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Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Input Levels
Differences in crop types and production systems Utilization Types (LUTs). A LUT consists of a set of are empirically characterized by the concept of Land technical specifications for crop production within a given socioeconomic setting. Attributes specific to a particular LUT include agronomic information, production is a management objective. Production is based on improved or high yielding varieties, is fully mechanized with low labor intensity chemical pest, disease and weed control.

and uses optimum applications of nutrients and

In GAEZ, this variety in management and input levels is translated into yield differences by assigning different parameters for LUTs depending on the input/management level, e.g. such as harvest index and maximum leaf area index. LUTs are parameterized to reflect environmental and eco-physiological requirements for growth and

nature of main produce, water supply type, cultivation practices, utilization of produce, and associated crop residues and by-products.

In GAEZ, three generic levels of input/management

are defined: low, intermediate, and high input level: Low level inputs, under a low level of inputs (traditional management assumption), the farming system is largely subsistence based. Production is based on the use of traditional cultivars (if improved cultivars are used, they

development of different crop types. Numerical values of crop parameters are varied depending on the subjected. assumed input/management level to which LUTs are

are treated in the same way as local cultivars),

labor intensive techniques, and no application of control and minimum conservation measures.

Water supply systems

Five water supply systems have been separately evaluated:

nutrients, no use of chemicals for pest and disease

Intermediate level inputs, under an intermediate level of input (improved management assumption), the farming system is partly

rain-fed rain-fed with water conservation gravity irrigation sprinkler irrigation drip irrigation systems

market oriented. Production for subsistence plus commercial sale is a management objective. Production is based on improved varieties, on manual labor with hand tools and/or animal traction and some mechanization, is medium and chemical pest disease and weed control, adequate fallows and some conservation measures.

labor intensive, uses some fertilizer application

Apart from evaluating crop production systems based on rain-fed cultivation and rain-fed with water conservation, specific soil requirements for namely for gravity, sprinkler and drip irrigation.

three major irrigation systems have been established

High level inputs, under a high level of input

(advanced management assumption), the farming system is mainly market oriented. Commercial


FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

HadCM3 (Hadley Centre, UK Meteorological Office)

Suitability and potential yield assessments are

available for 11 crop groups, 49 crops, 92 crop types

ECHAM4 (Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Germany)

and 280 Crop/LUTs . Results for downscaling of crops/ commodities are available for 23 crop/commodities available for 17 crops/commodities. and results of yield and production gap analysis are

CSIRO (Australias Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia)

CGCM2 (Canadian General Circulation Model)

Time Period
Climate input data determine three types of time period: historical, baseline and future, where

GCM model outputs for individual climate attributes were applied as follows:

Difference of the means for three 30-year periods

Historical periods consist of individual years from 1961 to 2000.

(the 2020s: years 2011-2040; the 2050s: years 2041baseline climate 1961-1990 were calculated for

2070; and the 2080s: years 2071-2100) with the GCM each grid in the respective GCM. An inverse distance weighted interpolation to a 30 arc-minute grid was performed on these deltas of the centre points of each grid cell in the original GCM. Such changes

The baseline period reflects average climatic conditions for the period 1961-1990. The 30year average time period Option provides the

cumulative average of individual year averages Three future time periods (2020s, 2050s, and

(deltas) for monthly climatic variables, i.e. differences for maximum and minimum monthly temperature, run, then applied to the observed climate of 1961precipitation, total surface solar radiation and wind1990 to generate future climate data. Climate change induced alterations in agricultural productivity as a result of climate change can be calculated by running

2080s) can be selected with additional options for selecting among GCMs and IPCC emissions scenarios.

Climate Scenario
For the analysis of climate change impacts on agricultural production potential, available climate predictions of General Circulation Models (GCM) were used for characterization of future climates. The IPCC data distribution centre (http://www.ipcc-data. org/) provides future climatic parameters obtained IPCC emission scenarios.

GAEZ for future time slots and compare results to the outcomes for the climatic baseline.

CO2 fertilization
The fertilization effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 on crop yield is accounted in GAEZ by the CO2 yield-adjustment factor. Crop species respond differently to CO2 depending on physiological C3 or C4 plants).

as outputs of various GCM experiments for a range of

The following four GCMs were used here for calculation of future potential agricultural productivity:

characteristics such as photosynthetic pathway (e.g.


FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Crop group
Bioenergy feedstocks Cereals Fibre crops Fodder crops Fruits Narcotics and stimulants Oilcrops Pulses Roots and tubers Sugar crops Vegetables

List of major crops

Common name
Wheat Wetland rice Dryland rice Maize Barley Sorghum Rye Pearl millet Foxtail millet Oat Buckwheat White potato Sweet potato Cassava Yam and Cocoyam Sugarcane

Scientific name
Triticum spp. Oryza sativa Oryza sativa Zea mays Hordeum vulgare Sorghum bicolor Secale cereale Pennisetum glaucum Setaria italica Avenasativa Fagopyrum esculentum Solanum tuberosum Ipomoea batatas Manihot esculenta Dioscorea spp.and Colocasia esculenta Saccharum spp.

