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Structure I

7th Class : 13th of October 2013 Frida Ferdani Putri

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

Class 8
Modul 11&12 Degree of Comparison of Adjectives Degree of Comparison of Adverbs

Degree of Comparison
Menyatakan perbandingan

Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree

Degree of Comparison
Gambaran umum: Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Menyatakan paling

Menyatakan kata sifat atau Menyatakan perbedaan kata keterangan tingkatan (misal: lebih)

Bentuk dasar adjective atau adverb Contoh: high

Bentuk dasar adjective atau adverb Contoh: beautiful Bentuk dasar adjective atau adverb Contoh: good, well

Adj/Adv + er
Contoh: higher More + Adj/Adv

Adj/Adv + est
Contoh: The highest The most + Adj/Adv

Contoh: more beautiful

Bentuk lain (irregular) Contoh: better

Contoh: the most beautiful

Bentuk lain (irregular) Contoh: the best

Degree of Comparison of Adjective

Positive Degree of Adjective

S + [to be] + adjective The food is delicious Adjective + nomina a delicious food Very + adjective Intensifier memberikan penekanan The food is very delicious : Makanan ini sangat lezat Too + adjective + infinitive The tea is too hot to drink : Teh ini terlalu panas untuk diminum

Comparative & Superlative Degree of Adjective

Positive Adjective dengan satu suku kata Contoh: bright Adjective dengan dua suku kata dan berakhiran -er , y, ow, -le Contoh: heavy, narrow, simple Adjective dengan dua suku kata lainnya Contoh: patient Adjectives yang berakhiran ous, -ed, -re, -ing, -ful, Misal: Beatiful Irregular adjective + er Comparative + est Superlative

Contoh: brighter
+ er

Contoh: brigthest
+ est

Contoh: heavier, narrower, simpler More + adjective Misal: more patient More + adjective Misal: More beatiful

Contoh: the heaviest, the narrowest, the simplest The most + adjective Misal: most patient The most + adjective Misal: the most beautiful

Irregular Adjectives

Comparative Superlative
better the best

Tara is the best athlete in the school.

well (healthy)


the best

He is still in hospital, but he is better than he was last week.

You are the worst driver I have ever known. My house is the furthest one. My house is the farther one. Ram is my elder brother. Your teacher is older than my teacher.

bad far far old (people in a family)

worse further farther elder

the worst the furthest the farthest the eldest the oldest

old (general use) older

Comparative Degree of Adjective

Untuk membandingkan 2 hal

Pola: Noun + to be + comparative adj + than + noun She is richer than her boyfriend.
Bisa menambahkan degree modifier, misal much She is much richer than her boyfriend Much, far, very much, a lot perbedaan yang significant. Tidak boleh hanya menggunakan very rather, a little perbedaan yang sedikit.

Superlative Degree of Adjective

Untuk membandingkan lebih dari 2 hal

Contoh pola: Noun + to be + superlative adjective + in . Jakarta is the crowded city in Indonesia Noun + to be + superlative adjective + among He is the oldest among us

Brad is smart

Brad is smarter than Angelina

Brad is the smartest in the class Who is that funny guy? Who is funnier, Sule or Azis? Who is the funniest person in this class?

Be + (not) + as + adjective + as membandingkan dua benda atau hal yang sama Michael is 170 cm tall John is 170 cm tall John is as tall as Michael Julia is 20 years old Maria is 21 years old Julia is not as old as Maria

The same + (noun) + as, similar to, different from
Patty is the same height as Lisa.

My dress is not the same size as my moms dress. Your opinion is similar to my opinion. Dons office is different from Tags office


One of + Superlative adjective + Plural noun

Untuk memberikan suatu penjelasan tentang salah satu

dari yang paling atas di antara sejumlah benda (plural nouns) Korean is one of the most difficult languages in the world Jakarta is one of the biggest cities in the world

Degree of Comparison of Adverbs

Positive Degree of Adverbs

She runs fast. Menjelaskan verb. Menjawab pertanyaan How?

Nice nicely
Busy busily Responsible responsibly Basic - basically

Adverb dapat dibentuk dengan menambahkan ly pada adjective

Jika adjective berakhiran y, maka y diubah jadi I lalu tambahkan -ly Apabila adjective berakhir dengan konsonan ditambah dengan le, maka le diubah menjadi ly Apabila adjective berakhir ic, maka tambahkan -ally

I am terribly sorry This is extremely delicious

He will leave tomorrow She finished her work yesterday I never come late He always wears white shoes Ever, always, usually, often, frequently, generally, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, hardly ever, never, not ever, already, finally, just, probably

Adverb digunakan untuk menunjukkan kualitas adjective dan seberapa penting adjective tersebut untuk diperhatikan
Adverbs of time menjelaskan waktu. Misal: today, yesterday, next month, tonight Adverbs of frequency menjelaskan seberapa sering. Misal: never, usually, always, sometimes, rarely Midsentence adverb: terletak di tengah kalimat: 1. Berada di depan verb simple present dan simple past 2. Berada setelah be (dalam betuk simple present dan simple past) 3. Berada di antara auxiliary (kata bantu) dan main verb 4. Dalam kalimat tanya, diletakkan setelah subjek

Comparative & Superlative Degree of Adverbs

Positive Berakhiran ly Contoh: surprisingly Satu suku kata Contoh: fast Irregular adverb: Well Ill Badly Much Little Far far Comparative More + adverb Contoh: more surprisingly + er Contoh: faster Better Worse Worse More Less Farther further Superlative the most + adverb Contoh: the most surprisingly + est Contoh: the fastest Best Worst Worst Most Least Farthest furthest

Comparative Degree of Adverb

Untuk membandingkan 2 tindakan

Salah satu bentuk polanya: Noun + Verb + Comparative Adv + than + Noun + Verb She sings better than I do
Bisa menambahkan degree modifier, misal much/a lot/far You run much/a lot/far faster than I thought

Comparative Degree of Adverb

Pengulangan bentuk komparatif peningkatan

intensitas kualitas atau kuantitas sesuatu yang dijelaskan

More people are using computers. The prices of computers are getting cheaper and cheaper.

Komparatif ganda untuk akibat atau hasil suatu

tindakan secara komparatif

The harder you study, the more you understand The sooner you buy, the better price you get Bagian pertama debagai prasyarat, bagian kedua menunjukan hasil Kalimat ekspresi yang umum digunakan: The sooner, the better The more, the happier

Superlative Degree of Adverb

Untuk membandingkan lebih dari 2 tindakan

Contoh satu bentuk polanya: Noun + verb + superlative adv They treated us the most respectfully Noun + verb + superlative adv + of all .. He studied the hardest of all the students.

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