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Photos by Alii Higham

Photo lessons for expats

By Alii Higham lished a book called the “Seoul Getting to know your camera
Fashion Report.” He has re- functions and the basics of pho-
Michael Hurt, an American cently moved into new studio tography -includes studio work
living in Seoul, is known mainly space and from there he teach- Basic photo 2
for his street fashion photogra- es photography classes. So far, This class goes more in-depth
phy in Korea. But a new en- classes have been very success- in looking at specific applica-
deavor has him teaching pho- ful; this is probably because tions.
tography classes. Michael enjoys sharing his Photoshop for Photographers
From a young age Michael knowledge and passion for pho- In this class students will use
was interested in photography tography. basic features of Photoshop and
and found joy in taking photos These days as more people learn how to process photos cor-
with his first cameras. Since buy Digital SLR cameras, they rectly.
Expat Living is a section dedicated to
then, his passion has grown. need to know how to use all the Action photography
the daily living of expatriates. It is printed
After coming to Korea, he devel- settings, so Michael aims to How to and Techniques for suc-
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
oped a passion for snapping teach his students how to use cess.
To share stories about your life abroad,
unique Korean street fashion these cameras to the fullest ex- Photo Essay
and started the first online mag- tent and have fun doing it. A bi-weekly course. send stories or story ideas to Matthew
azine exclusively for Korean Lamers at
fashion, written in English and Michael offers classes in: For more details on classes Submissions may be edited for length
Korean. see or clarity.
Since then Michael has pub- Basic photo 1 (

For example, an interesting ic effect. Also get into unusual

In focus: Wide-angle lenses tree, rock, fencepost or some-

thing similar makes a good fore-
ground element.
Q: Fish-eye lenses get a lot
positions, down low shooting
up, or hold the camera high
above your head and shoot
down for strikingly different
The Photo Challenge is spon- become too small to see detail into the picture; how about one perspectives. This week’s con-
sored by Hyosung Camera while a lot of distracting clutter of those? test winner is an excellent ex-
(English: 010-7203-9599) and is often included at the edges, A: The big difference between ample of creative use of an ul-
Babo Shirts (www.baboshirts. along with too much sky or fore- a fish-eye and a wide-angle lens tra-wide lens — down low and
com). Winners of the weekly com- ground. is that the wide lens keeps looking up creating a very dra-
petition receive a 50,000 won Q: So if I shouldn’t be using straight lines straight. A fish- matic picture. Note the inter-
store credit at Hyosung Camera most common wide-angle lens. this lens for landscapes, what eye curves everything. These esting sky too — wide lenses
and a Babo Shirt. To take part But even 35mm isn’t all that should I use it for? are very different kinds of lens- are great at emphasizing dra-
in the competition, simply up- wide, especially on the more A: What makes wide-angle es with quite different creative matic skies.
load your photo at popular DSLRs that have small lenses bad for really good land- ends. Wide-angle lenses are fun sensors. Fortunately, there are scapes makes them truly superb Q: You mentioned composi- and the wider the angle, the
hotoclub — Ed. different degrees of wide-angle. for something else. They can fit tion earlier, any more tips more fun is to be had, but the
Ultra-wide-angle lenses are con- much more into the picture there? best fun is getting out there and
By Aaron Raisey sidered to be about 20mm and which means we can get closer! A: Take care with your com- taking more pictures. Try a re-
anything wider than 16mm is Wide-angle lenses — especially position. With really wide lens- ally wide-angle lens some time
We spent the last several called ultra-ultra-wide-angle. ultra and ultra-ultra wide — re- es, moving the camera just an and you might enjoy it even
weeks focused on the camera. Q: Wide-angle lenses are good ally pull the viewer into the pic- inch or two can have a dramat- more.
This week we will bring a lens for landscape photography be- ture. Now we can get really
into focus, but not just any lens. cause they can fit more moun- close and give the viewer an “in-
This week we’ll look at wide-an- tains and trees into the picture your-face” experience. Nothing Correction
gle lenses and how to put them than other lenses can, right? can create a dramatic photo like
to good use. A: Wrong! This is a common a well-employed wide-angle The Korea Herald would like to apologize for the article ti-
Q: What is a wide-angle lens? misconception regarding wide- lens. tled “The art of being thankful” published on April 24. In it,
A: A wide-angle lens fits more angle lenses. While it is true Of course, wide-angle lenses the author unfairly characterized foreigners living in Korea.
into the picture than a “normal” that these lenses allow you to can be used for landscapes, but Expats here, no matter where they are from, overwhelmingly
lens. A lens that has a focal squeeze more into the picture, you will find that the best wide- make positive contributions to Korean society, whether in
length of 50mm is considered at shorter focal lengths (wider angle landscapes often have schools, factories, office towers, or other places. Expat Living
PHOTO CHALLENGE — Weathered and broken dancers strike an “normal.” 35mm is a popular fo- angles) the important parts of very strong compositional ele- regrets the error. — Ed.
eternal pose at Hyeri Art Village in Paju. Eric Reichbaum cal length and probably the the picture get crammed in and ments very close to the camera.

