Line Drawing Algo

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Line Drawing Algorithms

Output Primitives : basic geometric structures that form a complex picture structure ex) point,line,circle,filled-area,etc. Straight line : y = mx + b For given two end points(x1,y1),(x2,y2) For any given x internal x
m= y2 y1 x y = m x (1.a ) 1 x = y (1.b) m

y2 y1 m= , b = y1 mx1 x2 x1

Lines & Slopes

The slope of a line (m) is defined by its start and end coordinates The diagram below shows some examples of lines and their slopes
m= m = -4 m = -2 m = -1 m=4 m=2 m=1

m = -1/2 m = -1/3

m = 1/ 2 m = 1/3



DDA(Digital Differential Analyzer) Algorithm

DDA(Digital Differential Analyzer) Algorithm Scan conversion line algorithm based on x or y Sample the line at unit interval in one coord. and determine corresponding integer value When line slope (m) is positive. Case 1) 0 < m 1 Sample at unit x interval (x = 1) From eq.(1.a) Case 2) m>1 Sample at unit y interval ( y = 1) From eq.(1.b)

xk +1 = xk + 1

yk +1 = yk + m

1 xk +1 = xk + m

yk +1 = yk + 1

DDA(Digital Differential Analyzer) Algorithm

When line slope(m) is negative. Case 3) -1 m < 0 Sample at unit x interval ( x = -1)

xk +1 = xk 1

yk +1 = yk m

Case 4) m < -1 Sample at unit y interval ( y = -1) From eq.(3,b)

xk +1 = xk

1 m

yk +1 = yk 1

DDA Algorithm - Faster method than y = mx + b using but may specifies inaccurate pixel section - Rounding off operations and floating point arithmetic operations are time consuming.

Pseudo Code of DDA Algorithm

#include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> inline int round( const float a ) { return int(a+0.5); } void lineDDA( int x0, int y0, int xEnd, int yEnd ) { int dx = xEnd x0, dy = yEnd y0, steps, k; float xIncrement, yIncrement, x = x0, y = y0; if( fabs(dx) > fabs(dy) ) steps = fabs(dx); else steps = fabs(dy); xIncrement = float(dx)/float(steps); yIncrement = float(dy)/float(steps); setPixel( round(x), round(y) ); for( k=0; k<steps; k++ ) { x += xIncrement; y += yIncrement; setPixel( round(x), round(y) ); } }

Bresenhams Algorithm Bresenhams Algorithm

Originally developed for digital plotter. Seek optimum raster loc. to represent a straight line Increment by one unit (x or y) depending on the slope of line corresponding value is determined by examining the distance between the actual line and nearest grid loc.

The Big Idea

Move across the x axis in unit intervals and at each step choose between two different y coordinates

(xk+1, yk+1)

(xk, yk)

(xk+1, yk)

For example, from position (2, 3) we have to choose between (3, 3) and (3, 4) We would like the point that is closer to the original line

Deriving The Bresenham Line Algorithm

At sample position xk+1 y k+1 the vertical separations y from the mathematical yk line are labelled dupper and dlower
dupper dlower xk+1

The y coordinate on the mathematical line at xk+1 is:

y = m( xk + 1) + b

Deriving The Bresenham Line Algorithm (cont) So, dupper and dlower are given as follows:


d lower = y yk = m( xk + 1) + b yk

d upper = ( yk + 1) y
= yk + 1 m( xk + 1) b
We can use these to make a simple decision about which pixel is closer to the mathematical line

Deriving The Bresenham Line Algorithm (cont) This simple decision is based on the difference between the two pixel positions:

d lower d upper = 2m( xk + 1) 2 yk + 2b 1

Lets substitute m with y/x where x and y are the differences between the end-points:
x(d lower y d upper ) = x(2 ( xk + 1) 2 yk + 2b 1) x
= 2y xk 2x yk + 2y + x(2b 1)

= 2y xk 2x yk + c

Deriving The Bresenham Line Algorithm (cont) So, a decision parameter pk for the kth step along a line is given by: pk = x(d lower d upper )

= 2y xk 2x yk + c The sign of the decision parameter pk is the same as that of dlower dupper If pk is negative, then we choose the lower pixel, otherwise we choose the upper pixel

Deriving The Bresenham Line Algorithm (cont) Remember coordinate changes occur along the x axis in unit steps so we can do everything with integer calculations At step k+1 the decision parameter is given as:

pk +1 = 2y xk +1 2x yk +1 + c Subtracting pk from this we get: pk +1 pk = 2y ( xk +1 xk ) 2x( yk +1 yk )

Deriving The Bresenham Line Algorithm (cont) But, xk+1 is the same as xk+1 so: pk +1 = pk + 2y 2x( yk +1 yk ) where yk+1 - yk is either 0 or 1 depending on the sign of pk The first decision parameter p0 is evaluated at (x0, y0) is given as: p0 = 2y x

Bresenham Example
Lets have a go at this Lets plot the line from (20, 10) to (30, 18) First off calculate all of the constants: x: 10 y: 8 2y: 16 2y - 2x: -4 Calculate the initial decision parameter p0: p0 = 2y x = 6

Bresenham Example (cont)

18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



Bresenham Line Algorithm Summary

The Bresenham line algorithm has the following advantages:
An fast incremental algorithm Uses only integer calculations

Comparing this to the DDA algorithm, DDA has the following problems:
Accumulation of round-off errors can make the pixelated line drift away from what was intended The rounding operations and floating point arithmetic involved are time consuming

Example :To illustrate the algorithm, we digitize the line with endpoints (20, 10) and (30, 18) Slope = 0.8 (x=10, y=8) Initial decision parameter: p0 = 2y x = 6 Increments:2y = 16, 2y 2x =4 Plot the initial point (x0, y0) = (20, 10) and determine successive pixel positions: k 0 1 2 pk 6 2 2 (xk+1, yk+1) (21, 11) (22, 12) (23, 12) k 3 4 5 pk (xk+1, yk+1) 14 (24, 13) 10 (25, 14) 6 (26, 15) k 6 7 8 pk (xk+1, yk+1) 2 (27, 16) 2 (28, 16) 14 (29, 17)

#include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> /* Bresenhams algorithm for |m|<1.0 */ void lineBres( int x0, int y0, int xEnd, int yEnd ) { int dx = fabs(xEnd x0), dy = fabs(yEnd y0); int p = 2 * dy dx; int twoDy = 2 * dy, twoDyMinusDx = 2 * (dy dx); /* Determine which endpoint to use as start position */ if( x0 > xEnd ) { x = xEnd; y = yEnd; xEnd = x0; } else { x = x0; y = y0; } setPixel( x, y ); while( x < xEnd ) { x++; if( p < 0 ) p += twoDy; else { y++; p += twoDyMinusDx; } setPixel( x, y ); } }

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