British U 2012 Chinese Students

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Q>> REAL STORY of the bullying in any British Universities -- by brits university accommodation staff with strong PREJUDICE

BRITISH University orphanage way of treating CHINESE students

I got 3 straight A in all my A-levels, while BBA is the minimum norm for other medics in class LEEDS UNIVERSITY, UK; others brits U always give worse accommodation and weird ROOMS to Chinese and Japanese students

I went to a medical school because yearning for knowledge would be the best in medical school environment. In the very first MCQ exam, Ive got to be rank No. 2 out of 186 medical students there . In Hong Kong, if there is any student who does well, they will be nurture. In Britain, if a Chinese student do well, it will catch jealous-attention and consequent bullying to a scandalous extent. Their ego simply can't stand a small-built Chinese guy to outwit them. The whole story is about maltreatment, discrimination, bullying; quite different from what they try to portrayal. And they used me as a scapegoat, just for their reputations sake. They can do no

wobbly deskspace, which was smaller than 2 notebook computer sizes (hard to cross-reference a few medical textbooks at the same time), a wardrobe on which I cant close the door properly, because the furniture was all worn-out. The price tag for such a storage room, was exactly the same as the other 10 rooms on the same floor. However, each of the other single student rooms got about 200 300 square feet; a super high ceiling and a bed that is wider than a hotel single bed. I still believe the Hong Kong secondary school Christian attitude shaped me to who I am. The school taught us to be nice, be quiet, dont make a complaint and be grateful of whatever you have even when it is totally unreasonable or unjustifiable. Or we could put it like this. It could happen to any Chinese student who leave home and study in a country where British see the whole world to be their own colony.

What do you know about any university, beside their Name?? Do you anything besides its city name, are they really that good to you as you are their prospective student? However, there is no evidence of a relationship between the amount of money thrown into university education and genuine educational accomplishment. For university course, British University cost more than double than a same degree course that held in one of the universities in Hong Kong. Besides, the difference in the price tag, there are employment restrictions as well. Nowadays, besides discrimination of SE Asia students for the exonerating excuse of SARS. British University charges the whole year tuition in advance, even the students might have grants and loans coming in. In Britain, Hong Kong Students are simply the MILK COW for the British Economy. The local student only paid one-third of what the Hong Kong student paid. Furthermore, their Local Education Authority (LEA) will lend them all the tuition fees and let them have some living expenses too.

wrong; medical school isl just like a catholic saint. What has happened that they have to cover up after they realize how wrong that they were doing to a Chinese kid?? Because the housing market was blooming and
the hall warden tried to get more hall fees, therefore he put me in a storage room with child size furniture. He must have seen a lot of TV documentaries about the small apartment in Hong Kong; people could get a small business setup under the staircase of an old building. In a way, I was getting maltreatment simply because I came from Hong Kong. Their prejudice is just simply based on the fact that I am a chinese. The floor space is about 2 wooden doors laid flat on the ground, (25-35 square feet) not to mention half of the floor space is under a small triangular staircase where the child size bed was. The staircase got pretty busy during dinner time and late at night. To put a visual picture to the environment, did you see the Harry Potter Movie, the first scene of thevery first episode? It is slightly worse that Harrys Uncle put him under that staircase and called it a bedroom. In addition, there were a few other tiny pieces of furniture cramped in a miniature space: an old and

Q>> REAL STORY of the bullying in any British Universities -- by brits university accommodation staff with strong PREJUDICE and UNFAIR
I have studied in UK before, what I have got is: continuous bullying [pushing around] and mal-treatment from the UK university. I have got very good A-Level and my parents were very generous to spend all their money in my further education. Most Hong Kong students get the worst rooms in the British School accommodation. Always in a weird corner, size is tiny and an inhumane place to live in. I was put in a storage room that was under the staircase with the University Hall warden arrangement; the ceiling is so low that I could touch the bottom of the hall staircase if I raise my hands. It is tinier than the maid bedroom or a substandard kitchen in Hong Kong. I could not move at all if I would like to put my bicycle inside. The furniture is old and extremely tiny. [ less than a closet space of a It is just because British are arrogant and the Hong Kong students are too polite to make a complaint. It is not about the fairness, but Hong Kong students always get an inhumane room to live in, British look at us as their own tiny slaves in one of their many colonies. They created unfair hardship for all Chinese students. Other British parents use their family-car to help their children to move in, does the Chinese parent take an extra suitcase, fly over there and see the accommodation oftheir devoted child? They could get a shock. How would you feel to live in an under-the-staircase small child bed with floor space just as big as 2 BATH TUBS put together. British have strong biased prejudice culture against Chinese or Japanese. Charging hotel room price for worse than refugee treatment ! Very few Hong Kong parents really know what Britain is like. There are a lot of confusing Indians there, as many Indians could immigrate to Britain when India became independent. They keep on reproducing exponentially, most are either belong to Muslim or Islamic or Hindu religion. Their accent is the worst in the world and their minds are just simply crazy. In cities like London, Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow, Indian made up a big portion of the student population. Many black people behave much better and much more educated than the always smiling-for-nothing Indian people. Those Islam and Muslim students never play fair during exam; they got a variety of cheap tricks during examination. For example, some of them will keep on shaking their legs during the whole examination. At the end of the exam, I complained to the teacher for such incident. She simply said, she did not saw it to avoid any further investigation. In one summer, I left the textbooks for safekeeping in an

double bedroom right underneath the staircase, where they put unwanted furniture, the DEVONSHIRE HALL staff , let this Chinese student take it while he was studying medicine, a nosy staircase at night as TOILET right above it and so INHUMANE and TINY, toddler alike size little bed has to be right under the STAIRCASE as shown in the photo, the Olympic poster is the bed position]

This is in contrast to other single student bedrooms on the same floor, the room is big enough for them to park a couple of car inside. We were all paying the same single room fees. Once and once again, these things happen to every Hong Kong student.