Crop group
Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals/Sugar crops Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Roots and tubers Roots and tubers Roots and tubers Roots and tubers Sugar crops


FAO & IIASA 2012

Common name
Sugar beet Phaseolus bean Chickpea Cowpea Dry pea Gram Pigeonpea Soybean Sunflower Rape Groundnut Oil palm Olive Jatropha Cabbage Carrot Onion Tomato Banana/Plantain Citrus Coconut Cacao Cotton Flax Coffee Tea Tobacco Alfalfa Pasture legume Grass Miscanthus Switchgrass Reed canary grass

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Scientific name
Beta vulgaris L. Phaseolus vulgaris and Ph. lunatus Cicer arietinum Vigna unguiculata Pisum sativum L. Vigna radiata Cajanus cajan Glycine max Helianthus annuus Brassica napus Arachis hypogaea Elaeis oleifera Olea europaea Jatropha curcas. Brassica oleracea Daucus carota Allium cepa Lycopersicon lycopersicum Musa spp. Citrus Sinensis Cocos nucifera Theobroma cacao Gossypium hirsutum. Linum usitatissimum Coffea arabica Camellia Sinenses var.Sinensis Nicotiana tobacum Medicago sativa various various Miscanthus spp Panicum virgatum Phalaris arundinacea

Crop group
Sugar crops Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Bioenergy feedstocks Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Fruits Fruits Fruits Narcotics and stimulants Fibre Fibre crops Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Fodder crops Fodder crops Fodder crops Bioenergy feedstocks Bioenergy feedstocks Bioenergy feedstocks


FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

List of 92 Land UtilizationTypes (LUT) groups

Common name
Winter wheat Spring wheat Wheat (subtropical cultivars) Wheat (tropical cultivars) Japonica wetland rice Indica dryland rice Indica wetland rice Maize (tropical lowland cultivars) Maize (tropical highland cultivars)

Scientific name
Triticum spp. Triticum spp. Triticum spp. Triticum spp. Oryza japonica Oryza sativa Oryza indica Zea mays Zea mays

Crop group
Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Fodder crops Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Sugar crops Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Roots and tubers Roots and tubers Roots and tubers

Maize (temperate and subtropiZea mays cal cult.) Silage maize (temperate and subtropical cult.) Winter barley Spring Barley Barley (subtropical cultivars) Barley (tropical cultivars) Sorghum (tropical lowland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (temperate and subtropical cult.) Zea mays Hordeum vulgare Hordeum vulgare Hordeum vulgare Hordeum vulgare Sorghum bicolor Sorghum bicolor Sorghum bicolor

Sweet sorghum (temperate and Sorghum bicolor subtropical cult.) Winter rye Spring rye Pearl millet Foxtail millet Spring oat Buckwheat White potato Sweet potato Cassava Secale cereale Secale cereale Pennisetum glaucum Setaria italica Avena sativa Fagopyrum esculentum Solanum tuberosum Ipomoea batatas Manihot esculenta


FAO & IIASA 2012

Common name
White yam Greater yam Yellow yam Cocoyam Sugarcane Sugar beet

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Scientific name
Dioscorea spp. Dioscorea spp. Dioscorea spp. Colocasia esculenta Saccharum spp. Beta vulgaris L. Phaseolus vulgaris and Ph. lunatus Phaseolus vulgaris and Ph. lunatus Phaseolus vulgaris and Ph.lunatus Cicer arietinum Cicer arietinum Vigna unguiculata Pisum sativum L. Vigna radiate Cajanus cajan

Crop group
Roots and tubers Roots and tubers Roots and tubers Roots and tubers Sugar crops Sugar crops Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Oil crops Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables

Phaseolus bean (tropical lowland) Phaseolus bean (tropical highland) Phaseolus bean (temperate and subtropical cult.) Chickpea Chickpea (cold tolerant) Cowpea Dry pea Gram Pigeonpea

Soybean (tropical and subtropiGlycine max cal cult.) Soybean (temperate and subtropical cult.) Sunflower (tropical and subtropical cult.) Sunflower (temperate and subtropical cult.) Winter rape Spring rape Rabi rape Groundnut Oilpalm Olive Jatropha Cabbage Glycine max Helianthus annuus Helianthus annuus Brassica napus Brassica napus Brassica napus Arachis hypogaea Elaeis oleifera Olea europaea Jatropha curcas Brassica oleracea

Carrot (temperate and subtropiDaucus carota cal cultivars) Carrot (temperate and subtropiDaucus carota cal cultivars) Carrot (tropical cultivars) Daucus carota


FAO & IIASA 2012

Common name

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Scientific name

Crop group
Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Fibre crops Fibre crops Fibre crops Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Narcotics and stimulants Fodder crops Fodder crops Fodder crops Fodder crops Fodder crops Fodder crops Fodder crops Fodder crops

Onion (temperate and subtropiAllium cepa cal cultivars) Onion hibernating cultivar Onion (tropical cultivars) Tomato (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Tomato (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Banana/Plantain Citrus Coconut 1 (tall) Coconut 2 (hybrid tall) Coconut 3 (dwarf) Cacao (comun) Cacao (hybrid) Cotton (temperate and subtropical cult.) Cotton (tropical cultivars) Flax Coffee arabica Coffee robusta Tea (china tea) Tea (hybrid tea) Tea (assam tea) Tobacco (tropical cultivars) Tobacco (temperate and subtropical cult.) Allium cepa Allium cepa Lycopersicon lycopersicum Lycopersicon lycopersicum Musa spp. Citrus sinensis Cocos nucifera Cocos nucifera Cocos nucifera Theobroma cacao Theobroma cacao Gossypium spp. Gossypium spp. Linum usitatissimum Coffea arabica Coffea robusta Camellia Sinenses var. Sinensis Sinensis and Assamica Camellia sinensis var. assamica Nicotiana tobacum Nicotiana tobacum

Alfalfa (temperate and subtropiMedicago sativa cal cult.) Alfalfa (tropical cultivars) Pasture legumes (temp. and subtropical cult.) Pasture legumes (tropical and subtropical cult.) Pasture grasses (C3/II cultivars) Pasture grasses (C4/II cultivars) Medicago sativa various various

Pasture grasses (C3/I cultivars) various various various

Pasture grasses (C4/I cultivars) various


FAO & IIASA 2012

Common name
Miscanthus (C4/II) Miscanthus (C4/I) Switchgrass Reed canary grass

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Scientific name
Miscanthus spp Miscanthus spp Panicum virgatum Phalaris arundinacea

Crop group
Bioenergy feedstocks Bioenergy feedstocks Bioenergy feedstocks Bioenergy feedstocks