Community Bulletin Board

To apply for a free ad, send your All ads must be under 40 words
in English and commercial ads
ad text to: are not acceptable.

he ANG DATING DAAN H Toastmasters is a fun, business friends who want to I’d like to make foreign friends ’m an English professor who out parents in Shiheung. Class learn various cultures & lan-
Announcements T Korea Chapter conducts
free Bible Study and distributes
K supportive environment to
learn public speaking and lead-
do business in China . I can
speak Korean, Chinese and
speaking English fluently who I loves playing rackets sports
and is looking for a partner.
is held weekly on Saturdays at
a Buddhist-run orphanage.
guages, enjoy outdoor activi-
ties as well as learn Korean
want to exchange culture and
nglish conversation club in
E Shinchon is looking for new
members aged above 30. Email
DVDs of Bible Expositions of
the only sensible preacher in
ership skills. We meet 8 pm
every Tuesday in Hyehwa.
simple English and live in
Shanghai china. Tel: 0086-
language. Gender or age does-
n’t matter. Please contact me.
Whether it is squash, badminton
or tennis, if you like to play then
Please email Ann at voice-
language. Please come to
Starbucks in Myung-dong at 5
our time, Brother Eli Soriano. If Guests always welcome. Find a 13162728287 011 9619 7409. let me know and let’s have a p.m. on Sundays. E-mail to or apanese Female looking for
you want free copies of Bible
Expositions and hear free Bible
map of our meeting location
and contact information at: A n exchange student in
Seoul wants to learn girls Sports
game. I live in Seoul. Age, gen-
der or nationality does not mat-
ter. Look forward to hearing from
J a room for 3-6 months in
Seoul, Line 2 or 7 from April 1.
Song :

ookmyung Korean educa-

D eutsches Gemeindefest
Study, please call 010-5737-
2561 / 010-3004-0817 hiphop. Can teach English in
he Seoul Softball League
you. 011 9990 4291 Prefer flat share in furnished S tion volunteers. 4 levels for
2009” - The German speak-
ing Catholic and Protestant A nyone who have the prob-
lems of spinal balance and
return! for more details, email
T (SSL) is a new softball club e are looking for an expe-
spacious apartment. Willing to
pay up to KWR 7,000,000 per
beginner to high intermediate,

Congregations invite to the T HE OLD PATH Program

hosted by the Most
Sensible Christian Preacher in
related joints & muscle pain
Free Chiropractic consultation

am a Spanish woman fluent in

looking for members. Competitive
players with equipment preferred.
W rienced bilingual writer
who can write English pas-
month. based on condition.
Shoot email to amekurin@ya-
once a week for 2 hours on
every Saturday from 15:00 to
German Community Party
2005, kicking off on Saturday, our Time is now in South
Korea. To listen for free Bible
and Normal Posture eudcation
Member of KCA , Near at
I Korean language and also in
English, offer my service as an
We aim to start playing on
Saturdays in June 2009. Please
sages for high school reading
books. Contact: dori527@han-
17:00, at social education
building in Sookmyung
Women’s Univ. 02-710-9623
23th of May, 1 p.m., at the
German school in Hannam- Expositions of Brother Eli Kangnam sub App Call 010- interpreter for Spanish speak- join the Facebook group or e-mail (Kumsung Publishing Korean classes
9170-3544 Company at Mapo-gu, Seoul) REE Korean classes in the
dong. For more information e-
Soriano, please call 010-3144-
2561, 010-3004-0817
ing people in Korea. I also do
Spanish & English languages for more info.
F ree Korean teacher avail- F Olympic Park area (line 5).
Personals ung-fu club is looking for
onversations With God. For
U NTV Korea introduces its
tutorial. Call 010-3040-6101

