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Lesson Plan and Self-Evaluation

Name: Maria Ivanova Kraeva Faculty Number: 41616 Date: 7.1.2009 Time: 13.00-13.40 School: Primary school Patriarch Evtimii Grade: 5th Level of Language Learning: Primary Mentor: Silvia Velikova

1. Main aims:
- to develop students guessing skills - to expand daily life oriented vocabulary - to practise students communication skills. - to develop students reading skills

2. Subsidiary aims:
- to raise students cultural awareness of the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar - to develop students pair work skills

3. Personal pedagogical aims:

- to adjust my language level to the level of the students - to learn to make smoother transition between exercises

4. Assumptions:
I think that the students will be interested in the topic, because I know that children like to watch films and Buffy- the vampire slayer is a new film, which they must know.

5. Anticipated problems and possible solutions:

I assume that I might have difficulty adjusting my language level to the level of the students, but I will try to ask them constantly if it is all clear and if there are some difficulties I will try to use vocabulary which they will be familiar with.

6. Materials/Equipment/Aids:
Energy Students Book, Black board, Handouts

Stage Stage 1 Warm-up

Procedure I introduce myself. Do you like watching films? Can you name some titles of films? What type of films do you like watching - dramas, thrillers, comedies, fantasies? Take a look at the picture on page 42? Do you recognise this girl? Have you heard of the film BuffyThe Vampire slayer? Do you like it? Do you know what does the word vampire means? Share with your partner for two minutes what do you know about vampires. After the discussion some Ss share their opinion with the class. Well today we are going to have a lesson about the actress which plays Buffy and I hope you will enjoy it. T writes the topic on the board. Students have to read the text on page 43 by themselves ignoring the unfamiliar words and trying to understand the overall meaning of the text. T tells them that after they read the text they will have to work in pairs and answer the questions from ex 2 on page 42. They can use the text to find the answers to the question. T asks them if they have enjoyed the text. After the pair discussion some students will share their answers with the class.

Timing 2-3 min

Interaction format T T-Ss

Ratioale To prepare the students about the new topic. To develop their communication skills.

Stage 2 Lead-in Discussion

2-3 min


To introduce the new topic in an interesting way and grab students attention. To develop their communication skills.

2 min 1 min

Stage 3 Silent reading

4-5 min

Individual work S

To develop students reading skills and understanding the overall meaning of the text without knowing all the lexis in it.

4 min

Pair work S-S

2 min


Students will practise their communication skills.

Stage 4 Introducing new lexis

I tell Students to take a look at the words in the box. ex. 1 page 42 and ask them if they know the meaning of these word.

3-4 min


Expanding daily life vocabulary and developing students guessing skills.


Procedure I make them guess the meaning of the unfamiliar words. If they have any difficulties guessing the meaning of the words they can refer back to the text. T asks different students to make sentences with these words.


Interaction format


3 min


To practice student ability to build sentences, in order to understand the usage of the word in context To practise the new vocabulary and understand the meaning of the words in context.

Stage 5 Assimilation of new lexis

T tells Ss that they are going to practise the words from the box and gives them handouts. There are sentences with blank places, which have to be filled in with words from the box on page 42. After Ss fill in the blanks some students read the correct answers.

2 min

Individual work

2 min 3-4 min

S-Ss Pair work S-S To develop students guessing skills and practise the new words from the lesson.

Stage 6 Guessing exercise

T says: Now we are going to make something which I think you will enjoy. T gives handouts with crossword and asks Ss to work in pairs and try to fill in the crossword. T says that the words from the crossword are words from the new text. Ss can use the text if they have difficulties guessing the words. Crossword is checked and if there are any difficulties T helps.

3 min 3 min

T-Ss T To develop atudents writing skills as well as to waken up their imagination.

Stage 7 Lead-out

Teacher gives homework: Ss have to write on a piece of paper one paragraph long description of her/his favourite actor/actress. T says it would be good if Ss use some of the new words. T says: Thank you for the patience. Thats it for today. Bye

Self-Evaluation comments:

Trainee signature:

Mentor signature:

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