List of 280 crop sub-type, or Land Utilization Types (LUT), codes and names
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Crop type
Winter wheat Winter wheat Winter wheat Winter wheat Spring wheat Spring wheat Spring wheat Spring wheat Spring wheat Wheat (subtropical cultivars) Wheat (subtropical cultivars) Wheat (subtropical cultivars) Wheat (subtropical cultivars) Wheat (tropical highland cultivars) Wheat (tropical highland cultivars) Wheat (tropical highland cultivars) Wheat (tropical highland cultivars) Wheat (tropical highland cultivars) Wheat (tropical highland cultivars) Wheat (tropical highland cultivars) Japonica wetland rice Japonica wetland rice Japonica wetland rice

Growth cycle
35+105 days 40+120 days 45+135 days 50+150 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 100 days 115 days 130 days 145 days 160 days 175 days 190 days 105 days 120 days 135 days

Harvested part
Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain


FAO & IIASA 2012

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Crop type
Japonica wetland rice Indica wetland rice Indica wetland rice Indica wetland rice Indica wetland rice Indica wetland rice Indica wetland rice Indica wetland rice Maize (tropical lowland cultivars) Maize (tropical lowland cultivars) Maize (tropical lowland cultivars) Maize (tropical lowland cultivars) Maize (tropical highland cultivars) Maize (tropical highland cultivars) Maize (tropical highland cultivars) Maize (tropical highland cultivars) Maize (tropical highland cultivars) Maize (tropical highland cultivars) Maize (tropical highland cultivars) Maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Silage maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Silage maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Silage maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Silage maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Silage maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Silage maize (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Winter barley Winter barley

Growth cycle
150 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 120 days 150 days 180 days 210 days 240 days 270 days 300 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 35+105 days 40+120 days

Harvested part
Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Fodder Fodder Fodder Fodder Fodder Fodder Grain Grain
FAO & IIASA 2012

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Crop type
Winter barley Winter barley Spring barley Spring barley Spring barley Spring barley Barley (subtropical cultivars) Barley (subtropical cultivars) Barley (subtropical cultivars) Barley (subtropical cultivars) Barley (tropical highland cultivars) Barley (tropical highland cultivars) Barley (tropical highland cultivars) Barley (tropical highland cultivars) Barley (tropical highland cultivars) Barley (tropical highland cultivars) Barley (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical lowland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical lowland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical lowland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical lowland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (tropical highland cultivars) Sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars)

Growth cycle
45+135 days 50+150 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 100 days 115 days 130 days 145 days 160 days 175 days 190 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 120 days 150 days 180 days 210 days 240 days 270 days 300 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days

Harvested part
Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain
FAO & IIASA 2012

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Crop type
Sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sweet sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sweet sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sweet sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sweet sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sweet sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sweet sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sweet sorghum (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Winter rye Winter rye Winter rye Winter rye Spring rye Spring rye Spring rye Spring rye Pearl millet Pearl millet Foxtail millet Foxtail millet Foxtail millet Foxtail millet Spring oat Spring oat Spring oat Buckwheat Buckwheat White potato White potato White potato White potato White potato White potato White potato

Growth cycle
180 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 30+90 days 35+105 days 40+120 days 45+135 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 70 days 90 days 75 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 75 days 90 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days

Harvested part
Grain Supra Supra Supra Supra Supra Supra Supra Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Tuber Tuber Tuber Tuber Tuber Tuber Tuber
FAO & IIASA 2012

126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Crop type
Sweet potato Sweet potato Sweet potato Sweet potato Cassava White yam White yam Greater yam Greater yam Yellow yam Cocoyam Sugarcane Sugar beet Sugar beet Sugar beet Sugar beet Sugar beet Sugar beet Sugar beet Phaseolus bean (tropical lowland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical lowland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical lowland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical lowland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical lowland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical highland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical highland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical highland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical highland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (tropical highland cultivars) Phaseolus bean (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Phaseolus bean (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Phaseolus bean (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Phaseolus bean (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Phaseolus bean (temperate and subtropical cultivars)

Growth cycle
120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days perennial 195 days 225 days 240 days 270 days 330 days 330 days 330 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 195 days 210 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days

Harvested part
Tuber Tuber Tuber Tuber Root Tuber Tuber Tuber Tuber Tuber Tuber Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain
FAO & IIASA 2012

160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Crop type
Chickpea Chickpea Chickpea Chickpea (cold tolerant) Chickpea (cold tolerant) Chickpea (cold tolerant) Cowpea Cowpea Cowpea Dry pea Dry pea Dry pea Green gram Green gram Green gram Pigeon pea Pigeon pea Pigeon pea Pigeon pea Pigeon pea Soybean (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Soybean (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Soybean (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Soybean (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Soybean (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Soybean (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sunflower (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Sunflower (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Sunflower (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sunflower (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sunflower (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Sunflower (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Winter rape Winter rape

Growth cycle
90 days 105 days 120 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 80 days 100 days 120 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 60 days 80 days 100 days 135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 195 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 135 days 150 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 35+105 days 40+120 days

Harvested part
Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Grain Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed
FAO & IIASA 2012

194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Crop type
Winter rape Winter rape Spring rape Spring rape Spring rape Spring rape Rabi rape Rabi rape Groundnut Groundnut Groundnut Oil palm Olive Jatropha Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage Carrot (freshearly) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Carrot (freshearly) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Carrot (freshearly) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Carrot (storagelate) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Carrot (storagelate) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Carrot (storagelate) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Carrot (fresh) (tropical cultivars) Carrot (fresh) (tropical cultivars) Carrot (fresh) (tropical cultivars) Onion (temperate and subtropical cultivars)

