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Five 5 star reviews, all excerpts, and buy locations available at (Released by ChampagneBoo!

- Davis has a twisted mind, and " mean that in the best possible way...#alented at creating beauti$ul % horri$ic visuals, Davis& world suc ed me in $rom the $irst sentence and didn&t release me until the last word in this tightly constructed story.' P&P reviews

Dr. Jonathan Emery searches for an answer to his wife's une !"aine# #eath$ %ut what he fin#s roc&s the foun#ations of what we acce!t as the human con#ition. 'hen he ma&e's a cost"y mista&e %y sharin( the truth with the wron( !eo!"e. The IV monitor crept into the hallway, guided by a vein-traced hand covered in wrinkled skin. With half his face protruding beyond the edge of the door, he waited. He had one chance, one opportunity to end his imprisonment. oon, he wouldn!t be able to fight back, resist the pain. They would win and he would be nothing but a shell. His white gown "ittered with nervous tension. The opened back e#posed sagging flesh and drawn butt muscles. Then it came again, the terrible drilling in his head. He pushed crooked fingers deep into his temples, until the uncut nails crusted the skin. $%ot now, please, "ust a few more minutes, and I!ll be free.& He pressed against the wall and inched along the passageway. He ignored the cold metal bumper guard chilling his bare rump' all his energy focused on escape. He pushed away the hammering in his skull, fought back against the rush of burning needles charging down his spine. He whispered to no one he could see. $%o more. I wouldn!t let you use me anymore.& In answer to his rebellion, the dull pain e#ploded, like a hot steel rod penetrating his forehead. The old man grimaced in pain and moaned, $(h )od, please make it stop. *lease, I beg you.& His plea alerted the orderly fifteen feet to his right. $+hrist, ,r. +unningham, not again.& The man in the green uniform hurried down the hallway. $I!m sorry but you have to return to your room. I promise' I!ll up your dosage to kill the pain.& The old man summoned what strength was left in his worn out body. $%o. I wouldn!t go back. -ou don!t care what they do, the gnawing in my head. %o one wants to believe the truth.& The orderly reached out to grab the skinny arm, but +unningham was ready and slammed his weapon down hard on the young man!s hand. The orderly screamed


, and fell back across the chair seated against the wall. He removed the plastic fork and stretched upward toward the old man, but it was too late. With the last spark of life, the emaciated figure bent down, picked up the steel frame, and ran toward the hall window. .ike a charging knight with his lance pointing toward his opponent, the base of the frame shattered the window!s glass and wooden partitions, again and again, until the frame was clear of glass. He climbed up the escape route, and did something he hadn!t done for many years. With his eyes /uivering uncontrollably, he smiled and reclaimed his freedom. $It!s over, you lose, I win. -ou ugly bastards, go to hell.& The orderly pressed on the wound as blood dripped on the linoleum tiles. He leaned out the window, peered down at the body sprawled across the fountain at the entrance of the hospital, and shook his head. $+ra0y old man. Hope you got what you wanted.&

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