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Jealousy explained. Jealousy is not a spirit. It is a boundary. I have a name. You cannot hang it on me. God has a name.

You cannot hang it on Him. He is holy. I am innocent. Innocence is holiness. An ability to get along and through life without taint or presuppose or disdain or selfishness at all. If you tell everybody God loves eight legged Indian idols and He does not what then? If someone says of you you break the heads off of cats when no one is looking what then? If they declare you a cat hurter far and wide and groom eth entire knowing world to believe you a hurter of cats what is that? They have provoked you to jealousy. On purpose only can people be provoked. It is called tempt. A test unto you. If your Father really wanted to hurt me he would lie to you and not tell you the truth. If he told the truth it would be good for you. Let me show you a Venn Diagram.

Okay. Listen to me. If you were to put jealousy and evny in this diagram you had better keep your name away. Envy is covetousness. Jealousy is provoked. It is not fruit of the spirit. Why? Because anyone with spirit discerns it before they leap faith into it. Those that fall are mentally ill. Listen to me. Do not ever and I mean never work out your identity in front of a multitude. It make you prey. When you complain you have no power. When you explain it prove you have nobody teaching you and make you prey. Envy is an evil spirit. I am talking about spirits not ghosts. Get this right. Mean is an evil spirit. Rude is an evil spirit. lascivious is an evil spirit. Perjury is an evil spirit. Mockery is an evil spirit unless it is breaking an evil spirit off. 1. Given to or expressing lust; lecherous. 2. Exciting sexual desires; salacious.

This is psychology. And the reversal of it cannot be used by the immature. It cannot. It is mentally ill to be immature in spirit. Get this. Two wrongs do not make a right. In a venn diagram there is critical thinking. True plus true equal true. True plus false equal always false. False plus false equal true. Because its always the answer not because its always a lie. In law. We study Venn Diagrams. It is for Criminal Justice. Look. Fait accompli verses eminence front equal mentally ill. Why? Because it begs the question and begs the asker and begs the outcome and begs the tasker. There is no identity in it. It scathe the victim and relieve it never. Immature is not the same as mentally ill. It means untaught not unfruitful. Sweetheart. You call me anytime. I need to go. You will never be a chip on my shoulder. Nor will you have one. Knock it off. You have permission to tell me anything you want. I do not worry about you yelling. Scream if you will. I love you. Mom I do not suppress dissent. I condone it in all cases. No matter what it is is is healthy. A public end should be sought no matter if there is disagreement. Now that my love is what makes every Texan tick. Get r done! Done! There is no mountain high enough or too high. We put men on the moon and we can put you over it too! No mooning. Not unless youve got ass. We may need to see that shine too. Hey you dont now us down here. Moon rocks rule. I want to give you my take on Miley. You know what she should have done? She should have brought a pair of dogs up on stage and made certain one was hot in heat and screwed Mr. Thick right next to them for a photo op. Then they should have had the drama of them both being sprayed apart. You listen to me young lady every woman has a juicy hot pussy. Many believe theirs is tighter or better or that they can deliver the most. If I catch you near Miley I will break you down into fifteen pieces. Capiche?! I would not even step to you. I lie to you never. She think herself haughty in it. If you think for one minute that is news to the world then you have not watched or studied Caligula. Rome and orgies and slickity lickity with no pause. I saw a dog. I have hated her since she was fourteen. Im not like you. We dont have here her at all. And let me tell you something. We have whores here. They get paid. Over and above even $1000.00 a night. Miley is a train wreck. The fact you think she is freedom of expression moves me greatly. You should hire more public masturbators for Albany then or what? You know you have them? You do. We dont. That is disgusting. Dope breaks all the wrong spirits off of people. You be good. And stop that nonsense. No no no for you!

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