization of bicycle as mode of transport in cities case study of BRT corridor, Delhi & Lohia path, Lucknow.

To Identify the Parameters that defines the suitability of the Planning for Bicycle movement on Streets for road segment. To develop and analyze Bicycle Suitability Model for the case areas of the Delhi city. Recommendation how streets of the city can be more compatible to bicycles. Design a model road for Bicycle movement. A step towards making cities bicycle friendly.

Formulation of objectives. Literature review. Site survey of the case study area. Analysis and assessment. Study of issues and provide its solution. Recommendations and conclusion.

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