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nl .. strength ofth .. was imprc>:<"il ... On th ..

number lJelwt"i'n 1
and 10 (but not 3). lhere was a <:luster of rfflJ}QJlS('s a1 til(' numbt-rs 6--8
wilh a lK'ak al 7. TII;S duster a(<("Qullted for 62 IX'r("f'1l1 of all anSWf'rs,
1115(ead of th .... 30 perft'nl ,'x!X'cted by chauc ....
For th .. IWO simpl ... dmwings, th ... mOSI popul<lr resJ}Qllses wer ... :
honS('. circle. square. stick figure of a person. triallg/e. boat. In..,. and cat.
11lese f'ight choices cOI'l"red 69 pcrcf'nt of lh .. tlmwings.
ror thf' flHl-digil nurnl,,'r (rom 10 fO 00. l/lel'(' was a strong dm,t ... r al
21_23 wilh " at 2"2. ,,,,,I "S(>('onri a( 11_1:1 "ilh "p"a)< "I 12
Thes<' six numbers accolUlIC't:l for -t:3 lX'f('cnt of all replil'S. iJ15lcad of Ihl" i
pelTI'nt (>XpecIC't:l by challC('. lllf'se dloicl'S WCI'(' "slolen" from Ilwl\\ultiples
of 10: not on ... slud ... w in YJO cl IOSf' :)0. 10. 50. 60. iO_ or 90 t out' cllOSt' SO)
For Ihe l wo g .. ow .. tric fonus. th ... ("ircl"-Iriall glc combinat ion
accouII'C't:I for :3-1 pt' rc .. nl by il>:<l'lf. with tht' (riangl .. iI/side cirri ... on 25
rl('[(: .. n, of all choices
For th .. IWO sinlpl ... dmwings, th ... mOSI popul<lr resJ}QllSl's were:
honS('. circle. square. stick figure of a person. triangle. boat. In>e. and cat.
llu,'se f'igh t choices cOl"{'red 69 pcrcf'nt of lh(' tlmwings.
ror I.he IIHl--digil nurnl ... r (rom 10 fO 00. l/lel'(' was a strong rlm,t ... r al
21-23 with a p"ak 'Uld a S(>contl al 11-13 "ith a ]X'ak at 12.
TIles<' six numbers accolUllffi for -t:3 lX'f('('nt of all replil'S, iJ15lead of Ihl" i
perct'J\I ('xpectC't:l by chUllce.lllf'Se dlOicl'S weI'(' "stolen" from Ihl" multiples
of 10: 1101 olle slud('w in YJO cl IOSf' :30. -to, 50. 60. iO. or 90 t out' chose SO)
For Ihe l wo geow .. tric fonus. th ... ("ircl"-Iriangl ... conlbinat ion
accouIIIC't:l for :3-1 pt' rcenl i).v il>:<l'lf. with th ... lriangl .. iI/side circl ... Oil 25
rl('rl:'-'lIl of all choic .. s
For the- number l)('t\\"('('11 I lu,(I 50 " -ith 111(> I\\"O difr"'J"('nI odd digils,
Ihe 11IOSI popular choic\' was 3i, <lccollllting for 33 percellt. with LllLLnbers
;35 and 39 being tI, .. neXI in line
Number from Odd-digits
1- 10 (not 3) Two geometric for ms number (1 - 50)
No Response- No. Re-sponse No.
4 ci rcle-tr iangle 203 13 28
2 6 circle-square 146 15 9
3 10 t riangle--sq uare 66 17 51
4 two of the same 19 23
25 figures 28 31 51
6 37 all other 147 35 159
7 63 37 226
6 37 a ll other 147 35 159
7 63 37 226
8 23 39 100
9 21 other 35
total 197 590 682

Population S tereotypes and ESP 3 / ~
f lower
lWO Simpl e Drawings
house, building
ci rcle
stick figure
t ri angle
'" St ar of David
dog, horse 10
apple, pear 7
all other 100
t ot al 702
" t6

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