Creating 3D Models Using ArcGIS

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Creating 3D Models Using ArcGISTM

Created by Phyllis T. Uy, Z Corporation

Rev C

October 2003

ESRI software allows GIS organizations to take a topographical map and turn it into a VRML file which can then be printed on a Z Corporation 3D Printer. This document contains two sections. The first section will go through a few steps of taking contour lines, making it into a TIN, draping a satellite image on the TIN, and then exporting it as a VRML. The second section will explain taking a SDTS (Spatial Data Transfer Standard) DEM file and translating the file into a printable VRML file using some of the tools in ArcScene 8.1. If you have additional questions about manipulating data, please contact ESRI for more information. For information about how to print a 3D model of your part, please contact the Z Corporation Applications Team at Z Corporation would like to thank the Traffic and Transportation Department of the City of Rockville, Maryland for the sample model used in this document.

Creating a Printable VRML Using TIN

1. Open the ArcScene application.

2. Open a *.shp file by clicking on the Add Data icon and then finding the *.shp file you wish to import. Then click Add.

Add Data

Select a *.shp file

3. Once imported, create a TIN file using the contour lines, by choosing the Create TIN from Features option from the 3D Analyst drop down menu.

4. Specify the properties for the TIN file. Click OK when finished.

Check a layer option, height source and triangulation option.

5. You will now have an elevated surface. Turn off the Topo layer, so that you to examine the TIN file.

Deselect topo layer to remove from view.

6. You may now drape a satellite image, or other information you would like to communicate on top of the surface. Click on the Add Data icon. Select the information you would like drape. Click Add.

7. The information will not be draped over the TIN surface. To drape the information on the TIN surface, right-click the information you want to drape, and click on Properties.

TIN Surface


8. Select the Base Heights Tab, then choose to obtain height information from the TIN surface. Click Apply to preview the information draped on the TIN surface. Click OK when finished.

Choose to obtain heights for layer from surface from the TIN surface

Base Heights Tab

Apply to preview information draped on TIN surface.

9. Deselect the TIN layer to view information data. Choose to export data into a 3D model by selecting the Export Scene option under File menu and choosing 3D.

10. Open the VRML file into ZPrint Software and choose the Create Solid option under the Edit menu. Select a base height and click OK when finished. Re-justify the part to the bottom, review cross section, and print.

Creating a Printable VRML Using DEM

1. Convert the SDTS file to DEM using SDTS2DEM.exe available from the GIS Depot site. (In this tutorial, we will be using a map of Honolulu, HI.) a. Download SDTS2DEM.exe from GIS Depot site and place in the same directory as the SDTS data b. Run the executable to convert the SDTS file to DEM.


Enter the first four characters of your data (make sure all the files begin with these characters). Press enter. Then type a file name. Press enter.

d. The program will create a DEM file into the same directory as your files.

2. Launch ArcToolbox. Select the DEM to GRID tool by double clicking.

3. Select the DEM file that was created by SDTS2DEM.exe and then select a directory and name for the output grid. Click OK when finished.

Select a DEM to translate.

Select a directory and file name for the grid output.

4. Launch ArcScene. Select the Add Data icon. Navigate to the directory with the grid created by ArcToolbox, and select the file. Click Add when finished. A window showing pyramid options will appear. Choose to build pyramids.

Choose to open the grid by clicking the 'Add Data' icon.

Select the grid.


5. Right click on Scene Layers. Select Scene Properties.


Change the vertical exaggeration to add more pronounced 3D height to your grid.

7. Right click on the grid layer and choose Properties.


8. Choose the Base Heights tab and select to obtain heights from the grid data. Click Apply when finished.

Select Base Height to create 3D height

Select to obtain layer height from grid information

9. The model should be displayed in as a 3D replica of the file. In this tutorial, the colors were modified to help display the 3D contours of the part.


10. Make additional changes if needed. When complete, select the Export Scene option under the File menu. Then choose 3D... Type a file name and click Export when finished.

11. Open the VRML file into ZPrint Software and choose the Create Solid option under the Edit menu. Select a base height and click OK when finished. Re-justify the part to the bottom, review cross section, and print.

For more information, please contact the Z Corporation Applications Team at


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