Growth cycle
45+135 days 45+150 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 135 days 150 days 90 days 105 days 120 days perennial perennial perennial 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days 60 days 75 days 90 days 135 days 165 days 195 days 75 days 90 days 105 days 120 days

Harvested part
Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed Kernel Kernel Kernel Oil Oil Oil Head Head Head Head Head Head Root Root Root Root Root Root Root Root Root Bulb



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224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Crop type
Onion (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Onion (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Onion (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Onion (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Onion (hybernating) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Onion (hybernating) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Onion (hybernating) (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Onion (tropical cultivars) Onion (tropical cultivars) Onion (tropical cultivars) Onion (tropical cultivars) Tomato (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Tomato (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Tomato (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Tomato (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Tomato (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Tomato (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Tomato (tropical and subtropical cultivars) Banana/Plantain Citrus Coconut 1 (tall) Coconut 2 (hybrid tall) Coconut 3 (dwarf) Cacao (comun) Cacao (hybrid) Cotton (tropical cultivars) Cotton (tropical cultivars) Cotton (tropical cultivars) Cotton (tropical cultivars) Cotton (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Cotton (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Cotton (temperate and subtropical cultivars)

Growth cycle
135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 45+105 days 60+120 days 75+135 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 135 days 105 days 120 days 135 days perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial 135 days 150 days 165 days 180 days 135 days 150 days 165 days

Harvested part
Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Bulb Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Copra Copra Copra Beans Beans Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber



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256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Crop type
Flax Flax Flax Coffee arabica Coffee robusta Tea china tea (camelia sinenses) Tea hybrid (sinensis and assamica) Tea assam tea (camelia sinenses var.assamica) Tobacco (tropical cultivars) Tobacco (tropical cultivars) Tobacco (tropical cultivars) Tobacco (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Tobacco (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Alfalfa (temperate and subtropical cultivars) Alfalfa (tropical cultivars) Pasture legumes (C3/I species) Pasture legumes (C3/II species) Pasture grasses (C3/I species) Pasture grasses (C3/II species) Pasture grasses (C4/II species) Pasture grasses (C4/l species) Miscanthus (C4/II type) Miscanthus (C4/I type) Switchgrass Reed canary grass

Growth cycle
90 days 105 days 120 days perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial 105 days 120 days 135 days 150 days 165 days perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial

Harvested part
Fiber Fiber Fiber Green beans Green beans Leaves Leaves Leaves Leaves Leaves Leaves Leaves Leaves AGB AGB AGB AGB AGB AGB AGB AGB AGB AGB AGB AGB



FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Major crops/commodity groups used for downscaling actual yield and production
Common Scientific name name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Cash crops 1 Cash crops 2 Cotton Fodder Groundnut Maize Millet Oil palm Olive Other cereals Pulses Rape Residual Rice Roots Sorghum Soybean Sugar beet Sugarcane Sunflower Tubers Vegetables Wheat

Crop group
Banana, Coconut Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Cotton Fodder Groundnuts in shells Maize Millet Oil palm Olive Barley, Rye, Oat and minor other cereals Pulses Rapeseed Other crops not listed: mainly fruit, nuts, spices, tobacco, fiber crops, other oil crops Rice Cassava, Yams, other Roots and Plantain Sorghum Soybean Sugar beet Sugarcane Sunflower Potato, Sweet potato Vegetables Wheat



FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Major crops/commodity groups used for yield gap assessments

Common Scientific name name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Cotton Groundnut Maize Millet Oil palm Olive Pulses Rape Rice Roots Sorghum Soybean Sugar beet Sugarcane Sunflower Tubers Wheat Sugar beet Sugarcane Sunflower Tubers Vegetables Wheat

Crop group
Cotton Groundnuts in shells Maize Millet Oil palm Olive Pulses Rapeseed Rice Cassava, Yams, other Roots and Plantain Sorghum Soybean Sugar beet Sugarcane Sunflower Potato, Sweet potato Wheat Sugar beet Sugarcane Sunflower Potato, Sweet potato Vegetables Wheat



FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

List of GAEZ countries and territories
GAEZ code
1 3 4 7 8 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 33 34 35 37 40 41 42 43

GAEZ countries and territories

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi

Official FAO Name

the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan the Republic of Albania the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria the Principality of Andorra the Republic of Angola Antigua and Barbuda the Argentine Republic the Republic of Armenia Australia the Republic of Austria the Republic of Azerbaijan the Commonwealth of the Bahamas the Kingdom of Bahrain the People's Republic of Bangladesh Barbados the Republic of Belarus the Kingdom of Belgium Belize the Republic of Benin the Kingdom of Bhutan the Plurinational State of Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina the Republic of Botswana the Federative Republic of Brazil Brunei Darussalam the Republic of Bulgaria Burkina Faso the Republic of Burundi

Official FAO short

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan the Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi
FAO & IIASA 2012

GAEZ code
44 45 46 47 49 50 51 53 57 58 68 59 60 61 66 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 307 75 76 77 78 79 82 83

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ countries and territories

Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Rep. Cook Islands Costa Rica Cte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Fiji

Official FAO Name

the Kingdom of Cambodia the Republic of Cameroon Canada the Republic of Cape Verde the Central African Republic the Republic of Chad the Republic of Chile the People's Republic of China the Republic of Colombia the Union of the Comoros the Democratic Republic of the Congo the Republic of the Congo the Cook Islands the Republic of Costa Rica the Republic of Cte d'Ivoire the Republic of Croatia the Republic of Cuba the Republic of Cyprus the Czech Republic the Kingdom of Denmark the Republic of Djibouti the Commonwealth of Dominica the Dominican Republic the Republic of Ecuador the Arab Republic of Egypt the Republic of El Salvador the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Eritrea the Republic of Estonia the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Faroe Islands the Republic of Fiji

Official FAO short

Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde the Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia the Comoros the Democratic Republic of the Congo the Congo the Cook Islands Costa Rica Cte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus the Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic (the) Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Fiji
FAO & IIASA 2012

