Astrological Terms & Definitions

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Astrological Terms & Definitions

Adhi yoga: This yoga is formed if benefic planets are placed in 6th, 7th and 8th places/houses from the Moon in a chart.

Amla yoga: The 10th house from Moon or the ascendant being occupied by a benefic planet forms this yoga. Anpha yoga: This yoga is formed if there is any planet, other than the Sun, in the 12th house from the Moon. Argala: A term used in Jaimini astrology. It means obstacles. Aristha yoga: An inauspicious combination. Aroodha lagna: Count as many places from the ascendant lord as the ascendant lord is situated from the ascendant in the birth chart. The sign falling in that house is the Aroodha Lagna. Antardasha: Sub-period. Ashtakvarga: The name consists of two words Ashtak means eight and vargameans groups. It is a unique system, which considers eight sources of energy to which each planet in a chart is subjected. This system is useful in predictive astrology. The eight constituents, as considered in this system, are the seven planets and the ascendant (lagna). The nodes of the Moon viz. Rahu and Ketu are not included in this system. Abhijit: An extra, 28th Nakshatra which is taken in to consideration in the olden days. Ahargana: Days since creation AK: Abbreviation for Atma karaka Amatyakaraka: The planet with the second highest degree in the birth chart. AmK: Abbreviation for Amatya karaka Amshas: Divisional charts such as Navamsha and Saptamsha Anuradha: One of the 27 nakshatras Ardra: One of the 27 nakshatras Argala: Obstruction Ari: 6th house Ashlesha: One of the 27 nakshatras Ashwini: One of the 27 nakshatras

Atma Karaka: The planet with the highest degree in the birth chart The Avasthas: Conditions of the planets calculated based on different criteria and give a more precise understanding of how the planet in question behaves in the chart. Ayana Bala: A source of strength due to the planets declination. Each planet is strongest either North or South of the equator. Ayana Bala in one of the components of Kala Bala. Ayanamsha: The difference between the Tropical and sidereal zodiac in degrees.

B Bala: Strength Balava: One of the Karanas (half-lunar days) Bhandu: 4th house Bharani: One of the 27 nakshatras Bhava: House Bhava chart: A chart cast using unequal houses. (this chart is different from the Bhava Lagna chart) Bhava Karaka: The house significator; the planet that represents or signifies a house Bhava Lagna: One of three special ascendants, mathematically derived from the time from sunrise to birth. This chart is different from the Bhava chart, which used the regular ascendant. Bhava Madhya: The midpoint of a house Bhava Sandhi: Junction of two houses Bhavet bhavam: The house which is as far from the house concerned, as the concerned house is from the ascendant; for example the 4th from the 4th (7th house), or the 9th from the 9th (5th house) Bhayat: The expired portion of the Nakshatra; the part that is already past through. This is used for calculating the dasha balance at birth Bindu: A benefic dot, used in ashtakavarga

Bhinnashtakavarga: The individual bindus (points) that a planet gains in the 12 signs. BK: Abbreviation for Bhratru karaka Brahma: A special qualification for that planet that meets the Brahma requirements. Brahma is used to determine the first dasha in the Sthira dasha system. Buddh (Bu): Mercury Bhagyasthan: The house of luck viz. the 9th house in a birth chart. Budhaditya Yoga: If in a chart Mercury and Sun are placed together, this yoga is formed which gives sharp intellect and studious habits to the native. According to some this Yoga is near perfect and strong if these two planets are about 10 degrees apart. Badhaka sthanapati: Lord of an obstructive house. Bhagyasthan: The 9th house in a birth chart. Bhagyavahana yoga: Combinations which give luck and vehicle to the native. Bhagyesh: The lord of the 9th house in a chart. Budhaditya yoga: A benefic combination due to conjunction of Mercury and Sun. C Chakra: Chart Chandr (Ch): Moon Chapa (Cp): One of the Upa Grahas Chara dasha: A sign based dasha system where the length of each dasha period is variable, dependant on the particular location of the planets in ones chart. (Chara means movable or changeable) Chara Rashi: Movable sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn Chesta bala: Motional strength, one of the components of Shad Bala. Chitra: One of the 27 nakshatras Chalit chart: Another name for a Bhava Chart. Chhappad phaadke: Indian slang phrase for receiving wealth as a wind fall.

