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Destination Brussels
On Wednesday 26 February we left to Brussels with a group of
Aerius members for a three-day study-trip that included visits to
Brussels International Airport Zaventem, the European Commission
DG Transport & Energy, the Association of European Airlines (AEA),
the IATA (International Air Transport Association) as well as the
ACI (Airport Council International).

By Sabrina Hulkenberg

It was a long journey to Brussels. people it was a quite heavy load for
From Amsterdam it took us almost their feet!. At around 7.15pm we ar-
four hours to get to Brussels rived at the Ibis-hotel near the Gare du Mrs Le Thi Mai, General Manager
Zaventem Airport there by train. Be- Midi, where we all freshed up and Infrastructure & Environment of the
fore our official program commenced, went out for supper. Of course, we AEA talked about the negative effects
we had the opportunity to have a searched for Manneke Pis and we of airports and aircraft on the envi-
lunch in a restaurant with a magnifi- found the small man! ronment and the restrictions in air
cent view of the apron operations and also elaborated on the
and runways. Hereafter, We decided that Thursday Second and Third Chapter in aircraft
we were welcomed by noise classification. On his turn, Mr.
an employee of the air-
we could not Cees Gresnigt, Director Operations &
The next day was a
port who gave us a leave Brussels day full of speeches. Infrastructure of the IATA, spoke on
guided tour around the without eating First we visited the Safety Operations & Infrastructure as
Zaventem Airport. The something typi- European Commis- well as the challenges the 280 Mem-
guide showed us the A- cally Belgian and sion DG Transport & ber Airlines are facing.
pier, which was spe- Energy (DG TREN), After a long day of merely listening,
cially build for the now
initiated a hunt we thought it was about time to ex-
where we were
defunct Sabena. As a for the genuine warmly welcomed by plore the city. So we took a tram for
result of Sabena's col- Belgian waffle. Mr. Roderick van some sightseeing around Brussels.
lapse last year, it is now Voorst who spoke Some buildings in Brussels, like the at
almost empty and somehow gave the with us on the role of the Commission the Grote Markt, are breathtaking. We
impression of a ghost pier. and Airport Policy. Also Mrs. Marion decided that we could not leave Brus-
We continued with a bus tour across Knoben told us about her work on the sels without eating something typi-
the ramp of the airport and saw virtu- field of aviation security followed by cally Belgian and initiated a hunt for
ally everything, including the military Mr. Marc Skreikes the genuine Belgian waffle. Finally
area, the cargo area as well as a small who spoke about the
'satellite' control tower. Next on revision of the 3rd
schedule was the baggage sorting package of aviation
centre. It was very noisy and regret- liberalization in the
fully we could not understand very European Union.
well what was being explained to us, After the speeches at
but nevertheless to see such an opera- the EC we were invited
tion working 'in full swing'. Finally, for lunch in the can-
we had a meeting with Mr. Herman teen of the EC! We
Neukermans, vice-president strategy prepared ourselves for
of Brussels International Airport Cor- the afternoon speeches
poration (BIAC). We had the oppor- and went by cab to the
tunity to discuss with him the strategic AEA-building. The
difficulties BIAC is currently facing taxi-drivers in Brussels
as a result of the mentioned collapse are wild drivers and we found what we were looking for:
of Sabena.. like cursing on other drivers. As he very sweet but delicious! After that
After all, it was a interesting first took us to our destination very fast, we wanted to see Jeanekke Pis - the
excursion of the trip. As a result of the we did not complain. female Manneke Pis - and we found
sometimes large distances we had to The speeches at the AEA and the her as well!
walk during the guided tour, for some IATA were very interesting as well.

Aerlines Magazine e-zine edition, Issue 23 1

That night was already our last night impressions and with an invitation for a marvellous
in Brussels - time flies when you are of course because we did not have sandwich lunch, with a beautiful pain-
having fun. We found a typical Bel- much sleep. Our last official excur- surprise on the buffet.
gium restaurant and afterwards we sion was a meeting at the ACI. Mr. We left to the hotel and from there
went to a Cuban café with a large Gérard Borel, General Council of everybody went their own way. We
picture of Cuban revolutionary Che ACI, gave us a very interesting and took the train back to Amsterdam and
Guevara in the back near the Grand clear speech about Airport Economics before leaving Brussels, we had a
Place, where we tried a fairly strong, and Law Affairs and we forgot how quick view of the Atonium, knowing
but tasteful mojito. tired we were. Also, Mr. Philippe we could go back home with a satis-
Joppert, elaborated on the relationship fied feeling and a lot of food for
between ACI and Eurocontrol, the thought.
differences in interpretation of the Meanwhile, some other participants
Friday term “slots” as well as possibilities to stayed behind in Brussels, continuing
enhance capacity by possibly intro- their exploration of this wonderful
Friday morning, at breakfast, every- duction of gate-to-gate clearance. city! Someone even decided to stay
body looked quite tired of the many After the speech, we were surprised the weekend…

Aerlines Magazine e-zine edition, Issue 23 2

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