GAEZ code
84 85 89 90 92 93 94 97 99 103 106 105 107 108 110 111 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 126 130 132 133 135 67

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ countries and territories

Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Rep. Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea DPR

Official FAO Name

the Republic of Finland the French Republic the Gabonese Republic the Republic of the Gambia Georgia the Federal Republic of Germany the Republic of Ghana the Hellenic Republic Grenada the Republic of Guatemala the Republic of Guinea the Republic of Guinea-Bissau the Republic of Guyana the Republic of Haiti Holy See the Republic of Honduras the Republic of Hungary the Republic of Iceland the Republic of India the Republic of Indonesia the Islamic Republic of Iran the Republic of Iraq Ireland the State of Israel the Republic of Italy Jamaica Japan the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan the Republic of Kazakhstan the Republic of Kenya the Republic of Kiribati the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Official FAO short

Finland France Gabon the Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati the Democratic People's Republic of Korea



FAO & IIASA 2012

GAEZ code
202 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 241 150 152 153 154 155 156 157 159 160 162 163 165 166 167 300 169 170 171

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ countries and territories

Korea Rep. Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao PDR Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia, FYR Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Fed States of) Moldova, Rep. Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar

Official FAO Name

the Republic of Korea the State of Kuwait the Kyrgyz Republic the Lao People's Democratic Republic the Republic of Latvia the Lebanese Republic the Kingdom of Lesotho the Republic of Liberia the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya the Principality of Liechtenstein the Republic of Lithuania the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the Republic of Madagascar the Republic of Malawi Malaysia the Republic of Maldives the Republic of Mali the Republic of Malta the Republic of the Marshall Islands the Islamic Republic of Mauritania the Republic of Mauritius the United Mexican States the Federated States of Micronesia the Republic of Moldova the Principality of Monaco Mongolia Montenegro the Kingdom of Morocco the Republic of Mozambique the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Official FAO short

the Republic of Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan the Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta the Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Republic of Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar



FAO & IIASA 2012

GAEZ code
172 173 175 177 179 180 181 182 183 186 187 188 189 191 192 194 195 196 198 199 201 203 204 205 212 213 214 215 217 301 220 221 222

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ countries and territories

Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore

Official FAO Name

the Republic of Namibia the Republic of Nauru Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal the Kingdom of the Netherlands New Zealand the Republic of Nicaragua the Republic of the Niger the Federal Republic of Nigeria the Republic of Niue the Kingdom of Norway the Sultanate of Oman the Islamic Republic of Pakistan the Republic of Palau the Republic of Panama Papua New Guinea the Republic of Paraguay the Republic of Peru the Republic of the Philippines the Republic of Poland the Portuguese Republic the State of Qatar Romania the Russian Federation the Republic of Rwanda the Independent State of Samoa the Republic of San Marino the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the Republic of Senegal the Republic of Serbia the Republic of Seychelles the Republic of Sierra Leone the Republic of Singapore

Official FAO short

Namibia Nauru Nepal the Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua the Niger Nigeria Niue Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru the Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania the Russian Federation Rwanda Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore



FAO & IIASA 2012

GAEZ code
223 224 225 226 227 313 229 231 208 209 211 312 233 235 236 237 238 239 257 240 242 243 244 245 246 248 249 250 252 253 254

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ countries and territories

Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia

Official FAO Name

the Slovak Republic the Republic of Slovenia Solomon Islands the Somali Republic the Republic of South Africa Republic of South Sudan the Kingdom of Spain the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia

Official FAO short

Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia St Vincent and the Grenadines the Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland the Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan the United Republic of Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine

St Vincent and the GrenaSt Vincent and the Grenadines dines Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tanzania UR Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine the Republic of the Sudan the Republic of Suriname the Kingdom of Swaziland the Kingdom of Sweden the Swiss Confederation the Syrian Arab Republic the Republic of Tajikistan the United Republic of Tanzania the Kingdom of Thailand the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste the Togolese Republic Tokelau the Kingdom of Tonga the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago the Republic of Tunisia the Republic of Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu the Republic of Uganda Ukraine



FAO & IIASA 2012

GAEZ code
255 256 259 260 261 262 263 264 269 270 271

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ countries and territories

United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

Official FAO Name

the United Arab Emirates the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the United States of America the Eastern Republic of Uruguay the Republic of Uzbekistan the Republic of Vanuatu the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam the Republic of Yemen the Republic of Zambia the Republic of Zimbabwe

Official FAO short

the United Arab Emirates the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe



FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Rest of World (*) countries and territories in GAEZ consist of countries with fewer than 10 pixels comprise of the following countries:
GAEZ code GAEZ countries and territories
5 9 10 14 16 311 22 25 30 32 36 38 39 48 54 55 56 305 80 81 88 86 87 91 95 96 98 100 101

GAEZ code GAEZ countries and territories

104 109 112 120 127 128 129 131 134 151 158 161 164 168 176 178 184 185 190 197 200 206 228 207 210 234 247 251 258 Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Island Howland Island Isle of Man Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Madeira Islands Martinique Mayotte Midway Island Montserrat Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Palmyra Atoll Pitcairn Puerto Rico Runion S.Georgia and S.Sandwich Island St Helena St Pierre et Miquelon Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island Tromelin Island Turks and Caicos Islands United States Virgin Islands
FAO & IIASA 2012

American Samoa Anguilla Antarctica Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Azores Islands Baker Island Bassas da India Bermuda Bird Island Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Dhekelia and Akrotiri SBA Europa Island Falkland Islands Fr South and Antarctic Territories French Guiana French Polynesia Gaza Strip Gibraltar Glorioso Island Greenland Guadeloupe Guam



Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ code GAEZ countries and territories

265 266 267 268 Wake Island Wallis and Futuna Islands West Bank Western Sahara

GAEZ disputed areas and territories (source: GAUL 2009/08)

