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INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JAHANGIRNAGAR UNIVERSITY Course Title: BUS 506: Accounting for Decision Making Course Instructor: Mohammad Nazmul Islam
Associate Professor

Contact Phone: 01716-431626 (From 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM) Email: Group Link:

Text The main textbook is i) Weygandt, Jerry J, Donald E. Kieso and Paul D. Kimmel. Accounting Principles. 10th ed. USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2011. and ii) Garrison, Ray H., Eric

W. Noreen and


C. Brewer.


Accounting. 13 and illustrations. Lectures

ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2010. These books will give you detail

understanding on various concepts of financial and managerial accounting with cases

Chapter title


Accounting in Action (Keiso) The Recoding Process (Keiso) Adjusting the Accounts (Keiso) Completion of the Accounting Cycle (Keiso) Accounting for Merchandising Operations (Keiso) Inventories (Keiso) Plant Asset, Natural Resources and Intangible Assets (Keiso) Standardization of Financial Statement and Ratio Analysis (Keiso) Cost Behavior Analysis and Cost-Volume-Profit Relationship (Garrison) Purpose of the Course

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

1 2 3 4 5 6 10

Approxim ate Duration WEEK 1 WEEK 2,3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6, 7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9,10 WEEK 10 WEEK 11, 12

Chapter 18 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

This is a foundation course for the MBA level to give an understanding about the application of accounting in the business environment. The course is structured with a

Accounting for Decision Making: Course Outline

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combination of financial and managerial accounting, with a focus on the methods which could be applicable for decision making purpose. In addition to that a student will have a sound understanding of the finanancial accounting procedure as well as few concepts which could be applicable for managerial decision making. This course will focus on applied aspects of financial and managerial accounting for the beginners and mid level with illustrations which may help the students to understand applicability in the present business arena. The specific course objectives are: 1. 2. To focus on basics of financial and managerial accounting. To introduce the students with recording different entries, adjustments, income statement and statement of financial position (Balance sheet) of financial accounting. 3. To focus on other basic concepts like merchandising operations, inventory management and depreciation concepts and understanding of cash flow with a concentration of financial statement analysis. These are very much applicable in the day to day business operation. 4. This course also covered few basic concepts for managerial decision making like cost volume profit analysis. These concepts are very vital for taking decision in the current business arena.

Course Content This course is organized around the concepts of financial and managerial accounting concepts with a concentration on business application. We will use a combination of lectures, assignments, readings and class exercises to learn these concepts. Lectures will focus on real life applications of financial and managerial accounting concepts in the real life business. The lecture will cover the real life problems uses in the business and do class participation for collective understanding. Performance Evaluation a. b. c. d. e. Class Attendance and Participation Term Examination Class Test, Quizes Individual Assignments and GROUP CASE WORK Final Examination Total : : : : : : 05% 25% 20% 10% 40% 100%

** The faculty reserves the right to make necessary modification in the evaluation process

Class Participation (5%)

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Class attendance and participation is required for this course as every chapter is the foundation for the next one. If a student misses more than two classes, he/she will not get any number in that section. Individual Assignments and Cases Work (10%) The students will be given assignments based on the assigned text book chapters and class lectures and real life case of accounting. These assignments will consist of short answers and simple applications of the concepts discussed in the class. The students are expected to work on them individually and with group and submit them on the assigned date. No late submissions are allowed. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that the students are current on the concepts discussed in class. Term Examination (25%) Term examination is usually intensive exam. There will be two to three term exams. Every term exam will be taken after completion of three chapters. The examination may contain the combination of short questions/problems, real life problems, MCQ or True/False with explanations. There will be no retake of any TERM EXAMINATION. Final Examination (40%) Final exam will be comprehensive one, which will cover major chapters of financial and managerial accounting. The exam structure will be short questions/problems, real life cases or problems, MCQ or True/False with explanations.


All assignments will be handwritten on offset paper (A4 size) with well presented format. Every student should submit the assignments before commencement of class and delay submission will not be accepted for any reason. Students will be panelized for any kind of unfair activities in the quizzes, assignments or exams. For example, if anyone copy assignments, both parties will get ZERO in that assignment. Subsequent class performance or bonus marks will be affected for that.

80% of the presence will be required for appearing the final exam.


Accounting for Decision Making: Course Outline

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