Q>> REAL STORY of the bullying in any British Universities -- by brits university accommodation staff with strong PREJUDICE and UNFAIR
university accommodation storage facility. The whole box of textbooks got stolen before I came back to collect them. I simply could do nothing about it. Long distance phone call and small amount of pocket money is not guardianship. I just wonder when will the Hong Kong parents get notified if something does happen ?

Q>> REAL STORY of the bullying in any British Universities -- by brits university accommodation staff with strong PREJUDICE and UNFAIR
The schools will not blow their own horn and blow the money earners away !! Who will tell, are we too polite to make any complaint as our students used to the Education System that will take care of ourselves ?? Independent would be difficult when Hong Kong students face constant bullying by their own kind and other white students. Though looking happy, independent, excited and eager to explore a new environment; deep down in the students hearts, all students are suffering from the loneliness of leaving all their closest family and friends, and the Chinese environment that is so familiar to them. Facing new friends, new school, new hallmates, it had to be tough to survive. British treat Hong Kong students just like refugee orphan. That is exactly how I felt while I never able to tell my parents about the mistreatment.

What is the point of spending life saving for an unworthy BritiSHIT education? Will it be better to save up those money and buy a Real house (in many cities expect HK or Tokyo) with a real lawn using the money for a degree course. Ive got almost perfect A-Level and went for the most intensive course called MEDICINE rather than getting a scholarship for my outstanding academic performance [Ive got rank 2 out of the 200 medic students there in the first MCQ], I have to tell you a disastrous real story here that is worse than the treatment that Harry Potter got from his adopted Uncle guardian.

In my heart, I realised how much money they paid for an overseas opportunity, I don't want to disappoint them even when I was put in a modified storage room under a staircase that other students walk up the stairs to their decent size rooms. In reality, the parents just put their students in mentally handicap British schools because the Hong Kong schools of their choice got no place for their own children. The level of mathematics and science in Britain is well below the average standard of schools in Hong Kong. In the last few years, the GCSE O-level examination standard has dropped dramatically. What is the rationale to send their children to a handicap-alike school overseas ?

[British People are very poor, very nasty, just nuisance group] For students considering Britain for their further education. Australian and American students pay the same fees as the overseas students for their University Education, they are much friendlier than the arrogant British. In those countries, Chinese are generally considered to be brighter in science subjects, however, they are all right about that. Unlike UK, jealousy is not an issue when fair competition is the fundamental drive of their economies for centuries. The biggest fear of mankind is Uncertainty, why the Hong Kong parents would pay a fortune to a mysterious old school in Britain for an uncertain academic attainment that they knew little about while certain that the British would be biased against a

Q>> REAL STORY of the bullying in any British Universities -- by brits university accommodation staff with strong PREJUDICE and UNFAIR
young tiny Chinese kid ?

Q>> REAL STORY of the bullying in any British Universities -- by brits university accommodation staff with strong PREJUDICE and UNFAIR
When New-Comer students in Hong Kong still concerning the new year orientation-activities; how much excitement that its got into this year, did I miss any good rapport by not joining the camping trip. Will you have some serious thought about the university experience: does Hong Kong treat you well ? Everyone do have a fair chance to go through the allocation SYSTEM, some get the ideal courses that they prefer while other get to build good relationship in the next few years with a group of people thats got a wide diversity of personalities and interests. As a metaphor, WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A FOOTBALL OR A POPULAR SCORER WEAR A NO.10 FOOTBALL T-SHIRT, or WHO make the first SCORE in a match----- OR just be A SHY GOAL-KEEPER . Give it some thought. Make the stay in the university worthwhile. Best wishes.

British Local Student (standard single room fees)

1. 2. 3. 4. Single Room about the size of 2-3 persons flat in HK (300 sq feet) The bed is between a single and double bed Plenty of space, very high ceiling. Decent Furniture 10 other single student rooms on the same floor

British Local Student (standard single room fees)

5. 6. 7. 8. Single Room about the size of 2-3 persons flat in HK (300 sq feet) The bed is between a single and double bed Plenty of space, very high ceiling. Decent Furniture 10 other single student rooms on the same floor

versus HK Chinese Student (standard single room fees)

1. 2. 3. 4. Storage Room Right under the stair case smaller than the smallest kitchen in HK (the space of 2 doors -- 40 sq feet) A child bed that is about the same as a door size Second Hand Furniture that look like rubbish, cram space Just a tiny space right under a noisy stair case

Q>> REAL STORY of the bullying in any British Universities -- by brits university accommodation staff with strong PREJUDICE and UNFAIR

Q>> REAL STORY of the bullying in any British Universities -- by brits university accommodation staff with strong PREJUDICE and UNFAIR

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