GAEZ code GAEZ disputed areas and territories
2 15 52 303 309 308 136 143 304 174 193 216 218 230 Aksai Chin Arunashal Pradesh China/India Hala'ib triangle Ilemi triangle Jammu Kashmir Kuril Islands Liancourt Rock Ma'tan al-Sarra Navassa Island Paracel Islands Scarborough Reef Senkaku Islands Spratly Islands



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Global Agro-Ecological Zones

The Lowest Administrative Level (LAL) used in GAEZ based on GAUL 2009/08
First sub-national administrative level for nine countries
1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197

Administrative Name
Buenos Aires Buenos Aires D.f. Catamarca Chaco Chubut Cordoba Corrientes Entre Rios Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Neuquen Rio Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fe Santiago Del Estero Tierra Del Fuego Tucuman Australian Capital Territory Coral Sea Islands Territory New South Wales Northern Territory Other Territories

Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia



FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1409 1410 1411 1412 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406

Administrative Name
Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia Acre Alagoas Amapa Amazonas Bahia Ceara Distrito Federal Espirito Santo Goias Maranhao Mato Grosso Mato Grosso Do Sul Minas Gerais Name Unknown Name Unknown Name Unknown Name Unknown Para Paraiba Parana Pernambuco Piaui Rio De Janeiro Rio Grande Do Norte Rio Grande Do Sul Rondonia Roraima Santa Catarina Sao Paulo

Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil
FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

1407 1408 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561

Administrative Name
Sergipe Tocantins Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Territory Anhui Sheng Beijing Shi Chongqing Shi Fujian Sheng Gansu Sheng Guangdong Sheng Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu Guizhou Sheng Hainan Sheng Hebei Sheng Heilongjiang Sheng Henan Sheng Hong Kong SAR, China Hubei Sheng Hunan Sheng Jiangsu Sheng Jiangxi Sheng Jilin Sheng Liaoning Sheng

Brazil Brazil Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China
FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

2450 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 2085 2086 4411 2087 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 4417 2093 2094 2095 4418

Administrative Name
Macao SAR, China Nei Mongol Zizhiqu Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu Qinghai Sheng Shaanxi Sheng Shandong Sheng Shanghai Shi Shanxi Sheng Sichuan Sheng Taiwan Sheng Tianjin Shi Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu Xizang Zizhiqu Yunnan Sheng Zhejiang Sheng Andaman and Nicobar Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli Daman and Diu Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Lakshadweep Madhya Pradesh

China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India
FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 4419 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 4420 4421 2107 2306 2298 2299 2300 3990 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 3073 3032 3033

Administrative Name
Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Puducherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Administrative unit not available Akmolinskaya Aktyubinskaya Almatinskaya Almaty City area Atyrauskaya Jambylslkaya Karagandinskaya Kustanayskaya Kyzylordinskaya Mangistauskaya Pavlodarskaya Severo-kazachstanskaya Vostochno-kazachstanskaya Yujno-kazachstanskaya Zapadno-kazachstanskaya Administrative unit not avai Adygeya Rep. Aginskiy Buryatskiy A. Okrug

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation
FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067

Administrative Name
Altay Rep. Altayskiy Kray Amurskaya Oblast Arkhangelskaya Oblast Astrakhanskaya Oblast Bashkortostan Rep. Belgorodskaya Oblast Bryanskaya Oblast Buryatiya Rep. Chechnya Rep. Chelyabinskaya Oblast Chitinskaya Oblast Chukotskiy Okrug Chuvashiya Rep. Dagestan Rep. Evenkiyskiy Okrug Ingushetiya Rep. Irkutskaya Oblast Ivanovskaya Oblast Kabardino-balkariya Rep. Kaliningradskaya Oblast Kalmykiya Rep. Kaluzhskaya Oblast Kamchatskaya Oblast Karatchayevo-cherkesiya Rep. Karelya Rep. Kemerovskaya Oblast Khabarovskiy Kray Khakasiya Rep. Khanty-mansyiskiy Okrug Kirovskaya Oblast Komi Rep. Komi-permyatskiy Okrug Koryakskiy Okrug

Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation
FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102

Administrative Name
Kostromskaya Oblast Krasnodarskiy Kray Krasnoyarskiy Kray Kurganskaya Oblast Kurskaya Oblast Leningradskaya Oblast Lipetskaya Oblast Magadanskaya Oblast Mariy-el Rep. Mordoviya Rep. Moskovskaya Oblast Moskva Murmanskaya Oblast Name Unknown Nenetskiy Okrug Nizhegorodskaya Oblast Novgorodskaya Oblast Novosibirskaya Oblast Omskaya Oblast Orenburgskaya Oblast Orlovskaya Oblast Penzenskaya Oblast Permskaya Oblast Primorskiy Kray Pskovskaya Oblast Rostovskaya Oblast Ryazanskaya Oblast Sakha Rep. Sakhalinskaya Oblast Samarskaya Oblast Sankt-peterburg Saratovskaya Oblast Severnaya Osetiya-alaniya Re Smolenskaya Oblast

Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation
FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701

Administrative Name
Stavropolskiy Kray Sverdlovskaya Oblast Tambovskaya Oblast Tatarstan Rep. Taymyrskiy Okrug Tomskaya Oblast Tulskaya Oblast Tverskaya Oblast Tyumenskaya Oblast Tyva Rep. Udmurtiya Rep. Ulyanovskaya Oblast Ustordynskiy Buryatskiy Okru Vladimirskaya Oblast Volgogradskaya Oblast Vologodskaya Oblast Voronezhskaya Oblast Yamalo-nenetskiy Okrug Yaroslavskaya Oblast Yevreyskaya A. Oblast Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois

Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America
FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735

Administrative Name
Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington

United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America
FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

3736 3737 3738

Administrative Name
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

United States of America United States of America United States of America

Region 1
Australia and New Zealand Caribbean Central Africa Central America Central Asia Eastern Africa Eastern Asia Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Gulf of Guinea Northern Africa Northern America Northern Europe Pacific Islands South America South-eastern Asia Southern Africa Southern Asia Southern Europe Sudano-Sahelian Africa Western Asia Western Europe



FAO & IIASA 2012

Region 2

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Central America and Caribbean Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Northern America Oceania South America Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa

Region 2
Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income High income



FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ countries, territories and regions (1-2-3).

Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Australia Austria Azerbaijan Azores Islands Bahamas Bahrain Baker Island Bangladesh Barbados Bassas da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda

Region 1
Central Asia Southern Europe Northern Africa Pacific Islands Southern Europe Central Africa Caribbean Antarctica Caribbean South America Western Asia Caribbean Australia and New Zealand Australia and New Zealand Western Europe Western Asia Southern Europe Caribbean Western Asia Pacific Islands Southern Asia Caribbean Eastern Africa Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Western Europe Central America Gulf of Guinea Northern America

Region 2
Southern and Eastern Asia Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Central America and Caribbean Antarctica Central America and Caribbean South America Northern Africa and West Asia Central America and Caribbean Oceania Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Europe and Russian Federation Central America and Caribbean Northern Africa and West Asia Oceania Southern and Eastern Asia Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Northern America

Region 3 (*)
Low income Upper middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income High income Lower middle income High income not available Upper middle income Upper middle income Lower middle income High income High income High income High income Upper middle income High income High income High income High income Low income High income High income Upper middle income High income Lower middle income Low income High income



FAO & IIASA 2012

Bhutan Bird Island Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China China/India Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Region 1
Southern Asia Eastern Africa South America Southern Europe Southern Africa Antarctica South America Eastern Africa Caribbean South-eastern Asia Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Sudano-Sahelian Africa Eastern Africa South-eastern Asia Central Africa Northern America Sudano-Sahelian Africa Caribbean Central Africa Sudano-Sahelian Africa South America Eastern Asia Eastern Asia Australia and New Zealand Pacific Islands Australia and New Zealand South America Eastern Africa

Region 2
Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa South America Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Antarctica South America Sub-Saharan Africa Central America and Caribbean Southern and Eastern Asia Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Northern America Sub-Saharan Africa Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa South America Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Oceania Oceania Oceania South America Sub-Saharan Africa

Region 3 (*)
Lower middle income High income Lower middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income not available Upper middle income High income High income High income Upper middle income Low income Low income Low income Lower middle income High income Lower middle income High income Low income Low income Upper middle income Lower-middle income not available High income High income High income Upper middle income Low income



FAO & IIASA 2012

Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Rep. Cook Islands Costa Rica Cte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dhekelia and Akrotiri SBA Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europa Island

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Region 1
Central Africa Central Africa Pacific Islands Central America Gulf of Guinea Southern Europe Caribbean Western Asia Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Northern Europe Western Asia Sudano-Sahelian Africa Caribbean Caribbean South America Northern Africa Central America Central Africa Sudano-Sahelian Africa Northern Europe Eastern Africa Eastern Africa

Region 2
Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Oceania Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Central America and Caribbean Northern Africa and West Asia Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central America and Caribbean Central America and Caribbean South America Northern Africa and West Asia Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa South America Europe and Russian Federation Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Antarctica Europe and Russian Federation South America

Region 3 (*)
Low income Lower middle income High income Upper middle income Lower middle income High income Upper middle income High income High income High income High income Lower middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income Lower-middle income Lower middle income Lower middle income High income Low income High income Low income not available not available High income Upper-middle income High income not available High income High income

Falkland Islands South America Faroe Islands Fiji Finland Fr South and Antarctic Territories France French Guiana Northern Europe Pacific Islands Northern Europe Antarctica Western Europe South America



FAO & IIASA 2012

French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Gaza Strip Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Glorioso Island Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Isl and McDonald Isl Holy See Honduras Howland Island Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Rep. Iraq Ireland

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Region 1
Pacific Islands Central Africa Sudano-Sahelian Africa Western Asia Western Asia Western Europe Gulf of Guinea Southern Europe Eastern Africa Southern Europe Northern America Caribbean Caribbean Pacific Islands Central America Northern Europe Gulf of Guinea Gulf of Guinea South America Caribbean Antarctica Southern Europe Central America Pacific Islands Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Northern Europe Southern Asia South-eastern Asia Western Asia Western Asia Northern Europe

Region 2
Oceania Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Northern Africa and West Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Northern America Central America and Caribbean Central America and Caribbean Oceania Central America and Caribbean Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa South America Central America and Caribbean Antarctica Europe and Russian Federation Central America and Caribbean Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Europe and Russian Federation

Region 3 (*)
High income Upper middle income Low income Lower middle income Lower middle income High income Low income High income not available High income High income Upper middle income High income High income Lower middle income High income Low income Low income Lower middle income Low income not available High income Lower middle income High income High income High income Lower middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income Lower middle income High income



FAO & IIASA 2012

Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Jordan Juan de Nova Island Kazakhstan Kenya Kingman Reef Kiribati Korea DPR Korea Rep. Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao PDR Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia, FYR Madagascar Madeira Islands Malawi Malaysia

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Region 1
Northern Europe Western Asia Southern Europe Caribbean Eastern Asia Pacific Islands Northern Europe Pacific Islands Western Asia Eastern Africa Central Asia Eastern Africa Pacific Islands Pacific Islands Eastern Asia Eastern Asia Western Asia Central Asia South-eastern Asia Northern Europe Western Asia Southern Africa Gulf of Guinea Northern Africa Western Europe Northern Europe Western Europe Southern Europe Eastern Africa Southern Europe Southern Africa South-eastern Asia

Region 2
Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Europe and Russian Federation Central America and Caribbean Southern and Eastern Asia Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Oceania Northern Africa and West Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Oceania Oceania Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Northern Africa and West Asia Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Southern and Eastern Asia