Dashamsha: Tenth part of a sign. Dhaiya: A period of two and a half years. It is generally related to the transit of Saturn in certain houses. Daridra Yoga: The word Daridra means poverty therefore all such combinations that cause poverty or lack of prosperity come under this heading. There are many such combinations, but basically, association of the lord of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th or 11th house with 8th or 12th house in particular due to sign exchange, conjunction, aspect or constellations can give rise to an inauspicious yoga which may obstruct prosperity. Durudhara yoga: Planets other than Sun being posited in houses on each side of the house where Moon is posited. Dara karaka: The karaka (significator) for wife Dhan: 2nd house Dhanistha: One of the 27 nakshatras Dhanu: Sagittarius Dharm: 9th house Dhuma (Dh): One of the Upa Grahas Dig bala: Directional strength, one of the components of Shad Bala. Dig Bala represents the strength based on the direction occupied in the birth chart. For example Mercury is strongest in the Eastern direction, represented by the Ascendant. DK: Abbreviaton for Dara karaka Drekkana Bala: A source of strength based on the gender of the planet, and the drekkana it occupies. Male, hemaphrodite and female planets acquire strength in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd portion of 10 degrees (drekkana) of the signs.Drekkana Bala is one of the components of Stana Bala. Drik bala: Aspectual strength, one of the components of Shad Bala. Drishti: Aspect

Dusthana houses: The 6th, 8th and 12th houses. Dwiswabhava Rashi: Dual signs, Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius and Pisces E Electional astrology- Muhurta A system by which one determines the most advantageous time to carry out a specific action (marriage, travel, business) by first erecting a suitable horoscope and working "backward" to calculate the time that is appropriate to the chosen horoscope. Elements -Ancients believed that the universe consisted of four primary elements, air, earth, fire and water from which the triplicities , a four-fold division of the zodiac, are derived. Signs belonging to the same triplicity exhibit similar qualities symbolized by the element with which they are associated. Ephemeris (ephemerides) -An almanac that lists the zodiacal positions of the planets and other astronomical data. Equator -The plane perpendicular to Earth's polar axis, which divides Earth into two hemispheres, north and south. The extension of this plane into space forms the celestial equator. Esoteric astrology - A study that deals with the human spirit and hidden nature as opposed to exoteric astrology, which deals with human characteristics and life on Earth. Exaltation - Essential dignity of a planet, possibly even more powerful than being in its own sign.

F Fixed Signs-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This Quality represents stubbornness and inflexibility. Forecast - Plotting the movements of the planets to determine upcoming trends. Full Moon - That point in the lunar cycle when the Moon exactly opposes the Sun; begins the waning phase.

Ghatika Lagna: One of three special ascendants, mathematically derived from the time from Sunrise to birth Ghatis: A unit of time 1 Ghati=24 minutes GK: Abbreviation for Gnati Karaka Gochara kundali: Transit chart Grahas: Planets, of course the Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu are technically not planets Guru (Gu): Jupiter Gajkesari Yoga: Jupiter being placed at a square position from the Moon gives rise to this auspicious yoga. This auspicious yoga gives wealth, name and fame to the native. Guruchandal Yoga: Combination formed by Jupiter and Rahu. H Hasta: One of the 27 nakshatras Hora: One hour. Hora Lagna: One of three special ascendants, mathematically derived from the time from sunrise to birth Hora Chart: A chart used for assessing the financial position of a native. I

Indu lagna: A specially determined ascendant, which is considered for assessing the financial prosperity of a native.

Kalanidhi Yoga: If Jupiter is posited in the 2nd or 5th house and it is aspected by or it is conjunct Mercury and Venus then this yoga is formed. This yoga is also formed if Jupiter is posited in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo or Libra sign and aspected by Mercury and Venus.

Kalpurusha Kundali: It is the chart of the imaginary entity personifying the Kaal or time. Basically it is the chart of Aries ascendant. Karaka: Significator. Kemadruma Yoga: If there are no planets, other than the Sun, placed with natal Moon or in the 2nd or 12th place from natal Moon or in square houses (Kendra bhavas) from the ascendant then this yoga is formed. This combination causes lack of education and intelligence, and suffering due to poverty, sorrows and unfavourable conditions. Ketu: The South node of Moon. Kala: Certain root numbers assigned to planets other than Rahu and Ketu for determining the Indu Lagna. Karma: Law of action. Kendradhipaatya dosha: Malefic nature acquired by a planet due to its lordship of two square houses. Kendra: The square houses viz. 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses in a chart. Ketu: The South node of the Moon. Kala Bala: Strength from time related causes. The Kala Bala is the sum of 9 kinds of strength, all related to time. Kala Bala is one of the components of Shad Bala. Kaksha (Kak): A kaksha is 1/8th of a sign. It is used in Ashtakavarga. Kanya: Virgo Karakamsha: The sign occupied by the Atma karaka Karka: Cancer Karma: 10th house Kendra Bala: A source of strength based on the house the planet occupies. Planets are strongest in kendras (houses 1,4,7 and 10), weaker in Panaparas (2,5,8 and 11) and weakest in Apoklimas (3,6,9 and 12). Kendra Bala is one of the components of Stana Bala. Kumbha: Aquarius Krittika: One of the 27 nakshatras