T ouch (aka Touch footie or K new foreign members in

able, 27 male in Seoul. 6
years experience teaching
Saturday 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 12:30
C those who have read the
book or are interested in having
new websites featuring
24/7 Bible Expositions of the L ooking for roommates who
speaks English.(native I’m a 24 year old Korean
American male. Looking for a
Touch rugby) every
Saturday 9:30-11:30am on the
Seoul. If you are interested,
please call at 019-826-1980
Korean in English from basic
to advanced. Purpose: Make
p.m. for beginners and interme-
diate. Please e-mail at daniel-
Most Sensible Religious speaker) This is an apartment female language exchange Jamwon rugby pitch in Seoul, good friends. Cell: 010-2029- or call
their own conversation with
rirang Taekwondo Club is
God, a study group meets every
two weeks in Seoul, putting the
Preacher in our Times. ,
house which has bright and
wide living room. I want to have
partner to help me improve my
Korean or a friend that can
open to all, men and women,
beginners and experienced are A looking for new members in-
terested in Taekwondo and cul-
2677 E-mail: jetasd @hot
010-2751-3498 to Daniel Park

ree Korean Class & Cultural

ideas into practice. Feel free to
join us and find out more, all are pportunity to spread hope
a little conversation in English.
And I can teach Korean if you
show me around Seoul. Text
me at 010-7218-2422
all very welcome, contact kore- for more in-
tural exchange. Class is every
Sat & Sun at 2 pm ~ 5:30 pm at W e invite you for FREE F Exchange for natives. We go
welcome. Contact
Mark O and change lives. HOPE, a
non-profit organization led and
want. Tel: 010-3231-0194
Iwant to share my life, culture
for friendship with native
formation and visit www.touch-
Samgakji sta. near Itaewon. All
nationalities are welcome. E-
Korean, hindi, Indian
Music Instrument classes from
4pm every Sunday at
rafting, skiing, hiking, holding
party every month at Kangnam,
Shinchon and Hwehwa in
managed by foreign English o Koreans who are interest- English speakers. I’m 33 yeas mail to / Haebongchondong. For direc- Seoul. Call 0195153608, Email:
L ove peace, prosperity and
freedom? Join us at the
teachers is looking for volun-
teers. Native English speakers
T ed for English tutorial in
American Accent and Listening
old guy who live in Chuncheon.
Gender, age doesn’t matter.
I nternational badminton club
looking for new foreign mem-
010 3078 1433 tions and details on Sunday
program visit www.krishnako-
bers. Competitive (top class
Seoul Libertarian Party Meetup wanted for weekly volunteer op- Wanted ake Korean lesson for free. I
Group. We meet on the 2nd
Friday night of each month. For
portunities working with under-
privileged children. Koreans with
Training Program. Please call
Please contact me Email: mobile level) players preferred, we play
on Sat, Sunday near Chamsil ependable university edu- or call 010-2448-6441.

e invite you to Language

T am a fluent English speaker,
living in Seoul. I studied in U.S.I
information go to http://libertari- or phone
English speaking abilities need-
ed for volunteer support. Please C hinese Korean young man
age 28 , will come to Korea

’m Korean male living in

lotte world 2-6 P.M. If interested
send me email for more infor-
D cated, native-speaking vol-
unteer to teach one English
W Exchange Club (LEC),
the multilingual exchange club.
want to learn advanced English
from you. Email: al lroundplay-
George 010-9980-0985. visit in June. I’d like to find some ISeongnam and 34 years old. mation class per week to children with- You can make many friends,

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