Region 3 (*)
High income High income High income Upper middle income High income High income High income High income Lower-middle income not available Upper middle income Low income High income Lower middle income Low income High income High income Low income Low income High income Upper middle income Lower middle income Low income Upper middle income High income Upper middle income High income Upper middle income Low income High income Low income Upper middle income



FAO & IIASA 2012

Maldives Mali Malta

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Region 1
Southern Asia Sudano-Sahelian Africa Southern Europe

Region 2
Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Oceania Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Central America and Caribbean Oceania Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Southern and Eastern Asia Europe and Russian Federation Central America and Caribbean Northern Africa and West Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Oceania Southern and Eastern Asia Europe and Russian Federation Central America and Caribbean Oceania Oceania Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Oceania Oceania

Region 3 (*)
Lower-middle income Low income High income Lower middle income High income Low income Upper middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income Lower middle income High income Lower middle income High income Lower middle income Upper middle income High income Lower middle income Low income Low income Upper middle income not available Low income High income High income High income High income Lower middle income Low income Lower middle income not available High income

Marshall Islands Pacific Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia (Fed States of) Midway Island Moldova, Rep. Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Caribbean Sudano-Sahelian Africa Eastern Africa Eastern Africa Central America Pacific Islands Pacific Islands Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Western Europe Eastern Asia Southern Europe Caribbean Northern Africa Southern Africa South-eastern Asia Southern Africa Pacific Islands Southern Asia Western Europe Caribbean Pacific Islands Australia and New Zealand Central America Sudano-Sahelian Africa Gulf of Guinea Pacific Islands Pacific Islands



FAO & IIASA 2012

Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palmyra Atoll Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Runion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda S.Georgia and S.Sandwich Isl Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Region 1
Pacific Islands Northern Europe Western Asia Southern Asia Pacific Islands Pacific Islands Central America South-eastern Asia South America South America South-eastern Asia Pacific Islands Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Southern Europe Caribbean Western Asia Eastern Africa Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Eastern Africa Antarctica Pacific Islands Southern Europe Central Africa Western Asia Sudano-Sahelian Africa Southern Europe Eastern Africa Gulf of Guinea South-eastern Asia

Region 2
Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Oceania Oceania Central America and Caribbean Southern and Eastern Asia South America South America Southern and Eastern Asia Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Central America and Caribbean Northern Africa and West Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Antarctica Oceania Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Northern Africa and West Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Southern and Eastern Asia

Region 3 (*)
High income High income High income Lower middle income Upper middle income High income Upper middle income Lower middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income Lower middle income High income High income High income High income High income High income Upper middle income Upper middle income Low income not available Lower middle income High income Lower middle income High income Lower middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income Low income High income
FAO & IIASA 2012

Slovakia Slovenia

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Region 1
Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Southern Europe

Region 2
Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Oceania Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central America and Caribbean Central America and Caribbean Northern America Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa South America Europe and Russian Federation Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Oceania Oceania Central America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa

Region 3 (*)
High income High income Low income Low income Upper middle income Lower middle income High income Lower middle income not available Upper middle income Upper middle income High income Upper middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income High income Lower middle income High income High income Lower middle income Low income Low income Lower-middle income Lower middle income Low income not available Lower middle income High income not available

Solomon Islands Pacific Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka St Helena St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia St Pierre et Miquelon St Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tanzania UR Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tromelin Island Sudano-Sahelian Africa Southern Africa Sudano-Sahelian Africa Southern Europe Southern Asia Central Africa Caribbean Caribbean Northern America Caribbean Sudano-Sahelian Africa South America Northern Europe Southern Africa Northern Europe Western Europe Western Asia Central Asia Eastern Africa South-eastern Asia South-eastern Asia Gulf of Guinea Pacific Islands Pacific Islands Caribbean Eastern Africa



FAO & IIASA 2012

Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America United States Virgin Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Wake Island Wallis and Futuna Islands West Bank Western Sahara Yemen Zambia

Global Agro-Ecological Zones

Region 1
Northern Africa Western Asia Central Asia Caribbean Pacific Islands Eastern Africa Eastern Europe and Russian Federation Western Asia Northern Europe Northern America Caribbean South America Central Asia Pacific Islands South America South-eastern Asia Pacific Islands Pacific Islands Western Asia Northern Africa Western Asia Southern Africa

Region 2
Northern Africa and West Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Central America and Caribbean Oceania Sub-Saharan Africa Europe and Russian Federation Northern Africa and West Asia Europe and Russian Federation Northern America Central America and Caribbean South America Southern and Eastern Asia Oceania South America Southern and Eastern Asia Oceania Oceania Northern Africa and West Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Sub-Saharan Africa

Region 3 (*)
Lower-middle income Upper middle income Lower middle income High income Lower middle income Low income Lower middle income High income High income High income High income Upper middle income Lower middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income Lower middle income High income High income Lower middle income Lower middle income Lower middle income Low income



FAO & IIASA 2012


Global Agro-Ecological Zones

GAEZ disputed areas and territories by region (source: GAUL

Aksai Chin Arunashal Pradesh Hala'ib triangle Ilemi triangle

Region 1
Eastern Asia Southern Asia Northern Africa Eastern Africa

Region 2
Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Northern Africa and West Asia Central America and Caribbean Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia Southern and Eastern Asia

Region 3 (*)
not available Lower middle income Lower middle income Low income not available Upper middle income not available Upper middle income High income not available not available not available not available

Jammu Kashmir Southern Asia Kuril Islands Liancourt Rock Ma'tan al-Sarra Navassa Island Paracel Islands Scarborough Reef Eastern Asia Eastern Asia Northern Africa Caribbean South-eastern Asia South-eastern Asia

Senkaku Islands Eastern Asia Spratly Islands South-eastern Asia



FAO & IIASA 2012

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