Kundali: Chart L Lagna: The ascendant. Lakshmi Yoga: If the ascendant lord is strong and the 9th lord is in its own or its exaltation sign in a square or trine house, this yoga is formed. As a result of this yoga the native is wealthy, good administrator and enjoys good reputation. M Mahabhagya Yoga: This yoga is formed in a male chart if the birth is during daytime and Sun, Moon and the ascendant should fall in odd signs. In the chart of a female born during nighttimes this yoga is formed if Sun, Moon and the ascendant fall in even signs. Mantras: Potent words usually in Sanskrit which cast good or bad influence on the person who recites them. Mooltrikona rashi: Positive signs assigned to planets viz. Sun Leo, Moon Taurus, Mars Aries, Mercury Virgo, Jupiter Sagittarius, Venus Libra and Saturn Aquarius. N Nakshatras: Constellations. Navamsha: The ninth part of a sign.

Paap Kartari: Any house falling in between two houses where inauspicious planets are posited. Panch Tatvas: The five elements, which are Agni (Fire), Jal (Water), Vayu (Air), Aakash (a finer non physical element). Prakram: Might or Valour.

Prastarashtak Varga: The table representing the benefic points contributed by each planet in respect of each Ashtakvarga. Pratyantardasha: The sub-sub- period. Pada: A term used in Jaimini astrology. A pada lagan is a house as far from lagna lord as the lagna lord is from the lagna. Panch Mahahpurusha yoga: Five types of combinations formed when any of the five planets viz. Mars,Mercury, Venus, Jupiter or Saturn occupy its own sign or its exaltation sign in a square house in a chart. Panfara bhavas: The succedent houses viz. 2nd,5th, 8th and 11th. Paya vichar: Consideration of the position of Moon for assessing the transit results of Saturn. Poorva puniya: Accumulation of previously done good actions. R Rahu: The North node of Moon. Rajya Yoga: The name implies such combinations, which give the native a king like status. Rajya Yoga may be formed in many ways. In Vedic Astrology the square and trine houses of the chart are considered auspicious. A relation between these two types of houses is considered very auspicious and all such combinations are termed as Rajya Yoga. Rashi: Zodiacal sign. In Hindu astrology it signifies the sign in which natal Moon is posited in a birth chart. Rashi parivartan yoga: Yoga formed due to exchange of signs between two planets.

Shadbala: A system of determining strength of planets. Sarvashtak Varga: It indicates the good or bad influence of planets relative to different houses of a chart. Sloka: A Sanskrit verse.

Sooksham dasha: The sub-sub-sub period. Subh Kartari: Any house falling in between two houses where auspicious planets are posited. Sanchit karma: Accumulated results of previous Karma. Sapt dhanya: Seven types of grains assigned to planets. Shloka: A Sanskrit verse. Sooksham dasha: The sub-sub-period. Subh bindu: Auspicious points. Subh rekha: Auspicious lines. Subh sthanas :Certain fixed places with respect to the natal Moon where planets give benefic results while transiting.

Trik bhavas: Evil houses viz. the 6th, 8th and 12th. U Upachya bhavas: Progressive houses viz. 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th. Uppada: A term used in Jaimini astrology. It is a pada of 12th lord.

Vargotam: If any planet falls in the same sign in the Navamsha Chart (D-9 Chart) as it was in the birth chart then it is called a Vargotam planet. Vedanta: This means end of the holy Hindu Books called Vedas. The Vedanta Philosophy is the esoteric information contained in the concluding portions of the Vedas.

Vedh sthanas: Places of obstructions and these are also counted from the natal Moon, where the posited planet obstructs the auspicious results of a planet transiting over a subh sthana Vimshotri dasha: A sequence of planetary periods generally used in Hindu astrology. Y Yogakaraka Planet: A planet related to a square as well as a trine house in a chart. Yogas: In astrology this term signifies certain combinations, which give either positive or negative results.

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